The GGI2D interface Thomas Tanner, $Date: 1998/02/17 10:53:35 $ This document describes the LibGGI2D, the extension library to LibGGI providing common 2D graphics primitives. 1. Introduction This is (as of 22-Jan-98) an API proposal! This is not implemented yet! While the LibGGI is meant to be very low-level and near to the graphics board, this library contains more 2. Functions to manipulate the current graphics context 2.1. General The default values of an visual are: o arc mode: GGI_ARC_PIE o poly mode: GGI_POLY_ALTERNATE o line stipple: normal line o antialiasing: no o clipping rectangle:((0,0),(width,height)) o drawcolor: white o fillcolor: black o texture: none o operator: GGI_SET o alpha: 100% 2.1.1. void ggiResetVisual(ggi_dc dc); Reset the visual to the default values (as listed above). 2.2. Clipping 2.2.1. void ggiSetClip(ggi_visual vis, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); Set the clipping rectangle to the intersection of ((x1,y1),(x2,y2)) and the current clipping rectangle. A pixel (x,y) lies inside the clipping rectangle if (x >= x1 && y >= y2 && x < x2 && y < y2). ggiSetClip(dc, x, y, x, y) disables all drawing. 2.2.2. void ggiResetClip(ggi_visual vis); Reset the clipping rectangle to default values. 2.2.3. ggi_bool ggiPointVisible(ggi_visual vis, int x, int y); Returns true if the point (x,y) lies inside the clipping rectangle. 2.2.4. ggi_bool ggiRectVisible(ggi_visual vis, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); Returns true if the rectangle ((x1,y1),(x2,y2)) intersects the clipping rectangle. 2.3. Drawing modes 2.3.1. void ggiSetArcMode(ggi_visual vis, ggi_arcmode mode); 2.3.2. ggi_arcmode ggiGetArcMode(ggi_visual vis); Set/Get the current arc mode: typedef enum { GGI_ARC_PIE, GGI_ARC_CHORD } ggi_arcmode; 2.3.3. void ggiSetPolyMode(ggi_visual vis, ggi_polymode mode); 2.3.4. ggi_polymode ggiGetPolyMode(ggi_visual vis); Set/Get the current polygon mode: typedef enum { GGI_POLY_ALTERNATE, /* alternate rule */ GGI_POLY_WINDING /* winding rule */ } ggi_polymode; 2.3.5. void ggiSetLineStipple(ggi_visual vis, uint stipple, uint count); 2.3.6. void ggiGetLineStipple(ggi_visual vis, uint *stipple, uint *count); Set/Get the current line stipple. 2.3.7. void ggiSetAntialias(ggi_visual vis, ggi_bool antialias); 2.3.8. ggi_bool ggiGetAntialias(ggi_visual vis); Set/Get the antialiasing mode. 2.4. Color and texture 2.4.1. void ggiSetDrawColor(ggi_visual vis, ggi_col color); 2.4.2. ggi_col ggiGetDrawColor(ggi_visual vis); Set/Get the current drawing color. 2.4.3. void ggiSetFillColor(ggi_visual vis, ggi_col color); 2.4.4. ggi_col ggiGetFillColor(ggi_visual vis); Set/Get the current filling color. 2.4.5. void ggiSetFillTexture(ggi_visual vis, int refx, int refy, ggi_visual texture); Set the texture and the reference point (refx,refy). The color of a drawn pixel at (x,y) is now the texel at (abs(refx-x) mod texture.width, abs(refy-y) mod texture.height). 2.4.6. ggi_visual ggiGetFillTexture(ggi_visual vis, int *refx, int *refy); Get the current texture and reference point. Returns NULL and (0,0) if no texture is set. 2.5. Drawing style 2.5.1. void ggiSetOperator(ggi_visual vis, ggi_operator operator); 2.5.2. ggi_operator ggiGetOperator(ggi_visual vis); Set/Get the current operator. typedef enum { GGI_NOOP, /* dest = dest */ GGI_INVERT, /* dest = ~dest */ GGI_SET, /* dest = src */ GGI_SET_INVERTED, /* dest = ~src */ GGI_AND, /* dest = (dest & src) */ GGI_NAND, /* dest = ~(dest & src) */ GGI_AND_REVERSE, /* dest = ~dest & src */ GGI_AND_INVERTED, /* dest = dest & ~src */ GGI_OR, /* dest = (dest | src) */ GGI_NOR, /* dest = ~(dest | src) */ GGI_OR_REVERSE, /* dest = ~dest & src */ GGI_OR_INVERTED, /* dest = dest & ~src */ GGI_XOR, /* dest = (dest ^ src) */ GGI_EQUIV, /* dest = ~(dest ^ src) */ GGI_ADD, /* dest = dest + src */ GGI_SUB /* dest = dest - src */ } ggi_operator; 2.5.3. void ggiSetAlpha(ggi_visual vis, ggi_alpha alpha); 2.5.4. ggi_alpha ggiGetAlpha(ggi_visual vis); Set/Get the current alpha value. 3. Drawing functions 3.1. Pixels 3.1.1. void ggiGetPixel(ggi_visual vis, int x, int y, ggi_col *color) Get the color of the pixel at (x,y). Returns 0 if the point lies outside the clipping rectangle. 