____ _________ __________________ ________________________/ \_ - - --/ _ /-/ __________ _ \/ ______ __ \ _ _ /_ _ - - --/ |___/-/ __/_/_ \/ \ __/_/_ | \/ \___//// - --/ | \ | \ || \ | \ | \ \ - --_/ | \_ | \_ || \_| \_ | \_ \_ - --\ | / | ___/_||_ /| / | / /_ __ - --\_______ : /_______/ \_ |___ /__ /__| /______//// - - --/ _|_____/__) _ / | \/ |_____/ |_____/ - --/ |___/_ \ \___/ | \ _ __ _ - --/ | \ \ \\______ \\\\ --- RING DOWN! --- --_/ | \_ \_ \_ | \_ ?#+44-(0)1200-442112?# --\ | / / / | /_ __ _ --- RING DOWN! --- - --\_______ /____/_____/______ //// - - - --|_____/ [CRb]_____/ Amiga Console & PC a4000/040/25 20mEG rAM 2.1gIG oNLINE 2.0gIG dAT bACKUP 2xuSR33.6 rINGdOWN! 2 * cREDiTS fOR mAJORS 3 * cREDiTS fOR mAJORS fROM yOUR oWN gROUP pROBABLY tHE uKS bIGGEST /X S!X cONFERENCE 1800+ oNLINE! fORGET tHE pAST jOIN tHE fUTURE cEMENT cITY sIMPLY tHE bEST! ._____. _ __ _______ __. _ ___. _ __ _________ _ _ ___/\ _ __ _____ | l_____ ____/ |______ |______ _____/__)___ \ ____/ | _ \ ___)______l \l \ ___/ | / __/___ ___)______ l_____| \________ /_____ /_____ /__| _ _____|__\ \_______ / <------l_______\- yop -\/------\/------\/----------------\________\------\/-> (- /T\EMPEST DESIGN -) tODAY HELLFIRE PRESENTS: "SPECIAL STAT" VERSION 1.1 _.-°._.-°-._.-°._.-°-._.-°._.-°-._.-°._.-°-._.-°._.-°-._.-°._.-°-._.-°._.-°-. INFO TEXT FOR PEOPLE HAVING PROBLEMS WITH THE HF-STATUS TOOL VERSION 1.1 remember:HF-STATUS (DIR) should be completly copied in your assigned REXX:. HF-STATUS (DIR) should include following necessary files: HF-stat.rexx, Status.conf, Status.ans. da Config File should look like this: ---- cut --- 1 ------------ You could change the numba 1 to numba 2 or three for other designs. HF-STATUS runs at my System without any Problems. I am running on TEMPEST Version 3.40. Hope it will run now !!!!!!!!!! It does not runanyway ??? (unbelievebal) okay try this: open with your favorite TEXT EDITOR the Program hf-stat.rexx. Go to line 89. It have to look like this: ------------------------- cut -------------------- call open File, ("rexx:HF-STATUS/status.conf"),"R" -------------------------------------------------- Go to line 101 / 144. These lines have to look like this ------------- cut ------------------ sendfile "Rexx:HF-STATUS/status.ans" ------------------------------------ okay......if it does not run now, the devils hands have done something wrong with the program, because it`s running on my system :) BYE happy x-MAS FoX^HF^TAI @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ____/\_________ ___ _______ ___________ / / \\ __/ / / / / ___/_\/___ \ __/ / // __/_ /¯¯\ /¯¯\ __/ / _ _/ __/_ \__/_ /_____/__ //__ //_/ \ //___/ /_____/ .-^-^\/^-^-^-^-^\/-^-\/^-^NL\/-^-/__/^-^-^-. | Little help Text for the sysops | : having problems with installing : . "HF-STATUS"@END_FILE_ID.DIZ ____ _________ __________________ ________________________/ \_ - - --/ _ /-/ __________ _ \/ ______ __ \ _ _ /_ _ - - --/ |___/-/ __/_/_ \/ \ __/_/_ | \/ \___//// - --/ | . \ | \ || \ | \ | \ \ - --_/ | \_ | \_ || \_| \_ | \_ \_ - --\ | / | ___/_||_ /| / | / /_ __ - --\_______ /_______/ \_ |___ /__ /__| /______//// - - --/ _|_____/__) _ / | \/ |_____/ |_____/ - --/ |___/_ \ \___/ | \ _ __ _ - --/ | \ \ \\______ \\\\ --- RING DOWN! --- --_/ | \_ \_ \_ | \_ ?#+44-(0)1200-442112?# --\ | / / / | /_ __ _ --- RING DOWN! --- - --\_______ /____/_____/______ : //// - - - --|_____/ [CRb]_____/ Amiga Console & PC a4000/040/25 20mEG rAM 2.1gIG oNLINE 2.0gIG dAT bACKUP 2xuSR33.6 rINGdOWN! 2 * cREDiTS fOR mAJORS 3 * cREDiTS fOR mAJORS fROM yOUR oWN gROUP pROBABLY tHE uKS bIGGEST /X S!X cONFERENCE 1800+ oNLINE! fORGET tHE pAST jOIN tHE fUTURE cEMENT cITY sIMPLY tHE bEST!