Install with Makefile

For Unix: installs into /usr/local/share/texmf, if you want it 
elsewhere then edit the Makefile. Run

  make install

as root

Install manually

In the following replace $(TEXMF) by your TeX tree (where TeX 
looks for its files -- this will vary depending on your TeX 
distribution, often /usr/local/share/texmf on Unix systems.
The output of

  kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFLOCAL

is probably what you want)

Create directories

   mkdir $(TEXMF)/fonts/source/bguq/
   mkdir $(TEXMF)/fonts/tfm/bguq/
   mkdir $(TEXMF)/tex/latex/bguq/

and copy files

   cp  *.mf      $(TEXMF)/fonts/source/bguq/
   cp  *.tfm     $(TEXMF)/fonts/tfm/bguq/
   cp  bguq.sty  $(TEXMF)/tex/latex/bguq/
   cp  Ubguq*.fd $(TEXMF)/tex/latex/bguq/

Your TeX distribution may expect you to update its cache
of files -- if using TeXLive run


Installing the PostScript files is more difficult and 
depends on your OS and TeX distribution.  For TeXLive
on Linux

  cp *.pfb    $(TEXMF)/fonts/type1/bguq/
  cp $(TEXMF)/fonts/map/dvips/
  cp bguq.cfg $(TEXMF)/tex/latex/bguq/

then run

  updmap-sys --enable

For other systems, or in case of problems see


To test, run

  latex bguq.dtx

and view the file bguq.dvi, then

  pdflatex bguq.dtx

and view bguq.pdf

$Id: INSTALL,v 1.1 2012/07/17 22:50:41 jjg Exp $