Source: ../../libxipc/finder-transport.hh

Annotated List
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// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
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// $XORP: xorp/libxipc/finder-transport.hh,v 2002/12/11 23:56:03 hodson Exp $


#include <list>

#include "libxorp/eventloop.hh"
#include "libxorp/callback.hh"
#include "finder-msg.hh"

 * Base class for FinderMessage transport systems.
class FinderTransport {

    typedef ref_ptr<FinderTransport> RefPtr;

     * Type of callback to be invoked when a FinderMessage arrives.
     * The callback is invoked with the string representation of the
     * FinderMessage (as much information as can be gleaned from the
     * static FinderParser methods - FinderTransport is independent of
     * Parser).  
    typedef XorpCallback2<void, const FinderTransport&, const string&>::RefPtr ACallback;

     * Type of callback to be invoked when a FinderMessage has been sent.
    typedef XorpCallback2<void, 
	const FinderTransport&, 
	const FinderMessage::RefPtr&>::RefPtr DCallback;

     * Type of callback to be invoked when the underlying transport fails
     * catastrophically.
    typedef XorpCallback1<void, const FinderTransport&>::RefPtr FCallback;

     * Constructor
     * @param arrive_cb callback to be invoked when a FinderMessage arrives.
     * @param depart_cb callback to be invoked when a FinderMessage has been
     * successfully written.
     * @param failure_cb callback to be invoked with underlying transport
     * mechanism fails.  
     * @param hmac @ref HMAC object to be used to sign messages.
    FinderTransport(const ACallback& arrive_cb = callback(no_arrival_callback), 
		    const DCallback& departure_cb = callback(no_departure_callback),
		    const FCallback& failure_cb = callback(no_failure_callback),
		    const HMAC* hmac = 0) 
	: _acb(arrive_cb), _dcb(departure_cb), _fcb(failure_cb), _hmac(NULL)

    virtual ~FinderTransport()

     * Install a HMAC object for use when sending messages.
    inline void set_hmac(const HMAC* hmac) {
	if (_hmac) delete _hmac;
	_hmac = hmac ? hmac->clone() : 0;

     * Set arrival callback.
    inline void set_arrival_callback(const ACallback& acb)	{ _acb = acb; }

     * Set departure callback.
    inline void set_departure_callback(const DCallback& dcb)	{ _dcb = dcb; }

     * Set failure callback.
    inline void set_failure_callback(const FCallback& fcb)	{ _fcb = fcb; }

     * Check if all the requisite event callbacks have been set.  The
     * transport cannot function correctly without the callbacks being set.
     * @return true if arrival, departure, and failure callbacks have
     * been set (with set_arrival_callback, set_departure_callback,
     * set_failure_callback, or via constructor).
    inline bool callbacks_set() const {
	return _acb != callback(no_arrival_callback)   && 
	       _dcb != callback(no_departure_callback) &&
	       _fcb != callback(no_failure_callback);

     * Place FinderMessage on outbound message queue.
     * @param m refpointer to the FinderMessage to be sent.
     * @param dcb callback to be invoked when message successfully written.
     * @return sequence number assigned to message.
    inline uint32_t write(const FinderMessage::RefPtr& m) {
	return m->seqno();

     * Examine installed hmac.
     * @return pointer HMAC if used, 0 otherwise.
    inline const HMAC* hmac() const {
	return _hmac;

     * Method to be implemented by sub-classes to push-start 
     * departures.
    virtual void push_departures() = 0;
     * Method that transport implementations call when a message
     * arrives.  
    inline void announce_arrival(const string& s) {
	_acb->dispatch(*this, s);

     * Method that transport implementations call when a message departs.
     * Notifies client via departure callback that message has been
     * sent and removes message state.
    inline void announce_departure(const FinderMessage::RefPtr& m) {
	assert(_departures.front() == m);
	_dcb->dispatch(*this, m);

     * @return message at head of departure list.
    inline const FinderMessage::RefPtr departure_head() const {
	return _departures.front();

    inline const int departures_waiting() const {
	return _departures.size();

     * Method transport implmentations call when transport fails.
    inline void fail() const {

     * Callback function invoked when no user specified arrival callback
     * provided.
    static void no_arrival_callback(const FinderTransport&,
				    const string&);

