
perl-Module-Build: Perl module for building and installing Perl modules

Name:perl-Module-Build Vendor:Aurora SPARC Linux
Version:0.2805 License:GPL or Artistic
Release:2.al3 URL:
Module::Build is a system for building, testing, and installing Perl modules. It is meant to be an alternative to ExtUtils::MakeMaker. Developers may alter the behavior of the module through subclassing in a much more straightforward way than with MakeMaker. It also does not require a make on your system - most of the Module::Build code is pure-perl and written in a very cross-platform way. In fact, you don't even need a shell, so even platforms like MacOS (traditional) can use it fairly easily. Its only prerequisites are modules that are included with perl 5.6.0, and it works fine on perl 5.005 if you can install a few additional modules.

Arch: src

Build Date:Sun Dec 31 20:37:54 2006
Packager:Aurora SPARC Linux <>
Size:186 KiB


* Sun Sep 17 17:00:00 2006 Steven Pritchard <steve{%}kspei{*}com> 0.2805-2
- Rebuild.
* Sat Aug 5 17:00:00 2006 Steven Pritchard <steve{%}kspei{*}com> 0.2805-1
- Update to 0.2805.
- Use the bundled code for now.
* Fri Jul 28 17:00:00 2006 Steven Pritchard <steve{%}kspei{*}com> 0.2804-1
- Update to 0.2804.
- BR perl(version).
- Fix find option order.

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