Packages not in Groups

cowsay: Configurable speaking/thinking cow

Name:cowsay Vendor:Aurora SPARC Linux
Version:3.03 License:Artistic or GPL
Release:2.al3 URL:
cowsay is a configurable talking cow, written in Perl. It operates much as the figlet program does, and it written in the same spirit of silliness. It generates ASCII pictures of a cow with a message. It can also generate pictures of other animals.

Arch: noarch

Build Date:Thu Jan 4 15:16:05 2007
Packager:Aurora SPARC Linux <>
Size:39 KiB


* Tue Jan 2 16:00:00 2007 Michał Bentkowski <mr.ecik at> - 3.03-2
- Use cp -p to keep timestamps
- Fix paths in manpage
- Add animalsay
* Sun Dec 31 16:00:00 2006 Michał Bentkowski <mr.ecik at> - 3.03-1
- Initial release

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