
lzop: Real-time file compressor

Name:lzop Vendor:Aurora SPARC Linux
Version:1.02 License:GPL
Release:0.4.rc1.al3 URL:
lzop is a compression utility which is designed to be a companion to gzip. It is based on the LZO library and its main advantages over gzip are much higher compression and decompression speed at the cost of compression ratio. lzop was designed with reliability, speed, portibility and as a reasonable drop-in compatiblity to gzip.

Arch: src

Build Date:Sun Oct 22 17:29:30 2006
Packager:Aurora SPARC Linux <>
Size:327 KiB


* Sat Sep 2 17:00:00 2006 Nicolas Mailhot <nicolas.mailhot at>
- 1.02-0.4.rc1
- FE6 Rebuild
* Sun Jul 30 17:00:00 2006 Nicolas Mailhot <nicolas.mailhot at>
- 1.02-0.3.rc1
- use new alphatag convention
- build with lzop 2 at last
* Mon Feb 13 16:00:00 2006 Nicolas Mailhot <nicolas.mailhot at>
- 1.02-0.2
- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes
- build with lzop 1 since lzop 2 hasn't been merged yet

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