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FAKE! - It must be a full moon! Ah well, anyway, this week on HaVoK-time, we have a txt about all the new things on HaVoK, how un-busted we are and why we are going closed system! @END_FILE_ID.DIZ FiLE_iD.DiZ EdiTEd WiTh sMiLeDiZZeR cOdEd bY dEF bASE / HaVoK^dAT^bPS^sTEREo! -[ SOF ]---------------------------------------------------------------------> Yo all! Ok well, yep, it's that time again, someone has to release a txt file about HaVoK closing, and I have to waste more time sending other txt files around saying I'm not closing etc etc etc... Anyways, you've probably seen the HVK-BUST.TXT file floating around somewhere, if you have ingore it and if possible nuke it. It's our old friend Goa/Nanisha/Micheal Webster from Timescape BBS back again and trying to annoy us. Hohum, what a waste of space that guy is. What he actually did was use the spare account I keep on the BBS for testing purposes, use the Fear Factory data files or whatever and just logged in, then released this txt file. Hmmm. By now I think most people realise that the HaVoK team isn't one to crumble at the first sign of trouble, and all these fools trying to make things hard for everyone just makes us more determined to stay on the scene. HaVoK is (I hope!!!) a big and growing part of the UK scene now, and it says something that even with that stupid txt file floating around (and it looked quite real actually, better than his last attempt with my 2 year old ascii!) we've been packing in loads of calls each day! Cheers for all your support people! Anyway, this would have been stopped a lot sooner if I hadn't been away at a friends house having my 18th birthday party. And, while this guy is really starting to piss me off, I'm not going to give into him and close down. Instead, I've started doing some major changes to HaVoK again, rearranging all the confs, killing old files and removing shite users. So if you call and some things don't work, don't worry about it! Nothing like a good lamer to get you into spring clean mode! What I've decided to do is make HaVoK a closed system for a while. All the current users will still be able to get in, and with a userbase numbering over 450, we'll have no problems keeping our usual high standards =). As for new users, if you want access to HaVoK (and lets face it, who doesn't :) you'll have to mail me or any of my cosysops on another BBS and ask us for access. And unless you are a right penis, you'll get it =). From next week (28th July '97) on, HaVoK will stop it's open doors policy, and a NUP will be in place. To get the NUP, you'll have to find someone who knows it, and pray that you haven't been too lame not to get it ;). This means that although we'll loose a lot of new users, HaVoK will be a much more secure, wanker-free place to be :), and with a userbase of over 450, we are more than self-sufficient. So, all you people who want to get on board, call now or forever search for the NUP =). Anyway, thats about it. Once again, HaVoK will NEVER close down, we will always be here selling cheap hardware, distro'ing the latest files and coding the latest doors! So, bring a bit of HaVoK into your lives :) I'll cya'll there people! -HaVoK- nOdE o1: o17o2 3o6474 nOdE o2: o17o2 31646o nOdE o3: -tElNET- W/E nOdE o4: /WHOiS dEF_bASE 5.5GiGZ - 10Mb 030^50 - 4 oNLiNE Cd'S - 24hRZ! -dEF bASE!- -=[ HaVoK bOSS dUdE, dAT /x bLoKE, sTRoBE aZKii, bPS & sTEREo ]=- tHE wEldER -=[ HaVoK mAiN cOdER, DiViNE aNd sPEARhEAd aSM bLOkE ]=- bANjO -=[ HaVoK hARdWArE aNd gFX'eR, fREElANCE eX-sPEARhEAd ]=- oRSoN -=[ HaVoK glObAL tRAdER aNd pUrVEYoR oF kEWl sTUffZ ]=- -[ EOF ]---------------------------------------------------------------------> [0m[1m [32m:[30m [0m [32m: [0m[1m [30m [33m.---[32m^[33m----.[30m [32m:[30m [0m[32m¦[0m[1m[30m [32m:[30m [33m.--. 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