@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZTempest BBS Software Features List
Read how to get a demo to test out.
- Was first to have Hydra Bi-Directional
  Protocol working on Amiga.

          ___________       B B S  S o f t w a r e       ___________
         /          /\_____ _______  _____________ _____/\          \
        /__________/ /    //      /\/      /\     \\    \ \__________\
        \ ___  ____\/    //      / /      /  \     \\    \/____  ___ /
         V   \ \  /_____//______/ /______/    \_____\\_____\  / /   V
         :    \ \ \  ___\\      \ \  ___ \    / ____// ____/ / /    .
         .     \ \ \ \___ \ \  \ \ \ \__\ \  / /_\  / /___  / /     .
                \ \ \  __\ \ \__\ \ \  ___/ / __/ \/___  / / /
                 \ \ \ \____\ \  \ \ \ \   / /___\____/ / / /
                  \_\/\_____\\_\/ \_\/\_\_/_____//_____/\/_/
                    V       V  V    V   V V      V       V
                    |       .  :    .   . |      :       .
                    .          .    :     :      .       .

   This is a feature list of Tempest BBS Software.

 o Tempest Support BBS : 515-255-3212 (7 Nodes)
   Call and check it out for yourself.

 o Price: $85. (US Dollars)

 o No upgrade fees.

 o Full source code to countless utils and doors for Tempest, to help
   developers code their own custom / new doors for Tempest.  Also you can
   gain help from the programmer of tempest anytime on your doors.
   If you are a programmer, this software is a dream with all the source
   code supplied to all the doors and utilities.

 o Complete package of doors and utils done by the programmer of Tempest
   comes with all releases of Tempest.  This gives you a whole selection
   of doors and utils that are guarnteed to have no backdoors and are always
   updated to work with the latest version of Tempest.

   Also hundreds of other utils/doors from other programmers.  Great choice
   of utils/doors to choose from.  All avaialbe on the support BBS.

 o Online Update door on the Tempest Support BBS.  You can grab the very
   latest version of Tempest anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
   NO more WAITING for a new release of Tempest to come out that has bug
   fixes.  Grab it anytime as soon as it is done.  Changes are done almost
   every single night along with a complete changes text file that states
   all changes done by date and any upgrading information that is required.
   NO other bbs package offers this kind of Support and Quality!!!

 o Online Bug/Idea report system for reporting ideas and bugs.  Can post
   messages in it with an editor, or batch upload your ideas in text files.
   Also can review others ideas / bug reports in the door.
   Half the ideas that go into Tempest comes from this door.

 o Demo's available on the Tempest Support BBS and Internet.

 o Notable Features o

   - Hydra Bi-Directional Protocol Support (First on Amiga to support it!!).
     Who doors display filename, size, cps rate for both upload and
     download transfers with Hydra.
   - File_id.diz Auto Descriptions         (First on Amiga to support it!!).
   - File_id Ansi Stripping ability.       (First on Amiga to support it!!).
   - File_id text pattern match stripping. (First on Amiga to support it!!).
   - Multiple Language Support.
   - Most advanced flag/select files System of any bbs software.
     Forward/Backward range support, wild card support, file number or
     file name support, or any mixture of the the types on the same line!
   - Fax support for recieving incomming fax.
   - Internode Message Sending Module.
   - Internode Line Chat Module.
   - Internode Live Chat Module.
   - Internode Controller:
      - Abort user's transfers from another node (remote)
      - Kick users off from another node (remote)
      - Change online time of a user on another node (remote)
      - ShutDown nodes (remote)
      - Reboot Computer (remote)
   - BBS Config program for setting up all configurations for all nodes.
     NO ICONS!  This util makes it very easy to config the entire BBS, all
     settings even come with defaults for fast installation.
   - Special door version of the BBS Config program so you can config the
     entire BBS from remotely.
   - Front End (TrapDoor) Support for Fidonet
   - Definable Prompts / Text, can even have different prompt files for
     different languages.
     If you don't like a color, or the way something is worded, just change
     it anytime, add additional text / color.  Whatever you like, all lines
     can contain up to 1024 characters!!  Full docs for every line are
     included so you know exactly where in the BBS the line is.
   - Definable New User Questions in a text file.  Can have mutliple versions
     for different languages, define how many lines to answer each question
     and define minimum characters needed for every input line.
   - 128 Per User Flags for controlling Users!
   - Command History (Working on all term software!)
   - Flagged files remain flagged even if you lose carrier.
   - Tempest handles the stack internaly, you never have to worry about the
     stack.  Tempest uses about 6k of stack (low memory usage).
   - Full drop to dos option (Remote Shell).
   - External Account Editor System (In addition to the internal one)
     with Global Editing Options.
   - Can edit a user's account from another node, even if that user is on
     another node at the time, it updates the user online.
   - There are currently 2 servers for Tempest in the works.  Some are beta
     testing these serers.  Take your pick!  There will be even more to
     choose from later on.  Full programming info is given out to programmers
     that wish to code their own servers.  We don't hide things from the
     programmers who like to code thier own stuff.
   - Tempest supports its own Temepst doors.
   - Tempest supports Paragon Doors.
   - Tempest supports Dos Doors.
   - Tempest has its own Arexx interface for Arexx doors (hundreds of cmds).
   - Zippy search through the file listings for up to 10 patterns at once.
     10 patterns with 1 scan of the file listing.
     Filename searches are lightning fast.
   - Protection against ZModem Leech utils which give users free downloads
     on other bbs software, but not on Tempest!
   - Search all messages with many different scan modes.  You can even
     scan the actuall messages for text of your interest.
   - Complete File Mail system.  Send private files to other users just like
     you would messages.
   - Re-define commands or create your own.  Even assign macros of a many
     commands to be performed with a single command.
     All door types can be commands as well as other command types.
   - Global Commands available in almost every area of the bbs.
   - Internal User list command.  Display user lists by Handle, Real Name,
     City, State Code, Conntry Code, Sex, Computer Type, Age, Access Level,
     and more.  Full wild card support of course.
   - Auto Free Download pattern matching, allows sysops to define certain file
     types as automaticly free downloads.
   - Copy / Move files from one file listing to another. (Ranges supported)
   - Exchange files in the file listing.
   - Archive / Download file listings.
   - Archive / Download messages.
   - View / Test / Read Text within archives online.
   - Full documentation to Tempest, BBSConfig, Definable Prompts/Text, and
   - Many more features.

 o Future Plans o

   - Full internal fidonet support.
   - Internal full screen editor that a user can swap back and fourth from
     with the line editor and thier text.
   - QWK Mail Support.
   - Sub Area Support for all areas.
   - GUI version of the BBS Config.
   - Much more, give me ideas, I am running out.