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perl-PDF-API2: Perl module for creation and modification of PDF files

Name:perl-PDF-API2 Vendor:Aurora SPARC Linux
Version:0.60 License:LGPL
Release:3.al3 URL:
A Perl Module Chain to faciliate the Creation and Modification of High-Quality "Portable Document Format (aka. PDF)" Files.

Arch: noarch

Build Date:Thu May 24 21:41:24 2007
Packager:Aurora SPARC Linux
Size:19.79 MiB


* Thu May 3 17:00:00 2007 Bernard Johnson <bjohnson{%}symetrix{*}com> - 0.60-3
- update MANIFEST to remove 027_winfont that gets removed
- add missing BR perl(Test::More) and perl(XML::Parser::Expat)
* Sun Apr 29 17:00:00 2007 Bernard Johnson <bjohnson{%}symetrix{*}com> - 0.60-2
- remove fonts and depend on dejavu-fonts and dejavu-fonts-experimental
- change font search path
- remove font docs
* Sat Apr 28 17:00:00 2007 Bernard Johnson <bjohnson{%}symetrix{*}com> - 0.60-1
- v 0.60
- deliberately remove 027_winfont example as it wants
- BR on perl(Ext::MakeMaker) rather than perl

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