System Environment/Base

dstat: Versatile resource statistics tool

Name:dstat Vendor:Aurora SPARC Linux
Version:0.6.4 License:GPL
Release:1.al3 URL:
Dstat is a versatile replacement for vmstat, iostat, netstat and ifstat. Dstat overcomes some of their limitations and adds some extra features, more counters and flexibility. Dstat is handy for monitoring systems during performance tuning tests, benchmarks or troubleshooting. Dstat allows you to view all of your system resources instantly, you can eg. compare disk usage in combination with interrupts from your IDE controller, or compare the network bandwidth numbers directly with the disk throughput (in the same interval). Dstat gives you detailed selective information in columns and clearly indicates in what magnitude and unit the output is displayed. Less confusion, less mistakes.

Arch: src

Build Date:Thu Dec 14 07:22:01 2006
Packager:Aurora SPARC Linux <>
Size:52 KiB


* Tue Dec 12 16:00:00 2006 Scott Baker <scott{%}perturb{*}org> - 0.6.4-1
- Bumped to 0.6.4
* Fri Aug 11 17:00:00 2006 Scott Baker <scott{%}perturb{*}org> - 0.6.3-5
- Removed the execute permission from the examples directory
- Fixed the changelog to remove the replaceable %clean
* Tue Jul 25 17:00:00 2006 Scott Baker <scott{%}perturb{*}org> - 0.6.3-4
- Removed some commeted lines in the .spec file that weren't needed
- Changed the permissions on the examples/* scripts
- Converted the HTML documentation to unix line endings
- Removed the erroneous commenting of the %clean section of the .spec

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.fc6