((((((( ``DeleGate Home Page'' is at http://wall.etl.go.jp/delegate/ )))))))
(((((((      Read http://wall.etl.go.jp/delegate/tutorial/ first.    )))))))

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HALF DONE (^_^; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

DELEGATED(8)              MAINTENANCE COMMANDS                 DELEGATED(8)


     delegated - DeleGate server


     delegated -P<port-number> [-v[v|t|s|d]] [-F<function>] [name=value]*

     Delegated is the DeleGate server process which relays TCP/IP protocols
     like HTTP, Gopher, Whois, FTP, Telnet, NNTP, SMTP, POP, and so on.
     The DeleGate mediates communications between a server and a client
     those are isolated from each other by FIREWALL for security.  If
     necessary, DeleGate also achieves caching, domain name resolution,
     and JIS character code conversion by proxy for clients.  The DeleGate
     supports a kind of MOUNTing that gives a integrated view for distributed
     services on remote hosts, which may be hidden in a firewall.  A pair of
     DeleGate servers can be chained to form a TUNNEL that convey TCP/IP
     communication via non TCP/IP protocols like tty I/O on a phone line,
     because the inter DeleGate communication does not depend on TCP/IP.

     Unlike other proxy servers like SOCKS or PROXY_HTTP, NO modification for
     HTTP and Gopher clients is necessary to cope with DeleGate.  Thus any
     existing client programs on various platforms are able to enjoy the
     benefits of DeleGate right away (see DEFECT).

     To redirect the request from client for the DeleGate, it rewrites URLs
     in HTTP and Gopher Directory Entity(DirEnt) in response message, so that
     the requests referring the URL or DirEnt are directed to the DeleGate's
     port again.  A pair of original host and port is encoded in special
     format into the URL or DirEnt selector part.
     This bidirectional rewriting mechanism realizes `MOUNTing'.  MOUNTING
     means, for example, showing a resource http://hosti/ as if it is
     http://hostx/iii for users.  To realize this, link information in a
     response message, like <A HREF="/aaa/bbb"> is rewritten to
     <A HREF="http://hostx/iii/aaa/bbb">.

     There are two types of delegated, `SPECIALIST' and `GENERALIST'.  From
     a client view, SPECIALIST delegated looks like a server of specified
     protocol at the specified host; it behaves like a httpd or gopherd on
     a remote host.  It is SPECIALIST that makes rewriting URL and DirEnt
     when relaying response from the server to the client.  When a SPECIALIST
     cannot reach the destination server directly, or it wants to connect to
     the caching server, it forwards a request to and receives the response
     from GENERALIST delegated.  A GENERALIST accepts a request in the
     `DeleGate protocol', relays it to the server and keeps the response
     data in the cache.  The following shows a typical configuration of
     DeleGate server chain.

                                 <internal>   #  <firewall>   #  <external>
                                              #               #
     P client -> SPECIALIST -+      [A]       #      [B]      # +-> P server
                *protocol P  +-> GENERALIST --+-> GENERALIST -+-+
                             |  *without DNS  #  *with DNS    # |
     Q client -> SPECIALIST -+  *with cache   #  *accept [A]  # +-> Q server
                *protocol Q                   #   only        # 
                *JIS code conv.               #               #

     The GENERALIST[A] on the internal host accepts requests from any hosts,
     whereas the GENERALIST[B] on the firewall accepts request from
     GENERALIST[A] only.  In this configuration, GENERALIST[B] may be
     substituted with a Proxy_httpd.  In another configuration, SPECIALISTs
     may be connected to GENERALIST[B] directly.  GENERALISTs can be chained
     in any number of hops, thus you can overcome multiple firewalls, place
     multiple caches at multiple hosts with different expiration, and so on.


     The -P option specifies the server's port number as <port-number>.
     This option is ignored when the delegated is invoked from inetd(8).
     Both `nowait' and `wait' status may be specified in inetd.conf.
     In `nowait' status, the delegated will processes just one service and
     exits.  In `wait' status, the delegated will process multiple services,
     which count may be limited to N by "MAXIMA=service:N".

     When the host machine has multiple network interfaces or multiple IP
     addresses bound on a physical network interface, you can select one of
     them to which the delegated is bound, with the specification format

     A delegated can accept from multiple ports or (limited) multple
     network interfaces by -P<port>,<port>,<port>,... where <port> is
     either of <interface-host>:<port-number> or <port-number>.

     A port in -P option is made as a TCP port by default. It can be made as
     a UDP port with postfix "/udp" to port number like -Pxxxx/udp, regardless
     of the application protocol which will be specified in a SERVER parameter.

     If -v option is specified, the delegated will run foreground and
     log will be put on the control tty.  More detailed log than that
     of -v can be get using -vv option.  Similarly you can control the
     detailness of log to be written into logifle by -vt or -vd options;
     -vt make log terse whereas -vd make it detailed with debug information.
     With -vs option makes logging stop and be silent; this option has
     similar effect with LOGFILE="".

     If -F<function> option is specified, the delegated will work as a
     program of <function> rathar than DeleGate server.  Available functions
     are ``kill'', ``cgi'', and so on.  -Fhelp will show the list of
     available functions.  "delegated -Fkill -P<port>" means to kill the
     delegated running on the <port>.  With -Fcgi, DeleGate act as a cgi
     program which is invoked form a HTTP server.

     Other options specified in name=value pair are optional and can be set
     as environment variables.

     Options can be loaded from external resources. See SUBSTITUTION.

       name      value format
      --------  -----------------
      SERVER    proto://host:port -- of what SPECIALIST it should be
     *ROUTE     gateway-_-dst:src -- route toward gateway if from src to dst
     *MASTER    host:port         -- where MASTER GENERALIST DeleGate is
      MASTERP   host:port         -- MASTER private to the delegated
      PROXY     host:port         -- where a Proxy server is on
     *CONNECT   {ca,ma,di}*       -- the order connections shold be tried
      RIDENT    {client,server}   -- forwarding remote socket id.
      TUNNEL    type:script-name  -- SHIO-script file for DeleGate Tunneling
      DELEGATE  host:port         -- where URL and DirEnt should be redirected
     *HOSTS     host/addr,...     -- private host/address resolution list
      RESOLV    {file,nis,dns}*   -- control usage of hosts file and DNS
      RES_CONF  URL               -- where resolv.conf is
      RES_NS    dnsHost           -- specify DNS server to be used
      RES_RR    HostsList         -- round robin IP-address-list for the hosts
      RES_VRFY  "*.INVALID"       -- hostname returned on verififcation failure
      SOCKS     socks-host        -- control usage of socks
      SSLTUNNEL Host:Port         -- connect via SSL tunneling (on HTTP)
     *MOUNT     "path URL opt"    -- mount the URL at //${DELEGATE}/path
     *RELIABLE  HostList          -- accept only from the specified hosts
     *REACHABLE HostList          -- only specified hosts are reachable
      REMITTABLE protocolList     -- protocols remittable to the server
     *PERMIT    Proto:Dst:Src     -- protocols/server/client to be permitted
     *RELAY     {proxy,delegate}  -- restrict proxy functionality
     *CHARCODE  {JIS,EUC,SJIS,II} -- conversion of Japanese code in response
      DGROOT    dir-name          -- root directory of all of DeleGate files
      VARDIR    dir-name          -- default base of LOGDIR, WORKDIR, CACHEDIR
      CACHEDIR  dir-name          -- where HTTP/Gopher cache are placed
      CACHEFILE file-name-spec    -- in which file cache data are stored
      CACHE     cache-condition   -- condition to determine do cache or not
     *EXPIRE    {days,hours,secs} -- expiration of the cached data
      EXPIRELOG file-name         -- file which records expire log
      ETCDIR    dir-name          -- where persistent management files are
      LOGDIR    dir-name          -- where DeleGate logs are
      LOGFILE   file-name         -- where DeleGate make logging
      ERRORLOG  file-name         -- where DeleGate make error logging
      PROTOLOG  file-name         -- httpd or wu-ftp compatible log file
      COUNTER   field:dir-name    -- where counter files for the field are
      WORKDIR   dir-name          -- where DeleGate should dump core (-_-;
      ACTDIR    dir-name          -- where temporary files are placed
      TMPDIR    dir-name          -- where invisible temporary files are placed
      PIDFILE   file-name         -- where the delegated's PID is recorded
      OWNER     user-name         -- who's process the delegated should be
      ADMIN     user-address      -- E-mail address of the manager of DeleGate
      PUBLIC    proto://host:port -- let this delegated public from that one
      HTMLCONV  deent,enent,pre   -- decode / encode between HTML & plain text
     *URICONV   convList:attrList -- control URI rewriting
      MIMECONV  thru,charcode     -- control MIME encoder/decoder
     *DELAY     what:seconds      -- sleep
     *TIMEOUT   what:seconds      -- timeout of connection
     *MAXIMA    what:number       -- maxima of servers and etc.
      OVERRIDE  master:paramlist  -- override limits in the MASTER
     *AUTH      what:aproto:users -- authorized users for remote management
     *AUTHORIZER serv:prt:dst:src  -- authentication server
      DGPATH    dir1:dir2:...     -- search path of substitution resources
      FFROMCL   filter-command    -- filter of data from client to delegated
      FTOCL     filter-command    -- filter of data from delegated to client
      FCL       filter-command    -- filter of data between client and delegated
      FFROMMD   filter-command    -- filter of data from server to delegated
      RPORT     {tcp,udp}:host    -- connection for the server to the delegated
      HTTPMAIL  server:relay      -- access HTTP via mail
      SMTPSERVER mailserver       -- SMTP server for mail posting from delegated
      FILETYPE  suffix:type-spec  -- filename to type conversion
     *CMAP      mapspec           -- mapping table about the cuurent connection
     *NNTPCONF  spec-list         -- NNTP specific configuration
     *CRON      cron-spec         -- sceduled actions
     *INETD     server-conf       -- inetd like server configuration notation
     *ICP       icp-client-config -- ICP client configuration
     *ICPCONF   icp-server-config -- ICP server configuration
     *DNSCONF   dns-server-config -- configuration as a DNS server
      VSAP      VSAP-server       -- accept/connect via the remote socket mapper
      PORT      port-list         -- reserve ports
     *HTTPCONF  config-script     -- http configuration
      SMTPGATE  config-dir        -- SMTP to SMTP/NNTP gateway config. dir
      CGIENV    list-of-env-vars  -- environment variables to be passed to CGI
      ---------- -----------------
      HostList   host,net/mask,...  -- a list of hosts/nets with optional mask
      ProtoList  [-]protocol,...    -- a list of protocols

     In above list, names  prefixed with `*' may be repeated in command line
     argument as nameX=value1 nameX=value2 ... nameX=valueN.  If other names
     are repeated, the lastly given value is taken.  The prefiex `#' means
     that the function is obsolete and will be removed in the near future.

