Source: ../../bgp/next_hop_resolver.hh

Annotated List
// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-

// Copyright (c) 2001,2002 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
// preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright
// holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission.
// The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
// notice is a summary of the XORP LICENSE file; the license in that file is
// legally binding.

// $XORP: xorp/bgp/next_hop_resolver.hh,v 2002/12/11 23:55:49 hodson Exp $


#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <deque>

#include "libxorp/ipv4.hh"
#include "libxorp/ipv6.hh"
#include "libxorp/ipnet.hh"
#include "libxorp/trie.hh"
#include "xrl/targets/ribclient_base.hh"
#include "libxipc/xrlstdrouter.hh"
#include "xrl/interfaces/rib_xif.hh"

template<class A> class BGPNhLookupTable;
template<class A> class NextHopCache;
template<class A> class NextHopResolver;
template<class A> class NextHopRibRequest;
template<class A> class BGPDecisionTable;
template<class A> class NHRequest;

* Next hop resolvability and IGP distances are accessed through this class.
* Next hop resolvability and IGP distances are retrieved from the RIB
* and cached here in BGP. This retrieval process implicitly registers
* interest with the RIB regarding these next hops. Thus any changes in
* these next hops is signalled by the RIB to BGP via callbacks.
* If the state of a next hop changes (resolvable/unresolvable), or an
* IGP distance changes, then it is possible that a new route may now
* win the decision process. The decision process must therefore be
* re-run for all routes that are affected by a next hop change. This
* re-run of the decision process is achieved calling
* "igp_nexthop_changed" on the decision process.
* What questions can be asked about next hops? Is a next hop
* resolvable and if it is, what is the IGP distance.
* To answer questions about next hops three interfaces are supported:
* 1) An asynchronous interface that registers a callback which will be
* called when a response becomes available. For use by the (next
* hop) route table before decision. By the time a route gets to
* decision it *must* be known if the route is resolvable.
* 2) A synchronous interface for use by decision. It is a fatal error
* if this interface is called and the next hop is not in the
* cache. As by the time decision is called the cache should have been
* populated by use of the asynchronous interface.
* 3) A synchronous debugging interface.
* Cache maintainance:
* Every stored SubnetRoute in every rib in has a next hop. Every
* unique next hop has an entry in the cache. If a next hop lookup
* through the asynchronous interface causes a cache miss then an entry
* is created with a reference count of 1. Subsequent lookups through
* the next hop interface will cause the reference count to be
* incremented by 1. An interface to increase the reference count by
* more than one also exists. All route deletions should explicitly
* call a routine in here to decrement the reference count.
template<class A>
class NextHopResolver {
    NextHopResolver(XrlStdRouter *xrl_router);

    virtual ~NextHopResolver();

     * Add decision.
     * Pass a pointer to the decision table into the next hop
     * resolver. This pointer is used to notify the decision table
     * when a next hop metric changes.
     * @param decision Pointer to the decision table.
    void add_decision(BGPDecisionTable<A> *decision);

    * Set the rib's name, allows for having a dummy rib or not having
    * a RIB at all.
    bool register_ribname(const string& r);

     * Register interest in this nexthop.
     * @param nexthop Nexthop.
     * @param net The net that is associated with this
     * nexthop. Treated as an opaque id.
     * @requester Once the registration with the RIB suceeds the
     * requester is called back.
     * @return True if the registration succeed.
    virtual bool register_nexthop(A nexthop, IPNet<A> net,
				  BGPNhLookupTable<A> *requester);

     * De-Register interest in this nexthop.
     * @param nexthop Nexthop.
     * @param net The net that is associated with this
     * nexthop. Treated as an opaque id.
     * @requester Original requester, not used.
     * @return True if the registration succeed.
    virtual void deregister_nexthop(A nexthop, IPNet<A> net,
				    BGPNhLookupTable<A> *requester);

     * Lookup next hop.
     * If a "register_nexthop" request has been made and callback has
     * taken place via the "requester" pointer, then the lookup is
     * guaranteed to work.
     * @param nexthop Next hop.
     * @param resolvable Is this route resolvable.
     * @param metric If this route is resolvable the metric of this
     * route.
     * @return True if this next hop is found.
    virtual bool lookup(const A nexthop, bool& resolvable,
			uint32_t& metric) const;

     * Call from the RIB to notify us that a metric has changed.
    bool rib_client_route_info_changed(const A& addr,
				       const uint32_t& real_prefix,
				       const A& nexthop,
				       const uint32_t& metric);

