rpmsenseFlags | rpmSanitizeDSFlags (rpmTagVal tagN, rpmsenseFlags Flags) |
| Return only those flags allowed for given type of dependencies. More...
rpmsenseFlags | rpmParseDSFlags (const char *str, size_t len) |
| Convert a string to the sense flags. More...
rpmds | rpmdsLink (rpmds ds) |
| Reference a dependency set instance. More...
rpmds | rpmdsFree (rpmds ds) |
| Destroy a dependency set. More...
rpmds | rpmdsNew (Header h, rpmTagVal tagN, int flags) |
| Create and load a dependency set. More...
char * | rpmdsNewDNEVR (const char *dspfx, const rpmds ds) |
| Return new formatted dependency string. More...
rpmds | rpmdsThis (Header h, rpmTagVal tagN, rpmsenseFlags Flags) |
| Create, load and initialize a dependency for this header. More...
rpmds | rpmdsSingle (rpmTagVal tagN, const char *N, const char *EVR, rpmsenseFlags Flags) |
| Create, load and initialize a dependency set of size 1. More...
rpmds | rpmdsCurrent (rpmds ds) |
| Return a new dependency set of size 1 from the current iteration index. More...
int | rpmdsPutToHeader (rpmds ds, Header h) |
| Write content of the dependency set to the header. More...
int | rpmdsCount (const rpmds ds) |
| Return dependency set count. More...
int | rpmdsIx (const rpmds ds) |
| Return dependency set index. More...
int | rpmdsSetIx (rpmds ds, int ix) |
| Set dependency set index. More...
const char * | rpmdsDNEVR (const rpmds ds) |
| Return current formatted dependency string. More...
char | rpmdsD (const rpmds ds) |
| Return one char indicating the type of the dependency. More...
rpmTagVal | rpmdsDToTagN (char deptype) |
| Return matching tagN for one char dependency type description. More...
const char * | rpmdsN (const rpmds ds) |
| Return current dependency name. More...
const char * | rpmdsEVR (const rpmds ds) |
| Return current dependency epoch-version-release. More...
int | rpmdsTi (const rpmds ds) |
| Return current dependency triggerindex. More...
rpmsenseFlags | rpmdsFlags (const rpmds ds) |
| Return current dependency flags. More...
rpmTagVal | rpmdsTagN (const rpmds ds) |
| Return current dependency type. More...
rpmTagVal | rpmdsTagEVR (const rpmds ds) |
| Return current dependency type. More...
rpmTagVal | rpmdsTagF (const rpmds ds) |
| Return current dependency type. More...
rpmTagVal | rpmdsTagTi (const rpmds ds) |
| Return current dependency type. More...
unsigned int | rpmdsInstance (rpmds ds) |
| Return dependency header instance, ie whether the dependency comes from an installed header or not. More...
int | rpmdsIsWeak (rpmds ds) |
| Return whether dependency is weak. More...
int | rpmdsIsReverse (rpmds ds) |
| Return whether dependency is reversed. More...
RPM_GNUC_DEPRECATED int | rpmdsNoPromote (const rpmds ds) |
| Obsolete, do not use. More...
RPM_GNUC_DEPRECATED int | rpmdsSetNoPromote (rpmds ds, int nopromote) |
| Obsolete, do not use. More...
rpm_color_t | rpmdsColor (const rpmds ds) |
| Return current dependency color. More...
rpm_color_t | rpmdsSetColor (const rpmds ds, rpm_color_t color) |
| Return current dependency color. More...
int | rpmdsNext (rpmds ds) |
| Return next dependency set iterator index. More...
rpmds | rpmdsInit (rpmds ds) |
| Initialize dependency set iterator. More...
int | rpmdsFind (rpmds ds, const rpmds ods) |
| Find a dependency set element using binary search. More...
int | rpmdsMerge (rpmds *dsp, rpmds ods) |
| Merge a dependency set maintaining (N,EVR,Flags) sorted order. More...
int | rpmdsSearch (rpmds ds, rpmds ods) |
| Search a sorted dependency set for an element that overlaps. More...
int | rpmdsCompare (const rpmds A, const rpmds B) |
| Compare two versioned dependency ranges, looking for overlap. More...
int | rpmdsAnyMatchesDep (const Header h, const rpmds req, int nopromote) |
| Compare package provides dependencies from header with a single dependency. More...
int | rpmdsMatchesDep (const Header h, int ix, const rpmds req, int nopromote) |
| Compare package provides dependencies from header with a single dependency. More...
int | rpmdsNVRMatchesDep (const Header h, const rpmds req, int nopromote) |
| Compare package name-version-release from header with a single dependency. More...
int | rpmdsRpmlib (rpmds *dsp, const void *tblp) |
| Load rpmlib provides into a dependency set. More...
rpmds | rpmdsNewPool (rpmstrPool pool, Header h, rpmTagVal tagN, int flags) |
| Create and load a dependency set. More...
rpmds | rpmdsThisPool (rpmstrPool pool, Header h, rpmTagVal tagN, rpmsenseFlags Flags) |
| Create, load and initialize a dependency for this header. More...
rpmds | rpmdsSinglePool (rpmstrPool pool, rpmTagVal tagN, const char *N, const char *EVR, rpmsenseFlags Flags) |
| Create, load and initialize a dependency set of size 1. More...
rpmds | rpmdsSinglePoolTix (rpmstrPool pool, rpmTagVal tagN, const char *N, const char *EVR, rpmsenseFlags Flags, int triggerIndex) |
| Create, load and initialize a trigger dependency set of size 1. More...
int | rpmdsRpmlibPool (rpmstrPool pool, rpmds *dsp, const void *tblp) |
| Load rpmlib provides into a dependency set. More...
rpmRC | rpmrichParse (const char **dstrp, char **emsg, rpmrichParseFunction cb, void *cbdata) |
| Parse a rich dependency string. More...
rpmRC | rpmrichParseForTag (const char **dstrp, char **emsg, rpmrichParseFunction cb, void *cbdata, rpmTagVal tagN) |
| Parse a rich dependency string for a specific tag. More...
int | rpmdsIsRich (rpmds dep) |
| Return if current depenency is rich. More...
const char * | rpmrichOpStr (rpmrichOp op) |
| Return a string representation of the rich dependency op. More...
rpmRC | rpmdsParseRichDep (rpmds dep, rpmds *leftds, rpmds *rightds, rpmrichOp *op, char **emsg) |
| Parse a rich dependency string. More...