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kuipc: Cernlib's Kit for a User Interface Package (KUIP) compiler
- Summary
- KUIPC, the Kit for a User Interface Package Compiler, is a tool to simplify
the writing of a program's user interface code. It takes as input a Command
Definition File (CDF) that describes the commands to be understood by the
program, and outputs C or FORTRAN code that makes the appropriate function
calls to set up the user interface. This code can then be compiled and linked
with the rest of the program. Since the generated code uses KUIP routines,
the program must also be linked against the Packlib library that contains them.
- * Tue Dec 20 16:00:00 2005 Patrice Dumas <dumas at centre-cired.fr> - 2005-11.4
- add a symlink from /usr/lib/cernlib/2005/bin/pawX11 to /usr/bin/pawX11
- fix gxint
- * Tue Dec 20 16:00:00 2005 Patrice Dumas <dumas at centre-cired.fr> - 2005-10
- add file in /etc/ld.so.conf.d required for dynamic linking
- * Wed Dec 14 16:00:00 2005 Patrice Dumas <dumas at centre-cired.fr> - 2005-9
- use new debian patchset