     * Callback function invoked when no user specified departure callback
     * provided.
    static void no_departure_callback(const FinderTransport&, 
				      const FinderMessage::RefPtr&);

     * Callback function invoked when no user specified failure callback
     * provided.
    static void no_failure_callback(const FinderTransport&);

    ACallback			_acb;		// arrival callback
    DCallback			_dcb;		// departure callback
    FCallback			_fcb;		// failure callback
    list<FinderMessage::RefPtr>	_departures;	// departure list
    uint32_t			_dseq;		// departure sequence number
    HMAC*			_hmac;		// message hmac'er

 * Base class for FinderTransport server factories.
class FinderTransportServerFactory {
     * Callback object type.  Callback takes a pointer to the newly
     * created FinderTransport object as an argument. 
    typedef XorpCallback1<void, FinderTransport::RefPtr&>::RefPtr ConnectCallback;

     * Constructor
     * @param cb callback to be invoked when a new FinderTransport
     * object is instantiated by the factory.  The instantiation
     * callback MUST add arrival, departure, and failure callbacks
     * to the FinderTransport object passed.
    FinderTransportServerFactory(const ConnectCallback& cb) :
	_connect_cb(cb) {}

     * Destructor
    virtual ~FinderTransportServerFactory() {}

    ConnectCallback		_connect_cb;	

     * Called by derived classed when a FinderTransport is created.
    inline void announce_connect(FinderTransport::RefPtr& ftr) {
	// Create a ref_ptr to object so if user does create copy
	// of ref_ptr(new_ft) then it is automatically deleted here.


 * Factory class for FinderTransport objects on a server.  
class FinderTcpServerFactory : public FinderTransportServerFactory {

    struct BadPort : public XorpReasonedException {
	BadPort(const char* file, size_t line, const string& why = "") :
	    XorpReasonedException("BadPort", file, line, why) {}

     * Constructor
     * @param e EventLoop used by system.
     * @param port Port to listen for incoming connections on.
     * @param Callback object to invoke when connection arrives.
    FinderTcpServerFactory(EventLoop&				e, 
			   int					port, 
			   const ConnectCallback&		cb)
	throw (BadPort); 

     * Destructor

     * Not Implemented.
    FinderTcpServerFactory(const FinderTcpServerFactory&);

     * Not Implemented.
    FinderTcpServerFactory& operator=(const FinderTcpServerFactory&);

    EventLoop&	_event_loop;
    int		_fd;

    void connect(int fd, SelectorMask m);

    inline EventLoop& eventloop() const
	return _event_loop;

 * Base class for FinderTransport client factories.  Client factories
 * are asynchronous objects that attempt to create a FinderTransport
 * instance when run() is called.  They continue to in the attempt
 * until a FinderTransport instance is successfully instantiated.  At
 * which point they invoke the ConnectCallback and stop future attempts.
class FinderTransportClientFactory {
    virtual ~FinderTransportClientFactory() {}

     * Callback object type.  Callback takes a pointer to the newly
     * created FinderTransport object as an argument. 
    XorpCallback1<void, FinderTransport::RefPtr&>::RefPtr ConnectCallback;

     * Repeatedly attempt to instantiate a FinderTransport and call 
     * ConnectCallback upon success.  Ceases to attempt to instantiate
     * FinderTransport when success achieved.  It is an error to call
     * run() if factory is already running.
    virtual void run(const ConnectCallback& cb) = 0;

     * @return whether factory is attempting to instantiate a transport.
    virtual bool running() const = 0;
     * Force factory to stop try to instantiate FinderTransport.
    virtual void stop() = 0;

class FinderTcpClientFactory : public FinderTransportClientFactory {
    struct BadDest : public XorpReasonedException {
	BadDest(const char* file, size_t line, const string& why = "") :
	    XorpReasonedException("BadDest", file, line, why) {}

    FinderTcpClientFactory(EventLoop& e, 
			   const char* addr = "localhost", 
			   int port = FINDER_TCP_DEFAULT_PORT) throw (BadDest);

    void run(const ConnectCallback& cb);
    bool running() const;
    void stop();

    EventLoop&	_e;
    const char*	_addr;
    int		_port;

    XorpTimer		_connect_timer;
    ConnectCallback	_connect_cb;
    bool connect();


Generated by: pavlin on on Wed Dec 11 16:50:42 2002, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP.