·this file passed· _ _____ ___ ______ )_ __ _| (___) _ )_ __/__) (_ | |___/ _ ___ | |___| |__ c!|______|MSS|____| |______ _ ____ ____ _____ ____ ___\ (_ ___\ (_ __\_ (_ __\ (_ _) _/ /___) _ /___) _/ /___) _ /__ / \ / \_ / \ / / / \___ \_____/ \____\ \___ \ \ \ ________\ /______\ \ ____\ \_______\ \/ <(·tHE YARd·)> \/ lOCATED iN gERMANY! [·aMiGA·cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·aSCii·liNUX·hiPhOP/mP3·cLASSiC gAMES·dRUGS·tUNES·] [· rUNNiNG oN 8 niCE nODES · 2*iSDN/2*aNALOGUE/4*tELNET ·] [· nON-24h tELNET wiTH sTATiC iP: theyard.ddns.org - pORT: 23 ·] [· sTAFF < zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH · cRAZY > sTAFF ·] [· aHS wHQ · bGiRL wHQ · aRCADE wHQ · dKB wHQ · wX wHQ · sRZ wHQ ·] [· lP! gHQ · pNK gHQ · sOiA gHQ · oMEN gHQ · mCE gHQ · 1oo% diST ·] [· hOME oF tHE aSCii cHARTS! ·] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: :: . : ::: .:. ::: :: :: :: :: .::: ::: ·:· ::: :: :: :: ::: :::: .::: : ::: :: ::.:: ::: .:::::::::. :..::: :: :::::.:::.:::::..::::.:.::::.:: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Hightownstudio IV presents... A ______ ___________ ___________ / \ | / | / / | \ |___ / / _|______/ / \__ |__/ E A N | / / A R K |__________/ R O D. / | \ _|_ / | _|_ \ | / | / | | \______/ |_____/ |_____| PRODUCTION! A ___ æ@¹» __________________________ _____________/ \___©³@__³«°______ \ \ __\ / ___\ ðß / \__________________ \/ \ __/ ___\_______________/ / ___/ ___\ | / \ çª / \ / ___\_\ |/ \ ºæ [zZ] / / \\ |____________\ ªºå [¶¶ /_______/ \\__| []£# /____________\ COMPILATION · t · o · u · c · h · o f · g · o · d · _ _____ _________ _/ |_ /|__|_ | | _ _ ___________ / |_ _| | || |___|_|| | | ________ \ / / |/ | | || | /| |___|_ \ \ / /____ | | |___| __/ | | \ \ / | \ |____| / /_|_|| |\ | \ \ / | __\ | ____/ /||_| \ | \ \ \ \ || \|| _\______/ | \ | / \ \ || | | _| | | | |__\ | / \ \ || | | | | | | | | | / \ \______.zZ ||_____| | |___ |_____| | | / \___________| | | |____| |_____|_________/ |__| · t · o · u · c · h · o f · g · o · d · an ascii/ansi collection by ___ ___(___)____ __ | |___| | | |_ | | _| | / /| | || | | | | | || | |___|___|__||___| ........................................................... : : [4m : [0m : [4m/ [0m _/ Good evening and welcome to my first ascii/ansi collection [4m/ \[0m including nearly all addys I made since I begann to design / ---\ such things for this special kind of art and some new ones \[4m ---[0m/ like you`ve seen ahead. : [4m/ [0m [4m \[0m Most of them were made for my own or my group`s advertis- [4m / \ [0m ment but some were a friendly gift done for my friends and / ---\ contacts. : \[4m ---[0m/ I hope you like it a bit... : / _____\ : \[4m [0m/ Leipzig, the 23rd October 1998 : : : : : ···· : ··························································· _______ _/|_ ______ _/|_ ____/| ____|__ | _| _| | _| _| |......... / / | |\ | | | | ____|\ | | || __| : / ___/ | | \| | |/| ___| \| | |/|__ | : ........../ /__|_ | | |_ | | |_ | | : : / /______||\ | \_|______||\ | \_| ____| : : \_______/ |__| \__| |__| \__| |/ : : : : -----====== the table of contents ======----- : : : : .:. nº ........ name ........ size ... date ...... used ......:. : : : : : : : 0a hightownstudio iv 31x9 21-10-98 here at first : : : : 0b sean dark production! 55x7 21-10-98 here at first : : : : 0c zetec compilation 66x9 22-10-98 here at first : : : : 0d touch of god logo 62x13 23-10-98 here at first : : : : 0e zito`s collection 17x7 11-10-98 here at first : : : : 0f zetec`s welcome words 11x8 12-10-98 here at first : : : : 00 contents logo 60x7 24-10-98 here at first : : : : : : : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : : : · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · : : : : : : : : 01 pointed intro 55x7 25-10-98 here at first : : : : 02 stimmungsspiegel 75x8 13-08-98 sdp-news`98 : : : : 03 rti for better life 9x6 ??-10-97 lonely ad : : : : 04 the red tiger around 23x10 13-12-97 maniac`97 txt : : : : 05 ed`s ql muzax 37x20 19-12-97 maniac`97 ad : : : : 06 master of protracker 34x10 10-09-98 lonely ad : : : : 07 a new one for rti 9x20 19-10-98 here at first : : : : 08 very simple 15x5 ??-??-97 lonely ad : : : : 09 a bit 3d 31x22 ??-10-97 lonely ad : : : : 10 don`t be frustrated 70x9 09-09-98 sdp-news`98 : : : : 11 for any reason 37x8 16-09-98 lonely ad : : : : 12 the only window 13x15 12-08-98 sdp-news`98 : : : : 13 billy the door 51x9 04-10-98 here at first : : : : 14 first steps (a-c) 21x6 ??-??-97 lonely ad : : : : 15 dreidimensional 33x7 ??-11-97 lonely ad : : : : 16 taf on the dole 23x10 13-12-97 maniac`97 txt : : : : 17 taf maniac intro 48x22 12-12-97 maniac`97 ad : : : : 18 shortro 7 logo A 47x30 01-10-97 shortro 7 ad : : : : 19 shortro 7 logo B 30x9 07-12-97 shortro 7 ad : : : : 20 the rising sons 36x18 ??-07-98 lonely ad : : : : 21 durchschaubar 31x24 ??-10-98 sdp-news`98 : : : : 22 oh my god! 23x8 ??-01-97 here at first : : : : 23 zetec, the cook 53x9 ??-??-97 lonely ad : : : : 24 zetec 4 maniac 23x10 13-12-97 maniac`97 txt : : : : 25 become acquainted 37x9 ??-??-97 lonely ad : : : : 26 amiga rulez! 27x4 19-12-97 maniac ad : : : : 27 E.I.S. comercial 36x9 ??-01-98 lonely ad : : : : 28 essential eis 17x11 ??-03-98 eis starter : : : : 29 majastic eis 51x8 ??-01-98 eis guide : : : : 30 the unforgotten eis 29x11 ??-??