Source: ../../rip/route_db.hh

Annotated List
// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-

// Copyright (c) 2001-2003 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
// preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright
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// The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
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// $XORP: xorp/rip/route_db.hh,v 1.12 2003/08/01 16:32:54 hodson Exp $

#ifndef __RIP_ROUTE_DB_HH__
#define __RIP_ROUTE_DB_HH__

#include "config.h"
#include <map>

#include "libxorp/ref_ptr.hh"
#include "libxorp/trie.hh"
#include "route_entry.hh"

class EventLoop;

template <typename A>
class UpdateQueue;

template <typename A>
class PacketRouteEntry;

template <typename A>
class RouteWalker;

 * @short A network comparitor class for the purposes of ordering
 * networks in sorted containers.
template <typename A>
struct NetCmp {
    typedef IPNet<A> Net;
    bool operator() (const Net& l, const Net& r) const;

 * @short Class that manages routes.
 * The RouteDB class holds routes and manages their updates.
 * Successful updates are placed in the update queue contained within
 * the RouteDB instance.  The UpdateQueue is used for generating
 * triggered update messages.
 * The @ref RouteWalker class provides a way to walk the routes held.
template <typename A>
class RouteDB {
    typedef A					Addr;
    typedef IPNet<A> 				Net;
    typedef RouteEntry<A>			Route;
    typedef RouteEntryOrigin<A>			RouteOrigin;
    typedef RouteEntryRef<A>			DBRouteEntry;
    typedef RouteEntryRef<A>			ConstDBRouteEntry;
    typedef PacketRouteEntry<A>			PacketizedRoute;
    typedef map<Net, DBRouteEntry, NetCmp<A> >	RouteContainer;

    RouteDB(EventLoop& e);

     * Update Route Entry in database for specified route.
     * If the route does not exist or the values provided differ from the
     * existing route, then an update is placed in the update queue.
     * @param net the network route being updated.
     * @param nexthop the corresponding nexthop address.
     * @param cost the corresponding metric value as received from the
     *	      route originator.
     * @param tag the corresponding route tag.
     * @param origin the route originator proposing update.
     * @return true if an update occurs, false otherwise.
    bool update_route(const Net&   net,
		      const Addr&  nexthop,
		      uint32_t	   cost,
		      uint32_t	   tag,
		      RouteOrigin* origin);

     * Flatten route entry collection into a Vector.
     * @param routes vector where routes are to be appended.
    void dump_routes(vector<ConstDBRouteEntry>& routes);

     * Flush routes.
    void flush_routes();

     * @return count of routes in database.
    uint32_t route_count() const;

     * @return pointer to route entry if it exists, 0 otherwise.
    const Route* find_route(const Net& n) const;

     * Accessor.
     * @return reference to UpdateQueue.
    UpdateQueue<A>& update_queue();

     * Accessor.
     * @return const reference to UpdateQueue.
    const UpdateQueue<A>& update_queue() const;

    inline EventLoop& eventloop() 			{ return _eventloop; }

    RouteDB(const RouteDB&);			// not implemented
    RouteDB& operator=(const RouteDB&);		// not implemented

    void expire_route(Route* r);
    void set_expiry_timer(Route* r);

    void delete_route(Route* r);
    void set_deletion_timer(Route* r);

    RouteContainer& routes();

    EventLoop&		_eventloop;
    RouteContainer	_routes;
    UpdateQueue<A>*	_uq;

    friend class RouteWalker<A>;

 * @short Asynchronous RouteDB walker.
 * The RouteWalker class walks the routes in a RouteDB.  It assumes
 * the walking is broken up into a number of shorter walks, and that
 * each short walk is triggered from a XorpTimer.  The end of a short
 * walk causes state to saved and is signalled using the pause()
 * method.  When the next short walk is ready to start, resume()
 * should be called.  These calls save and resume state are relatively
 * expensive.
template <typename A>
class RouteWalker
    typedef A			  		Addr;
    typedef IPNet<A>		  		Net;
    typedef typename RouteDB<A>::RouteContainer	RouteContainer;
    typedef typename RouteDB<A>::Route		Route;

    enum State { RUNNING, PAUSED };

    RouteWalker(RouteDB<A>& route_db);


     * @return current state of instance.
    inline State state() const			{ return _state; }

     * Move iterator to next available route.
     * @return true on success, false if route not available or instance is
     *         not in the RUNNING state.
    const Route* next_route();

     * Get current route.
     * @return pointer to route if available, 0 if route not available or
     *	       not in RUNNING state.
    const Route* current_route();

     * Pause route walking operation.  The instance state is
     * transitioned from RUNNING to PAUSED on the assumption that
     * route walking will be resumed at some point in the future (@ref
     * resume).  If the current route has a deletion timer associated
     * with it that would expire within pause_ms, the timer expiry is
     * pushed back so it will expire at a time after the expected
     * resume time.  Thus in most cases a walk can safely resume from
     * where it was paused.
     * @param pause_ms the expected time before resume is called.
    void pause(uint32_t pause_ms);

     * Resume route walking.  The instance state is transitioned from
     * PAUSED to RUNNING.  The internal iterator is checked for validity and
     * recovery steps taken should the route pointed to have been deleted.
    void resume();

     * Effect a reset.  The internal iterator is moved to the first
     * stored route and the state is set to RUNNING.
    void reset();

    RouteWalker(const RouteWalker&);				// Not impl
    RouteWalker& operator=(const RouteWalker&);			// Not impl

    static const Net NO_NET;

    RouteDB<A>& _route_db;	// RouteDB to be walked.
    State	_state;		// Current state (RUNNING/PAUSED).
    Net		_last_visited;	// Last route output before entering PAUSED.
    				// if set to RouteWalker::no_net there was
    				// no valid route when paused.
    typename RouteContainer::iterator _pos;	// Current route when RUNNING.

#endif // __RIP_ROUTE_DB_HH__

Generated by: pavlin on on Thu Nov 6 23:47:08 2003, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP.