Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #ifndef H_RPMPGP
2 #define H_RPMPGP
13 #include <string.h>
14 #include <stdio.h>
15 #include <stdlib.h>
16 #include <rpm/rpmtypes.h>
17 #include <rpm/rpmstring.h>
19 #ifdef __cplusplus
20 extern "C" {
21 #endif
25 typedef struct DIGEST_CTX_s * DIGEST_CTX;
26 typedef struct rpmDigestBundle_s * rpmDigestBundle;
30 typedef struct pgpDig_s * pgpDig;
34 typedef struct pgpDigParams_s * pgpDigParams;
36 typedef uint8_t pgpKeyID_t[8];
37 typedef uint8_t pgpTime_t[4];
46 typedef enum pgpTag_e {
59  PGPTAG_TRUST = 12,
65  PGPTAG_MDC = 19,
70 } pgpTag;
106 typedef struct pgpPktPubkey_s {
107  uint8_t version;
108  pgpKeyID_t keyid;
109  uint8_t algo;
110 } pgpPktPubkey;
119 typedef enum pgpSigType_e {
137 } pgpSigType;
162 typedef enum pgpPubkeyAlgo_e {
172 } pgpPubkeyAlgo;
198 typedef enum pgpSymkeyAlgo_e {
211 } pgpSymkeyAlgo;
228 typedef enum pgpCompressAlgo_e {
256 typedef enum pgpHashAlgo_e {
267 } pgpHashAlgo;
290 typedef struct pgpPktSigV3_s {
291  uint8_t version;
292  uint8_t hashlen;
293  uint8_t sigtype;
294  pgpTime_t time;
295  pgpKeyID_t signid;
296  uint8_t pubkey_algo;
297  uint8_t hash_algo;
298  uint8_t signhash16[2];
299 } * pgpPktSigV3;
322 typedef struct pgpPktSigV4_s {
323  uint8_t version;
324  uint8_t sigtype;
325  uint8_t pubkey_algo;
326  uint8_t hash_algo;
327  uint8_t hashlen[2];
328 } * pgpPktSigV4;
396 typedef enum pgpSubType_e {
435 } pgpSubType;
457 typedef union pgpPktSig_u {
460 } * pgpPktSig;
490 typedef struct pgpPktSymkey_s {
491  uint8_t version;
492  uint8_t symkey_algo;
493  uint8_t s2k[1];
494 } pgpPktSymkey;
525 typedef struct pgpPktOnepass_s {
526  uint8_t version;
527  uint8_t sigtype;
528  uint8_t hash_algo;
529  uint8_t pubkey_algo;
530  pgpKeyID_t signid;
531  uint8_t nested;
532 } * pgpPktOnepass;
606 typedef struct pgpPktKeyV3_s {
607  uint8_t version;
608  pgpTime_t time;
609  uint8_t valid[2];
610  uint8_t pubkey_algo;
611 } * pgpPktKeyV3;
644 typedef struct pgpPktKeyV4_s {
645  uint8_t version;
646  pgpTime_t time;
647  uint8_t pubkey_algo;
648 } * pgpPktKeyV4;
714 typedef union pgpPktKey_u {
717 } pgpPktKey;
719 /* \ingroup rpmpgp
720  * 5.6. Compressed Data Packet (Tag 8)
721  *
722  * The Compressed Data packet contains compressed data. Typically, this
723  * packet is found as the contents of an encrypted packet, or following
724  * a Signature or One-Pass Signature packet, and contains literal data
725  * packets.
726  *
727  * The body of this packet consists of:
728  * - One octet that gives the algorithm used to compress the packet.
729  * - The remainder of the packet is compressed data.
730  *
731  * A Compressed Data Packet's body contains an block that compresses
732  * some set of packets. See section "Packet Composition" for details on
733  * how messages are formed.
734  *
735  * ZIP-compressed packets are compressed with raw RFC 1951 DEFLATE
736  * blocks. Note that PGP V2.6 uses 13 bits of compression. If an
737  * implementation uses more bits of compression, PGP V2.6 cannot
738  * decompress it.