     SERVER  proto://host:port   (default: none)
     SERVER  proto               (means proto://-/)
    *SERVER  proto://host:port:-:MountOptions

        If specified, the delegated will become SPECIALIST DeleGate, which
        behaves like a server of `proto' protocol at `host:port'.  If not
        specified, the delegated will become GENERALIST DeleGate, which
        gets request from SPECIALISTs, other GENERALISTs, or clients who
        speak the DeleGate protocol.

        The third parameter format with mountOptionList specifies that
        the SERVER will be dynamically selected if the condition specified
        in the conditions in MountOptions is true.

        A special protocol name "exec" means executing some local command
        rather than connecting to a server. With "exec", DeleGate will work
        like simple "inetd" or "wrapper". What will be executed is specified
        with either XCOM or XFIL parameter. Commands executed as XCOM will
        be given standard I/O which are bound for a socket connected to the
        client.  Commands executed as XFIL will be given standard I/O which
        are redirected to a pair of pipes bound for DeleGate, which relays
        it to and from the client.
             -P8023 SERVER=exec XFIL=command.com WORKDIR="/"
             (Use command.com of Windows95 as a simple telnet server)
        On WindowsNT and OS/2, commands executed as XCOM will be given a
        environment variable SOCKHANDLE_CLIENT which have the handle value
        of the inherited socket connected to the client.

    *ROUTE   proto://host:port/-_-{dstHostList}:{srcHostList}  (default: none)

        Forwards requests from hosts in srcHostList to the resources listed
        in dstHostList toward the server at `host:port' in `proto' protocol.
        ROUTE is a generalized notation for MASTER, PROXY.

        A host specification in a HostList may be prefixed with "proto://"
        to restrict the protocol to be forwarded.  For example,
        ROUTE="http://h:p/-_-{ftp://*}:*" means that only access to FTP
        servers are forwarded to the proxy at "http://h:p/".

        A host specification in a HostList can be restrected more with port
        number.  For example, ROUTE="http://h:p/-_-{*:21}:*" means that
        only accesses to the port number 21 (FTP service) is routed to the

        NOTE: The notation can be extended as `gateway-_-/Modifier/dst:src'
              where Modifier controls caching or code conversion according
              to the route.

    *MASTER  host:port           (default: none)
    *MASTER  host:port:HostList
    *MASTER  host:port/master_control:HostList

        MASTER is the abbreviation of


        The port of a GENERALIST delegated should be specified here.
        If specified, the delegated will forward a request from the client
        to the specified MASTER delegated, if the destination host is not
        reachable, or the name is not resolvable, or the "master" is specified
        in CONNECT parameter for the current protocol and the host.
        Forwarding for the MASTER can be filtered by postfixing HostList,
        a list of host and net addresses.  In this case, only listed
        destination hosts/nets are forwarded to the MASTER.  See the HostList
        below about how to write it.
        When multiple MASTERs are given, they are tried from the first one
        to the last one until connection to the MASTER success.

        In the third form of MASTER has ``/master_control'' after the port

          cache    -- read only cache in the MASTER
          teleport -- make persistent ``Teleport'' connection to the MASTER

     MASTERP  host:port          (default: "" for HTTP Specialists)

        This parameter may be given for the HTTP Specialist delegated.
        HTTP Specialists need MASTER delegated for data cache for non HTTP
        protocols and connection cache for FTP and NNTP.  When neither MASTER
        nor MASTERP is given, MASTERP="" is used as a default value, which
        means making private MASTER automatically at a dynamically assigned
        port number.
        Both of MASTER and MASTERP="" may be specified together to force
        caching at the local host when the MASTER is running at a remote host.

     PROXY   host:port           (default: none)
    *PROXY   host:port:HostList

        Only HTTP SPECIALIST and FTP SPECIALIST can specify this variable.
        For HTTP SPECIALIST, PROXY is the abbreviation of


        The port of another HTTP SPECLIALIST or Proxy_httpd could be
        specified here.  (Proxy_httpd is a HTTP server which accepts fully
        specified URL in method argument of request messages).  If this
        parameter is specified, the delegated will forward request to the
        PROXY server.

        Proxy FTP can be chained with PROXY parameter like follows;
        SERVER=ftp PROXY=proxyhost:proxyport.  

    *CONNECT {cache,icp,master,vsap,direct,socks,udp}*:ProtoList:dstHostList
                                 (default: c,i,m,h,d,v,s:*:*)

        This parameter controls the order of trials for connection to the
        target server using several connection method as followings:

           cache  -- cache search (without connection)
           icp    -- via a PROXY hinted by ICP server
           master -- via a MASTER DeleGate server
           https  -- SSL tunnel on HTTP
           vsap   -- via a VSAP server
           direct -- direct connection to the target server
           socks  -- via Socks servers
           udp    -- by UDP

        Each connection type can be abbreviated by the first character as
        {c,i,m,d,v,s,u} respectively.
        If protoList and dstHostList are given, this control is applyed only
        to the protocols and hosts included in the list.  For example, to use
        cached data in a host which is not connected to external networks,
        specify as CONNECT="cache:*:!./@".

        NOTE: In current implementation, `cache' will be tried first anyway
              if it is included in the list, ProtoList should be "*", PROXY
              cannot be controlled.
              In the future, the cache type could be followed by timeout
              period, like `direct/10s' or `cache/5d'.

        A combination of -Pxxxx CONNECT=udp relays from TCP client to UDP
        server, and -Pxxxx/udp and non-udp CONNECT relays from UDP client
        to TCP server.

     RIDENT   {client,server}*   (default: none)

        If RIDENT="server" is specified, identification information about the
        client socket got by getsockname(2) and getpeername(2) will be
        forwarded to the PROXY or MASTER DeleGate which will receive the
        information by RIDENT="client", and will use it for access control.
        A DeleGate server with RIDENT="client" can accept both from DeleGate
        with RIDENT="server" and other proxy servers with no RIDENT support.
        An intermediate DeleGate in a chain of cascaded DeleGate servers
        should be given RIDENT="client,server".

     TUNNEL  type:script         (default: none)

        If specified, communication with the MASTER will be `tunneled'
        via the standard input/output of the command.  The tunnel may be
        made of serial line without TCP/IP handling.  Otherwise it may be
        the channel to the delegated which is invoked from the inetd.
        The type part specifies TUNNEL type, currently only `tty7' and
        `proc' is available.  When the type is tty7, How the TUNNEL is
        established is described in the specified `SHIO script' file.
        See the src/sample.shio in the distribution file.  When the
        type is proc, then the script part should be specified as a
        shell command.

    *HOSTS    name/addr          (default: localhost/

        List of domain-names/IP-addresses pairs which will override DNS (or
        NIS or /etc/hosts table) data.  This could be used for speed-up of
        resolution for frequently referred hosts, aliasing, or relief of
        unknown hosts in public delegate.  Multiple names or addresses could
        be specified in the form {name1,name2,...}/{addr1,addr2,...}

     RESOLV  {cache,file,nis,dns,sys}*  (default: cache,file,nis,dns,sys)

        Specify which name resolver should be used in what order.
        `file' means local host file like /etc/hosts, `nis' means hosts map
        on NIS service, `dns' means DNS service, and `sys' means using
        gethostbyname() and gethostbyaddr() function which usually call
        system's standard resolver of the host.  If empty
        value is specified as "RESOLV=" then only hosts listed in HOSTS
        parameter can be resolved (this could be useful when you must hide
        hosts table for security consideration).

        Each resolver can be specified with optional argment like follows:
          cache:/path         -- path name of cache directory [/tmp/resolvy]
          file:/path          -- path name of password file [/etc/hosts]
          nis:nis-domain      -- NIS domain name
          dns:dns-host        -- DNS server and default domain

        By default, a connection to a host which has multiple IP addresses
        is tried for each address in the order they are defined in each
        resolver.   A special parameter HOSTS="*/*/RR" can be added to
        specify ``Round Robin'' where those IP addresses are tried in
        round robin order.

     RES_CONF URL                (default: /etc/resolv.conf)

        Specify where the ``resolv.conf'' file is.  The file is interpreted
        by the DeleGate original resolver named ``Resolvy''.
        Resolvy recognizes "nameserver", "domain", "ndots", "search", and
        "sortlist" in it.

     RES_NS  dnsServer           (default: none)
     RES_NS  dnsServer //socksHost

        Specify a DNS server to be used: dnsServer is a host name or an
        IP-address of the host name DNS server, which may optionally be
        followed by port number, like "host:8053" when the port number
        is not standard port(53).
        In the second form, a DNS server on the dnsHost beyond a firewall
        can be referred through a Socks V5 server.

     RES_RR  HostsList           (default: "*")

         Round robin IP-address-list for the hosts included in the HostList.
         Currently, only RES_RR="*" and RES_RR="" are supported.

     RES_VRFY                    (default: none)

        With "RES_VRFY=", results of reverse look-up of DNS server is verified.
        When an <IPaddress1> is resolved to <Hostname>, and when the
        <Hostname> is resolved to <IPaddress-list> which does not include
        the <IPaddress1>, the varification fail and the result is ignored.

## With RES_VRFY="*.INCONSISTENT", the inconsistent host name "host.domain"
## will be marked as "host.domain.INCONSISTENT".

