Web Server

dap-server-cgi: A preconfigured CGI interface for the OPeNDAP server

Name:dap-server-cgi Vendor:Aurora Linux
Version:3.7.4 License:LGPL
Release:2.al3 URL:http://www.opendap.org/
A CGI interface for the OPeNDAP server that works without manual configuration. The web server is setup such that the CGI directory is at /usr/share/opendap-cgi. The config file for the cgi script, dap-server.rc, is in /etc/opendap/. The default configuration allows for the use of the following handlers: freeform, netcdf and hdf4. The dataset directory is to be set in dap-server.rc, it defaults to the web server DocumentRoot.

Arch: sparc

Build Date:Thu May 24 08:11:43 2007
Packager:Aurora Linux
Size:10 KiB


* Mon Apr 30 17:00:00 2007 Patrice Dumas <pertusus{%}free{*}fr> 3.7.4-2
- update to 3.7.4
- fix security issue
- remove config files upstreamed patch
* Thu Oct 5 17:00:00 2006 Christian Iseli <Christian{*}Iseli{%}licr{*}org> 3.7.1-3
- rebuilt for unwind info generation, broken in gcc-4.1.1-21
* Tue Sep 26 17:00:00 2006 Patrice Dumas <pertusus{%}free{*}fr> 3.7.1-2
- install cgi files according to the FHS, owned by root

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