-97 here at first : : : : 31 the maniac zetec 46x11 ??-12-97 maniac ad : : : : 32 the pkd-guide ??x?? ??-??-98 lonely ad : : : : 33 b/w pkd 41x9 ??-??-98 in pkd-guide : : : : 34 the maniac carpet 76x24 ??-12-97 a carpet! : : : : 35 the colored carpet 76x24 ??-12-97 A CARPET!!! : : : : 36 the antique 28x7 ??-??-98 lonely ad : : : : 37 the big antique ??x?? ??-10-98 sdp-news`98 : : : : 38 the new age 42x16 ??-10-98 sdp-news`98 : : : : 39 zetec in winter 73x20 13-09-98 lonely ad : : : : 40 creativity??? 19x10 13-09-98 lonely ad : : : : 41 the tiny one 26x3 ??-0?-98 here at first : : : : 42 last one... 19x6 ??-??-9? here at last! : : : : 43 for darkus! 62x24 ??-09-98 top o`a letter : : : : 44 mila #1 37x10 17-08-98 a special one : : : : 45 mila #2 41x7 20-08-98 a special one : : : : 46 poem for mila 61x23 26-08-98 a special one : : : : 47 poem for mila colored 63x27 26-08-98 a special one : : : : 48 for my love - mila #4 47x11 27-08-98 a special one : : : : 49 the last for mila 50x8 ??-10-98 sdp-news`98 : : : : 50 modified zito`s top 59x11 ??-09-98 here at first : : : : : : : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : : : · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · : : : : : : : : ff the end 28x9 21-10-98 here at first : : : : : : : ·:····························································:· : : : ······· every sign in this file has been set by zito/ztc^taf ······· [ 01 ] """"" """"" """" """"""""""" """""""" """"""" """" """"" """ """"""""""" """ """ """ """ """" """""" """ " """ " """ """ """ """ """" """ """""" """ """"""""" """ """ """" """ """"" """ """ """ """ """ """" """ """" " """ " """ """ """ """ """"" """" """" """"""" """ """ """"""" Because I got some more contacts, I felt the touch of god and now I have a new limit (it seems to be unlimited) of energy. I feel more creativ and strong now. So I decided to creat my first azkee-collection and to complete the first epoch of my work. After 1½ year making ascii`s and ansi`s, of course some realansi`s too, I guess it is time to finish the age of growing up and to become more professional, to change my ob- jectiv and to modify my style a bit. Here it is! N-Joy the old & await the new!!! [35m/\[0m [ 02 ] [35m/\ / \ [35m/\ / \ / \[0m + =============[35m/[0m==[35m\[0m===============[35m/[0m====[35m\[0m==========[35m/\/[0m======[35m\[0m============ + [35m/\[0m::::::::[35m/\/[0m::::[35m\[0m::::::::[35m/\[0m::[35m[4m [0m[35m/[0m::::::[35m\[0m::::::::[35m/[0m::::::::::[35m\[0m::::::::::: ::[35m\[0m::::[35m/\/[0m::::::::[35m\/\[0m::::[35m/[0m::[35m\/[0m:::::::::[35m\/\[0m::[35m/\/[0m::::::::::::[35m\[4m··········[0m :::[35m\/\/[0m::::::::::::::[35m\[0m::[35m/[0m:::::::::::::::::[35m\/[0m:::::::::::::::::::::::::: - ======================[35m\/[0m============================================== - .a.d.v.e.r.t.i.s.e.m.e.n.t. ____________________ ___| |___ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \/ is commimg up!!! you like my azkeez ??? you want me to make you some addies ??? you wanna see my new style ??? do not hesitat to contact me therefore!!! try it at the following address: ***** zito * pf 1oo522 * o4oo5 leipzig * germany ***** [ 03 ] ... just my first one for red tiger inc. made for my friend ed! ... ... he didn`t like it, but i played a bit with the characters (d=b) ... [32m________° [32m| \ | | [32m| _/ | | [32m| \ | | [32m| \ | | [31m ------- wE R dACk 2 mAke lIFe more dEAutIfUl !!! ... the slogan sounds good i guess, but it was never used after!! ... [ 04 ] ... done for the maniac`97 contact file, where it fits very good! ... [32m+---------------------+ [32m| ______ ______ ___ [31m| [32m| | | |[31m___| | [32m| | [31m|[32m) |[31m_ _|[32m__ [31m| [32m| | [31m/ [32m| [31m|[32m| [31m| | [32m| | [31m|[32m\ [31m\ [32m| [31m|[32m| [31m| | [32m| | [31m| [32m\ [31m\[32m| [31m|[32m| [31m| | [32m| |[31m__| [32m\[31m__[32m|[31m___|[32m|[31m___| | [32m| [31m| [32m+[31m---------------------+ [36m tHe oTheR wAY rOuND[0m ... what a bad slogan, but ed has no own ideas, therefore ... [ 05 ] +-----------------------------------+ | | | 2 mAke A dEtTeR dAy | ... huhuhuuuuuu! done at maniac`97 | lISteN 2 sOMe qL mUZaks | | dONe bY [33mED[0m, tHe fOUndEr oF: | as a lonely advert for ed ... | [32m [4m [0m[32m [4m [0m | | [32m -----/ _ \/ [4m/ [0m[32m/ [0m| | [32m ----/ /_/ [4m/ [0m[32m [4m / [0m[32m - [0m| ... the voice number is now | [32m ---/ [4m [0m[32m/ / / / /-- [0m| canceled so don`t try it!!! ... | [32m --/ \ / / / /--- [0m| | [32m -/ /\ \_ / / / /---- [0m| | [32m [4m/ [0m[32m/ \ |[4m/ [0m[32m/ [4m/ [0m[32m/----- [0m| ... i guess right time for: | [32m |[4m [0m[32m|[0m | a little poem by myself ... | ------------------------------- | | dA rEd tIgERs aRe dACk 2 mAKe | **** Rachael **** | lIFe mOrE dEAuTifUl ! | | | If she`d go north | dO nOt hESitAte 2 cALl dIZ lINe: | She`d blow away my soul | | And all the things I`ve done | !!! [34m02561-91371-7254 [0m!!! | Are drunken by the Hole. | | +-----------------------------------+ © 1997 by Marc Oberst (at Maniac`97) yeah, yeah! i like it, i like it! [ 06 ] :::::::::: :::::::::: :::::::::: ::[34m:::::[0m::: ::[34m:::::::[0m: ::::[34m::[0m::::[33m The [34mR[33med [34mT[33miger [34mI[33mnc. Crew[0m ::[34m::[0m::[34m::[0m:: ::::[34m::[0m:::: ::::[34m::[0m:::: ::[34m::[0m::[34m::[0m:: ::::[34m::[0m:::: ::::[34m::[0m::::[33m