     SOCKS    sockd-host/dns-host/dflt-domain    (default: none)
     SOCKS    sockd-host/-5

        Specify to use SOCKS server on `sockd-host'.  If you use the
        SOCKS_DEFAULT_SERVER specified at compile time, empty specification
        "SOCKS=" is sufficient.  Multiple SOCKS parameters can be specified.
        The order of trial of connection directly and via Socks can be
        controlled with the CONNECT parameter.
        In the second form, host name resolution will be achieved at the
        Socks server of the Socks version 5 protocol.

    *MOUNT   "path-pattern URL"  (default: "/ ${SERVER}")
    *MOUNT   "path-pattern URL MountOptions"

        Redirect the path to/from the URL.  If a path-pattern is terminated
        with `*' then partially matched path is also rewrote.  If a URL is 
        terminated with `*' then remaining part in the partially matched
        path will be copied after the URL.  For example, the specification
        MOUNT="/abc/* http://H:P/*" in a HTTP/DeleGate specifies to rewrite
        a URL "/abc/def" to "http://H:P/def".  This pattern matching can be
        restricted with a notation "[a-set-of-characters]" prefixed before `*',
        like MOUNT="/abc/[a-z]* http://H:P/*", which matches with arbitrary
        strings starting with a character listed in "[set-of-characters]".

        If `=' is specified as path-pattern or URL, it means mount `as is',
        that is, rewriting for the path-pattern in a request, or rewriting
        for URL in a response will be suppressed.

        MOUNT can be used in NNTP/DeleGate, for filtering and aliasing of
        newsgroups, and for merging multiple NNTP severs.  For example,
        MOUNT="alias-group. nntp://server/group." specifies to passing
        newsgroups `group.*' and aliases them into `aias-group.*'.
        A simple filtering specification is SERVER="nntp://server/group."
        which is equivalent to MOUNT="= nntp://server/group.".
        If multiple MOUNT for multiple NNTP servers, then the delegated
        merges the newsgroups on the servers, and serves the newsgroups
        to a client as if they are on a single server.


        MountOptions is a list of options listed bellow separated by `,'

           ro -- Read only for NNTP protocol to inhibit POST command

           moved -- Don't relay but return `302 Moved' response in HTTP

           indirect --
             Example: where MOUNT="URL1/* URL2/* indirect" is given,
                 when "URL1/name1/path" is requested,
                 if   "URL2/name1/indirect.cfi" contains "Base: URL3",
                 then "URL3/path" will be accessed.
                 This is done by generating MOUNT="URL1/name/* URL3/*".

           robots={no,ok} -- disable or enable access from robots.
                The default value for NNTP and FTP is "no", while it is
                "ok" for other protocols.

           from={HostList} -- from the client.
               the mount specification will be applied only when the
               client is included in the HostList.

           via={HostList} -- via the host.
               the mount specification will be applied only when at least
               one host passed through is included in the HostList.

           path={HostList} -- through the hosts
               the mount specification will be applied only when all of
               hosts passed through is included in the HostList.

           host={HostList} -- interface host with the client.
               the mount specification will be applied only when the client
               has connected to the delegated via the specified network
               interface included in the HostList.
               When the delegated is acting as an origin server and a virtual
               host name is shown in "Host: host" field in the request message,
               the virtual name is examined prior to the real host name. If
               multiple virtual names are bound to the same IP-adrress,
               prefix "-" to the virtual hostname like "host=-hostname" to
               distinguish among virtual names.

           genvhost=host --
               Set "Host: host" field in the request message to be forwarded
               to the server.

           hide={GroupList} -- List of patterns of news group names to be
               hidden to NNTP clients. (ex. "hide={alt.*,!alt.comp*}")

           upact:Invoke/Reload/Posted -- control updating of active list cache.
               The same meaning with the NNTPCONF=upact:... except this
               controls only the destination server of this MOUNT parameter.

           cache=no -- disable any usage of cache for the server

           cache=no-article -- disable NNTP ARTICLE caching.
           cache=no-list -- disable NNTP LIST caching.
           cache=no-overview -- disable NNTP XOVER caching and generating it
               from ARTICLE by DeleGate.

           useproxy[=proxyURI] -- generate "305 Use Proxy" response message.
               If proxyURI is omitted or given as "direct", the response
               message is sent with Set-Proxy field as "Set-Proxy: DIRECT".
               Otherwise the URI is set in the filed as
               "Set-Proxy: SET; proxyURI=proxyURI".

           method={methodList} -- true if the access method of the current
               request is included in the methodList.

           dst={hostList} -- true if the destination host is included in the
               hostList.  This option will be useful when "=" is used as the
               ringht hand of MOUNT option.

           asproxy -- true if the delegated is called as a proxy server that
               is the requeted URL is in full URL format.

           withquery -- true if the requested URL has "?query" componet

           charcode=code -- code conversion specific to the mount point,
               in the same meaning with global CHARCODE parameter

        These HostList should be a list of "host:port", where ":port" part
        can be omitted when it is not to be cared.  The "host" part can be
        represented as "*" when the difference of network interface is not
        to be cared.
            1) MOUNT="* URL1 host=this-host" MOUNT="* URL2 host=localhost"
            2) -P70,80 MOUNT="* URL1 host=*:70" MOUNT="* URL2 host=*:80"

        "useproxy", "method", "dst" and "withsearch" options are introduced
        originally to refuse potentially troublesome acesses which may invoke
        CGI programs in target servers.  For example, to refuse any request
        with POST method, or with URL including "?": 
            MOUNT="http:* = method=POST,asproxy,useproxy"
            MOUNT="http:* = withsearch,asproxy,useproxy"

    ?AUTOMOUNT where:URLList ((Not yet done))
        Mount URLs listed in the URLList at `where/${URL}'.  If `where'
        is omitted, they are mounted at `http://${DELEGATE}/' for HTTP
        and FTP, and `http://${DELEGATE}/${GTYPE}/' for Gopher.

     DELEGATE host:port          (default: current-host:current-port:all)
     DELEGATE host:port:ProtoList

        This parameter controls relaying function for non-Proxy HTTP/Gopher
        access by URL/DirEnt rewriting with `Gateway-_-URL' or
        `proto://host:port/-_-URL' notation.  The host and port of delegated
        which will be encoded into the URL/DirEnt should be defined here.
        By default, current-host is encoded in raw IP address number so that
        clients can reach the delegated even if they don't know how to resolve
        the host name of the delegated.
        In the second specification form, DELEGATE is followed by ProtoList,
        a list of protocols.  This list specifies which protocols should be
        called back to, or detained to the DELEGATE.  The URLs and DirEnts
        in a response message are redirected to the DELEGATE if the protocol
        is listed in this variable.  To suppress the relaying function,
        specify this parameter as "DELEGATE=-:0:-all".

    *PERMIT   ProtoList:dstHostList:srcHostList

        Each PERMIT parameter specifies what kind of accesses should be
        permitted by the DeleGate.  An access will be permitted if the
        access is from a client host included in srcHostList, to a server
        host included in dstHostList, with a protocol included in ProtoList.
        If no PERMIT parameters is given, access permission is controlled
        by REMITTABLE, REACHABLE and RELIABLE parameters which can be
        defined explicitly or implicitly based on SERVER parameter.

        The special pattern `*' in ProtoList (dstHostList) means
        all of permitted protocols (servers), which may be explicitly
        defined with REMITTABLE (REACHABLE) parameters.   These parameters
        limits the widest permission.  A protocol (server) is not permitted
        if it is not permitted in REMITTABLE (REACHABLE) parameters defined
        implicitly or explicitly.
        Similarly, if more than one RELIABLE parameters are given explicitly,
        they limit the acceptable clients in srcHostList.

        The host specifications in the dstHostList can be restricted with
        port number.  For example, PERMIT="telnet:{*:23}:*" means permitting
        telnet only for the standard port number (23).

        A protocol name in the ProtoList can be modified like
        "protocolname/{PortList}/{MethodList}" to restrict accessible ports
        and methods of the protocol.  For example, a series of PERMIT
        parameters, PERMIT="ftp//readonly:Servers:Clients" PERMIT="ftp:*:*"
        means inhibiting uploading to Servers from Clients while allowing
        uploading among other combinations of servers and clients.

        When multiple DeleGate servers are chained using MASTER or PROXY
        parameter, the original client identification information got at
        the first DeleGate server (at the entrance of the chain) can be
        forwarded to next DeleGate server using RIDENT parameter and will be
        examined using PERMIT paramter.

     REMITTABLE ProtoList        (default: "*" -- for GENERALIST,
                                           "." -- for SPECIALIST)

        Only protocols (to the server) listed in ProtoList will be accepted
        by the delegated.
        For GENERALIST (a delegated without a SERVER specification) any
        protocols is permitted by default.  For SPECIALIST, only the protocol
        specified in the SERVER parameter (which can be represended by ".")
        is permitted by default.
        If a protocol name is followd by `/{PortList}', only ports listed in
        the PortList is permitted.
        As a special case, delegated as a proxy Telnet (with SERVER="telnet")
        is restricted to be accessible only toward standard Telnet port (23),
        with REMITTABLE="telnet/23" by default.  This restriction can be
        disarmed by specifying like REMITTABLE="telent".
        For HTTP-SPECIALIST, "REMITTABLE=http,https/{443,563},gopher,ftp,wais"
        is the default.
        A PortList can be followed by "/{MethodList}" which restricts available
        methods in the protocol.  Currently, only "readonly" is supported.
        For example, REMITTABLE="ftp//readonly" make the FTP-DeleGate be
        "read only" which inhibits uploading to FTP servers.

        Exceptionally, when the current destination server is determined by
        a MOUNT parameter like MOUNT="Path1 Proto://Server/Path2", the
        protocol "Proto" is automatically allowed as a destination protocol.

        If the first element of the list is "+", it means the default list of
        permitted protocols.  For example, REMITTABLE="+,-https/563,-wais,file"
        with SERVER=http means REMITTABLE="http,https/443,gopher,ftp,file".