     * Call from the RIB to notify us that any registrations with this
     * address and prefix are now invalid.
    bool rib_client_route_info_invalid(const A&	addr,
				       const uint32_t&	prefix);

     * Next hop changed.
     * Whenever a next hop changes this method should be called and
     * the change will be rippled up to the decision process.
     * @param nexthop The next hop that has changed.
    void next_hop_changed(A nexthop);
    BGPDecisionTable<A> *_decision;
    string _ribname;	// RIB name to use in XRL calls
    XrlStdRouter *_xrl_router;
    NextHopCache<A> _next_hop_cache;
    NextHopRibRequest<A> _next_hop_rib_request;

 * A cache of next hop information.
 * BGP requires information regarding resolvabilty and metrics for
 * next hops. This information is known by the RIB. Questions are
 * asked of the RIB and the results are cached here. The RIB notes
 * that questions have been asked and if the state of a next hop
 * changes then this is reported back to BGP. In order to save space the
 * RIB does not record information about each next hop but returns an
 * address/prefix range for which the answer is valid.
 * Not only can the RIB report changes but can also report that a
 * previous entry is totally invalid. In the case that an entry is
 * invalid all the next hops need to be re-requested.
template<class A>
class NextHopCache {

     * Add an entry to our next hop table.
     * @param addr Base address.
     * @param nexthop Next hop that is being added to the trie.
     * @param prefix The prefix that is masked with the nexhop.
     * @param real_prefix The actual prefix that this next hop
     * resolves too. This is only used to match with upcalls from the
     * RIB.
     * @param resolvable Is this route resolvable.
     * @param metric If this route is resolvable its metric.
    void add_entry(A addr, A nexthop, int prefix, int real_prefix,
		   bool resolvable, uint32_t metric = 0);

     * Validate an entry.
     * add_entry creates an entry with no nexthop references. The
     * assumption is that a register_nexthop will follow shortly after
     * initial creation. It is possible due to a deregister_nexthop
     * coming in while we are waiting for a response from the RIB that
     * the register_nexthop never happens. This method checks that the
     * specified entry is referenced and if it isn't it is deleted.
     * @param addr Base address.
     * @param nexthop Next hop that is being added to the trie.
     * @param prefix The prefix that is masked with the nexhop.
     * @param real_prefix The actual prefix that this next hop
     * @return true if the entry is in use.
    bool validate_entry(A addr, A nexthop, int prefix, int real_prefix);

     * Change an entry in the next hop table.
     * @param addr The base address.
     * @param real_prefix The actual prefix that this next hop
     * resolves too. This is only used to match with upcalls from the
     * RIB.
     * @param metric If this route is resolvable its metric.
     * @return The map of next hops with reference counts that were
     * covered by this entry.
    map <A, int> change_entry(A addr, int real_prefix, uint32_t metric);

     * Delete an entry from the nexthop table.
     * It is a fatal error to attempt to delete an entry that doesn't
     * exist.
     * @param addr Base address that is being removed from the trie.
     * @param prefix The prefix.
     * @return The map of next hops with reference counts that were
     * covered by this entry.
    map <A, int> delete_entry(A addr, int prefix);

     * Lookup by base address
     * @param addr Base address.
     * @param prefix Prefix.
     * @param resolvable Is this route resolvable.
     * @param metric If this route is resolvable the metric of this route.
     * @return True if this next hop is found.
    bool lookup_by_addr(A addr, int prefix, bool& resolvable,
			uint32_t& metric) const;

     * Lookup next hop.
     * @param nexthop Next hop.
     * @param resolvable Is this route resolvable.
     * @param metric If this route is resolvable the metric of this
     * route.
     * @return True if this next hop is found.
    bool lookup_by_nexthop(A nexthop, bool& resolvable, uint32_t& metric)

     * Lookup next hop without entry
     * This lookup does not require that next hop is already
     * known. That is the next hop is not in _nexthop_references.
     * @param nexthop Next hop.
     * @param resolvable Is this route resolvable.
     * @param metric If this route is resolvable the metric of this
     * route.
     * @return True if this next hop is found.
    bool lookup_by_nexthop_without_entry(A nexthop, bool& resolvable,
					 uint32_t& metric) const;

     * Try and register this next hop.
     * If this next hop is known or covered then this next hop is
     * added to map of next hops that is associated with the
     * NextHopEntry.
     * @param nexthop Next hop.
     * @param ref_cnt_incr How much to increase the reference count by.
     * @return True if this next hop is known or its in a covered
     * range.
    bool register_nexthop(A nexthop, int ref_cnt_incr = 1);

