Extended Visual Information Extension Version 1.0 X Project Team Standard X Version 11, Release 6.4 Peter Daifuku Silicon Graphics, Inc. Copyright (C) 1986-1997 The Open Group All Rights Reserved Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documenta- tion files (the Software), to use the Software without restriction, including, without limitation, the rights to copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and sublicense the Software, to make, have made, license and distribute deriva- tive works thereof, and to permit persons to whom the Soft- ware is furnished to do so, subject to the following condi- tions: The above copyright notice and the following permission notice shall be included in all copies of the Software: THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON- INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER USEABILITIY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF, OR IN CONNNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OF OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to pro- mote the use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. X Window System is a trademark of The Open Group. 1. Introduction EVI (Extended Visual Information extension) allows a client to determine information about core X visuals beyond what the core protocol provides. 2. Goals As the X Window System has evolved, it has become clear that the information returned by the core X protocol regarding Visuals is often insufficient for a client to determine which is the most appropriate visual for its needs. This extension allows clients to query the X server for addi- tional visual information, specifically as regards colormaps and framebuffer levels. This extension is meant to address the needs of pure X clients only. It is specifically and purposefully not designed to address the needs of X extensions. Extensions that have an impact on visual information should provide their own mechanisms for delivering that information. For example, the Double Buffering Extension (DBE) provides its own mechanism for determining which visuals support double- buffering. 3. Requests __ | GetVersion client_major_version: CARD8 client_minor_version: CARD8 => server_major_version: CARD8 server_minor_version: CARD8 |__ If supplied, the client_major_version and client_minor_ver- sion indicate what version of the protocol the client wants the server to implement. The server version numbers returned indicate the protocol this extension actually sup- ports. This might not equal the version sent by the client. An implementation can (but need not) support more than one version simultaneously. The server_major_version and the server_minor_version are a mechanism to support future revi- sions of the EVI protocol that may be necessary. In general, the major version would increment for incompatible changes, and the minor version would increment for small upward-com- patible changes. Servers that support the protocol defined in this document will return a server_major_version of one (1), and a server_minor_version of zero (0). 1 X11 Extended Visual Information extension __ | GetVisualInfo visual_list: LISTofVISUALID => per_visual_info: LISTofVISUALINFO where: VISUALINFO: [core_visual_id: VISUALID screen: CARD8 level: INT8 transparency_type: CARD8 unused: CARD8 transparency_value: CARD32 min_hw_colormaps: CARD8 max_hw_colormaps: CARD8 num_colormap_conflicts: CARD16 colormap_conflicts: LISTofVISUALID] |__ - level is 0 for normal planes, > 0 for overlays, < 0 for underlays. - transparency_type is 0 for none, 1 for transpar- ent pixel, 2 for transparent mask. - transparency_value: value to get transparent pixel if transparency supported. - min_hw_colormaps: minimum number of hardware col- ormaps backing up the visual. - max_hw_colormaps: maximum number of hardware col- ormaps backing up the visual. (architectures with static colormap alloca- tion/reallocation would have min = max) - num_colormap_conflicts: number of elements in colormap_conflicts. - colormap_conflicts: list of visuals that may con- flict with this one. For example, if a 12-bit colormap is overloaded to sup- port 8-bit visuals, the 8-bit visuals would conflict with the 12-bit visu- als. 4. Events and Errors No new events or errors are defined by this extension. 2 X11 Extended Visual Information extension 5. Changes to existing protocol. None. 6. Encoding The name of this extension is "Extended-Visual-Information". The conventions used here are the same as those for the core X11 Protocol Encoding. GetVersion 1 CARD8 opcode 1 0 EVI opcode 2 2 request length 2 CARD16 client_major_version 2 CARD16 client_minor_version => 1 1 reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 length 2 CARD16 server_major_version 2 CARD16 server_minor_version 20 unused GetVisualInfo 1 CARD8 opcode 1 1 EVI opcode 2 2+n request length 4 CARD32 n_visual 4n CARD32 visual_ids => 1 1 reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 n length 4 CARD32 n_info 4 CARD32 n_conflicts 16 unused 16n LISTofVISUALINFOitems VISUALINFO 4 VisualID core_visual_id 3 X11 Extended Visual Information extension 1 INT8 screen 1 INT8 level 1 CARD8 transparency_type 1 CARD8 unused 4 CARD32 transparency_value 1 CARD8 min_hw_colormaps 1 CARD8 max_hw_colormaps 2 CARD16 num_colormap_conflicts 7. C Language Binding The C functions provide direct access to the protocol and add no additional semantics. For complete details on the effects of these functions, refer to the appropriate proto- col request, which can be derived by deleting Xevi at the start of the function. All functions that have return type Status will return nonzero for success and zero for failure. The include file for this extension is: <X11/extensions/XEVI.h>. __ | BoolXeviQueryVersion( Display *display, int *major_version_return, int *minor_version_return) |__ display Specifies the connection to the X server. major_version_return Returns the major version supported by the server. minor_version_return Returns the minor version supported by the server. XeviQueryVersion sets major_version_return and minor_ver- sion_return to the major and minor EVI protocol version sup- ported by the server. If the EVI library is compatible with the version returned by the server, it returns nonzero. If dpy does not support the EVI extension, or if there was an error during communication with the server, or if the server and library protocol versions are incompatible, it returns zero. No other Xevi functions may be called before this function. If a client violates this rule, the effects of all subsequent Xevi calls that it makes are undefined. To get the extended information for any subset of visuals use XeviGetVisualInfo. 4 X11 Extended Visual Information extension __ | intXeviGetVisualInfo( Display *display, VisualID *visual, int n_visual, ExtendedVisualInfo **evi_return, int *n_info_return) |__ display Specifies the connection to the X server. visual If NULL, then information for all visuals of all screens is returned. Otherwise, a pointer to a list of visuals for which extended visual informa- tion is desired. n_visual If 0, then information for all visuals of all screens is returned. Otherwise, the number of ele- ments in the array visual. evi_return Returns a pointer to a list of ExtendedVisualInfo. When done, the client should free the list using XFree. n_info_return Returns the number of elements in the list of ExtendedVisualInfo. XeviGetVisualInfo returns a list of ExtendedVisualInfo structures that describe visual information beyond that sup- ported by the core protocol. This includes layer information relevant for systems supporting overlays and/or underlay planes, and information that allows applications better to determine the level of hardware support for multiple col- ormaps. XeviGetVisualInfo returns Success if successful, or an X error otherwise. 5