-PH! ----------------------------------»» ADDZ ««---------------------------------- ... aNOTHER oNE cOMING fROM tHE fASTEST aROUND ... -( zENITH wHQ (aMIGA) - rAZOR 1911 cHQ (pC) )- /\______:_ _:___________ __________ / | _______ | /________/ _____/ _/ | |/ \| \ / _____\_____ \ \______ | | \\ \/ ___/___| | \\ | || \_ \\_ / | \ _|__________| _|______/_______/_________l__________/ : /_______| : /\_____ __ ________:_/ _____ <- Z E N ! T H - W H Q -> / |/ ___/ tHE mASTERS aRE! // | | | ! 7 nODES rINGDOWN ! _/ | || rOTOR, pOLARIS, rAIDER \___________| | ! oN iNVITATION oNLY ! /_________|_ vFAST, mARK & gRIMLOCK : __________ /\______: ______________ _______ / _____/ / | ______\_________ \____________ / \ \_____ \_/ | |/ \_______/ /________ \ / | \\| | \\______ | | \\ \ _/_ _____/ // / \_ \ || \_ \ \ |/ / / / _|______/_________/_________| _|______/___|\\ | /____/ <-/_______|-----------------------/_______|------------\____|____\rtx!/aRt-> : : : aMIGA 4ooo/o4o - 2 gIGA - aLL nODES aRE 16.8 dS hST - aMIGA & pC wAREZ cRACKERS / tRAINERMAKERS cONFERENCE wITH tHE bEST dUDES aROUND! aLL zENITH rELEASES aRE aLWAYS fREE dOWNLOADS ----------------------------------»» ADDZ ««---------------------------------- @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ /\___________/\___/\________ _ _ / ______ ___ __/ ______ _ _ / |/\ /\___ \/ / |/\ / / \/ \/ / \ \_____ /\_____ /\_____ / \/ \/ \/ The Cracking Scene Charts - June 1994 @END_FILE_ID.DIZ -+- JUNE'94 iSSUE OF THE -+- _ /\____ __/\ ___ /\____ ___/\_ _/ \_____ /\___ / _ // \ / \_/ _ // / / \___/ \_/ / _/ / \// / _// | _/ / \// _/ / / / _/ /\/__. \ \__/ /\ \_ . \ \__/ /\ \_/ / / \ \_/ | \_______/ \__/__| \_______/ \_____/ /\__/ \_______| ·-------------------l____\--------------\_/-----------------· _________/\____ _______ __/\ _______ \ _____/ _ // ____// \_/ ____/ ___\___ \ / \// __/__/ / / __/__ \ \/ / \__/ \ / / / \ / \____ /\____________/ /\__/\______/ ·--------\/--------------\_/----------------· /\____ ___/\__ __/\_____________/\ / _ // / / \/ \ \ _____/ _/ / \// / | _/ _/\_/ | \___ \ \ \__/ / / . \\ \_/ | \/ / \_______/\_/___| \\______|\___ /mk ·-----------------l____\-----------\/---· Compiled by Baser Evil/Backlash Since nobody else is doing a chart at the moment, i thought to do one. You might like it, might not. Check it out and see. I wanted to also include a trainer, docs, and /X tools chart, but due to time constraints this month i had to put that on hold. So get it next month for those results (sorry LTD., we would have probably won the trainer part this month if i had time to do it, oh well, you'll have to get busy this time!). This issue is divided into two sections, the Cracking Chart and the CD32 Chart. If you have any comments or ideas about this chart, just drop me a line on any major bbs you can find me, or you can sometimes find me on my own : The Courts of Chaos - 501-329-2793. The Cracking Releases ======================= Usually, first release only. I won't reveal the rating system here, but some things to take into consideration: Larger games are generally worth more than smaller releases, releases which aren't 100% don't get 100% of the points, fixes are worth variable amounts, depending on what is fixed. The top 3 games of the month are given bonus points. A little look and you can probably figure out how the points are given anyways... _____ _________________ _____ __ |_____\.