    *RELAY   {proxy,delegate,no}
    *RELAY   {proxy,delegate,no}:protoList:dstHostList:srcHostList
                       (default: proxy,delegate:*:*:.localnet ; proxy:*:*:*) 

        This parameter controls in which way the delegated works as a
        HTTP proxy server.  HTTP DeleGate works in two ways: as a standard
        (CERN compatible) HTTP proxy which accepts full URL in a request, and
        as a DeleGate original proxy which accepts /-_-URL in a request and
        rewrites URLs in the response.
        With the second (full) specification format, available relaying mode
        can be classified by combination of server protocol, server host and
        client host.

          RELAY=no             ... does not work as a proxy
          RELAY=proxy          ... CERN compatible mode only
          RELAY=delegate       ... DeleGate mode only (/-_-URL)
          RELAY=proxy,delegate ... both CERN and DeleGate mode

          Both "proxy" and "delegate" are allowed to users on ".localnet",
          but only "proxy" is allowed to other users.

    *RELIABLE HostList           (default: .localnet)

        Only request sent from hosts (or networks) listed in HostList
        will be accepted by the delegated.
        By default, only accesses from host and network local to the
        delegated's host is permitted (RELIABLE=".localnet").
        See HostList below about how to write it.

    *REACHABLE HostList          (default: none = any host is reachable)

        If specified, only request directed to the hosts (or networks)
        listed in HostList will be accepted by the delegated.

     CHARCODE {JIS,EUC,SJIS,II}  (default: none)
    *CHARCODE input-code/output-code

        If specified, HTTP and Gopher SPECIALIST will convert the JIS code 
        in text type response into the specified character code.
        A client can override this specification by sending its choice in
        `Accept-Language' field in a request.  For example, if
        `Accept-Language: (charcode=JIS)' is sent in a request from client,
        the response text will be converted into JIS regardless of CHARCODE
        specification of the delegated.

        The full specification of the parameter value is
        input-code/output-code.  CHARCODE=JIS is the abbreviation of
        CHARCODE=JP/JIS where JP means Japanese text encoding {JIS,EUC,SJIS}.
        You can specify CHARCODE=CN/JIS that means translation from Chinese
        text encoding {Big5,GB,HZ} to JIS.

        `II' means 'inline image'.  Each Japanese character code in a
        response message will be converted to a '<IMG SRC=...>', which is
        a inline image of HTML.  This will be useful for HTTP clients without
        Japanese fonts.  II can be used other than Japanese.  A notation
        `charset/II' specify encoding codes of `charset' into II.
        CHARCODE="II" is the abbreviation of CHARCODE="JISX0208/II"

        If `(charcode=THRU)' is specified in Accept-Language, any conversion
        is disabled.  A set of Accept-Languages may be specified by a client
        in its menu or configuration file.

     DGROOT    dir-name          (default: undefined on Unix,
                                          "/Program Files/DeleGate" on Windows)

        If defined, all of sub-directories (LOGDIR, ETCDIR, ADMDIR, CACHEDIR,
        ACTDIR, WORKDIR and TMPDIR) will be located under the DGROOT.

     VARDIR    dir-name          (default: ${DGROOT:-/var/spool/delegate})
     CACHEDIR  dir-name          (default: ${VARDIR}/cache)
     CACHEFILE file-name-spec    (default: $[server:%P/%L/%p])

        Caching will be enabled if the directory CACHEDIR exists, and it is
        both readable and writable for delegated, and CACHE="no" is not given.
        Currently, caching of HTTP, Gopher NNTP and FTP is supported.

        CACHEFILE specifies how the file name of a cache file is formed.
        The name is derived mainly from informations about server host and
        requested URL.  Those informations are specified in the format
        "$[server:format]" where the format is a sequence of followings.

                      URL of the resource: scheme://host.d2.d1:port/path

            %P -- Protocol name part       scheme
            %L -- Login part               host.d2.d1:port
            %H -- Host name                host.d2.d1
            %T -- Port number              port
            %h -- host name directory      d1/d2/host
            %d -- domain name directory    d1/d2
            %1 -- top level domain         d1
            %2 -- second level domain      d2
            %p -- URL-path part            path
            %Q -- use FQDN of a host name  host.d2.d1.d0 (like %Q%L or %Q%H)

    *CACHE    cache-condition    (default: none)

        Specify a restriction of cache usage.

           no -- cache is disabled [undef]
           ro -- cache is read only [undef]
##         bintext -- binary text will be cached also [undef]
##         mtime/Days -- original data is modified within Days [unlimited]
##         dsize/Num -- data size is smaller than Num bytes [unlimited]
##         xrate/Num -- transmission is slower than Num bytes/sec [unlimited]

     EXPIRE   N{d,h,s}           (default: 1d)
    *EXPIRE   validity/custody   (default: 1d/forever)
    *EXPIRE   N{d,h,s}:protoList:dstHostList:srcHostList  (default: none)

        EXPIRE specifies the term of validity of cached data, in one of
        days, hours, or minutes.  Validity does not mean active removement of
        cached data by delegated; delegate merely ignores cached data if it
        is older than the specified term.

     ETCDIR    dir-name         (default: ${VARDIR}/etc)
     LOGDIR    dir-name         (default: ${VARDIR}/log)
     LOGFILE   file-name        (default: ${LOGDIR}/${PORT})
     ERRORLOG  file-name        (default: ${LOGDIR}/errors.log)
     PROTOLOG  file-name        (default: ${LOGDIR}/${PORT}.${PROTO})
     WORKDIR   dir-name         (default: ${VARDIR}/work/${PORT})
     COUNTER   field:dir-name   (default: none) ((Not yet done))
     EXPIRELOG file-name        (default: ${LOGDIR}/expire.log)

        The patterns ${PROTO} and ${PORT} will be substituted with the
        protocol name and the port number of the delegated respectively.
        These files and directories will be created automatically by
        delegated if possible.  You can stop logging by specifying null
        file name like LOGFILE="" or PROTOLOG="".

        The format of PROTOLOG for HTTP protocol can be modified with a
        optional format specification postfixed after the file-name as
        PROTOLOG="file-name:format".  In this case, default file name can be
        suppressed.  For example, PROTOLOG=":%X" specifies making a NCSA like
        extended common logfile format.  The default format is
        PROTOLOG=":%C %D".
          %C -- common logfile format of CERN-HTTPD
          %c -- same as %C except the date is recorded in mili-second precision
          %D -- extention by DeleGate (conn-time + relay-time : status)
          %X -- '%C "%r" "%u"' common logfile format with Referer and User-Agent
          %r -- Referer field in the request message
          %u -- User-Agent filed in the request message
          %S -- status of CONNECTion to the server (c,m,p,d,s,v)
        The client information part in %C, which records hostname, Ident,
        and username by default, can be modified by AUTH="log:" parameter.

        If WORKDIR is not accessible, or if WORKDIR is not explicitly
        specified when -vv option is given, then current directory (of
        invoker of the delegated) will be used as WORKDIR.

        If `file-name's are specified in a relative path then they are placed
        under ${LOGDIR}.  If those names start with "./" then they are placed
        under ${WORKDIR}.

        AGING: If the pattern `[date+format]' is included in the file name,
        it is evaluated by strftime(3) compatible function and will be
        substituted with the evaluated strings.  For example, a format `%d'
        means day of month [01-31], thus when LOFILE is specified like
        LOGFILE='${PORT}[date+.%d]', the file will be aged day by day and will
        be rotated by a month.  A format `%W' which means week
        number of year [01-52], is useful for week by week aging.  Another
        example; LOGDIR='/var/log/delegate/[date+aged/%y/%m/%d]' will make
        hierarchical logs.
        The latest LOGFILE will be pointed with another file name (hard link
        to it) which name is made by omitting `[date+format]' parts from
        LOGFILE specification.  You can use another pattern `[start+format]'
        for aging.  `start+' pattern will be evaluated in the same way with
        `date+' except that it will be substituted by time when the delegated
        started (or restarted by SIGHUP or specified TIMEOUT=restart).

     ACTDIR   dir-name       (default: /tmp/delegate }
     TMPDIR   dir-name       (default: none)
     PIDFILE  file-name      (default: ${ACTDIR}/pid/${PORT})
     FTPGETS  file-name      (default: ${ACTDIR}/ftpget/${SERVERNAME})

        Information about currently active servers are placed at ${ACTDIR}
        Those are temporary files which are made on invocation of a server
        and are removed at exit.

     OWNER    user       (default: `nobody' for root, otherwise invoker)
     OWNER    user/group (default: `nobody/nogroup' for root, otherwise invoker)
    *OWNER    user:srcHostList

        If specified, the delegated will run with the right of specified
        user, calling setuid() and setgid() system calls. User and group
        can be specified either in symbolic name or in id-number prefixed
        with `#'.
        If srcHostList is specifed, owner of the delegated will be set to
        the user when the client host is included in the list.  The user
        name `*' will be substituted by the user name of the client when
        it can be got from Ident server (identd).  A simple example is
        This variable is effective only when the invoker is a super-user.

     ADMIN    user-address   (default: none)

        You must specify this parameter when you invoke a delegated on
        the firewall or the hosts directly reachable to internet.
        This E-mail address will be used as follows:

          - Shown in (error) messages as the name of administrator of
            the delegated (HTTP).
          - Shown in opening messages or in help message as the name of
            administrator of the delegated (FTP, NNTP, Telnet).
          - Sent as user name (in PASS command) on anonymous FTP access
            to remote FTP servers.
          - Sent as sender name (in FROM command) in access to remote SMTP
            server on verification by AUTH=anonftp:smtp-vrfy.

     MANAGER  user-address

        Equal to ADMIN.  This is the former name of ADMIN parameter.

    *PUBLIC   proto://host:port  (default: none)

        If specified, the delegated will be registered as a public DeleGate.
        The registration is done by sending a message to the delegated at the
        specified `proto://host:port' when it is invoked.  The registration
        will be removed when the delegated finishes.
        Specify PUBLIC="" for PUBLIC="http://wall.etl.go.jp/" to declare
        that your delegate is public to anyone in internet.