bRIngS yA[0m ::[34m:::::[0m::: ::::[34m::[0m:::: ::::[34m::[0m:::: ::[34m::[0m::[34m::[0m:: ::::[34m::[0m:::: ::::[34m::[0m::::[36m Ed - dA mUSicIAn![0m ::[34m::[0m::[34m::[0m:: ::::[34m::[0m:::: ::::[34m::[0m:::: ::[34m::[0m::[34m::[0m:: ::::[34m::[0m:::: ::::[34m::[0m::::[33m gEt iN c0ntACt wiTH dA rEAl[0m ::[34m::[0m::[34m::[0m:: ::::[34m::[0m:::: ::::[34m::[0m::::[33m mASteR oF pROtrAckeR![0m :::::::::: :::::::::: :::::::::: ...i des!gned it at first for the well known scenemag showtime, where i would like to release it with some others for zetec and sdp, but kaosmaster seemed to hate them, because he didn`t answered and i haven`t seen any advert at a showtime issue. that was a bit sad, but if they don`t want my support... ...well, if there will be another editor for showtime, who wanna use my addies and who needs support with articles and so on, he or she can contact me at zetec`s whq address!!!... [ 07 ] [32m |\....[0m ... hey, this is a new one! do you like it? i don`t!!! ... [32m | |:·::.[0m [32m | | ·:·[0m [32m | |[0m ... it`s to simply! it`s not my typical style! ... [32m | |[0m [32m |/[0m ... it`s not colored! it`s not interesting!! ... [32m |\[0m [32m ::| |::.[0m [32m | |[0m [32m | |[0m ... say hello to ed: `hello!` ... [32m | |[0m [32m \|[0m ... none more??? no! he should write new mods again??? ... [32m :::[0m [32m |\[0m ... i think so too, but he`s a bit lazy! ... [32m | |[0m [32m | |[0m [32m | |[0m ... also he`s working as community service in munich (Zivi !) ... [32m |/[0m ...i`ll forgive him! you too??? ... here ends the rti part and it follows the part for sean dark prods... [ 08 ] [32m ____ ___ ____ [32m / _\ \ _ \ [32m \ \| | \ __/ [32m _\ \ | /| [32m \____/___/_| [31m sean dark prod. ------------ the producer of ZETEC & RED TIGER INC. contact us at: Sean Dark Prod. Postfach 100522 04005 Leipzig Germany ... very simply, i know!!! ... ...here comes the sun! [ 09 ] [32m ____ ___ ____ [32m / [31m _\ \ [32m_ [31m\ [32m \ [31m\[32m| | [31m\ __/ [32m _\ [31m\ [32m| [31m/| [32m \[31m____/___/_| sean dark prod. ------------ [32m--------[31mtHe pROduCEr oF[32m-------- [32m\ / [32m \ [31mZETEC & RED TIGER INC. [32m/ [32m \ [31mcoNTacT uS At: [32m / [32m \ / [32m \ [31mSEAN DARK PROD. [32m/ [32m \ [31mPostfach 100522 [32m/ [32m \ [31m04005 Leipzig [32m/ [32m \ [31mGermany [32m/ [32m \ . / [31m...CU!!![32m/ \ / [32m \ / \ / [32m \/ \/ [32m / \ [32m /_________\[0m [ 10 ] [32m[4m [0m [32m/ / \ \[34m:::::::... [32m/ / \ \ \[34m:::::::::::.... [32m/ [4m [0m[32m/ \ \ \ \[34m::::::·· [32m\ \ \ \ / [32m[4m \ [0m[32m \ / / [4m [0m[32m/ [32m_/ / / / / [34m....::[32m / / / [34m....::::::::::[32m[4m / / [0m[32m/[0m [35m ««« Sean Dark Prods. - Wir halten was wir versprechen!!! »»» [0mYou are frustrated of those swappers who promised 100% answer but don`t! [33mSean Dark Prods. - PF 10 05 22 - 04005 Leipzig - Germany [31mThis address means [36mREALLY 100%[0m. Not only for disks, long letters or elite! [32m... you can believe me, it`s really 100% true! try it out!!! ...[0m [ 11 ] ... another one des!nged for showtime ... . ______________________________ . / / / / · / / / / /· / ____/ / / / / · _\____ / / / _____/ / / / / / . · ./ / / / . /_________/_________/____/ . · ««« Sean Dark Productions »»» In times of death and war it seems to be the clou, but later you`ve to pay therefor the devil`s due. » Nicht mit uns!! Try 4 any reason! « ... poem `enterprising i` © 1997 by marc oberst ... [ 12 ] [47m [0m [47m [0m sean dark prod. [47m [0m [47m [0m [47m [0m [47m [0m the only way to heaven! [47m [0m [47m [0m [47m [0m [47m [0m the sky full of stars!!! [47m [0m [47m [0m [47m [0m [44m [0m Founder, Owner & Producer: [47m [0m [44m [0m Marc Oberst [47m [0m [44m [0m [47m [0m [44m [0m 2nd Consultant & Co-Producer: [47m [0m [44m [0m Friedhelm Pörner [47m [0m [44m [0m [ 13 ] _________ ___________ _____________ ____________ | // // // //| | // // // // | | // // // / // | | // ____// / // // | | //_____ // / // _____// | | // // / // /_____/ | | // // // // | | // // // // | |//__________//____________//______//_____________| the gate is open!!! here ends the sdp part and it follows the part for the agony`s friends... ... which one do you like more? right or wrong..ehm..left?? ... ++++++++++++++ +++!!hELLo!!+++ ++ hELLo!!! ++ ++tHIs iS tHE++ +++ diz iZ +++ +XfILeS aDVerT+ +A new aDVerT+ fRoM tHe aGOnyS ++ fRoM tHe ++ +++frIEnDs!!+++ +++ aGOnyS +++ wE WAnNa gREet: ++ frIEnDs! ++ +aLL AmIGauSEr+ wE WAnNa gREet wHO CaN sEe diz aLL AmIGauSErS +noW `cOZ We R+ +wHO CaN rEAd+ +VEry pRoUD oF+ ++++ dIZ! ++++ ++u`COz oF uR++ ++++++++++ cU!... +++fIDeLitY!+++ +aMIga 4 eVEr!+ ++++SeE u!!++++ ... which is the one with the better grammar??? ... [ 14 ] --=====================-- ---====================--- tHE aGonY`S fRIenDs cALld zito/zetec (ascii,swap) ____________ _______ ed/rti (musica) \ / \/ / axel/zetec (gfx) \_ / /\ / ___/ / / \// __/ ...ooOOOO==============--- we! / / / / ______ ____ _______ are looking for more... \__\____/\___/TAF \ \/ \/ / do! \_ / /\ / ___/ not hesitat 2 contact us! a LAblE 4 gOoD / / \// __/ tEAmwORk PrODucTIonS / / / / taf oF \__\____/____/ c/o sean dark prod. ZETEC & RED TIGER INC postfach 100522 --=====================-- the agony`s friends 04005 leipzig germany for swapping (mods,demos...) ___________ _______ and contacts try to mail us! \ / \ / / \_ _/ /\ / ___/ >it`s more than just a demo< / // \// __/ >it`s a taf one!!