3.1.2. void ggiPutPixel(ggi_visual vis, int x, int y, ggi_col color); 3.1.3. void ggiPutPixelA(ggi_visual vis, int x, int y, ggi_col color, ggi_alpha alpha); 3.1.4. void ggiDrawPixel(ggi_visual vis, int x, int y); 3.1.5. void ggiDrawPixelA(ggi_visual vis, int x, int y, ggi_alpha alpha); Draw a pixel at (x,y). 3.1.6. void ggiDrawPixels(ggi_visual vis, ggi_coord coords[], uint count); Draw several pixels. 3.2. Lines 3.2.1. void ggiHLine(ggi_visual vis, int x1, int x2, int y); Draw a horizontal line from (x1,y) to (x2,y). Note: This line is not stippled! 3.2.2. void ggiVLine(ggi_visual vis, int x, int y1, int y2); Draw a vertical line from (x,y1) to (x,y2). Note: This line is not stippled! 3.2.3. void ggiDrawRect(ggi_visual vis, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); 3.2.4. void ggiFillRect(ggi_visual vis, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); Draw/Fill the rectangle ((x1,y1),(x2,y2)). 3.2.5. void ggiLine(ggi_visual vis, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); 3.2.6. void ggiLinef(ggi_visual vis, ggi_float x1, ggi_float y1, ggi_float x2, ggi_float y2); Draw a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2). 3.2.7. void ggiDrawLines(ggi_visual vis, ggi_line lines[], uint count); Draw several lines. 3.3. Circles and curves 3.3.1. void ggiDrawCircle(ggi_visual vis, int x, int y, uint r); 3.3.2. void ggiFillCircle(ggi_visual vis, int x, int y, uint r); Draw/Fill a circle with radius r around (x,y). 3.3.3. void ggiDrawEllipse(ggi_visual vis, int x, int y, uint rx, uint ry); 3.3.4. void ggiFillEllipse(ggi_visual vis, int x, int y, uint rx, uint ry); Draw/Fill an ellipse with radius (rx,ry) around (x,y). 3.3.5. void ggiDrawArc(ggi_visual vis, int x, int y, uint rx, uint ry, ggi_float start, ggi_float end, ggi_bool close); Draw an arc with radius (rx,ry) around (x,y) between "start" and "end" (degree). If close is GGI_TRUE, the arc will be closed (using arcmode). 3.3.6. void ggiFillArc(ggi_visual vis, int x, int y, uint rx, uint ry, ggi_float start, ggi_float end); Fill an arc with radius (rx,ry) around (x,y) between "start" and "end" (degree). 3.3.7. void ggiBezier(ggi_visual vis, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, int x4, int y4); Draw a bezier curve. 3.4. Polygons 3.4.1. void ggiTrapezoid(ggi_visual vis, int xl1, int xr1, int y1, int xl2, int xr2, int y2); Fill a trapezoid. 3.4.2. void ggiTriangle(ggi_visual vis, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3); Fill a triangle. 3.4.3. void ggiDrawPoly(ggi_visual vis, ggi_coord coords[], uint count); 3.4.4. void ggiFillPoly(ggi_visual vis, ggi_coord coords[], uint count); Draw/Fill a polygon. 3.4.5. void ggiFillPolys(ggi_visual vis, ggi_coord coords[], uint counts[], uint count); Fill several (overlapping) polygons. 3.5. Scrolling/Blitting functions 3.5.1. void ggiScroll( ggi_visual vis, int dx, int dy, int sx, int sy, int width, int height); Copy the rectangular area ((sx,sy),(sx+width,sy+height)) to (dx,dy). 3.5.2. void ggiBlit(ggi_visual vis, int dx, int dy, ggi_visual src, int sx, int sy, int width, int height); 3.5.3. void ggiStretchBlit(ggi_visual dest, int dx, int dy, int dwidth, int dheight, ggi_visual src, int sx, int sy, int swidth, int sheight); Copy the rectangular area ((sx,sy),(sx+width,sy+height)) from "src" to (dx,dy). ggiStretchBlit() can scale the image. 3.5.4. void ggiBlitTrans(ggi_visual dest, int dx, int dy, ggi_visual src, int sx, int sy, int width, int height, ggi_col transcol); 3.5.5. void ggiStretchBlitTrans(ggi_visual dest, int dx, int dy, int dwidth, int dheight,ggi_visual src, int sx, int sy, int swidth, int sheight,ggi_col transcol); Copy the rectangular area ((sx,sy),(sx+width,sy+height)) from "src" to (dx,dy). Pixels with color "transcol" are not drawn. ggiStretchBlitTrans() can scale the image. 3.5.6. void ggiBlitOp(ggi_visual dest, int dx, int dy, ggi_visual src1, ggi_visual src2, int sx, int sy, int width, int height, ggi_operator op); 3.5.7. void ggiStretchBlitOp(ggi_visual dest, int dx, int dy, int dwidth, int dheight, ggi_visual src1, ggi_visual src2, int sx, int sy, int swidth, int sheight, ggi_operator op); Apply the operator "op" to all pixels of the rectangular areas ((sx,sy),(sx+width,sy+height)) of "src1" and "src2" and draw them only if the result is not 0. ggiStretchBlitOp() can scale the image.