Source: ../../fea/ifconfig_set.hh
// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
// Copyright (c) 2001-2003 International Computer Science Institute
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// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
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// $XORP: xorp/fea/ifconfig_set.hh,v 1.10 2003/10/24 00:02:23 hodson Exp $
class IfConfig;
class IfTree;
class IfTreeInterface;
class IfTreeVif;
class IfTreeAddr4;
class IfTreeAddr6;
class IfConfigSet {
IfConfigSet(IfConfig& ifc);
virtual ~IfConfigSet();
IfConfig& ifc() { return _ifc; }
virtual void register_ifc();
* Start operation.
* @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
virtual int start() = 0;
* Stop operation.
* @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
virtual int stop() = 0;
* Push the network interface configuration into the underlying system.
* @param config the interface tree configuration to push.
* @return true on success, otherwise false.
virtual bool push_config(const IfTree& config);
* Set the interface MAC address.
* @param ifname the interface name.
* @param if_index the interface index.
* @param ether_addr the Ethernet MAC address to set.
* @param reason the human-readable reason for any failure.
* @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
virtual int set_interface_mac_address(const string& ifname,
uint16_t if_index,
const struct ether_addr& ether_addr,
string& reason) = 0;
* Set the interface MTU address.
* @param ifname the interface name.
* @param if_index the interface index.
* @param mtu the MTU to set.
* @param reason the human-readable reason for any failure.
* @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
virtual int set_interface_mtu(const string& ifname,
uint16_t if_index,
uint32_t mtu,
string& reason) = 0;
* Set the interface flags.
* @param ifname the interface name.
* @param if_index the interface index.
* @param flags the flags to set.
* @param reason the human-readable reason for any failure.
* @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
virtual int set_interface_flags(const string& ifname,
uint16_t if_index,
uint32_t flags,
string& reason) = 0;
* Set an address on an interface.
* @param ifname the interface name.
* @param if_index the interface index.
* @param is_broadcast true if @ref dst_or_bcast is a broadcast address.
* @param is_p2p true if dst_or_bcast is a destination/peer address.
* @param addr the address to set.
* @param dst_or_bcast the broadcast or the destination/peer address.
* @param prefix_len the prefix length of the subnet mask.
* @param reason the human-readable reason for any failure.
* @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
virtual int set_vif_address(const string& ifname,
uint16_t if_index,
bool is_broadcast,
bool is_p2p,
const IPvX& addr,
const IPvX& dst_or_bcast,
uint32_t prefix_len,
string& reason) = 0;
* Delete an address from an interface.
* @param ifname the interface name.
* @param if_index the interface index.
* @param addr the address to delete.
* @param prefix_len the prefix length of the subnet mask.
* @param reason the human-readable reason for any failure.
* @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
virtual int delete_vif_address(const string& ifname,
uint16_t if_index,
const IPvX& addr,
uint32_t prefix_len,
string& reason) = 0;
void push_interface(const IfTreeInterface& i);
void push_vif(const IfTreeInterface& i, const IfTreeVif& v);
void push_vif_address(const IfTreeInterface& i, const IfTreeVif& v,
const IfTreeAddr4& a);
void push_vif_address(const IfTreeInterface& i, const IfTreeVif& v,
const IfTreeAddr6& a);
IfConfig& _ifc;
class IfConfigSetDummy : public IfConfigSet {
IfConfigSetDummy(IfConfig& ifc);
virtual ~IfConfigSetDummy();
* Start operation.
* @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
virtual int start();
* Stop operation.
* @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
virtual int stop();
* Push the network interface configuration into the underlying system.
* @param config the interface tree configuration to push.
* @return true on success, otherwise false.
virtual bool push_config(const IfTree& config);
virtual int set_interface_mac_address(const string& ifname,
uint16_t if_index,
const struct ether_addr& ether_addr,
string& reason);
virtual int set_interface_mtu(const string& ifname,
uint16_t if_index,
uint32_t mtu,
string& reason);
virtual int set_interface_flags(const string& ifname,
uint16_t if_index,
uint32_t flags,
string& reason);
virtual int set_vif_address(const string& ifname,
uint16_t if_index,
bool is_broadcast,
bool is_p2p,
const IPvX& addr,
const IPvX& dst_or_bcast,
uint32_t prefix_len,
string& reason);
virtual int delete_vif_address(const string& ifname,
uint16_t if_index,
const IPvX& addr,
uint32_t prefix_len,
string& reason);
class IfConfigSetIoctl : public IfConfigSet {
IfConfigSetIoctl(IfConfig& ifc);
virtual ~IfConfigSetIoctl();
* Start operation.
* @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
virtual int start();
* Stop operation.
* @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
virtual int stop();
virtual int set_interface_mac_address(const string& ifname,
uint16_t if_index,
const struct ether_addr& ether_addr,
string& reason);
virtual int set_interface_mtu(const string& ifname,
uint16_t if_index,
uint32_t mtu,
string& reason);
virtual int set_interface_flags(const string& ifname,
uint16_t if_index,
uint32_t flags,
string& reason);
virtual int set_vif_address(const string& ifname,
uint16_t if_index,
bool is_broadcast,
bool is_p2p,
const IPvX& addr,
const IPvX& dst_or_bcast,
uint32_t prefix_len,
string& reason);
virtual int delete_vif_address(const string& ifname,
uint16_t if_index,
const IPvX& addr,
uint32_t prefix_len,
string& reason);
virtual int set_vif_address4(const string& ifname,
uint16_t if_index,
bool is_broadcast,
bool is_p2p,
const IPvX& addr,
const IPvX& dst_or_bcast,
uint32_t prefix_len,
string& reason);
virtual int set_vif_address6(const string& ifname,
uint16_t if_index,
bool is_p2p,
const IPvX& addr,
const IPvX& dst,
uint32_t prefix_len,
string& reason);
int _s4;
int _s6;
class IfConfigSetNetlink : public IfConfigSet,
public NetlinkSocket4,
public NetlinkSocket6 {
IfConfigSetNetlink(IfConfig& ifc);
virtual ~IfConfigSetNetlink();
* Start operation.
* @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
virtual int start();
* Stop operation.
* @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
virtual int stop();
virtual int set_interface_mac_address(const string& ifname,
uint16_t if_index,
const struct ether_addr& ether_addr,
string& reason);
virtual int set_interface_mtu(const string& ifname,
uint16_t if_index,
uint32_t mtu,
string& reason);
virtual int set_interface_flags(const string& ifname,
uint16_t if_index,
uint32_t flags,
string& reason);
virtual int set_vif_address(const string& ifname,
uint16_t if_index,
bool is_broadcast,
bool is_p2p,
const IPvX& addr,
const IPvX& dst_or_bcast,
uint32_t prefix_len,
string& reason);
virtual int delete_vif_address(const string& ifname,
uint16_t if_index,
const IPvX& addr,
uint32_t prefix_len,
string& reason);
NetlinkSocketReader _ns_reader;
#endif // __FEA_IFCONFIG_SET_HH__
Generated by: pavlin on on Thu Nov 6 23:46:57 2003, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP. |