< / // / / /__//____/___/ ---==============OOOOoo... ---===============--- .a.d.v.e.r.t.i.s.e.m.e.n.t. ____________________ ___| |___ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \/ is commimg up!!! this is zito typing the board, hoping someone would read this... the agony`s friends- the lable for good teamwork productions of zetec and red tiger inc.- are searching for coders gfx-artists and other amigians next to kingdom >sachsen< who wanna join us or so... (swap) therefor write to: c/o sean dark prod. postfach 100522 04005 leipzig germany !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DISK = 100% ANSWER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [ 15 ] [32m _________ _________ ________ [32m / /\/ _ /\/ /\ [32m /__ __/ / // / / ____/ / [32m \_/ /\_\/ _~ / / ___/\_\/ [32m / / / / // / / / _\/ [32m /___/ / /___//___/ /___/ / [32m \___\/ \___\\___\/\___\/ [31m ---====================--- the agony`s friends strike back!! ... no ql azkee but I like the 3D effect!! done at my best time`97 ... ... what to say: I guess the agony`s friends will not longer ... ... exist!! do you agree??? the agony`s friends - what a name!!! ... [ 16 ] [32m+------------------------+ [32m| _______ _____ ______ [31m| [32m| | [31m| _ [32m| [31m| | [32m| |[31m_ _| | [32m| | [31m___| | [32m| | [31m|[32m| [31m|[32m_| | [31m_| | [32m| | [31m|[32m| [31m_ [32m| [31m| | [32m| | [31m|[32m| [31m| [32m| | [31m| | [32m| |[31m___|[32m|[31m__| [32m|[31m_[32m|[31m__| | [32m| [31m| [32m+[31m------------------------+ [36m bE oN tHE dOlE[0m ... same style as the rti logo (04) which is also des!gned for maniac the very little mini party 1997! --------------------- you will find another one for ztc and if you will have a look at the maniac`97 archive you will there is a mistake at file 4.maniac SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i deleted the ql texts... [ 17 ] [32m [4m [0m[31m [32m \[31m[4m [0m / \ [4m \[0m [32m /[31m / /[32m\[31m \ \[32m_[31m [32m /[31m / / [32m\[31m \ [4m\[0m [32m /[31m / [4m/[32m \[31m[0m \ \ [32m [4m/[31m / \ \[0m [32m [4m [0m[31m [32m /[31m \ [32m /[31m heLLo oUt there!!! \ [32m /[31m dIZ iZ dA 1sT aDVerT \ [32m /[31m MadE aT »»MANIAC `97«« \ [32m /[31m -bY tHE aGOny`S fRIEndS- \ [32m /[31m tHE neW aMIga cONvEnTIon \ [32m /[31m hELd bY: \ [32m /[31m \ [32m /[31m »»» Z E T E C! ««« \ [32m /[31m \ [32m /[31m 4 aMIga fANs iN lEiPZiG! \ [32m /[31m -------------------------- \ [32m /[31m dIZ Iz dA 1St pARty bUT nOt dA \ [32m /[31m lAsT, wE hOPe!!!!!!!! \ [32m /[31m stAY tUnED!... \ [32m[4m/[31m \[0m [ 18 ] iN 1995 _________ _____ _________ || ... / \/ \/ \ ||| _______ / / \ ____/ |||| | \_ / \/ _ \ \___|||||_ |-------- / \ | \ ___/ 003 | |------- / \ | \ \ 02 | |------ / \ | \ \ 1 | |----- // \ | \ \ | |----- \\____________/_|________/_/ | |------ | |---- » THE AGONY`S FRIENDS « | |-- pREsEnT yOU | |- | | -----> S H O R T R O V I I <----- | | | | dA cREdiTs... zITo (mUSikA & foNTa) | | aLAn SMitHEe (1h CodA) | | | | dA gREetiNGs...eD/rTI (Or aNdY bADAle?¿?) | | faBIAn/dEsIRe (cHIpChaP!) | | SabINe (hoW cOULd I wiN U?) | | | | nO cLOud, A sLeEPy CAlm | | SUnbaKed eARth, COold bY GeTlE bREezE | | aND tREes... | |________________ (sOMEthiNg GeNEsiS) | -bACk!- | | -stRIKeS- | aSCI-dEsIgn bY zITo/zETeC | -tAF- |___________________________| ... logo for taf`s shortro number vii ... [ 19 ] _________ _____ _________ / \/ \/ \ / / \ ___/ \_ / \/ _ \ \ / \ | \ __/ / \ | \ \ / \ | \ \ / \ | \ \ \_____________/_|________/_/ ---> S H O R T R O V I I <--- ... the second one (I like the first more!) for this shortro ... .a.d.v.e.r.t.i.s.e.m.e.n.t. ____________________ ___| |___ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \/ is commimg up!!! + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~ ~ ~ tHe aGOny`S fRIeNDs aRE nOt ~ ~ aS dEad As yOU tHouGht! ~ ~ ~ ~ cOme`n`JOin uS aT ~ ~ ~ ~ sEan dARk pROd. ~ ~ pOStFaCH 1oo522 ~ ~ o4oo5 lEIpzIg ~ ~ - gERmaNY - ~ ~ ~ ~ cONtaCt 4 sWApPiNg, aSCii ~ ~ jOInINg aS gFX-/sFx-aRTisT! ~ ~ oR aS a 2nd CodER!! ~ ~ ~ ~ tAf - bE oN tHe dOLe! ~ ~ ~ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ [ 20 ] ... just another one for showtime... ** zetec & red tiger inc. are ** ___ * /___\ d \/ \/ In da mist o`electrons a /___\ In da jungle o`disks * \___/ 2 men found each other r _ exchanged ideas and i /.\ made paramount plans s / \ and 2 smalls groups i /__|__\ became one... n \__|__/ g ____ da only one !!! * / _/ s / _/ contact us: c/o zito o /_____\ pf 1oo522, o4oo5 leipzig n \_____/ in germany on earth! s * **** the * agonys * friends **** ... the original is colored, of course ... [ 21 ] ... i really like this one, done for sdp`s newssheet 1998. this is the version for the fixed dopus sheet. have a look at it for the first one, which is a bit more watchable. but this one took a bit more work to creat! well, tell me what one do you like more!... [35m[4m [0m [35m[4m/\ [0m[35m/\[0m [35m\ \[4m [0m[35m [4m \ \[0m [42m stIll tHe lABlE FoR cO-pROdS bY: [0m [35m\[4m/ [0m[35m/\ [4m/\ \[0m[35m/ [35m\ \ \ \ [42m[33m zEtEc & rEd tIGeR iNc. [0m [35m\ \ \ \ [35m\ \ \ \ [42m[34m actuall memberlist: [0m [35m\ \ \ \ [35m\ \[4m \ \[0m [41m[32m zito/zetec [0m [35m\[4m/ \[0m[35m/ [35m[4m [0m [41m[32m ed/rti [0m [4m[35m/\ [0m[35m/\ [35m\ \ [4m [0m[35m \ \ [35m\ \ /\[4m \[0m[35m \ \ [35m\ \ \[4m/ [0m[35m/ \ \[0m ---===[================================]===--- [35m\ \ [4m [0m[35m \ \ [35m\ \ /\ \ \ \ [32mwE`d wISh wE cOUld gREet tHE fOlloWIng gUYs [35m\ \ \ \ \ \ \ [35m\ \[4m \ \[0m[35m \[4m \ \[0m ·TRSI ·Oops ·Artwork [35m\[4m/ \[0m[35m/\[4m/ \[0m[35m/[0m ·Sanity ·Passion ·Effect [35m[4m [0m ·Essence ·Quartex ·Melon [4m[35m/\ [0m[35m/\[0m ·Virtual Dreams ·Scoopex ·Infect [35m\ \ [4m \ \[0m ·Razor 1911 ·X-Zone ·Angels [35m\ \ [4m/\ \[0m[35m/[0m ·Bizarre Arts ·Ethic ·Arkos [35m\ \ \ \[4m [0m ·Ram Jam ·Nuance ·Apex [35m\ \ \[4m/ [0m[35m/\[0m ·Fairlight ·Apathy ·Suspect [35m\ \ [4m\ \[0m [35m\ \ [4m/\\[0m[35m/[0m [32mwE`r sENdINg gREetS 2: [35m\ \ \ \ [35m\ \[4m \ \[0m ·RTI·Zetec·haujobb·faith·riot·big-rat·animators· [35m\[4m/ \[0m[35m/[0m ... making logos for taf was always a bit more difficult than the ones for zetec or rti. more easy than this, of course also because i`m more professional today, are the new ones i made for my friends in scene,which you will see in my second azkee compilation or on some one by link 124, which i`m going to join (maybe next week ???) ! well, none more to add... [ 22 ] ... my last one. also a bit old (Januar`97) not used before! ... [4m [0m / / \ \ [4m/ [0m [4m [0m/ [4m/\[0m \ [4m \[0m / / / \ [4m \[0m / / / \ \ [4m/ [0m/ / [4m [0m/\[4m \ [0m \ \| \/ ° ... i guess this will be the very last taf addy! ... here ends the taf part and it follows the part for zetec... [ 23 ] _____________________________________________ /_________ _______________________________ /\ / \ \/ / / / / / / / \__ / ___/ ___/ ___/ /___/ / / / / /_ _/_ / \ / _/_/ /___ / / / / \ // \ / / / / / / ©zITo \_______/___// \_____/_______/ / / /____________________/_________\_____________/ / \____________________\__________\____________\/ wellcum to the part of zetec or z-tec or ztc, what you want. some words at first. taf is dead. have a look at the news part at the end of this file. so the advertisement some lines above is out. but you can contact at the same address for any reason with 100% reply!!! ... it exists a ansi version of this one. looks more prof. ... ---+++++++****** chip & fast ****+++++-------------........... fast: do you like me, chip? chip: ...fast... what you don`t understand is... no, see ... no! fast: what??? chip: you can never... never ask me stop going out of memory... do you understand? fast: i do. i really do! sdp sean dark sean dark prod. (who is the real name...) sean dark productions is if someone did not understood what it means ... a joke about jeanne d`arc ...hahaha! well, if we are reading some text , we could go on with the same one page more! why not?! i know the beginning date is a bit old, but i had some troubles with my privat life and then also with my career as swapper. why? 1st reason: the post is to lame! fuck`em! and i guess the government takes control of my mailings. what can i do, if my letters didn`t arrive. then are also much of guys in scene who promise 100% answer but don`t. i lost so many disks sending them around our beloved planet `earth`, that i`m go- ing wild if i think of the number i lost. shit!!! now i will tell you about my mother, sorry (i`m a bit blade running...) of course about my azkeez... listen closely! i know my oldstyle is not a typical one for the azkee scene. most is read- able and not in a style where you have to know what they shall mean to be able to read it right. of course it is also not very funny, but it`s an original. it`s me!!! also everyone has to have the chance to beginn and every beginning is hard and the outputs are not the best. so give me the chance to grow up and learn. if there were no newcomer, the scene would die! don`t you think so??? at the moment, i have nothing to do. so order some logos etc. to make me happy and to let the azkee scene live on. and to see my new style... support the AMIGA, but give amateurs the chance to become professional. i`m already searching for guys using dopus 5m as wb replacement for swap. every sign of life is a good sign... i don`t no why some of da azkee artists use this, but i`m modern, i`m in... it is time for the `id-file-datas` with one of the new designs... @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ______ _____ _____ \___ Y Y ___| / ___| ___| | \ | | | | \ | | | | \___| | l_____| | | | | l___|[zZ] zetec`s 1st azkee colly! `touch of god` by zito @END_FILE_ID.DIZ ... if anyone can tell me for what this is usefull - write me ... [ 24 ] [32m +------------------------+ [32m | ______ _______ _____ [31m| [32m | | | [31m| | | [32m | |[31m___ [32m|[31m_ _| ___| | [32m | [32m/ [31m/ [32m| [31m|[32m| [31m| | [32m | [32m/ [31m/[32m_ | [31m|[32m| [31m|[32m___ [31m| [32m | [32m/ [31m|[32m| [31m|[32m| [31m| | [32m | [32m\[31m______|[32m|[31m___|[32m|[31m______| | [32m | [31m| [32m +[31m------------------------+ [36m dO nOt loSE sIGht oF[0m ... just another one in the same style for the maniac party ... ... it`s going boring. ehm...! ... [ 25 ] _____________________________ / _____ _____ /\ / _____/ __/___/ __/___ / / i really like this one! / \_ / /_ __/ / / __/ / / / / /_ _// // _// /_ / / it`s one of me first ones, but / /___//_/__// /_/___/ / / / /____/ /____/z-tEC / / it`s cool. what do you think, he?... /____________________________/ / \____________________________\/ « zito`s celebration of lonelyness » ... it exists also an ansi one of this ... [ 26 ] [34m _____ __ __ __ ____ _____ [34m| _ | · |__| __| _ | [34m| | | | | \ | | [34m|__|__|__|__|__|____|__|__| [32mRULEZ!!![0m _______________________ nO aLC, nO dRuGs! aMIga iZ jUSt eNOugH!!! lEt`s sEe wHAt dA fUTurE bRIngs!! dA vISItoRS oF mANiaC`97 gREEt aLL peOPlE iN da wORld! eSPeciAllY aLL aMIgoID liFe fORms!!!! CU!... ... support zetec`s poetic mag! comming out soon: `none to lose` ... .a.d.v.e.r.t.i.s.e.m.e.n.t. ____________________ ___| |___ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \/ is commimg up!!! wAtCh [32moUt[31m fOr[32m oUr[31m sOOn[32m cOMinG[31m gUIdE[32m tO: [43m [0m [43m [0m[33m[4m [0m ----------------- [37m B A B Y L O N[0m ----------------- [43m [0m [43m [0m [43m [0m tHe tElEViSioN sErIes bY [32mjms!! [35m guide made by our guidemaster zito -=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=- [32m · [36mamiga[34m rulez[36m the[34m scene![32m · [32m · [34mzetec[36m rulez[34m the[36m world!!![32m ·[0m [ 27 ] wATcH oUt fOR [34m [4m [0m[34m [4m [0m[34m [4m [0m [34m / /\ [4m/ [0m[34m/\ / /\ [34m / [4m [0m[34m/ / [4m \ \[0m[34m/ / [4m [0m[34m/ / [34m / [4m/\ \[0m[34m/ / /\ \ \ [4m \[0m[34m/ [34m / [4m [0m[34m/\ / / / [4m \[0m[34m \ \ [34m / [4m/ \[0m[34m/ / / / / / / [34m / /\ / / / / / / [34m[4m/ [0m[34m/ / [4m/ [0m[34m/ / [4m/ [0m[34m/ / [34m\[4m \[0m[34m/. \[4m \[0m[34m/. \[4m \[0m[34m/. a nEW MaG! bY: [32m »»» ZETEC ««« [31m mORe iNfOs aT: sEaN dArK PrOD. PF 10 05 22 04005 lEIpzIG gErmANy [ 28 ] ___ (___) _____ ___ ______ | _ Y Y ___/--------------------------------------. | ___| |___ \ | | | T | | / [32mEye In The Sky - Spezial 1 [31m| | | | | | / | l_____| |___/----------------------------------------' | | | | l___| V1.79 Release 2 ... des!gned for the startup-sequence for the 2nd release of the pkd-guide ... [ 29 ] _______ ____ ________ -------------/ / /___/ / /--------- -----------/ ____/ ____ / ___/-------- ---------/ /_ / / | |---------- -------/ __/ / / ___| |-------- -----/ /___ / / / /------ ---/ /__ / /__ / /__--- -/______//_//___//_//_______//_/- -= Spezial 1 - Hauptseite =- ... just another one ... [ 30 ] _____ _____ _______ / \ / \ / \ | || || | | ___/ \_____/ | ____/ | \ _____ | |____ | \ / \ | \ | / | | \____ | | /___ | | ____| | | \ | | / | | || || | \_____/ \_____/ \_______/ ... and the last ... [ 31 ] . +--- [4m [0m [4m [0m ........ aMIga iS aLIvE! | |\[4m [0m/ _ \\ [4m \[0m ....... zEtEC tOo!!! | |[4m [0m / _[4m / \[0m \[4m- [0m ...... CU nEXt yEaR aT mAniAC`98! | / \[4m / [0m [4m \ \[0m ..... mO bOArdS, mO pRobLEms! dON`t cAll! +- \[4m [0m/ / \ / / .... d-zIGn bY zItO/zEtEC +--- [4m/ \[0m\ \[4m [0m ... +----- \[4m [0m/ aT tHE pArtY!!! +-------------- | | -----·------------------> `-------------- \ / -------------> \/ ... this one is quiet cool!!! made at maniac`97 ... [ 32 ] _|[4m [0m |[4m [0m [4m [0m | | · |[4m [0m| | | | | l[4m [0m | | l[4m [0m ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾ ¾¾ ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾ ¾ ¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾ ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾ ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾ ¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ [4m [0m · [4m [0m| [4m [0m | | | | | | | |[4m [0m| | | | | | | | | l[4m [0m| l[4m [0m| | l[4m [0m| l[4m [0m | [4m [0m| [ 33 ] ... the same in green! ... [41m@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@[0m [41m@@@@@@@[42m [41m@@@@[42m [41m@@@[42m [41m@@@@[42m [41m@@@[0m Willkommen zu PKD-Guide, [41m@@@@@@[42m [41m@@[42m [41m@@[42m [41m@@[42m [41m@@@@@[42m [41m@@[0m dem ultimative Führer [41m@@@@@[42m [41m@@[42m [41m@[42m [41m@[42m [41m@@@@@@[42m [41m@@[42m [41m@@[0m durch die Welten des [41m@@@@[42m [41m@@[42m [41m@@@@@@@[42m [41m@@[42m [41m@@@[0m [1mPhilip K. Dick[0m [41m@@@[42m [41m@@@@@@[42m [41m@@[42m [41m@@@@@[42m [41m@@[42m [41m@@@@[0m [41m@@[42m [41m@@@@@@[42m [41m@@@@[42m [41m@@@[42m [41m@@@@@@[0m © 1995-98 Sean Dark Prod. [41m@[42m [41m@@@@@@[42m [41m@@@@@@[42m [41m@[42m [41m@@@@@@@@[0m Guide made by Marc Oberst [41m@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@[0m ... or may be in black/white ... [ 34 ] +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |> <| |> :/\/\__ØØØØØØ--<>-<>___/\___oooOOOOOooo___/\___<>-<>--ØØØØØØ__/\/\: <| |> :\/\/ ØØØØØØ--<>-<> \/ °°°OOOOO°°° \/ <>-<>--ØØØØØØ \/\/: <| |> _______________________________________________________________ <| |> | ____ ___________ ____ | <| |> || / /___________\ \ || <| |> || / _ _ _ // \\ _ _ _ \ || <| |> || / ///(_)(_)(_)______// ( ( ( ( \\______(_)(_)(_)\\\ \ || <| |> || / \\\(_)(_)(_) // ( ( ( ( \\ (_)(_)(_)/// \ || <| |> ||/ //_\ /_\ // ( ( ( ( \\ /_\ /_\\ \|| <| |> | ////.\\ //.\\ //____ _|__ __|_ ____\\ //.\\ //.\\\\ | <| |> | \\\\_// \\_// \\ | | // \\_// \\_//// | <| |> ||\ \\_/ _ \_/ \\ ( ( ( ( // \_/ _ \_// /|| <| |> || \ ///(_)(_)(_)_____\\ ( ( ( ( //_____(_)(_)(_)\\\ / || <| |> || \ \\\(_)(_)(_) \\ ( ( ( ( // (_)(_)(_)/// / || <| |> || \ \\___________// / || <| |> ||____\ \___________/ /____|| <| |> |_______________________________________________________________| <| |> <| |> :/\/\__ØØØØØØ--<>-<>___/\___oooOOOOOooo___/\___<>-<>--ØØØØØØ__/\/\: <| |> :\/\/ ØØØØØØ--<>-<> \/ °°°OOOOO°°° \/ <>-<>--ØØØØØØ \/\/: <| |> <| +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ dIZ cARpeT wAs wOVeN bY: dIEsEr tEPpICh wUrdE gEWEbt vOn: zITO/zEtEC aT THe zITO/zEtEC aUf dEr M A N I A C `97 M A N I A C `97 --- --- [ 35 ] [4m...........................................................................