# $Id: Release-8.1.2.txt,v 2001/11/04 03:58:17 idiscovery Exp $

Release notes for 8.1.2

	See also Release-8.1.1.txt

Changes for 8.1.2

	1) Added lib/pref/WmDefault.* files, a Package for making Tix
	   apps use the CDE/GNOME/KDE/Windows scheme
	2) Many minor bug fixes to the library files.
	3) Removed font and color overrides from the demos, so that
	   the native look and feel would be preserved.
	4) In the past, the interactive initialization file was inconsistent,
	and on Windows, $env(HOME) is undefined or most users don't even
	know where there HOME is (Profiles\User\Application Data\)!
	So a site wide initialization file tixwishrc.tcl is now used,
	which must be in the same directory as the executable. To restore
	the past behaviour, simply add the following line to that file:
		if {[file isfile [set file ~/.tixwishrc]]} {source $file}
	5) 	On Windows, initialize the console even if there is no script.
	The problem here is that frozen/wrapped exes never have a script.
	To invoke this,  simply set the environment variable TIX_CONSOLE
	to 1 if you want the console shown, and -1 if you want it hidden.
	6) Added pkgIndex.tcl for Windows to the install.
	7) Removed the patches to Tkinter.py as it is now standard in Python.
	8) Updated README files to say that Tix should now build under 8.3.