_dbiIndex | Describes an index database (implemented on Berkeley db3 functionality) |
_dbiIndexItem | A single item from an index database (i.e |
_dbiIndexSet | Items retrieved from the index database |
_dbiVec | Private methods for accessing an index database |
_dbswap | |
_FD_s | The FD_t File Handle data structure |
_FDSTACK_s | |
_ftsent | |
_parseState | Parser state |
_rpmdbMatchIterator | |
_value | Encapsulation of a "value" |
ARGI_s | |
AttrRec_s | |
availableIndex_s | Index of all available items |
availableIndexEntry_s | A single available item (e.g |
availablePackage_s | Info about a single package to be installed |
badDeps_s | |
BlockCnt | |
CallInfo | |
CallS | |
canonEntry_s | |
CCallS | |
CClosure | |
Closure | |
cmd_s | |
ConsControl | |
cpioCrcPhysicalHeader | Cpio archive header information |
cpioSourceArchive_s | |
dbiBStats_s | B-tree database statistics |
dbiHStats_s | Hash database statistics |
defaultEntry_s | |
DepMsg_s | |
DIGEST_CTX_s | MD5/SHA1 digest private data |
dirInfo_s | A directory to be installed/removed |
dnli_s | Directory name iterator |
DumpState | |
Elf32_Ehdr | |
Elf32_Phdr | |
Elf32_Shdr | |
Elf64_Ehdr | |
Elf64_Nhdr | |
Elf64_Phdr | |
Elf64_Shdr | |
elf_note | |
entryInfo_s | |
expdesc | |
FDIO_s | |
FDlist_t | |
fileIndexEntry_s | A file to be installed/removed |
FileList_s | Package file tree walk data |
FileListRec_s | |
fingerPrint_s | Associates a trailing sub-directory and final base name with an existing directory finger print |
fprintCache_s | Finger print cache |
fprintCacheEntry_s | Finger print cache entry |
fsinfo | |
fsm_s | File name and stat information |
fsmIterator_s | Iterator across package file info, forward on install, backward on erase |
FTS | |
ftsglob_s | |
FuncState | |
GCheader | |
GCObject | |
GCState | |
global_State | |
hardLink_s | Keeps track of the set of all hard links to a file in an archive |
hashBucket_s | |
hashTable_s | |
hdrObject_s | |
HE_s | |
headerIterator_s | Header tag iterator data structure |
headerSprintfArgs_s | |
headerSprintfExtension_s | |
headerTagTableEntry_s | |
headerToken_s | The Header data structure |
headerTypeTableEntry | |
hRET_s | |
HV_s | |
IDT_s | A rollback transaction id element |
IDTindex_s | A rollback transaction id index |
indexEntry_s | |
iobits_s | |
Item_s | |
L_Umaxalign | |
LClosure | |
LexState | |
LHS_assign | |
link | |
LoadState | |
LocVar | |
lua_longjmp | |
lua_State | |
lua_TObject | |
machCache_s | |
machCacheEntry_s | |
machEquivInfo_s | |
machEquivTable_s | |
MacroBuf_s | Macro expansion state |
MacroContext_s | |
MacroEntry_s | |
magic | |
magic::VALUETYPE | |
magic_set | |
magic_set::cont | |
magic_set::out | |
Mbuffer | |
miRE_s | |
mlist | |
name | |
names | |
Node | |
OpenFileInfo | |
optionalTag | |
orderListIndex_s | |
our_mntent | |
Package_s | The structure used to store values for a package |
PartRec | |
pbm_set | |
pgpDig_s | Container for values parsed from an OpenPGP signature and public key |
pgpDigParams_s | Values parsed from OpenPGP signature/pubkey packet(s) |
pgpPktCdata_s | |
pgpPktEdata_s | |
pgpPktKey_u | 5.5.3 |
pgpPktKeyV3_s | 5.5.1 |
pgpPktKeyV4_s | The version 4 format is similar to the version 3 format except for the absence of a validity period |
pgpPktLdata_s | |
pgpPktOnepass_s | 5.4 |
pgpPktPre_u | |
pgpPktPubkey_s | 5.1 |
pgpPktSig_u | 5.2 |
pgpPktSigV3_s | 5.2.2 |
pgpPktSigV4_s | 5.2.3 |
pgpPktSymkey_s | 5.3 |
pgpPktTrust_s | |
pgpPktUid_s | |
pgpValTbl_s | |
PreambleRec_s | |
Proto | |
ReadLevelEntry | |
record | |
record::header | |
ReqComp | |
Rpm | START HERE / RPM base module for the Python API |
rpmal_s | Set of available packages, items, and directories |
rpmalObject_s | |
rpmavi_s | |
rpmBuildArguments_s | Describe build command line request |
rpmDatabaseArguments_s | Describe database command line requests |
Rpmdb | A python rpmdb object represents an RPM database |
rpmdb_s | Describes the collection of index databases used by rpm |
rpmdbObject_s | |
rpmdsObject_s | |
rpmec_s | |
rpmEIU | |
rpmfc_s | |
rpmfcApplyTbl_s | |
rpmfcTokens_s | |
Rpmfd | An python rpm.fd object represents an rpm I/O handle |
rpmfdObject_s | |
rpmfiObject_s | |
Rpmfts | A python rpm.fts object represents an rpm fts(3) handle |
rpmftsObject_s | |
Rpmhdr | A python header object represents an RPM package header |
rpmInstallArguments_s | Describe database command line requests |
rpmlead | The lead data structure |
rpmlibProvides_s | |
rpmlogRec_s | |
Rpmmi | A python rpm.mi match iterator object represents the result of a database query |
rpmmiObject_s | |
rpmop_s | Cumulative statistics for an operation |
rpmOption | |
rpmProblem_s | |
rpmps_s | |
rpmpsm_s | |
rpmQVKArguments_s | Describe query/verify/signature command line operation |
Rpmrc | A python rpm.rc object encapsulates rpmlib configuration |
rpmrcObject_s | |
rpmRelocation_s | We pass these around as an array with a sentinel |
rpmsig_s | |
rpmsqElem | SIGCHLD queue element |
rpmsw_s | |
Rpmte | An python rpm.te object represents an element of a transaction set |
rpmteObject_s | |
Rpmts | A python rpm.ts object represents an RPM transaction set |
rpmtsCallbackType_s | |
rpmtsObject_s | |
rpmvarValue | |
SemInfo | |
skipDir_s | |
Source | |
SParser | |
Spec_s | The structure used to store values parsed from a spec file |
speclines_s | |
spectag_s | |
spectags_s | |
sprintfTag_s | |
sprintfToken_s | |
StringBufRec | |
stringtable | |
symbolTable_t | |
Table | |
tableType_s | |
tagMacro | Macros to be defined from per-header tag values |
Token | |
tokenBits_s | |
TriggerFileEntry | |
TString | |
Udata | |
UpVal | |
urlinfo_s | URL control structure |
urlstring | |
Value | |
VFA | |
Zio | |