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curlftpfs: CurlFtpFS is a filesystem for accessing FTP hosts based on FUSE and libcurl

Name:curlftpfs Vendor:Aurora Linux
Version:0.9.1 License:GPL
Release:1.al3 URL:
CurlFtpFS is a filesystem for accessing FTP hosts based on FUSE and libcurl. It features SSL support, connecting through tunneling HTTP proxies, and automatically reconnecting if the server times out.

Arch: sparc

Build Date:Tue Apr 17 08:50:56 2007
Packager:Aurora Linux
Size:66 KiB


* Thu Apr 5 17:00:00 2007 David Anderson <fedora-packaging{%}dw-perspective{*}org{*}uk> 0.9.1-1
- 0.9.1
* Wed Mar 28 17:00:00 2007 David Anderson <fedora-packaging{%}dw-perspective{*}org{*}uk> 0.9-5
- Explicit dependency on fuse (bz#234349)
* Mon Jan 8 16:00:00 2007 David Anderson <fedora-packaging{%}dw-perspective{*}org{*}uk> 0.9-3
- Bump release number

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