     HTMLCONV conv-list      (default: deent)

        Specify a list of switch to control convertion for HTML text in
        a HTTP response message.

          deent   -- decode entity symbol
          enent   -- encode entity symbol
          fullurl -- convert all of URLs to full URLs
                     (equals to URICONV="full:+,-HREF/BASE")

        Deent and enent control encoding and decoding of special characters
        between HTML and plain text.  If `deent' is specified, encoded
        entity symbol like `&lt' in ISO-2022-JP text will be decoded into `<'.
        This will be useful with PROXY in Gopher gatewaying.  If `enent' is
        specified then entity symbols out of ISO-2022-JP text will be encoded.
        This will be useful in case of NNTP/DeleGate for WWW client.  If empty
        list is specified, no conversion is performed.

     URICONV  convList:attrList (default: it will be shown by URICONV=dump)
     URICONV  defelem:+,elemnameList
     URICONV  defattr:+,attrnameList

        Specify which kind of URI rewriting should be applied to which kind
        of attributes of tags in HTML document.  The convList is a list of
        following items.

          mount   -- rewriting by MOUNT
          normal  -- normalize MOUNTed URL if it includes abnormal "../"
          partial -- represent (MOUNTed) URLs as partial URLs if possible
          full    -- convert all of URLs to full URLs

        The special convList URICONV="+" means loading the default URICONV
        configuration (no attrList in this case in the current implementation).
        The attrList is a list of attributes names each may be postfixed
        with an element name.  A special attributes name ``+'' means the
        default set of attributes.  An attribute prefixed with ``-''
        character is excluded from the calculated set of attributes.

          URICONV=mount,normal,partial:+  -- might be the default after Ver.6
          URICONV=full:+,-HREF/BASE       -- rewrite everything exept HREF/BASE
          URICONV=dump                    -- show the current URICONV config.
                                          -- don't apply MOUNT to <IMG SRC=...>

     MIMECONV thru,charcode   (default: all)

        Control MIME encoding/decording in NNTP/POP/SMTP DeleGate.
        MIMECONV=thru disables any MIME encoding/decording, and
        MIMECONV=charcode enables only character code conversion.

    *DELAY    what:seconds

        Delay for specified seconds before doing `what'.

          reject -- continuous Reject resp. from self or MOUNTed servers [60]
          unknown -- continuous Unknown resp. from self or MOUNTed servers [60]
          reject_p -- continuous Reject resp. from origin server [0]
          unknown_p -- continuous Unknown resp. from origin server [0]

        Each value specifies the muximum delay time and delay time increases
        according as the error count increases.

    *TIMEOUT  what:seconds,...   (default: dns:60,acc:30,con:30,lin:30)

        Specify timeout period (in seconds by default) of `what' which

          shutout  -- disarming emergent shutout set on fatail error [900]
          dns      -- for DNS lookup [60]
          acc      -- for accept from client (include FTP data connection) [30]
          con      -- for connection to the server [30]
          lin      -- LINGER for output [30]
          ident    -- for connection to Ident server [10]
          io       -- general I/O [600]
          hello    -- for HELLO negotiation with the MASTER [30]
          login    -- for login to proxy telnet/ftp [60] 
          ftpcc    -- for keeping alive FTP Connection Cache [900]
          nntpcc   -- for keeping alive FTP Connection Cache [300]
          daemon   -- delegated [unlimited]
          restart  -- cause restart at every specified period [unlimited]
                      (the unit of period can be changed like 1d, 1h, 1m)
          standby  -- keep the delegated alive on standby for next client [30]
          http-cka -- keep the connection with the client alive [5]
                      (the timeout is ten times longer for the first
                      connection from each client host)
          takeover -- taking over a downloading to cache after the client
                      which initiated the downloading disconnected [0]

        The timeout value `0' means `never timeout' (unlimited).

    *MAXIMA   what:number,...    (default: listen:20,ftpcc:2)

        Specify the maximum number of specified servers.

          listen    -- server's queue size [20]
          delegated -- the number of delegateds runnable at a time [64]
          ftpcc     -- the number of ftp connection cache servers to a host [16]
          nntpcc    -- the num. of NNTP connection cache processes to a host[16]
          service   -- the number of services per delegated process [unlimited]
          mailsplit -- maximum size of of each partial mail [50000]
          standby   -- the maximum number of standby process [16]
          http-cka  -- connection Keep-Alive [10]
                       (the maximum is ten times larger for the first
                       connection from each client host)
          http-ckapch -- the number of connection in Keep-Alive at a time
                       for each client host [4]
          conpch    -- the maximum number of connections at at time
                       per client host [unlimited]

     OVERRIDE master:port:ParamList   (default: none)

        Override limits in the MASTER.  Currently only
        OVERRIDE="*:*:TIMEOUT=timeoutList" and OVERRIDE="*:*:CONNECT=cache"
        are supported.

    *AUTHORIZER authServ:protoList:dstHostList:srcHostList (default: none)

        Specify the server for authentication (with authorization possibly)
        for a combination of destination protocol, server host and client host.
        The authServList is a host name of authentication server, or a
        list of host names of authentication servers.

        IF only authentication of user is necessary without authorization,
        the following special name will be useful as a authServ.

          "&" -- the client host (user name on the client host is required)
          "*" -- any authHost specified by the client by "user@authHost"
        SERVER=telnet AUTHORIZER="&:::!*.local.domain"
          (clients from outside of local.domain is requred authentication)
        SERVER=telnet AUTHORIZER="localhost" RELAIBLE="*"
          (any clients is allowed if the user is authenticated with localhost)

    *AUTH     what:authProto:who (default: none)

        Authorize `who' to do `what'.  Authentication of user will be done
        using protocol specified in authProto.  Identification about ``who is
        the client's user'' is done based on Identification protocol to the
        client host if it supports the protocol.  Otherwise FTP-server may
        be used as an authorization server.  Given Authorization information
        consists of Username:Password, where Username can be User@Host,
        if a trial login to Host with User and Password succeed, then the
        client is authenticated to be User@Host.
        Currently following three categories of authorization are supported:

              Permit `user@host' to perform remote management of the delegated
              including server restarting and logging control.
              The second field should be `*' in current implementation.  
              See <URL:http://-/-/manage/>

              This parameter is referred from FTP/HTTP gateway.  If specified,
              the delegated asks anonymous-ftp users to inform of his/her
              E-mail address as Login-name in the HTTP authorization scheme.
              If `password' field is specified as `*', then any Password in
              the authorization will be acceptable.
              The second field should be `*' in current implementation.  

              This parameter is referred by FTP proxy to check an E-mail
              address given as the password for the anonymous user. (The
              E-mail address must be sent as user-name in FTP/HTTP gateway).
              With this specifcation, invalid E-mail addresses will be rejected.
              When the address is valid but is in a format like "user@host",
              it will be expanded automatically to a FQDN format like
              If the third field is "-" (i.e. "AUTH=anonftp:smtp-vrfy:-@*")
              only the connectivity to mail server at "host.domain" is checked.

# The third field can be the matching level of domains of verified
# address and the address of the client host like follows:
# E-mail:"user@host.d3.d2.d1" and client-host:"hostname@d3.d2.d1"

          proxy:{ident,auth,pauth}   (default: proxy:ident)
              Specify identification/authorization protocols for the
              delegated as a HTTP proxy server.
              This parameter is checked only when access control for user
              is specified in PERMIT or RELIABLE.

                ident -- Identification protocol
                pauth -- Use Proxy-Authorization field `user@host:password'
                auth  -- Use Authorization field `user@host:password'

              Example: AUTH=proxy:auth PERMIT="*:*:{*,!?}@*"
                  Any user at any host is allowed as long as he/she is

              NOTE: When the client does not support Proxy-Authentication,
                    you are obliged to use `auth' for Authentication.
                    In such case, note that the client cannot access
                    resources which requires Authentication.

              Put identification information of the source host in the
              ``Forwarded: by Me (Ver) for Client'' field in a HTTP request
              header field, if the destination host is included in the
              dstHostList and the source host is included in the srcHostList.
              Currently, if this is specified, it is regarded as
              AUTH="forward:*:" regardless of the second field.
              This is usefull for a delegated on a firewall which relays
              internal HTTP servers towoard outside .

              Generate ``Authorization: Basic authString'' in a HTTP request
              header if it does not have an original Authorization field.
              The authString should be "userName:passWord".
              The following special string stand for attributes of clients.

                %u -- user name got using Ident
                %h -- host name of the client got from the socket
                %i -- host name of the network interface to the client
                %a -- host address of the client
                %n -- network address of the client
                %H -- hostname of the delegated
                %M -- the ADMIN of the delegated
                %A -- generated string by "CMAP=string:authgen:mapSpec"

                When the firewall have two network interfaces and internal
                and external hosts access from different interface, then
                they can be distinguished by the name of interface.


                Otherwise, internal networkd should be explicitly defined
                using CMAP as follows.


                A genereted password is formatted as "passWord/%i" and
                a delegated rejects incoming requests with an Authorization
                field of such pattern. Thus forged password cannot pass the
                delegateds on the host.

                If specified, "From: fromString" will be put in the HTTP
                request if the original header does not have an original
                From field.  If fromString is omitted, the default value
                is "%u@%h".

                Specify contents of the client information part in common
                logfile format of HTTTP servers. The default value is

                %F -- E-mail address in From field
                %L -- local part of From: local@domain field
                %D -- domain part of From: local@domain field
                %U -- username part of Authorization: userame:password
                %P -- password part of Authorization: userame:password
                %Q -- `for FQDN' part of Forwarded: field

           To record information about an original client in an internal
           delegated which is forwarded from a firewall delegated,
           generate From field at the firewall delegated and record it
           at the internal delegated.

                firewall% delegated AUTH="fromgen:%u@%h" ...
                internal% delegated AUTH="log:%D/%h:%L/%u:%U" ...

        In the case where the FTP-server based authentication is used, 
        a recommended user name of the authorization information is
        e-mail address like `user@host.domain' so that it can be commonly
        used for both `anonftp' and `proxy'.