__/ /___ _ \ _ /_/ __/| |_ / _/ \ \__ \ _/ / / / _/ / \_ _/_ ./ | \. |/ /|___/ _/ | _/ | \. |mAZ |____|_____/___| \______|______|_| | |____:-7-[ A Division Of Delirium ]-7-:____| .------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Pizza Connection v1.1 (GERMAN) Software 2000 4 disk 70 pts | | Death or Glory (GERMAN) Software 2000 8 disk 90 pts | `------------------------------------------------------------------------' 160 pts _____________ ___ __.________._|\___ ____ x_ ___ \__ // /|_ |__ / : : \_ \/ _ _x : l/ / / /| / / : / _/. | | \\ / | | / /_____|____/__|_\___l__|____/_\/ : +l____/---( A Touch Of Perfection )---l___|; .------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Arcade Pool AGA/ECS Team 17 1 disk 110 pts | `------------------------------------------------------------------------' 110 pts _/\______ /\__ |__/\_______ /\______ /\_ \____ \ \/ / \| \___ \_ \/ ____ \/ / | | \_ _/ \ / | | | |\_ _/ | | \ : \ / | \/ : |/ \_ |______/__|__|\__\___|__|__||__|__|__/\__/ - -- --- -----|--- CrackeD --|----- --- -- - .------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Allan Border Cricket Audiogenic 2 disk TOO LATE | `------------------------------------------------------------------------' NO pts __________/\___________ /\____ _/|________ | ___)_ (__) _ \ /(__) _)|_ |___ __/ | _) _ | | | / /_|_ | ( / | | | ||__| |__| |__\ ___/ |_ /__| |SP| `--' `--' `--' \/ `--' \_/ `--`--' .------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Sensible Soccer 100% Fix Renegade 1 file 55 pts | `------------------------------------------------------------------------' 55 pts ______/\________ _____/\ ________________ \____/ ______// / \\______ \____/ \_/ \_ \/ /\ \| |\ \_/ \ | \ \/ /| /\/ / \__ _____/\_______/ |___\ __/ <--------\/-- GL0BAL 0VERD0SE --\/---------> .------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Battle Toads 100% Mindscape 2 disk PDX=100% | | Time Runners 17 Simulmondo 1 disk 25 pts | | Time Runners 18 Simulmondo 1 disk 25 pts | `------------------------------------------------------------------------' 50 pts .__: . ___| | /\________: |\____ /\'94 \ | |/\ / \\ \ | .__| \ \/ \ / // \_/ \_. \ |__| | \ \/ \ / |_/ \____/ | / | \_____/ |l____) (____|\______/ (_____/______) (___| .------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Ultimate Pinball Quest + fix Infogrames 3 disk TOO LATE | | Impossible Mission 2025 Microprose 2 disk 120 pts | | Impossible Mission 2025 AGA Microprose 2 disk 120 pts | `------------------------------------------------------------------------' 240 pts ____ _ ______ _____________________|\_ \__/__| | .o . | ______ \___ \__ o|o | |o |o \ |_|| |_| _)_|o | >o | \ | ||| |__. |: || ||: || |aBn|| . || .__/ | :|: | | |__|: \__||__||_____|: |__|: | |_____|_____| +--|__|-- CRACKED --|__|--|__|--- TODAY ---; .------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Super Nibble Cosmos Design 1 disk 50 pts | `------------------------------------------------------------------------' 50 pts ________/\________ /\_____ ________ ____ \_____ \ \_____ \/ \___ \/ \ | / / ___/| \| / / | \ | \ | \ / / | _ \ \ \ _ \ \ / \ / |___| \_|\__\_| \___/___/___| \ /_____|---|____\------|____\-PRESENTS-|____\ .------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Allan Border Cricket Audiogenic 2 disk 120 pts | | Arcade Pool AGA Team 17 1 disk 55 pts | | Battle Toads Mindscape 2 disk 120 pts | | Brutal Sports Football AGA Teque 3 disk 130 pts | | Heimdall II AGA Core Design 7 disk 170 pts | | Incredible Crash Dummies Virgin 2 disk 120 pts | | Sensible Soccer 94 Renegade 2 disk 60 pts | | Sierra Soccer World Challenge Dynamix 2 disk 120 pts | `------------------------------------------------------------------------' 895 _____________________ ______________________ \_______ \____ \___ _\/\_ _ /__/.____/__ / / : / ____/ _/ / // \ // // / / / /: | /__/ /__/ /_____/____ /__/____ /_____/ | |.::::::::/___ /::::::::\/:::::::\/:::Sk!n.| .------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Sabre Team AGA Krisalis 5 disk 250 pts | | Tornado AGA Digital Integ. 5 disk TOO LATE | `------------------------------------------------------------------------' 250 pts ____/\___/\ _/\_____/\______/\________ _/\ \___ \ | \/ \___ \ / ____/ | ) / | \| \ - \ _) /\) (/ _)_ \ / \ |_ /| / | \ \ \/ \ \/ | \ \_( /____/__|___/_|\ )___ )____/ __|___) -^-^\/-^- PReSeNTS -^-\/-^-^\/-^-^-\/-[tE]^- .------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Tornado AGA Digital Integ. 5 disk 275 pts | `------------------------------------------------------------------------' 275 pts _______________ _________ \ _ ____ \____ /------------------. \/ | _/ _/ ___/ TRSi ^ ZeNiTh! | / |__\ \_ | \_ proudly present: | /______|wew\____/_______/------------------' .------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Elfmania Renegade 2 disk 270 pts | | K240 - Utopia II Gremlin 3 disk 130 pts | | Ultimate Pinball Quest Inforgrames 3 disk 130 pts | `------------------------------------------------------------------------' 530 pts 1. PARADOX (895 points) With the collapse of Fairlight, Paradox easily takes the top spot with 8 releases. Paradox lost some points because of releasing Arcade Pool as AGA only and Sensible Soccer for not being 100% cracked. 2. TRSI & ZENITH (530 points) A good showing for TRZ in their last month, 3 major titles, including the game of the month, Elfmania. 3. QUARTEX (275) Just when you thought they were dead, they turn up with the second best release of the month and a text file pointing out everyone else missed it. One good release can go a long way these days. 4. PRODIGY (250 points) Sometimes they come back... with a really nice, 3rd best game of the month, and enter at number 4. Congrats must go to one of my old groups for some nice releases lately. 5. HOODLUM (240 points) Hoodlum might not care if they release games late, but everyone else does, so they get nothing for their late, badly cracked, and not 100% version of Ultimate Pinball Quest. They did manage to release the AGA and ECS versions of Impossible Mission 2025 without duping, an accident maybe? 6. ASPECT INC. (160 points) A division of Delirium. But a seperate group for the purposes of this chart. If the 2 had been combined, they would be sitting at the number 4 spot though. Both German games released this month, and they got them. 7. DELIRIUM (110 points) If Paradox hadn't released that 50% release of Arcade Pool, we wouldn't have even heard from Delirium this time. Delirium seem satisfied to fix or release what nobody else does. Thankfully, someone cares. 8. FAIRLIGHT (55 points) Just one fix for Sensible Soccer. No original cracks at all. Looks like the Fairlight of legend really is dead. 9. GOD (50 points) Simulmondo rules! I guess that's why GOD tied for dead last with Interpol for releasing 2 new exciting Time Runners games. At least Paradox and Classic have given up releasing them, that's something. No points for Battle Toads 100% - as it was not needed, but it's easy to see how that happened so don't blame them! 9. Interpol Super Nibble - Nibbly Nibble 2 - not much of a game, but it will tie them with GOD. The CD32 Releases =================== Beavers Concept 0 pts Beavers fix Legend 0 pts Donk the Samurai Duck Concept 0 pts Donk the Samurai fix TBC 0 pts Fire & Ice LSD 50 pts Frontier v1.1 Impact 100 pts Gunship 2000 Shining 8 200 pts Gunship 2000 fix Fate/QTX 50 pts Lemmings CDTV Concept 0 pts Ryder Cup Phun 0 pts Striker Shining 8 0 pts Summer Olympix 100% Access 100 pts Surf Ninjas Apollo 100 pts Surf Ninjas fix Legend 50 pts Super Methane Bros. Phun 0 pts Super Putty Phun 0 pts Ultimate Body Blows Access 250 pts Zool 2 Concept 0 pts 1. ACCESS (350 points) Access made good this month by releasing the wonderful, enhanced, Ultimate Body Blows (16 megs hd space). Word was the game was not 100%, but it works fine if installed right. By releasing this and Summer Olympix 100% it looks like Access will be a good CD32 group. 2. Shining 8 (200 points) Gunship 2000 is AGA. So there. Stop saying it's not. No major enhancements, but still a legitamate CD32 release. Striker was 100% the same as the disk version, so nothing there. 3. APOLLO (100 points) Not a group, but rather a member of Classic. Released under his name. Surf Ninjas sucks, there's no two ways about it. But with only a few legit cd32 releases, it's a tie for 3rd place. IMPACT (100 Points) Frontier v1.1 - no enhancements to CD32. A 1-disk game converted to CD, only re-optimised to take advantage of the processor. Nuked on many boards but no fake. 5. LEGEND (50 points) A fix for the lame Surf Ninjas, without Legend many CD32 games would still be unplayable. LSD (50 points) Fire & Ice is still the same old game (good), but now HD installable. Fate/QTX Not a group, a guy, with a fix. A fix for Gunship 2000 that is. Titles in the CD32 section with no points means the game is either totally non-working, no different than the original, or just crap. These should have never even been released. Lemmings is the CDTV version released years ago... nothing from Phun ever works... The other Concept releases are just the normal versions with large animation. Recommended downloads: Ultimate Body Blows & Frontier. The only difference between the CD32 version and the disk version is the game is optimised for the AGA machines, nothing else. Gunship 2000 IS AGA, but no better than the disk version. Surf Ninjas is the lame game of the month. Not available on disk, thank god! Summer Olympix is now 100% working, and an amusing game to waste a few hours on. Fire & Ice doesn't seem enhanced at all, and in fact, runs fine with AGA turned off. But the game was never hd isntallable before so it gets some points (and it's still a great game even though made in 1991!). Except for Ultimate Body Blows and Summer Olympix 100%, a lame month for CD32 games. That's the end for this time, back in 1 month with an even bigger and better (?) issue! ----------------------------------»» ADDZ ««---------------------------------- .