System Environment/Base

thinkfinger: A driver for the UPEK/SGS Thomson Microelectronics fingerprint reader

Name:thinkfinger Vendor:Aurora SPARC Linux
Version:0.2.2 License:GPL
Release:4.al3 URL:
ThinkFinger is a driver for the UPEK/SGS Thomson Microelectronics fingerprint reader (USB ID 0483:2016). The device is being found either as a standalone USB device, built into USB keyboards or built into laptops. The following laptop vendors are using the device: - Dell - IBM/Lenovo - Toshiba Toshiba is shipping their laptops either with the UPEK/SGS Thomson Microelectronics fingerprint reader or with a fingerprint reader built by AuthenTec. The AuthenTec fingerprint reader is *not* supported by ThinkFinger. SONY laptops with the UPEK/SGS Thomson Microelectronics fingerprint reader are not supported.

Arch: src

Build Date:Tue Feb 27 15:31:04 2007
Packager:Aurora SPARC Linux <>
Size:358 KiB


* Tue Feb 20 16:00:00 2007 Julian Sikorski <belegdol[at]gmail[dot]com> - 0.2.2-4
- Fixed Source0 URL
* Mon Feb 19 16:00:00 2007 Julian Sikorski <belegdol[at]gmail[dot]com> - 0.2.2-3
- Added libusb-devel to -devel subpackage Requires
* Mon Feb 19 16:00:00 2007 Julian Sikorski <belegdol[at]gmail[dot]com> - 0.2.2-2
- Fixed stripping problem properly

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