[0m [43m[37m|>[34m [4m [0m[43m [37m<|[0m [43m|> [44m[35m:/\/\[4m [0m[44m[35mØØØØØØ--<>-<>[4m [0m[44m[35m/\[4m [0m[44m[35moooOOOOOooo[4m [0m[44m[35m/\[4m [0m[44m[35m<>-<>--ØØØØØØ[4m [0m[44m[35m/\/\:[43m [31m<|[0m [43m[37m|> [44m[35m:\/\/ ØØØØØØ--<>-<> \/ °°°OOOOO°°° \/ <>-<>--ØØØØØØ \/\/:[43m [37m<|[0m [43m|> [4m[37m [0m[43m [31m<|[0m [43m[37m|> [47m [4m[35m [0m[47m [4m[33m [0m[47m [4m[35m [0m[47m [43m [37m<|[0m [43m|> [47m[35m | / [31m_-[4m [0m[47m-[4m [0m[47m-[4m [0m[47m- [33m/[4m [0m[47m[33m\ [31m-[4m [0m[47m-[4m [0m[47m-[4m [0m[47m-_ [35m\ | [43m [31m<|[0m [43m[37m|> [47m[35m | / [34m_[31m- [34m_ [31m-[34m_ [31m- - [33m// \\ [31m- - [34m_[31m- [34m_[31m -[34m_ [35m\ | [43m [37m<|[0m [43m|> [47m[31m [35m| / [32m/\ [34m(_)(_)(_)[4m [0m[47m[33m// [36m(o) (((( [33m\\[4m[34m [0m[47m[34m(_)(_)(_) [32m/\ [35m\ | [43m [31m<|[0m [43m[37m|> [47m[35m | / [32m\/ [34m(_)(_)(_) [33m// [36m-- (((((( [33m\\ [34m(_)(_)(_) [32m\/ [35m\ | [43m [37m<|[0m [43m|> [47m[31m [35m|/ [31m/[32m_[31m\ /[32m_[31m\ [33m\/ // [36m. 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[32m dIEs iSt eIN tEPpICh, dER vOn zITO/zEtEC aUf dEr MANIAC`97 gEWEbt wUrDE!! [31m dIZ oNe iS A sPEciAL dEsiGNed VErsIOn fOR dOpUS5-MaGEllAN!! tHAt mEAnS, iF U dON`t uSe dIZ gREAt WB-rEPlaCEmeNt, aLL cOLorS cOUld LooK A bIt sTRaNge!!! sO buY iT aND U wIll sEe thE tRUe cOLorS, YEP!!! i`LL tRy 2 cREat a wB-vErsIOn `tIL tHe eNd oF mANiaC! I NeEDed 3 hOUrS`n`56 mINutEs 2 cREat diZ cOol tuRKey in AnSI!! (dIz Iz vERsiOn 3.21) dIEseR wURdE sPEzieLL fÜR dOpUS5-mAgELLan ENtwoRfeN!! dAß beDEutET, wEnN dU dIEseN GRoßArTIgeN wB-eRSaTZ nICht VerWEndESt, kÖNNen dIe fARbeN eIn WEniG sELtsAm aUssChAuEn!!! aLsO kAUf iHN uNd dU wIRst dIe wAHreN fARbeN sEheN, jAWohL!!! iCh wERde vErSUchEN EIne wB-vERsiON bIS zUm EndE vOn mAniAC zU kREireN! iCH hABe 3 StuNDen uNd 56 mINuteN gEBraUcht uM dIEsen tÜRKeN iN AnSI zU kREirEn!! (dIEs isT vERsioN 3.21) [ 36 ] [34m /\[4m [0m[34m/\[4m [0m[34m/\[4m [0m[34m/\ [34m / \ \ / [34m \[4m [0m[34m [4m/ [0m[34m [4m [0m[34m/ [4m [0m[34m/ [34m / [4m/ [0m[34m/\ \/ [4m/ [0m [34m / / \ / [34m \[4m [0m[34m/[4m / [0m[34m / [34m \/ \/ [32m -= dO nOt lOSe sIGht oF =-[0m ...the one that makes the one at the next screen possible... [ 37 ] /\[4m [0m / \[36m::::.[0m \[4m [0m [36m.::· ·::[0m[4m [0m/\ / [36m·:::..::·[0m \ / [36m:::·[0m\[4m [0m [4m [0m/ [32mdO nOT loSE sIGht oF![0m [33mgEt[0m \[4m [0m/[36m:: ·::[0m/ \ [36m.::::.[0m [33mmEmbErsHIp [36m:::·[0m/ [36m.::· ·::[0m [33maT:[0m \ [4m [36m·[0m[36m:::..::·[0m[4m [0m/\ \/ [36m:::·[0m / / [33mzItO [36m:: ·::[0m [4m [0m/ [33mpF 1o o5 22 [36m:::·[0m [4m/ [0m [33mo4oo5 lEIpzIg[0m / / [33mgERmaNy[0m \[4m [0m / \/ .a.d.v.e.r.t.i.s.e.m.e.n.t. ____________________ ___| |___ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \/ is commimg up!!! [32m__[0m__[32m__[0m__[32m__[0m__[32m__[0m__[32m__[0m__[32m__[0m__[32m__[0m__[32m__[0m__[32m__[0m__[32m__[0m__[32m__ [0m| | [32m| [0mwAtCh [32moUt[31m fOr[32m oUr[31m sOOn[32m cOMinG[31m gUIdE[32m tO | [0m| | [32m| [34mStephen King - The Master Of Horror! [32m| [0m| | [32m| -----==================----- [32m| [0m| | [32m| [36m![35mguide made by our guidemaster zito[36m! [32m| [0m| [35mall infos, bios, books collected by: [0m| [32m| [33m ed of red tiger inc. [32m| [0m| | [32m| [36mZTC - Zetec rührt den Eintopf!!! [32m| [0m|[32m__[0m__[32m__[0m__[32m__[0m__[32m__[0m__[32m__[0m__[32m__[0m__[32m__[0m__[32m__[0m__[32m__[0m__[32m__[0m__[32m__[0m|! [ 38 ] [34m/ [34m/ [34m/ [34m/ [34m/ [34m_________________ / [34m----------------------- / / [34m/ / / / [34m/ /___ / / / [34m/ / \ ______/ / [34m/_____ /__ \_________/ [34m/ [34m/ [34m/ [1mZ E T E C - dA mOdERn lIFe[0m [34m/ [34m/[0m Respect 2 Zito our ASCII/ANSI artist. This is our new logo. New des!gn - New Slogan - New age. Creativity rulez. [ 39 ] ........ :\____/:·······pREsErVe·yOur·rOOts!·········. /\ :......: /\_______ /\_____/\\ _:__/ \·················. mods letters // ______ \____//\ __ \\___//\ / : pkd simpsons \\__ ___/ / __ \ \ ___/ __ \ __/ ! eNGagEd : chips scores · // /__/\/ ·\/ \\/ _/ / \//_· ! fRIendLy : .·················/ \______ /\ / __/ \ \ · \ ! & fAsT : : \_________/ / \ ____/ / /__/\ / ! w0RldWIdE : : s0Me1 hAS kILLeD · ·\ \_ \__/\/____\ \_ \__/\\/ ! sWAp! : : tHE 1 wH0 bRIngS \_____ // ·\_____ /· : : lIGht iN tHeSE · \// · \/ eVEryONe iS wELLcuM! : : dARk AgES... · · : : i wILl hUNt hIm! »» Z I T O / Z E T E C «« .···············. : : : aLL oF Us aRe :..· : tHIs adREss mEanS rEAlly 100% rEPly tO aLL!!! : hUNgrY gHOstS : : wE aRe sEArcHIng fOR sOMe mOrE tALentEd ·...............· . : mUSIcaNs, SEveRaL gRApHIcIaNS aND a COdEr! : /\ · __ : .··············································........