-------------------------------. | aNOTHER fILE cOMING fROM | ¦ ¦ : oNE oF tHE fASTEST aROUND: : _ _ ____ _ ____________________________________________________ __ ___ _ _ \_\\\\_______ /______ \ __ /___ / _________//_/// / _/___/_/ ___ \ \ / \ /_____ \ \ \ | \ \ \__/ / / / \ \___. |\________/_____\\_________/__________/ `-----' · _ _ ___ __ _________________________ : \\\_\\_______ \_____ / ¦ · / / \ /______/ | : \ / / ____/ ¦ : \________/_____|D! : . . _ ___ _ __________________________________________________________ \_\\\\_______ \ _______________ /_______ \______ /___ \ / ___ \_____ \/ _/___/_/ ___ \ _/ __/ / \ / \ \ / \ \ | \ \ \ \ / \ \_________/________/___. |\_________/___\ \_________/ · `-----' · \____/ : zENITH wHQ - rAZOR 1911 cHQ : ¦ ¦ `----( cLOSED eLITE sYSTEM )----' ----------------------------------»» ADDZ ««---------------------------------- [0;1;4m________[0m -*- THIS WARE COME FROM -*- [1;4m__________[0m [0;43m [4m|[1;40m___________________________________________________________[0;4;43m|[0;43m [40m [0;43m [1;32m_[0;31;43m [1;32m_[0;31;43m [1;32m________________________[0;32;43m/[31m\[1;32m________________[0;31;43m [1;32m____[0;31;43m [40m [0;43m [32m/[31m \[32m/[31m \ [32m/[31m [1m__________[0;43m \_ [1m_____[0;32;43m/[31m /[1m_________[0;43m \_ \[32m\[31m_ / [40m [0;43m [32m/[31m [32m/[31m \ \[32m/[31m \[32m|[31m \[32m/[31m [32m_/[31m _/[32m/[31m \[32m/[31m [32m/[31m / \[4;32m|[0;32;43m_[31m |[32m/[31m [32m_/[31m _/[32m\[31m_ \[32m\[31m/ [40m [0;43m [32m/ [31m [32m\[31m [32m/[31m/ [32m\[31m\[32m_[31m \ [32m/[31m/ [32m\[31m_ \[32m/[31m [32m\[31m\ [32m/[31m / [1m__[0;43m/ | [32m\[31m_ \ [32m\[31m \ \ [40m [0;32;43m . _/[31m _/[32m\[31m/[32m\[1;31m___[0;43m/[1m___[0;43m /[1m__[0;43m |[32m\[31m_ [32m\[31m\[1m__[0;43m [4m/[0;43m_ /[32m\[1;31m__[0;43m|[32m|[31m_ |_ |[32m\[31m_ [32m\[31m\[32m_/[31m [32m/[31m/[1;32m__[0;32;43m)[31m\ [32m. [40m [0;32;43m | \[1;31m___[0;43m/ Y [32m\[31m/Y [32m\[31m| [32m\[1;31m___[0;4;43m\[0;43m [32m\[31m/ [32m\[31m/ | [32m\[31m| [32m\[31m| [32m\[31m_ [32m\[31m / \ [32m| [40m [0;32;43m ----+-------------[31m·[32m-----[31m·[32m---[31m|[32m---------------------[31m|[32m--[31m|7M[32m\[1;31m____[0;43mY[1m____[0;43m /[32m-+-- [40m [0;32;43m |[1;4;31m________________________________________________________.____[0;32;43m)[31m/ [32m| [40m [0;1;4;43m_______[0;4;43m|[0;40m [4m [0m [4;43m|/[1m________[0;40m [0m [4;42m| 312-ELITE-ONLY! |[0;40m [4;36m TRZ USHQ [0;36m [4;36m ALL TRZ RELEASES FREE DOWNLOADS!!! [0;36m [0m Five Nodes Dual 21.6 - Ami-X 3.20 - Just "Some" GigZ - Amiga & Consoles HUNTER: BloodWolf CO-HUNTERS: Soultaker/InD - Mario/TRSI - Seven /\/\ `----------> | -[/X\ac]-/ACTION - ECS/TRZ - Animal/LooNs `---------------------------------------------> Upload Date: [06-07-94] - Upload Time [03:33:19] [·SPEED TEXT ADVERTISER v1.09 BY DR.DRE!·] · _____ · : _______________. / /_________________________ : ¦------------\ _____/____ |/ /_____ \_______ /_____ \--------------¦ | ___\_____ / _/ __/ __ \ / / __ \ | | \ / / \ \ \ \ _/ __/ \ \ | | \__________/___|\ \_________/__\ \\__________/ | | \____/D! \____/ | | _________________________________________ | | -= ConDemned \______ /____ /_____ \_____ / Cell =- | | | / __/ / / __ \ / /_ | +-----------------| . \_ _/ __/ \ \ _____/ /------------------+ | |_________/__\ \\__________/_______/ | | \____/ | | | | -> cLASSIc & gCs GHQ <- | | | | sTRICLTy cLOSEd sYSTEm - 5 nODEs - sOON fOUr mORe nODEs | `---------------------------------------------------------------------------' Upload Date: [06-07-94] - Upload Time [18:01:21] [·SPEED TEXT ADVERTISER v1.09 BY DR.DRE!·]