Source: ../../pim/pim_mrib_table.hh

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2005 International Computer Science Institute
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// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
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// $XORP: xorp/pim/pim_mrib_table.hh,v 1.10 2005/08/18 15:38:47 bms Exp $


// PIM Multicast Routing Information Base Table header file.

#include <list>

#include "libxorp/timer.hh"
#include "mrt/mrib_table.hh"

// Constants definitions

// Structures/classes, typedefs and macros

class IPvXNet;
class PimMrt;
class PimNode;

// PIM-specific Multicast Routing Information Base Table

 * @short PIM-specific Multicast Routing Information Base Table
class PimMribTable : public MribTable {
     * Constructor.
     * @param pim_node the PimNode this table belongs to.
    PimMribTable(PimNode& pim_node);

     * Destructor.
    virtual ~PimMribTable();
    // Redirection functions (to the pim_node)    

     * Get the PimNode this table belongs to.
     * @return the PimNode this table belongs to.
     * @see PimTable.
    PimNode&	pim_node() const { return (_pim_node);			}

     * Get the address family.
     * @return the address family (AF_INET or AF_INET6 for
     * IPv4 and IPv6 respectively).
    int		family();

     * Get the corresponding PIM Multicast Routing Table.
     * @return the corresponding PIM Multicast Routing Table.
     * @see PimMrt.
    PimMrt&	pim_mrt();

     * Clear the table by removing all entries.
    void	clear();

     * Search the table and find the corresponding Mrib entry for a given
     * destination address.
     * @param address the destination address to search for.
     * @return the Mrib entry for the destination address.
     * @see Mrib.
    Mrib	*find(const IPvX& address) const;
     * Add a MRIB entry to the MRIB table.
     * Note that if the MRIB entry is for one of my own addresses, then we
     * check the next-hop interface. If it points toward the loopback
     * interface (e.g., in case of KAME IPv6 stack), then we overwrite it
     * with the network interface this address belongs to.
     * @param tid the transaction ID.
     * @param mrib the MRIB entry to add.
     * @param next_hop_vif_name the next-hop vif name. It is used for
     * later resolving of Mrib::_next_hop_vif_index if the vif name
     * is not known yet.
     * @see Mrib.
    void	add_pending_insert(uint32_t tid, const Mrib& mrib,
				   const string& next_hop_vif_name);

     * Remove a MRIB entry from the MRIB table.
     * @param tid the transaction ID.
     * @param mrib the MRIB entry to remove.
    void	add_pending_remove(uint32_t tid, const Mrib& mrib);

     * Remove all MRIB entries from the MRIB table.
     * @param tid the transaction ID.
    void	add_pending_remove_all_entries(uint32_t tid);

     * Commit all pending MRIB entries to the MRIB table.
     * @param tid the transaction ID for the pending MRIB entries to commit.
    void	commit_pending_transactions(uint32_t tid);
     * Apply all changes to the table.
     * Note that this may trigger various changes to the PIM protocol state
     * machines.
    void	apply_mrib_changes();
     * Get the list of modified prefixes since the last commit.
     * @return the list of modified prefixes since the last commit.
    list<IPvXNet>& modified_prefix_list() { return (_modified_prefix_list); }

     * Resolve all destination prefixes whose next-hop vif name was not
     * resolved earlier (e.g., the vif was unknown).
     * @param next_hop_vif_name the name of the resolved vif.
     * @param next_hop_vif_index the index of the resolved vif.
    void	resolve_prefixes_by_vif_name(const string& next_hop_vif_name,
					     uint32_t next_hop_vif_index);

    PimNode&	_pim_node;		// The PIM node this table belongs to.
     * Add/merge a modified prefix to the '_modified_prefix_list'.
    void	add_modified_prefix(const IPvXNet& modified_prefix);

     * Add a destination prefix whose next-hop vif name was not resolved
     * (e.g., the vif is unknown).
    void	add_unresolved_prefix(const IPvXNet& dest_prefix,
				      const string& next_hop_vif_name);

     * Delete a destination prefix whose next-hop vif name was not resolved
     * earlier (e.g., the vif was unknown).
    void	delete_unresolved_prefix(const IPvXNet& dest_prefix);

    // The merged and enlarged list of modified prefixes that need
    // to be applied to the PimMrt.
    list<IPvXNet> _modified_prefix_list;

    // The map of unresolved prefixes whose next-hop vif name was not resolved
    map<IPvXNet, string> _unresolved_prefixes;

#endif // __PIM_PIM_MRIB_TABLE_HH__

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