739  *
740  * ZLIB-compressed packets are compressed with RFC 1950 ZLIB-style
741  * blocks.
742  */
743 typedef struct pgpPktCdata_s {
744  uint8_t compressalgo;
745  uint8_t data[1];
746 } pgpPktCdata;
748 /* \ingroup rpmpgp
749  * 5.7. Symmetrically Encrypted Data Packet (Tag 9)
750  *
751  * The Symmetrically Encrypted Data packet contains data encrypted with
752  * a symmetric-key algorithm. When it has been decrypted, it will
753  * typically contain other packets (often literal data packets or
754  * compressed data packets).
755  *
756  * The body of this packet consists of:
757  * - Encrypted data, the output of the selected symmetric-key cipher
758  * operating in PGP's variant of Cipher Feedback (CFB) mode.
759  *
760  * The symmetric cipher used may be specified in an Public-Key or
761  * Symmetric-Key Encrypted Session Key packet that precedes the
762  * Symmetrically Encrypted Data Packet. In that case, the cipher
763  * algorithm octet is prefixed to the session key before it is
764  * encrypted. If no packets of these types precede the encrypted data,
765  * the IDEA algorithm is used with the session key calculated as the MD5
766  * hash of the passphrase.
767  *
768  * The data is encrypted in CFB mode, with a CFB shift size equal to the
769  * cipher's block size. The Initial Vector (IV) is specified as all
770  * zeros. Instead of using an IV, OpenPGP prefixes a 10-octet string to
771  * the data before it is encrypted. The first eight octets are random,
772  * and the 9th and 10th octets are copies of the 7th and 8th octets,
773  * respectively. After encrypting the first 10 octets, the CFB state is
774  * resynchronized if the cipher block size is 8 octets or less. The
775  * last 8 octets of ciphertext are passed through the cipher and the
776  * block boundary is reset.
777  *
778  * The repetition of 16 bits in the 80 bits of random data prefixed to
779  * the message allows the receiver to immediately check whether the
780  * session key is incorrect.
781  */
782 typedef struct pgpPktEdata_s {
783  uint8_t data[1];
784 } pgpPktEdata;
786 /* \ingroup rpmpgp
787  * 5.8. Marker Packet (Obsolete Literal Packet) (Tag 10)
788  *
789  * An experimental version of PGP used this packet as the Literal
790  * packet, but no released version of PGP generated Literal packets with
791  * this tag. With PGP 5.x, this packet has been re-assigned and is
792  * reserved for use as the Marker packet.
793  *
794  * The body of this packet consists of:
795  * - The three octets 0x50, 0x47, 0x50 (which spell "PGP" in UTF-8).
796  *
797  * Such a packet MUST be ignored when received. It may be placed at the
798  * beginning of a message that uses features not available in PGP 2.6.x
799  * in order to cause that version to report that newer software is
800  * necessary to process the message.
801  */
802 /* \ingroup rpmpgp
803  * 5.9. Literal Data Packet (Tag 11)
804  *
805  * A Literal Data packet contains the body of a message; data that is
806  * not to be further interpreted.
807  *
808  * The body of this packet consists of:
809  * - A one-octet field that describes how the data is formatted.
810  *
811  * If it is a 'b' (0x62), then the literal packet contains binary data.
812  * If it is a 't' (0x74), then it contains text data, and thus may need
813  * line ends converted to local form, or other text-mode changes. RFC
814  * 1991 also defined a value of 'l' as a 'local' mode for machine-local
815  * conversions. This use is now deprecated.
816  * - File name as a string (one-octet length, followed by file name),
817  * if the encrypted data should be saved as a file.
818  *
819  * If the special name "_CONSOLE" is used, the message is considered to
820  * be "for your eyes only". This advises that the message data is
821  * unusually sensitive, and the receiving program should process it more
822  * carefully, perhaps avoiding storing the received data to disk, for
823  * example.
