The current distribution includes all files for work under MikTeX or TeXLive.
That means that most header files of fonts are created on the fly by
font utilities. If it is not happen please read install file and 
texmf\source\fonts\lh\tex\00readme.txt file.

Zipped variant:

lhfnt35* - NECESSARY PART: source files and documentation
lhfnt35* - OPTIONAL PART [these files were generated from 
                      texmf\sorce folder-directory;
                      you may generate them using *install*
                      documentation]:  generated METAFONT files (ready-to-use
                      addition with TeX Directory Structure for teTeX/TeXLive
                      and MikTeX platforms).
                      This package could NOT have "unzipped version" on CTAN.

Unzipped variant:

texmf\doc\fonts\lh\beresta\*.*          - documentation files of all T2* letters
texmf\doc\fonts\lh\lhfonts\*.*          - package documentation (history and
                                          advanced installation)
texmf\doc\fonts\lh\fonttest\*.*         - font testing files
texmf\doc\fonts\lh\samples\*.*          - LaTeX testing files of LH package
texmf\fonts\source\lh\base\*.*          - base METAFONT files for T2*/X2 and
                                          traditional encodings
texmf\fonts\source\lh\nont2\*.*         - additional letters for other encodings
texmf\fonts\source\lh\specific\*.*      - letters in specific forms (Concrete
                                          and Russian small caps)
texmf\fonts\source\lh\lh-conc\*.*       - font headers for bold faced Concrete
Here are also source files which create files which lie in lhfnt35*
texmf\source\fonts\lh\tex\*.*           - tex-files to generate METAFONT files
                                          for different encodings
texmf\source\fonts\lh\tex\wrk\<subdirs> - please read 09readme.txt file in
<subdirs: lh-lcy,lh-ot2,                  texmf\source\fonts\lh\tex\ directory
          lh-t2a,lh-t2b,lh-t2c,lh-t2d,    and make sure that there are necessary
          lh-x2,lh-xSlav,lh-temp>         empty dirs for succefull TeXing                           
texmf\source\latex\lh*.*                - dtx- and ins- files for installation
                                          of LaTeX packages and font definition
texmf\source\fonts\lh\*.mfj             - maybe obsolete already: the MFjob files
                                          for EmTeX which create font files LH
                                          (these files have not their own folder
                                          in TDS structure)
texmf\tex\plain\lh\*.*                  - the testfox.tex and testkern.tex
                                          files for font tests

In following folders lie only font headers which cannot be generated automatically
with MikTeX and TeXlive font creation utilities (if you need anyway to create
ALL font headers please read the 00readme.txt file in texmf\fonts\source\lh\tex
folder and edit necessary settings in setter.tex file)
texmf\fonts\source\lh\lh-lcy\*.*        - generated METAFONT files for DOS
texmf\fonts\source\lh\lh-ot2\*.*        - generated METAFONT files for WNCYR
                                          transliteration encoding
texmf\fonts\source\lh\lh-t2*\*.*        - generated METAFONT files for T2A,
                                          T2B, T2C,T2D LaTeX Cyrillic encodings
texmf\fonts\source\lh\lh-x2\*.*         - generated METAFONT files for
                                          X2 Cyrillic container
texmf\fonts\source\lh\lh-xSlav\*.*      - generated METAFONT files for fonts
                                          with old Slav letters
                                          (LaTeX support absent)
texmf\tex\latex\lh\*.*                  - minor LaTeX support for LH fonts