
taarich: Tells the Hebrew date, Torah readings, and generates calendars

Name:taarich Vendor:Aurora SPARC Linux
Version:1.20051120 License:MIT-style
Release:6.al3 URL:
Taarich displays the current Hebrew date (in English or in Hebrew). When run with -h command line option, it prints the date in UTF8 Hebrew. Luach renders a calendar of the current Gregorian month, with Hebrew dates. Both use Gauss's algorithm to find the Gregorian date of Passover.

Arch: src

Build Date:Mon Nov 6 22:37:52 2006
Packager:Aurora SPARC Linux <>
Size:68 KiB


* Sat Sep 16 17:00:00 2006 Dan Kenigsberg <danken{%}cs{*}technion{*}ac{*}il> 1.20051120-6
- Rebuild for Fedora Extras 6
* Tue Feb 28 16:00:00 2006 Dan Kenigsberg <danken{%}cs{*}technion{*}ac{*}il> 1.20051120-5
- A cvs missunderstanding. My bad.
* Tue Feb 28 16:00:00 2006 Dan Kenigsberg <danken{%}cs{*}technion{*}ac{*}il> 1.20051120-4
- Rebuild for Fedora Extras 5

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