824  * - A four-octet number that indicates the modification date of the
825  * file, or the creation time of the packet, or a zero that
826  * indicates the present time.
827  * - The remainder of the packet is literal data.
828  *
829  * Text data is stored with <CR><LF> text endings (i.e. network-normal
830  * line endings). These should be converted to native line endings by
831  * the receiving software.
832  */
833 typedef struct pgpPktLdata_s {
834  uint8_t format;
835  uint8_t filenamelen;
836  uint8_t filename[1];
837 } pgpPktLdata;
839 /* \ingroup rpmpgp
840  * 5.10. Trust Packet (Tag 12)
841  *
842  * The Trust packet is used only within keyrings and is not normally
843  * exported. Trust packets contain data that record the user's
844  * specifications of which key holders are trustworthy introducers,
845  * along with other information that implementing software uses for
846  * trust information.
847  *
848  * Trust packets SHOULD NOT be emitted to output streams that are
849  * transferred to other users, and they SHOULD be ignored on any input
850  * other than local keyring files.
851  */
852 typedef struct pgpPktTrust_s {
853  uint8_t flag;
854 } pgpPktTrust;
856 /* \ingroup rpmpgp
857  * 5.11. User ID Packet (Tag 13)
858  *
859  * A User ID packet consists of data that is intended to represent the
860  * name and email address of the key holder. By convention, it includes
861  * an RFC 822 mail name, but there are no restrictions on its content.
862  * The packet length in the header specifies the length of the user id.
863  * If it is text, it is encoded in UTF-8.
864  *
865  */
866 typedef struct pgpPktUid_s {
867  uint8_t userid[1];
868 } pgpPktUid;
872 union pgpPktPre_u {
884 };
888 typedef enum pgpArmor_e {
905 } pgpArmor;
909 typedef enum pgpArmorKey_e {
915 } pgpArmorKey;
917 typedef enum pgpValType_e {
928 } pgpValType;
935 };
945 const char * pgpValString(pgpValType type, uint8_t val);
953 static inline
954 unsigned int pgpGrab(const uint8_t *s, size_t nbytes)
955 {
956  size_t i = 0;
957  size_t nb = (nbytes <= sizeof(i) ? nbytes : sizeof(i));
958  while (nb--)
959  i = (i << 8) | *s++;
960  return i;
961 }
969 char * pgpHexStr(const uint8_t *p, size_t plen);
979 int pgpPubkeyFingerprint(const uint8_t * pkt, size_t pktlen,
980  pgpKeyID_t keyid);
989 int pgpExtractPubkeyFingerprint(const char * b64pkt, pgpKeyID_t keyid);
999 int pgpPrtParams(const uint8_t *pkts, size_t pktlen, unsigned int pkttype,
1000  pgpDigParams * ret);
1010 int pgpPrtPkts(const uint8_t *pkts, size_t pktlen, pgpDig dig, int printing);
1019 pgpArmor pgpReadPkts(const char * fn, uint8_t ** pkt, size_t * pktlen);
1028 pgpArmor pgpParsePkts(const char *armor, uint8_t ** pkt, size_t * pktlen);
1037 char * pgpArmorWrap(int atype, const unsigned char * s, size_t ns);
1043 pgpDig pgpNewDig(void);
1049 void pgpCleanDig(pgpDig dig);
1056 pgpDig pgpFreeDig(pgpDig dig);
1064 pgpDigParams pgpDigGetParams(pgpDig dig, unsigned int pkttype);
1072 int pgpDigParamsCmp(pgpDigParams p1, pgpDigParams p2);
1080 unsigned int pgpDigParamsAlgo(pgpDigParams digp, unsigned int algotype);