     * Deregister this next hop.
     * The NextHopEntry has a map of next hops with reference
     * counts. A deregister causes this next hop to be removed from
     * its associated NextHopEntry. If the map becomes empty then the
     * entry can be removed. If the map becomes empty then this fact
     * is signalled in the return value and this next hop can be
     * deregistered from the RIB.
     * @param nexthop Next hop.
     * @param last True if this is the last next hop and the entry
     * has been freed.
     * @param addr If this was the last entry the base address.
     * @param prefix If this was the last entry the associated prefix.
     * @return True if an entry was found.
    bool deregister_nexthop(A nexthop, bool& last, A& addr, uint32_t& prefix);
    struct NextHopEntry {
	A _address;	// Base address as returned by the RIB
	A _nexthop;	// The initial next hop. Used to find entry by
			// prefix
	map <A, int> _nexthop_references;
	int _prefix;
	int _real_prefix;
	bool _resolvable;
	int _metric;

    typedef set<NextHopEntry<A> *> RealPrefixEntry;
    typedef TrieIterator<A, RealPrefixEntry> RealPrefixIterator;

    typedef NextHopEntry<A> PrefixEntry;
    typedef TrieIterator<A, PrefixEntry *> PrefixIterator;

     * The NextHopEntry is indexed in two ways either by prefix or by
     * real prefix.
     * Both of these data structures need to be kept in sync.
    Trie<A, PrefixEntry *> _next_hop_by_prefix;
    Trie<A, RealPrefixEntry> _next_hop_by_real_prefix;

    * Given a real prefix entry return a prefix entry.
    * @param pe A real prefix entry.
    * @param addr Address.
    * @param real_prefix The real prefix.
    * @return A prefix entry if found 0 otherwise.
    PrefixEntry *rpe_to_pe(const RealPrefixEntry& pe, A addr,
			   int real_prefix) const;
    * Given a real prefix entry return a prefix entry.
    * @param pe A real prefix entry.
    * @param addr Address.
    * @param real_prefix The real prefix.
    * @return A prefix entry if found 0 otherwise.
    PrefixEntry *rpe_to_pe_delete(RealPrefixEntry& pe, A addr,
				  int real_prefix);

 * Make requests of the RIB and get responses.
 * At any time there is only ever one outstanding request to the
 * RIB. Firstly we don't want to overrun the RIB with
 * requests. Secondly it is possible that different next hops in the
 * queue of requests may resolve to the same address/prefix answer
 * (see below).
template<class A>
class NextHopRibRequest {
    NextHopRibRequest(XrlStdRouter *,
		      NextHopResolver<A>& next_hop_resolver,
		      NextHopCache<A>& next_hop_cache);

    bool register_ribname(const string& r) { _ribname = r; return true; }

     * Register interest with the RIB about this next hop.
     * @param nexthop The next hop that we are attempting to resolve.
     * @param net The subnet that this next hop is associated with.
     * @param requester The lookup table that wants to be notified
     * when the response comes back.
    void register_nexthop(A nexthop, IPNet<A> net,
			  BGPNhLookupTable<A> *requester);

     * Actually register interest with the RIB.
     * A small method that will be specialized to differentiate
     * between IPv4 and IPv6.
     * @param nexthop The next hop that we are attempting to resolve.
    void register_interest(A nexthop);

     * XRL callback from register_interest.
    void register_interest_response(const XrlError& error,
				    const bool *resolves,
				    const A *addr,
				    const uint32_t *prefix,
				    const uint32_t *real_prefix,
				    const A *actual_nexthop,
				    const uint32_t *metric,
				    const string comment);

     * Deregister interest with the RIB about this next hop.
     * @param nexthop The next hop that we are attempting to resolve.
     * @param net The subnet that this next hop is associated with.
     * @param requester The lookup table that wants to be notified
     * when the response comes back.
     * @return True if an entry was found to remove.
    bool deregister_nexthop(A nexthop, IPNet<A> net,
			    BGPNhLookupTable<A> *requester);