     DGPATH   dir1:dir2:...    (default: +:.:${HOME}/delegate)

     FCL filter-command
     FFROMCL filter-command
     FTOCL filter-command
     FSV filter-command
     FTOSV filter-command
     FFROMSV filter-command
     FMD filter-command
     FFROMMD filter-command

        Specify a filter command for data transmitted between the delegated
        and the client.  Filters except for FCL,FSV and FMD get input from
        standard input and put output to standard output.
        Filter commands for FCL,FSV and FMD are given file descriptor 0 bound
        for the client, and file descriptor 1 bound for the delegated.

        You can apply filters conditionally using CMAP in the format like
        For example, CMAP="sslway -co:FSV:telnet:hostA:*" means apply
        SSLway filter only when connecting to the Telnet server at hostA.

     RPORT {tcp,udp}
     RPORT {tcp,udp}:host

        This parameter should be used together with MASTER parameter.
        If specified, a connection (for response data transfer) from the
        MASTER delegate to this deleate is established separately from the
        connection (for request data transfer) from the delegated to its
        MASTER delegated.  A specified type of response connection will be
        made from the MASTER towards the delegate at the specified host.

    ?RPASV ((Not yet available))

        ... similar to RPORT, but the connection is established from the
        delegated to the MASTER delegated ...

     HTTPMAIL   server:relay
     HTTPMAIL   server:relay:mailsplit

        If specified, the delegated will access remote HTTP service via E-mail.
        The `server' is the E-mail address of HTTPMAIL server, and the
        `relay' is the E-mail address of HTTPMAIL client (may be delegated)
        which receives response from the server and relays it to the delegated.
        `mailsplit' indicate the desirable maximum size of each separated
        message of response message from the server.

     FILETYPE   suffix:gopher-type:alt:icon:content-type

        Define file name to content-type mapping.

          gopher-type: 0 - text, 1 - directry, 4 - BinHex, 6 - uuencode,
                       9 - binary, g - gif, I - image, ...

          alt: alternative text which should be displayed for the icon image
               in text only displays

          icon: binary,binhex,compressed,directory,document,ftp,gzip,
                (see http://-.-/-/builtin/icons/ of HTTP/DeleGate)

          content-type: text/plain, image/gif, ... (see RFC1521)


    *CMAP       result:mapname:protoList:dstHostList:srcHostList 

    *NNTPCONF   spec-list     (default: upact:600/300/120)

        server:host [ :port ] [ /grouplist ]
           set NNTP server(s) for requests by URLs nntp://*/... or news:...
        pathhost:Server/PathHost  -- define PathHost name of the Server-host.
           EXAMPLE: NNTPCONF="etlinn.etl.go.jp/etl.go.jp"

        upact:Invoke/Reload/Posted -- control updating of active list cache.
           Invoke and Reload specifies expire time of the cache in seconds.
           After an article is posted via the delegated, the cache will be
           updated whenever the client checked it (by LIST command),
           within the period specified by Posted.

               (default: {Subject,From,Data,Message-ID,References,Bytes,Lines})
           The format of the response message to XOVER command.

        xover:Number          (default: xover:2000)
           Limit the maximum number of articles in "XOVER range"

        nice:Number           (default: none)
           Set the nice value if defined.

           Force authentication (using AUTHINFO) at the beginning of the NNTP
           session if the client hosts is included in the srcHostList.
           This parameter should be set if the NNTP server does any
           authentication for any subset of users, and this delegated does
           caching for NNTP.

        nntpcc:number         (default: 1)
           Specify "nntpcc:0" to disable "connection cache" for NNTP.

    *CRON       cron-spec     (default: none)

        Cause an action at a time specified in the cron-spec.  Cron-spec is
        written in the following syntax which is compatible with that of
        "cron" server of Unix systmes.

           minute hour day month dayofweek action

        If the action is prefixed with '/' then it is an external action
        which will be executed by the system() function.  If the action is
        prefixed with '-' then it is a built-in internal action of DeleGate.

           -suspend N      -- suspend for N seconds
           -restart        -- restart the delegated
           -exit           -- finish the delegated
           -expire N       -- execute expiration for $CACHEDIR by "-atime +Nd"
           -system command -- execute `command' as a shell command
        #  -fetch URL
        #  -refresh URL

           /path/of/com args -- equiv. to "-system /path/of/com args"
           - args            -- equiv. to "/path/of/delegated args"
           -Ffunc args       -- equiv. to "/path/of/delegated -Ffunc args"

         CRON="0 0 * * * -restart"
         CRON="0 3 * * * -expire 3"  (this is equivalent to followings)
         CRON="0 3 * * * -Fexpire /path/of/cache -rm -atime +3 -sum"
         CRON="0 3 * * * /path/of/delegated -Fexpire /path/of/cache -rm -atime +3 -sum"

    *INETD      server-conf   (default: none)

        Invoke a new DeleGate process with the specified configuration when
        a request is arrived at the specified port.  The format of the
        specification is like that of inetd.conf(5) in Unix systems:

         [host:]port stream/dgram tcp/udp nowait/wait user exec-path arg-list

        A special exec-path "-" means to start child delegated with the given
        arg-list.  The configuration of the parent delegated is inherited to
        child delegateds.  For example, when a parent delegated is invoked
        like: delegated ADMIN=foo EXPIRE=1 INETD="conf1" INETD="conf2"
        these ADMIN and EXPIRE parameters are inherited to delegateds
        specified in "conf1" and "conf2".

        NOTE: "wait" state is not yet supported in the current version.
         INETD="8080 stream tcp nowait nobody - SERVER=http"
         INETD="8080 - - - nobody - SERVER=http" (equivalent to the above)
         INETD="8119 - - - - - SERVER=nntp://nntpserver/"
         INETD="8888 - - - - /bin/date date" (equivalent to the following)
         INETD='8888 - - - - - SERVER=exec XCMD="/bin/date date"'
         INETD="8888 dgram  udp - - /bin/date date"
         INETD="localhost:8888 - - - - - /bin/sh sh"
         INETD=+=/path/of/inetd.conf  (load configuration from a file)

    *ICP icpServers
    *ICP icpServers:icpOptions:proxyPort:icpPort
    *ICP icpServers:icpOptions:proxyPort:icpPort:dstProtos:dstHosts:srcHosts

        ICP client configuration which is referred when "icp" is included
        in the CONNECT sequence.  icpServers is a comma separated list of 
        icp servers where each server is represented in the following format:

            The host name or IP address of the ICP server [localhost]
            "s" -- the ICP server is a "sibling" [default]
            "p" -- the ICP server is a "parent"
            "l" -- the ICP server is a "listener" which never respond
            "n" -- the ICP server is a navigation proxy
            "o" -- require HIT_OBJ response
            "H" -- the object server is a HTTP proxy [default]
            "D" -- the object server is a MASTER DeleGate.
            "O" -- the object server is an origin server.
####        "P" -- the object server is an proxy of origin protocol.
            The port number of the corresponding object server [8080].
            The port number of ICP protocol [3130].

          timeout/N -- period to wait response as an ICP client [2.0](seconds)
          parent -- mark the default type of icpServers as "parent"
          listener -- mark the default type of icpServers as "listener"
          hitobj -- enable HIT_OBJ for all icpServers by default
          Origin -- object servers are origin server
          DeleGate -- object servers are DeleGate

          (This is the simplest usage which is the abbreviation of 
           ICP="icphost/sH/8080/3130:timeout/2.0:8080:3130:*:*:*" )


    *ICPCONF {para:N,hitage:N,hitobjage:N,hitobjsize:N,timeout:N}
##  *ICPCONF icpOptions:dstProtos:dstHosts:srcHosts

        ICP configuration when the DeleGate server is running as an
        ICP server with SERVER="icp".

          para:N -- the number of parallel ICP-DeleGate servers [2]
          hitage:N -- valid age of cached data to be notified as HIT [1d]
          hitobjage:N -- valid age of cached data to be sent by HIT_OBJ [1h]
          hitobjsize:N -- max. size of cached data by HIT_OBJ [1024](bytes)
          timeout:N -- default timeout of waiting response [2.0](seconds)
##        nofetch -- returns NOFETCH for MISS (off)
          debug:N -- the level of log for debug [0]


       Specify the configuration of the DNS-DeleGate server with (SERVER=dns).

          para:N -- the number of paralles server process [2]
          domain:FQDN -- [domain of the host of DeleGate]
          origin:FQDH -- [host of the host of DeleGate]
          admin:Email -- the mail address of the administrator [ADMIN]
          serial:N -- serial number [%Y%m%d%h of configuration change]
          refresh:N -- refresh interval [3600]
          retry:N -- retry interval [600]
          expire:N -- expire period [3600*24]
          minttl:N -- minimum ttl [3600]

       EXAMPLE: SERVER=dns RESOLV=cache,file,nis DNSCONF=domain:my.domain

     VSAP      vsap-host:port (default:none)

        Specify a VSAP server to be used for acception from clients or for
        connection to clients.  VSAP is a remote socket mapping server
        which enables servers to accept a TCP connection via a remote host
        as well as to connect via a remote host.

        firewall% delegated -P8000 SERVER=vsap PORT=8080-8090
                  -- VSAP server
        internal% delegated -P8080@firewall:8000 ...
                  -- accept via VSAP, internal server for external clients
        internal% delegated -P8080 CONNECT="{vsap/firewall:8000}" ...
                  -- connect via VSAP, proxy server for internal clients
        internal% delegated -P8080 VSAP=firewall:8000 ...
                  -- accpet and connect via VSAP server

    *HTTPCONF  conf-script    (default: welcome:welcome.html,welcome.cgi,
          A list of index files or CGI scripts which should be used for URLs
          of directories ending with "/" like "/path/".  This is a list of
          cancidate file names.  The list may be ended with "-dir.html" which
          means a built-in index generator.  If the list is empty, empty data
          is substituted for index data.

        search:pathOfSearchScript (default: none)
          The path of a CGI script to be applied for URLs with search part like
          "/path?search".  This is a global specification applied for all URLs.
          Also you can specify a local search script for each MOUNT point like
            MOUNT="/path2/* /root/of/path2/* search:srcipt2".
          This local specification is prior to the global one.  A special local
          specification "search:-" can be used just to ignore the global
          specification for the MOUNT point.