1087 pgpDigParams pgpDigParamsFree(pgpDigParams digp);
1096 rpmRC pgpVerifySignature(pgpDigParams key, pgpDigParams sig, DIGEST_CTX hashctx);
1106 rpmRC pgpVerifySig(pgpDig dig, DIGEST_CTX hashctx);
1113 char *pgpIdentItem(pgpDigParams digp);
1122 int rpmInitCrypto(void);
1127 int rpmFreeCrypto(void);
1134 DIGEST_CTX rpmDigestDup(DIGEST_CTX octx);
1141 size_t rpmDigestLength(int hashalgo);
1150 DIGEST_CTX rpmDigestInit(int hashalgo, rpmDigestFlags flags);
1159 int rpmDigestUpdate(DIGEST_CTX ctx, const void * data, size_t len);
1172 int rpmDigestFinal(DIGEST_CTX ctx,
1173  void ** datap,
1174  size_t * lenp, int asAscii);
1180 rpmDigestBundle rpmDigestBundleNew(void);
1187 rpmDigestBundle rpmDigestBundleFree(rpmDigestBundle bundle);
1196 int rpmDigestBundleAdd(rpmDigestBundle bundle, int algo,
1197  rpmDigestFlags flags);
1206 int rpmDigestBundleUpdate(rpmDigestBundle bundle, const void *data, size_t len);
1218 int rpmDigestBundleFinal(rpmDigestBundle bundle,
1219  int algo, void ** datap, size_t * lenp, int asAscii);
1227 DIGEST_CTX rpmDigestBundleDupCtx(rpmDigestBundle bundle, int algo);
1229 #ifdef __cplusplus
1230 }
1231 #endif
1233 #endif /* H_RPMPGP */
uint8_t userid[1]
Definition: rpmpgp.h:867
DIGEST_CTX rpmDigestBundleDupCtx(rpmDigestBundle bundle, int algo)
Duplicate a digest context from a bundle.
struct pgpPktSigV3_s v3
Definition: rpmpgp.h:458
Definition: rpmpgp.h:606
uint8_t hash_algo
Definition: rpmpgp.h:326
pgpArmor pgpParsePkts(const char *armor, uint8_t **pkt, size_t *pktlen)
Parse armored OpenPGP packets from memory.
enum pgpPubkeyAlgo_e pgpPubkeyAlgo
pgpDig pgpNewDig(void)
Create a container for parsed OpenPGP packet(s).
uint8_t hash_algo
Definition: rpmpgp.h:528
struct pgpPktSigV4_s * pgpPktSigV4
int pgpExtractPubkeyFingerprint(const char *b64pkt, pgpKeyID_t keyid)
Extract OpenPGP public key fingerprint from base64 encoded packet.
struct pgpPktPubkey_s pgpPktPubkey
pgpPktCdata cdata
Definition: rpmpgp.h:878
uint8_t pubkey_algo
Definition: rpmpgp.h:647
struct pgpPktKeyV3_s * pgpPktKeyV3
Definition: rpmpgp.h:917
enum pgpSymkeyAlgo_e pgpSymkeyAlgo
pgpPktOnepass onepass
Definition: rpmpgp.h:876
pgpTime_t time
Definition: rpmpgp.h:646
int pgpDigParamsCmp(pgpDigParams p1, pgpDigParams p2)
Compare OpenPGP packet parameters param p1 1st parameter container param p2 2nd parameter container r...
Definition: rpmpgp.h:46
pgpArmor pgpReadPkts(const char *fn, uint8_t **pkt, size_t *pktlen)
Parse armored OpenPGP packets from a file.
uint8_t version
Definition: rpmpgp.h:291
uint8_t version
Definition: rpmpgp.h:607
rpmDigestBundle rpmDigestBundleFree(rpmDigestBundle bundle)
Free a digest bundle and all contained digest contexts.
uint8_t signhash16[2]
Definition: rpmpgp.h:298
Definition: rpmpgp.h:162
uint8_t version
Definition: rpmpgp.h:526
struct pgpPktKeyV4_s * pgpPktKeyV4
The version 4 format is similar to the version 3 format except for the absence of a validity period...
int rpmDigestFinal(DIGEST_CTX ctx, void **datap, size_t *lenp, int asAscii)
Return digest and destroy context.
