System Tools

puppet: A network tool for managing many disparate systems

Name:puppet Vendor:Aurora SPARC Linux
Version:0.23.0 License:GPL
Release:1.al3 URL:
Puppet lets you centrally manage every important aspect of your system using a cross-platform specification language that manages all the separate elements normally aggregated in different files, like users, cron jobs, and hosts, along with obviously discrete elements like packages, services, and files.

Arch: noarch

Build Date:Mon Jun 25 11:34:31 2007
Packager:Aurora SPARC Linux
Size:1.44 MiB


* Wed Jun 20 17:00:00 2007 David Lutterkort <dlutter{%}redhat{*}com> - 0.23.0-1
- Install one puppet.conf instead of old config files, keep old configs 
  around to ease update
- Use plain shell commands in install instead of macros
* Wed May 2 17:00:00 2007 David Lutterkort <dlutter{%}redhat{*}com> - 0.22.4-1
- New version
* Thu Mar 29 17:00:00 2007 David Lutterkort <dlutter{%}redhat{*}com> - 0.22.3-1
- Claim ownership of _sysconfdir/puppet (bz 233908)

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