            MOUNT="/*    file:/path/of/data/*"
            MOONT="/bin/* cgi:/path/of/cgi-bin/* search:-"

     SMTPGATE  config-dir     (default: ${ETCDIR}/smtpgate)

       Specify the configuration directory for SMTP to {SMTP,NNTP,FTP} gatway.

  ProtoList     [!]protocol,...

     A ProtoList is a list of protocol names separated with `,'.
     Reserved name `*' means all of protocols.  If `!' or '-' is prefixed,
     the protocol is excluded from the protocol list.  
     Special protocol names `tcprelay' and `udprelay' provide generic full
     duplex channel for application protocols on TCP and UDP protocols

  HostList      [!]host,host/mask,...

     A HostList is a list of hostname and IP-address optionally followed by a
     mask value, or IP-address range specification.  This list is used in
     matching to examine whether a certain host name or IP-address is
     included the list or not.  You can prefix or postfix wild card character
     `*' to the hostname, like `*.ac.jp' or `*.etl.go.jp'.  IP-address range
     can be specified like 192.168.[0-255], 192.168.1.[32-63].
     These range can be written as and

     There are special host names which are substituted with real host
     names at runtime.

       "."  -- the host where the delegated is running.
       "-"  -- identical to "." if the host has unique IP address (network
               interface), but if it have multiple IP addresses, it will
               be the IP address from which the client connected to the
       ".o" -- identical to "." if the host has unique IP address, but if
               it have multiple network interface, outgoing 
               network interface
       ".localnet" -- represents "localhost,./@,-/@,.o/@"
       "-C" -- the client host which may be useful to restrict access
               from a client only to the client (network).
       "?"  -- matches any `unknown hosts' which name or address is not
               known by resolvers (listed in RESOLV).

     If a hostname (or a IP-address) is prefixed with "-" like "-hostname"
     ("-"), then no name resolution (reverse resolution) will be
     tried for the hostname (IP-address).  This will avoid wasting time in
     resolution trial for a never resolvable hostname (IP-address).

     Specifying a mask value, you can check only a part of address, typically
     network address.  The mask value can be specified in one of four forms;
     hexa-decimal value, internet address in dot notation, `@', or one of `@A',
     `@B' and `@C'.  `@' means the default network mask for the IP-address of
     the host to be masked.  @A, @B, @C represent, and respectively.  The `@X' notation can be followed by the
     number of bits for subnets; for example `@B4' means class B network
     divided into sixteen subnets.

     If `!' is prefixed to a host, it means that the host is excluded from
     the list.  All of elements in the list are scanned from the first one to
     the last one.  Thus once included (excluded) name may be excluded
     (included) in succeeding list.

     For HostList concerning source hosts, list of user names (UserList) can
     be prefixed to a host name like {user1,user2,...}@host.  The negate symbol
     `!' have the same meaning with that in HostList.  Note that !user@host
     is different from {!user}@host; the former excludes user@host, but the
     latter means {*,!user}@host thus includes *@host exept user@host.
     The special user name `?' matches with users whos names are not
     IDENTified with identd.  You can inhibit access from unknown hosts or
     from unknown users with "RELIABLE={!?,!?@*}".


     Options and values can be loaded from external `substitution resources'.
     An option like `+=file' is substitued by a list of options enumerated
     in the resource named `file', an option like `name=+=file' is substitued
     by a list of `name=value' where the `value' is enumerated in the `file'.

     Substitution can be done recursively.  In this case, a relative resource
     name is searched in DGPATH.  By default, DGPATH="+:.:${HOME}/delegate"
     where `+' stands for the place where the `caller' resource is.
     For example, if `+=file2' is referred from file `/usr/etc/file1', the
     `file2' will be searched first as `/usr/etc/file2'.  A resource name can
     be specified in URL like `+={http://host/file}'.

     Substitution resources are the list of options (or values) where each
     line stands for an option (or a value).  In each line, strings after
     sharp character(#) will be ignored as a comment.  White space characters
     (SPACE, TAB, LF and CR) at the beggining or the ending of each line are
     ignored.  Single quote(') and double quote(") are stripped.  Back
     slash character(\) let the succeeding character be as is.

     Substitution resources will be reloaded when the delegated received a
     SIGHUP signal.

     Another subustitution is in the form "name=-=URL" which loads the
     content of URL into a temporary file on local file system (under ACTDIR),
     then the parameter is rewriten to "name=/path/of/temporary-file".
     This will be useful when you wish to pass remote resources to CGI or
     CFI programs, like "-eCONFIGDATA=-=http://server/configdata", then those
     programs will given an environment variable named CONFIGDATA of which
     value is a temporary file name containing the content of


     The general rewriting rule for URLs of protocols to be gatewayed by
     HTTP proxy is as follows:

         ORIGINAL             REDIRECTED URL
         ---------------      ----------------------------------
         P://OH:OP/F      ->  http://DH:DP/-_-P://OH:OP/F

     where DH and DP means the host and port of delegated respectively.
     The redirected URL is composed of three parts:

           proxy part:    http://DH:DP/
           delimiter:     -_-
           original URL:  P://OH:OP/F

     If P is HTTP, then it may be omitted.  This rewiting rule could be
     applyed for proxies of other protocols, exept for Gopher.  In Gopher
     proxy, rewriting should be as follows:

         ORIGINAL             REDIRECTED URL
         ---------------      ----------------------------------
         gopher://H:P/GS  ->  gopher://DH:DP/G-_-gopher://H:P/GS

     where `G' and `S' means `gtype' and `selector' respectively.  The
     rewriting rule of Directory Entity is compatible with that of URL:

         G User_Name Tab S Tab Host Tab Port
      -> G User_Name Tab -_-gopher://Host/Port/GS Tab DH Tab DP


     Delegated does not apply rewriting rule to already REDIRECTED request.
     Thus you can write delegate switch tables in HTML.  Suppose that you
     have two firewall hosts connected to different networks each other:

        <A HREF="http://host:10080/-_-//www.ntt.jp/"> firewall1 -> NTT </A>
        <A HREF="http://host:20080/-_-//www.ntt.jp/"> firewall2 -> NTT </A>

     where the HTTP SPECIALIST delegated on 10080 and 20080 are, for example,
     connected to the Proxy_httpd on firewall1 and firewall2 respectively.


     Right after the -_- mark, optional `/Modifier/' form can be inserted
     as follows:


     Modifier can be a list of multiple Modifiers sepalarted each other by
     by comma (,) character.

        cc   -- Client's character code specified as ``cc.OutCode.InCode''

        F<f> -- <f> is a list of flag characters compatible with (obsoleted)
                ``=flags='' extension.

#     Right after the -_- mark, optional `=flags=' form can be inserted as
#     follows.
#         -_-=JN=gopher:H:P=G
#     Flags in a request to the delegated will be copyed in the URL or DirEnt
#     in its response.  Thus flags can be used to represent some `state' in
#     stateless protocols like HTTP and Gopher.  Currently supported flag are:
#         N   use internet address number overriding DELEGATE specification
#         E   force EUC output overriding CHARCODE variable
#         S   force SJIS output overriding CHARCODE variable
#         J   force JIS (ISO-2022-JP) output overriding CHARCODE variable
#         I   force II output
#         c   force CN (Chinese BIG5,GB,HZ) input to Japanese JIS conversion
#         C   DISABLE cache
#     These rewriting can be achieved by some script commands for user
#     when they invokes the real client.  You will find `dmosaic' and
#     `go-far' script in the bin/ directory of DeleGate distribution file.

--  DEFECT --

     In this rewriting mechanism, Users of clients are forced to mind that
     they are using DeleGate.  To open something directly by specifying its
     locater like a URL, they must know the special encoding format of URL
     to use DeleGate.  When they save HTML text got via DeleGate, they should
     rewrite URLs included in it into original format.  But for the clients
     with PROXY_HTTP facility, DeleGate becomes unvisible for users and
     these defects are cancelled.  Those clients can use DeleGate for
     Proxy_httpd, or they can use DeleGate only for JIS code conversion.  


     If -P option is not specified then the standard input/output is used as
     a fixed communication channel to a client.  In this case the channel is
     called as a `DeleGate-TUNNEL' and a connection oriented DeleGate protocol
     is performed on the channel.  A TUNNEL will be used when the delegated
     is invoked from inetd, when it is connected to a non-IP communication
     channel such as a serial line, or when you need to pass through a
     protocol-filtered router using permitted protocol.


-- HTTP/DeleGate --

     A simple usage of the delgated just for HTTP clients is running it on
     your `firewall' host as Proxy-HTTP server like follows:

        firewall% delegated -P8080 SERVER=http://-/-/ RELIABLE=internal

     Then use it from your client on the `internal' host:

        internal% setenv http_proxy   http://firewall:8080/
        internal% setenv ftp_proxy    http://firewall:8080/
        internal% setenv gopher_proxy http://firewall:8080/
        internal% setenv wais_proxy   http://firewall:8080/
        internal% mosaic http://info.cern.ch/

     If a Proxy_httpd on a host `firewall' at the port 8080 is available,
     you can utilize it at `internal' host like follows:

        internal% delegated -P10080 PROXY=firewall:8080 \

     Otherwise you must run GENERALIST DeleGate on the firewall, then run
     a SPECIALIST on `internal' host which use the GENERALIST on firewall:

        firewall% delegated -P19999 RELIABLE=internal
        internal% delegated -P10080 MASTER=firewall:19999 \

     After you invoked delegated, try to use it as follows. If your WWW
     client supports Proxy:

        localhost% setenv http_proxy http://internal:10080/
        localhost% mosaic
        localhost% mosaic http://info.cern.ch/


        localhost% w3client http://internal:10080/
        localhost% w3client http://internal:10080/-_-://info.cern.ch/

     In the first example in each case, mosaic(w3client) will be connected
     to the default server specified at delegated's command line
     (in this case, www.ntt.jp).  In the second example, the server
     specified in command line (info.cern.ch) will be connected.