Definition: rpmpgp.h:25
Definition: rpmpgp.h:322
enum pgpCompressAlgo_e pgpCompressAlgo
DIGEST_CTX rpmDigestInit(int hashalgo, rpmDigestFlags flags)
Initialize digest.
uint8_t version
Definition: rpmpgp.h:107
pgpPktSig sig
Definition: rpmpgp.h:874
enum pgpArmorKey_e pgpArmorKey
uint8_t version
Definition: rpmpgp.h:323
uint8_t valid[2]
Definition: rpmpgp.h:609
Definition: rpmpgp.h:909
uint8_t pubkey_algo
Definition: rpmpgp.h:529
pgpDig pgpFreeDig(pgpDig dig)
Destroy a container for parsed OpenPGP packet(s).
uint8_t flag
Definition: rpmpgp.h:853
struct pgpDig_s * pgpDig
Definition: rpmpgp.h:30
rpmRC pgpVerifySignature(pgpDigParams key, pgpDigParams sig, DIGEST_CTX hashctx)
Verify a PGP signature.
Definition: rpmpgp.h:290
Definition: rpmpgp.h:714
struct pgpPktTrust_s pgpPktTrust
struct pgpPktEdata_s pgpPktEdata
uint8_t pgpKeyID_t[8]
Definition: rpmpgp.h:36
uint8_t s2k[1]
Definition: rpmpgp.h:493
static unsigned int pgpGrab(const uint8_t *s, size_t nbytes)
Return (native-endian) integer from big-endian representation.
Definition: rpmpgp.h:954
struct rpmDigestBundle_s * rpmDigestBundle
Definition: rpmpgp.h:26
uint8_t pubkey_algo
Definition: rpmpgp.h:325
uint8_t data[1]
Definition: rpmpgp.h:745
rpmFlags rpmDigestFlags
Definition: rpmpgp.h:937
uint32_t rpmFlags
Definition: rpmtypes.h:42
Definition: rpmpgp.h:888
struct pgpPktLdata_s pgpPktLdata
pgpPktPubkey pubkey
Definition: rpmpgp.h:873
enum pgpHashAlgo_e pgpHashAlgo
enum pgpValType_e pgpValType
uint8_t version
Definition: rpmpgp.h:491
struct pgpPktUid_s pgpPktUid
uint8_t symkey_algo
Definition: rpmpgp.h:492
uint8_t data[1]
Definition: rpmpgp.h:783
int rpmDigestUpdate(DIGEST_CTX ctx, const void *data, size_t len)
Update context with next plain text buffer.
DIGEST_CTX rpmDigestDup(DIGEST_CTX octx)
Duplicate a digest context.
uint8_t format
Definition: rpmpgp.h:834
uint8_t sigtype
Definition: rpmpgp.h:324
uint8_t hash_algo
Definition: rpmpgp.h:297
char * pgpHexStr(const uint8_t *p, size_t plen)
Return hex formatted representation of bytes.
pgpPktKey key
Definition: rpmpgp.h:877
pgpDigParams pgpDigParamsFree(pgpDigParams digp)
Destroy parsed OpenPGP packet parameter(s).
Bit(s) to control digest operation.
Definition: rpmpgp.h:933
pgpDigParams pgpDigGetParams(pgpDig dig, unsigned int pkttype)
Retrieve parameters for parsed OpenPGP packet(s).
union pgpPktKey_u pgpPktKey
struct pgpPktCdata_s pgpPktCdata
rpmRC pgpVerifySig(pgpDig dig, DIGEST_CTX hashctx)
Verify a PGP signature.
int rpmDigestBundleUpdate(rpmDigestBundle bundle, const void *data, size_t len)
Update contexts within bundle with next plain text buffer.
rpmDigestBundle rpmDigestBundleNew(void)
Create a new digest bundle.
enum pgpSubType_e pgpSubType
uint8_t algo
Definition: rpmpgp.h:109
pgpTime_t time
Definition: rpmpgp.h:608
Definition: rpmpgp.h:396
pgpPktLdata ldata
Definition: rpmpgp.h:881
char * pgpArmorWrap(int atype, const unsigned char *s, size_t ns)
Wrap a OpenPGP packets in ascii armor for transport.
