Title: Iomega's REV 35 howto
Author : Ernesto Lorenz
Sources : Based on IOM RRD Tools
SME Releases Supported: 6.01, 6.5rc1
Updated : June 16, 2005
License : GPL
Problem: You need to install Iomega's REV 35 (ATAPI/USB) drive on your SME server because it's the best backup media solution ever to hit the market.
Solution: Follow the instructions given in this how-to
This how-to is based on my experience installing an Iomega REV35 ATAPI drive on SME-Server rel. 6.5rc1 and 6.01 .
You will need to download the "REV installer" and the udftools package from sourceforge.net
These packages are source and will need to be compiled, so you'll need the devtools for the SME version you run.
The needed devtools packages are: autoconf, cpp, gcc, glibc-devel, glibc-kernelheardes, kernel-source & m4.
I'm going with rel. 6.01 as 6.5rc1 is still in development and have heard that an upgrade to the final rel. 6.5 is only possible from 6.01 .
I'll need help with the rpm creation.
This page has all the information for those how like to read http://iomrrdtools.sourceforge.net/
1) Make a new directory for devtools: mkdir /root/devtools
2) Change into this directory: cd /root/devtools
- 3) Download the devtools packages needed
- wget -c
wget -chttp://mirror.contribs.org/smeserver/contribs/hpe/devtools-6.01/dev-rpms/cpp-2.96-113.i386.rpm
wget -chttp://mirror.contribs.org/smeserver/contribs/hpe/devtools-6.01/dev-rpms/gcc-2.96-113.i386.rpm
wget -chttp://mirror.contribs.org/smeserver/contribs/hpe/devtools-6.01/dev-rpms/glibc-devel-2.2.5-44.i386.rpm
wget -chttp://mirror.contribs.org/smeserver/contribs/hpe/devtools-6.01/dev-rpms/glibc-kernheaders-2.4-7.16.i386.rpm
wget -chttp://mirror.contribs.org/smeserver/contribs/hpe/devtools-6.01/dev-rpms/kernel-source-2.4.20-18.7.i386.rpm
wget -chttp://mirror.contribs.org/smeserver/contribs/hpe/devtools-6.01/dev-rpms/m4-1.4.1-7.i386.rpm
4) Install devtools: rpm -ivh --nodeps --replacepkgs *.rpm
5) Download the REV Installer:
wget -c
6) Unpack the installer:
tar -xzvf linux_2.4_rev_installer-beta-0.0.1.tar.gz
7) Copy the appropriate linux-2.4.*******.config file for your CPU (check with uname -r) from /usr/src/linux-2.4/configs/ into /usr/src/linux-2.4/.config
8) Run the REV installer:
and follow the instruction (answer the questions)
- 0 - Stock Kernel
- y - Modify /etc/modules.conf
- y - Modify /etc/fstab
If you intend to format the REF35 cartridges once in a while you will need the UDF Tools.
9) Download the udftools:
10) Unpack and compile the udftools: (needed if you intend to format the REV35 cartridges).
tar -xzvf udftools-1.0.0b3.tar.gz
cd udftools-1.0.0b3
sh configure
make install
- 11) Reboot your server
- /sbin/e-smith/signal-event reboot
IF you are using diacritics in your file names and directory names
Then I suggest you modify the fstab file entry so that the "iocharset=iso8859-1" (or some other international char set) parameter is included. It should look like this: /dev/hdb /mnt/rev udffs,iso9660 noauto,user,rw,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
Else you will get errors while saving files to the REV35 device and those files with diacritics in their names will not list or be readable.
That's it! You should have a functional REV35 ATAPI/USB device on your SME Server.