-- DeleGate as a HTTP origin server --

        host# delegated -P80 SERVER=http REMITTABLE=file,cgi \
                                         MOUNT="/* /path/of/root/*"

     A file with a name extensioned with ".cgi" is treated as a CGI script.
     Also you can use arbitraly name of CGI scripts under a specified
     directory like follows:

        MOUNT="/xxx/* cgi:/path/of/cgi-bin/*"

-- DeleGate as a CGI program --

     You can use DeleGate as a CGI program from a HTTP server. For example,
     specify in the ``httpd.conf'' file of your HTTP server(A) as follows.

        Exec /other/*  /path/of/cgi-delegate

     Then write the content of the file /path/of/cgi-delegate as follows:

        delegated -Fcgi MOUNT="/-* =" \
                        MOUNT="/www2/* http://www-server2/*" \
                        MOUNT="/news/* nntp://nntp-server/*"

     This will add a pseudo sub tree ``/other/'' on server(A) including 
     /other/www2/ which is a content of a HTTP server ``www-server2'', and
     /other/news/ which is a content of a NNTP server ``news-server''.

-- Gopher/DeleGate --

        firewall% delegated -P19999 RELIABLE=internal
        internal% delegated -P10070 MASTER=firewall:19999 CHARCODE=JIS\
        localhost% gopher internal 10070
        localhost% gopher -p -_-gopher://gopher.tc.umn.edu internal 10070
        localhost% gopher -p -_-=E=gopher://gopher.tc.umn.edu internal 10070

     The third example of client invocation includes `=E=' just after the
     `-_-' mark, which specifies code conversion to EUC should be done in
     the server regardless the CHARCODE value of the server.
     Note that a GENERALIST delegated can be shared among SPECIALIST
     delegateds for HTTP, Gopher and others.

-- FTP/DeleGate --

     You can pass through the firewall with your `normal' FTP client
     without SOCKSification.  Run a delegated as a `FTP-Proxy' as follows:

        filewall% delegated -P8021 SERVER=ftp RELIABLE=internal

     Then you can connect to outside FTP servers via the FTP-Proxy.
     Move to the pseudo directory `//server' then you will be connected to
     the FTP server.

        internal% ftp
        ftp> open firewall 8021
        220-- firewall PROXY-FTP server (DeleGate2.3.0) ready.
        220--  @ @
        220-- ( - ) { DeleGate2.3.0 by ysato@etl.go.jp }
        220- You can connect to a SERVER by `cd' command as:
        220- ftp> cd //SERVER
        Name (ysato:ysato): ftp
        331 Guest login ok, enter your E-mail address as password.
        Password: ysato@etl.go.jp
        230- Guest login ok, your E-mail address is <ysato@etl.go.jp>
        230- Now you can select a FTP SERVER by cd //SERVER
        ftp> cd //host1.domain1/
        220 host1.domain2 FTP server ready.
        ftp> cd //host2.domain2/
        220 host2.domain2 FTP server ready.

     NOTE: The majoriy of ftp clients on UNIX can allow to specify port
     number of FTP at command line like follows:
        internal% ftp firewall 8021

   - Cascaded FTP-Proxy -

        firewall# delegated -P21 SERVER=ftp PERMIT="ftp:*:internal"
        internal# delegated -P21 SERVER=ftp PROXY=firewall:21

     Also Wu-ftpd can be specified as a PROXY.

   - FTP MOUNT - Filtering, Merging and Aliasing

        filewall# delegated -P21 SERVER=ftp://serv1/ \
                                 MOUNT="/pub2/* ftp://serv2/pub/*" \
                                 MOUNT="/pub3/* ftp://serv3/pub/*"

     This delegated mainly relays for serv1 but replaces its /pub2/* by
     that of serv2.

   - FTP to LPR (Line Printer Daemon Protocol) gateway

        MOUNT="/*     lpr://printer0/qname0/*"
        MOUNT="/pr1/* lpr://printer1/qname1/*"
        MOUNT="/pr2/* lpr://printer2/qname2/*"

-- DeleGate as a FTP origin server --

        host# delegated -P21 SERVER=ftp MOUNT="/* /path/of/root/*"

     STOR (writing to the file) is disabled by default in this case.
     You must specify "rw" as a mount option to the MOUNT point
     which should be writable, like MOUNT="/xxx/* /yyy/* rw".

-- Telnet/DeleGate --

        firewall% delegated -P8023 SERVER=telnet RELIABLE=internal
        internal% telnet firewall 8023
        --  @ @  PROXY-TELNET server on DeleGate2.3.0 by ysato@etl.go.jp
        -- ( - ) { Enter empty host name if you won't continue. }
        Host name: ysato

        SunOS UNIX (ysato)

-- POP/DeleGate --

        firewall# delegated -P110 SERVER=pop
        external% telnet firewall pop
        +OK Proxy-POP server (DeleGate2.4.4) at firewall starting.
        USER username@servername

     USER name `username%servername' is also available.


     ``user@server' is represented as ``//server/user'' internally and
     it can be controlled by MOUNT as follows:

       MOUNT="//* ="  ... don't rewrite if a server is specified by the user
       MOUNT="*        pop://defaulthost/*"  ... specify default POP server
       MOUNT="user1    pop://host/*"  ... let pophost be server of user1
       MOUNT="//pop1/* pop://host1/*" ... hide hostname host1


       MOUNT="* nntp://nntpserver/*"
       MOUNT="ns2-* nntp://nntpserver1/* apop=password"
       MOUNT="ns3-* nntp://nntpserver2/* pass=password"

     Clients are expected to send a newsgroup name as a user name.

-- POP/HTTP gateway DeleGate --

        firewall# delegated -P80 MOUNT="/mail/* pop://mailHost/*"

     This delegated provides mailboxes in POP server (at mailHost by
     default) to HTTP clients.  Clietns accessing to "http://firewall/mail/"
     are required to enter Username and Password for POP server at mailHost
     as authorization information on HTTP.  If Username is in the form
     "user@mailHost2", not mailHost but mailHost2 is accessed as POP server.
     Each mailbox of User at Host server is named as
     "http://firewall/mail/+pop.User.Host", thus you can directly specify
     User and Host in URL.

-- NNTP/DeleGate --


        firewall# delegated -P119 SERVER=nntp://news-server/group.

     relays only newsgroups which have name pattern `group.*'.
     A list of groups can be specified for a news-server like


        firewall# delegated -P119 SERVER=nntp \
                                  MOUNT="= nntp://server1/" \
                                  MOUNT="= nntp://server2/"

     merges newsgroups on two NNTP servers.


        MOUNT="= nntp://server1/group."

     mounts groups of group.* with it original names.

        MOUNT="alias-group. nntp://server1/group."

     mounts groups of group.* with aliased names `alias-group.*'

   POP to NNTP relay

        MOUNT="= pop://user:pass@host/"

     mounts a mail spool as if it is a newsgroup named `+pop.user.host.'

-- NNTP/HTTP gateway DeleGate --

        firewall# delegated -P80 MOUNT="/net/news/* nntp://nntp-server/*"

-- DeleGate as a NNTP origin server --

   % delegated -P119 SERVER=nntp://-.-/

   Make a new newsgroup named ``NewsGroup''
     -> Make an empty file ${ETCDIR}/news/groups/NewsGroup

   Relay an existing ``/MH/folder'' as a ``NewsGroup''
     -> Make a file ${ETCDIR}/news/groups/NewsGroup with content like
        0 0 0 0 /MH/folder
       (four zeros followd by a path name of MH-folder)

-- SMTP/DeleGate --

   Aliasing and Filtering

       firewall# delegated -P25 SERVER=smtp://mail-server/ \
                                  MOUNT="foo@bar smtp://foo2@bar2" \
                                  MOUNT="* smtp://-"

       (BUG: target should be mailto:user2@bar2 ...)

-- HTTP via mail

   HTTPMAIL server

       Setup forwarding that forwards the mail to <hmserver@serverhost.domain>
       to "|delegated FUNC=hmserver".

   HTTPMAIL client

       Setup forwarding that forwards the mail to <hmrelay@yourhost.domain>
       to "|delegated FUNC=hmrelay", and 

       HostA% delegated -P8080 \

       HostA should be IP-reachable from the mail server of yourhost.domain.
       Typically HostA is the same host with yourhost.domain.
       For testing, you may use `hmserver@wall.etl.go.jp' as a server.

-- LDAP/DeleGate --

        firewall# delegated -P389 SERVER=ldap

    Specify this DeleGate server as your client's LDAP server and
    append "@host.of.ldap-server" after root directory name (i.e.
    name of baseObject for search).

-- Whois/DeleGate --

        firewall% delegated -P19999 RELIABLE=INTERNAL
        INTERNAL# delegated -P43 SERVER=whois MASTER=firewall:19999
        internal% whois -h INTERNAL whois://whois.nic.ad.jp/help

-- CU-SeeMe/DeleGate --

        firewall% delegated -P7648 SERVER=cuseeme://Reflector/ RELIABLE=INTERNAL
        INTERNAL# delegated -P7648 SERVER=cuseeme://firewall/
        internal% {use firewall or INTERNAL as a proxy-reflecter for Reflector}


     Special names `-'and `-.-', when it is used in the `host:port' part
     of URL,  means the host and port of the delegate itself.  And URL
    `http://-.-/-/' is reserved for a entry point of a control page of


     /var/spool/delegate/etc  -- persistent files mainly for configuration
     /var/spool/delegate/log  -- log files which will grow up
     /var/spool/delegate/work  -- for core dump
     /var/spool/delegate/cache  -- for cached data
     /tmp/delegate  -- volatile files which should be erased on shutdown
     $HOME/.rhosts.delegate  -- hosts permitted to invoke delegated via rsh

     See the description of DGROOT parameter for more information.

     Yutaka Sato <ysato@etl.go.jp>
     Electrotechnical Laboratory (AIST,MITI), Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, JAPAN

     COMMENT: I have clients of ftp, telnet, and whois, which support
              DeleGate and directly communicates GENERALIST.  But I think
              they are not so useful for you because you can use more neat
              proxy server for them, SOCKS.


     The latest version of DeleGate is available at the following location.
     <URL:ftp://ftp.etl.go.jp/pub/DeleGate/> in a tar+gzip format file
     named ``delegate*.tar.gz''.

Release 5.9            Last change: June 2, 1999