uint8_t nested
Definition: rpmpgp.h:531
uint8_t compressalgo
Definition: rpmpgp.h:744
Definition: rpmpgp.h:256
uint8_t filename[1]
Definition: rpmpgp.h:836
pgpTime_t time
Definition: rpmpgp.h:294
uint8_t hashlen[2]
Definition: rpmpgp.h:327
struct pgpPktSigV3_s * pgpPktSigV3
pgpKeyID_t signid
Definition: rpmpgp.h:295
pgpPktUid uid
Definition: rpmpgp.h:883
enum pgpTag_e pgpTag
uint8_t pgpTime_t[4]
Definition: rpmpgp.h:37
unsigned int pgpDigParamsAlgo(pgpDigParams digp, unsigned int algotype)
Retrieve OpenPGP algorithm parameters param digp parameter container param algotype PGPVAL_HASHALGO /...
uint8_t version
Definition: rpmpgp.h:645
uint8_t pubkey_algo
Definition: rpmpgp.h:610
int rpmInitCrypto(void)
Perform cryptography initialization.
char * pgpIdentItem(pgpDigParams digp)
Return a string identification of a PGP signature/pubkey.
pgpPktEdata edata
Definition: rpmpgp.h:879
Definition: rpmpgp.h:119
struct pgpPktKeyV4_s v4
Definition: rpmpgp.h:716
uint8_t hashlen
Definition: rpmpgp.h:292
pgpPktTrust tdata
Definition: rpmpgp.h:882
uint8_t pubkey_algo
Definition: rpmpgp.h:296
Definition: rpmpgp.h:457
struct pgpPktSigV4_s v4
Definition: rpmpgp.h:459
int pgpPubkeyFingerprint(const uint8_t *pkt, size_t pktlen, pgpKeyID_t keyid)
Calculate OpenPGP public key fingerprint.
pgpKeyID_t keyid
Definition: rpmpgp.h:108
struct pgpDigParams_s * pgpDigParams
Definition: rpmpgp.h:34
int rpmFreeCrypto(void)
Shutdown cryptography.
struct pgpPktSymkey_s pgpPktSymkey
Definition: rpmpgp.h:198
struct pgpPktKeyV3_s v3
Definition: rpmpgp.h:715
const char * pgpValString(pgpValType type, uint8_t val)
Return string representation of am OpenPGP value.
enum pgpSigType_e pgpSigType
int pgpPrtParams(const uint8_t *pkts, size_t pktlen, unsigned int pkttype, pgpDigParams *ret)
Parse a OpenPGP packet(s).
union pgpPktSig_u * pgpPktSig
uint8_t sigtype
Definition: rpmpgp.h:293
int rpmDigestBundleAdd(rpmDigestBundle bundle, int algo, rpmDigestFlags flags)
Add a new type of digest to a bundle.
void pgpCleanDig(pgpDig dig)
Release (malloc'd) data from container.
Definition: rpmpgp.h:228
int pgpPrtPkts(const uint8_t *pkts, size_t pktlen, pgpDig dig, int printing)
Print/parse a OpenPGP packet(s).
The version 4 format is similar to the version 3 format except for the absence of a validity period...
Definition: rpmpgp.h:644
uint8_t sigtype
Definition: rpmpgp.h:527
pgpKeyID_t signid
Definition: rpmpgp.h:530
enum pgpArmor_e pgpArmor
uint8_t filenamelen
Definition: rpmpgp.h:835
enum rpmRC_e rpmRC
Package read return codes.
size_t rpmDigestLength(int hashalgo)
Obtain digest length in bytes.
pgpPktSymkey symkey
Definition: rpmpgp.h:875
struct pgpPktOnepass_s * pgpPktOnepass
int rpmDigestBundleFinal(rpmDigestBundle bundle, int algo, void **datap, size_t *lenp, int asAscii)
Return digest from a bundle and destroy context, see rpmDigestFinal().