     * Reregister interest with the RIB about this next hop.
     * This method is used when the RIB tells us that all previous
     * registrations have become invalid. This forces us to re-request
     * information. We save the old state (resolvable, metric) just in
     * case the following events occur:
     * <PRE>
     * 1) Register from next hop table.
     * 2) route_info_invalid from RIB.
     * 3) lookup from decision.
     * </PRE>
     * This ordering of events may not be possible just in case it is
     * save the old result and return it in a lookup.
     * @param nexthop The next hop that we are attempting to resolve.
     * @param ref_cnt The number of subnets using this nexthop.
     * @param resolvable Was the previous result resolvable.
     * @param metric If the previous result was resolvable the metric.
    void reregister_nexthop(A nexthop, uint32_t ref_cnt, bool resolvable,
			    uint32_t metric);

     * lookup next hop.
     * @param nexthop Next hop.
     * @param resolvable Is this route resolvable.
     * @param metric If this route is resolvable the metric of this
     * route.
     * @return True if this next hop is found.
    bool lookup(const A nexthop, bool& resolvable, uint32_t& metric) const;

     * Deregister ourselves from the RIB for this next hop
     * @param nexthop The next hop.
     * @param prefix The prefix we registered with.
    void deregister_from_rib(A nexthop, uint32_t prefix)

     * XRL response method.
     * @param error Error returned by xrl call.
     * @param comment Comment string used for diagnostic purposes.
    void callback(const XrlError& error, string comment) const;
    string _ribname;
    XrlStdRouter *_xrl_router;
    NextHopResolver<A>& _next_hop_resolver;
    NextHopCache<A>& _next_hop_cache;
     * The queue of outstanding requests to the RIB. Requests can have
     * arrived in this queue in two ways. A simple call down from the next
     * hop table or due to the previous result being marked invalid by
     * an upcall from the RIB. The class variables "_register" and
     * "_reregister" denote how the entry was created. It is possible
     * that an upcall from the RIB has caused a queue entry, followed
     * by a downcall from the next hop table in which case both
     * "_register" and "_reregister" will be true.
    struct RibRequest {
	RibRequest(A nexthop, IPNet<A> net, BGPNhLookupTable<A> *requester)
	    : _nexthop(nexthop), _register(true), _requests(net, requester),
	      _reregister(false), _ref_cnt(0)
	RibRequest(A nexthop, uint32_t ref_cnt, bool resolvable, uint32_t
	    : _nexthop(nexthop), _register(false), _reregister(true),
	      _ref_cnt(ref_cnt), _resolvable(resolvable), _metric(metric)

	void register_nexthop(IPNet<A> net, BGPNhLookupTable<A> *requester) {
	    XLOG_ASSERT(true == _reregister || true == _register);
	    _register = true;
	    _requests.add_request(net, requester);

	bool deregister_nexthop(IPNet<A> net, BGPNhLookupTable<A> *requester) {
	    XLOG_ASSERT(true == _reregister || true == _register);
	    if (_register && _requests.remove_request(net, requester)) {
		return true;
	    if (_reregister) {
		XLOG_ASSERT(_ref_cnt > 0);
		return true;
	    return false;

	void reregister_nexthop(uint32_t ref_cnt, bool resolvable,
				uint32_t metric) {
	    XLOG_ASSERT(false == _reregister);
	    XLOG_ASSERT(0 == _ref_cnt);
	    _reregister = true;
	    _ref_cnt = ref_cnt;
	    _resolvable = resolvable;
	    _metric = metric;

	A _nexthop;

	** Register info.
	bool _register;
	NHRequest<A> _requests;

	** Reregister info.
	bool _reregister;
	uint32_t _ref_cnt;
	 * The old answer if we are in the process of reregistering so
	 * that lookups will be satisfied with this old answer.
	bool _resolvable;
	uint32_t _metric;
     * Are we currently waiting for a response from the RIB.
    bool _busy;
     * The queue of outstanding requests.
    deque<RibRequest *> _queue;
     * Used by the destructor to delete all the "RibRequest" objects
     * that have been allocated.
    static void zapper(RibRequest *req) { delete req; }

template<class A>
class NHRequest {
    NHRequest() {}
    NHRequest(IPNet<A> net,
	      BGPNhLookupTable<A> *requester);
    void add_request(IPNet<A> net,
		     BGPNhLookupTable<A> *requester);
    bool remove_request(IPNet<A> net,
			BGPNhLookupTable<A> *requester);
    const set <BGPNhLookupTable<A>*>& requesters() const {
	return _requesters;
    const set <IPNet<A> >& request_nets(BGPNhLookupTable<A>* requester) const;
    set <BGPNhLookupTable<A> *> _requesters;
    map <BGPNhLookupTable<A> *, set<IPNet<A> > > _request_map;


Generated by: pavlin on on Wed Dec 11 16:50:58 2002, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP.