Mail Server

clement: An application to filter and manage E-mail traffic

Name:clement Vendor:Aurora SPARC Linux
Version:2.1 License:GPL
Release:241.al3 URL:
Clement is an email firewall. Its purpose is to filter all email, rejecting viruses and unwelcome messages at the SMTP protocol level (and avoids bouncing to forged originators). Dubious emails are centrally quarantined. Clement extracts "email sending contexts" and can use a remote mentor process to further analyze message context while still connected to the remote sender process.

Arch: sparc

Build Date:Wed Nov 29 18:04:56 2006
Packager:Aurora SPARC Linux <>
Size:893 KiB


* Mon Nov 27 16:00:00 2006 Jean-Marc Pigeon <jmp{%}safe{*}ca> 2.1-241
- Marker:
    * Release
- Bug-Fix:
    * Fixed loop between collectdata and getstream when
      E-mail data-part end abnormalie (not detecting
      stream contents empty).
    * Fixed Email header mist-match when there is no
      '\n' within the received data line, this bug was
      a side effect of bug-fix.
    * Fixed case where header line was longer than
      512 characteres (line is not splitted anymore)
    * Web log show up difference between delayed E-mail
      and Rejected E-mail.
    * ipc_getpost routine, return the message stamping
       date up to the millisec.
* Sun Sep 3 17:00:00 2006 Jean-Marc Pigeon <jmp{%}safe{*}ca> 2.1-209
- Bug-Fix:
    * Fixed problem about undue relaying, was caused
      by storing relais status within existing user cache.
    * When trying to find hostname ipnumber, local definition
      was not used, such it was impossible to overcome
      "No MX or IP linkable to originator domain" problem
* Tue Aug 22 17:00:00 2006 Jean-Marc Pigeon <jmp{%}safe{*}ca> 2.1-202
- Marker:
    * Spec file adjustement (BuildRequires)

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