· / \ /\ \ · ·.....: zito - pf 1o o5 22 - o4oo5 leipzig - germany : || //\\ \ ················································ ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ ...just have a look at the original, colored one des!gned for showtime!... [ 40 ] ...another one for showtime!... _ _ | \ __________ /_\ |/\\\___||___/// \\ \\\· || ·/// // // || // ¬ // _ || _\\ the modern life // /__||__\\\ _ \\ \\_// c0NtacT dA \\/| [zito] \_/ zEtEc WHQ! \_| rIGht nOW aT zito * pF 1oo522 * o4oo5 lEIpzIg !!!iN gREat wILd gERmaNY!!! lOTsa fUn 4 eVErY sWApPEr, gfx & sfx!! none 2 lose! support our soon coming poets-mag! [ 41 ] ____________________ |\ \_ _/ -_\ / -_\ / /| |/ /__\___/___\___/__/ \| ...it`s tiny, isn`t it?... [ 42 ] ...puh! it`s the last for zetec! (Endlich!!!)... _____ _____ _____ | | | \ |_ | | | / /|_ _| | | |/ \ |_ |_____|_____|_____/ and one more time... a swapper is searching for friendly contacts!!! zito postfach 100522 04005 leipzig germany disk(s) = answer (really) here ends the part for zetec. lets see some various ascii`s... [ 43 ] +---------------- | _________ / | _________ / | _____ / | | .zZ| //\ ______| | // / ___|_______|____|_ // / | _________ | \ // /___ || / | | \____ // / / || / | \ //\ \\ \ / || / | ___/\ \ \ \\/ / __________ || /| | \ \ \ / / /\ /----------- || / | \ / \ \__/ /\ \ /------- -- - - __|| / |________\ \ / \\ \ / / / | | / / \__/ / // || / -- /| | | / / \ / // || \_____/ | | | |/ / \ / //\ || |___|___| / \ / // \ || |_____|\ \ /\\// \ || / \ / \/ \ || /_____\ / \ || by zito/zetec / \ || for my new contact \ || darkus/animators^low profile || =================||== [ 44 ] [34m . . [34m .:::. .:::. [34m .:::::::::::::. [34m ·:::::::::::::::· [34m ·:::::::::::· [31m[4m [0m [4m [0m [4m [0m [34m ·:::::::· [31m\/ |[4m | [0m | | _ | [34m ·:::·[31m |[4m [0m| | | |_| | [34m ·[31m| |\/| |[4m | [0m |[4m | [0m _ | | | | | | || | | |[4m [0m| |[4m [0m|[4m [0m|[4m [0m|| |[4m [0m|©zito ...I really dislike this first one!... [ 45 ] [4m [0m ...still I taste her lips |[4m [0m| [4m [0m [4m [0m [4m [0m [4m [0m [4m [0m [4m [0m / |[4m [0m/ _ \ V | | | _ \ / | | / \ | | |_ \ [4m/ [0m| [4m/ | \ [0m|[4m [0m|[4m [0m|[4m [0m|[4m \[0m \[4m [0m/ -= mY oNe aND oNLy lOvE! =- ...I realy like this 2nd one! Impressiv, I guess... ___ [ 46 ] __ sHe wENt aWaY !!! |___| / | ___ / |_______ :. .| |---. / | /__:::. .::| | | / | |_____/ _ :::::. .::::| | | / | / ::::::::::::| | |__ / | / | ::::::::::::| | |___ \_______| /____| ::::::·:::::| |______|_ \ \ / | :::::: :::::| | / \ \___/[zito]| \ | | / \ |_______\ | | / | \ | |/______| \ | | | \ +---------- M.I.L.A.-------|___| t | \ | | E | \ · | Your lips so soft | a | \ | | Your eyes so blue | R | \ | | I lose my world | d | \ | | When I`m with you | R | \ | | | o | \ | +-------- marc oberst --------+ P | \ | s | \ ·-----------------------------· |_________________\ [32m . [0m[ 47 ] [32m /| [4m [0m[32m.---. [32m / | [34mnOW, sHe`S gONe ! [32m|[4m [0m[32m| | [32m / | [35m. .[32m[4m [0m[32m| | [32m / |[4m [0m [35m::. .:[32m| | | [32m / | [4m/ [0m[35m::::. .:::[32m| | | [32m / | |[4m [0m[32m/ _ \[35m:::::.:::::[32m| | |[4m [0m [32m / | | / \[35m::::::::::[32m| | |[4m [0m [32m / | / | \[35m:::::::::[32m| |[4m [0m[32m|_ \ [32m \[4m [0m[32m| / | \[35m:: :::::[32m| | / \ [32m \ / | \[35m: :::::[32m| | / | \ [32m \[4m [0m[32m/ | \ | | / | \ [32m \[4m [0m[32m|[4m [0m[32m/ | |/ | \ [32m | / [32m| \ [32m | \[4m [0m[32m| \ [36m [4m [0m [31m.---------- M.I.L.A.------[32m|[4m [0m[32m| | \ [36m | | [31m| | [32m| \ [36m | | [31m| Your lips so soft | [32m| \ [36m | | [31m| Your eyes so blue | [32m| \ [36m | | [31m| I lose my world | [32m| \ [36m | | [31m| When I`m with you | [32m| \ [36m |[4m [0m[36m| [31m| | [32m| \ [36m [4m [0m [31m·-------- marc oberst --------· [32m| \ [36m |[4m [0m[36m| [31m| | [32m| \ [31m ·-----------------------------· [32m|[4m [0m[32m/ [37m ---===[===== mY oNe aND oNLy lOVe! =====]===---[0m ...some words about the special des!gns for my past love called: Mila!!! (as you maybe noticed, hehehe!) i really loved her, but now she`s gone. ask me for some really lovely and depressive poems for her, about her, our life together and the way she has left me. by the way: mila is a shortening for djamila. +++ Djamila +++ Djamila +++ Djamila +++ Djamila +++ Djamila +++ the next one should stand without a comment. it`s my best i think! Very simply because it was first drawn by a pencil for a letter of mine. i`m really falling in love with this one... [37m ---===[===== mY oNe aND oNLy lOVe! =====]===---[0m [ 48 ] [4m [0m [4m [0m [4m [0m / \/ [4m \ [0m | | / [4m[41m [0m | | / [4m \ [0m | |[4m [0m / | \| [4m | [0m / | \ / \ [4m/ [0m/\[4m [0m| \[4m [0m/ \ | \/ \ [zito`98] | \ \ |[4m \[0m \ [4m/ [0m/\[4m \[0m [ 49 ] [32mLast MILA-Advert[0m I swear, this is really the last advert designed for Djamila. Why? Oh, I guess five addis and a special colored one are enough. You don`t think so? Well, you don`t know Mila! She`s pretty damned scary and her kind of doing all things in a cute way doesn`t fix the hole in my breast where my heart once last, until she extricated it. At last, my love hasn`t came along. The world turned blue and the sky started to cry. In unforgotten dreams I dreamt she could be always mine, but now she`s gone. Enjoy the final design... (neon des!gn) [36m___ ___ ___ __ ___ [34m/\ [36m\ [34m/\ [36m\ [34m/\ [36m\ [34m/| [36m| [34m/\ [36m\ [34m/ \ / [34m\ [36m\ [4m[34m/ \[36m \[0m [34m/ | [36m| [34m/ \ [36m\ [34m/ \/ \ [36m\ [34m______[36m___ [34m/ | [36m| [34m/ \ [36m\ [34m/ \ / \ / |__[36m|__[34m/ \ [36m\ [34m/ \/ \/ \/ \ [36m\ [34m/ \ \ \ \ [36m\ [34m[4m/ \ \ \ \[36m \[0m [37mM I L A [31m- [37mM[0my [37mI[0mnspiration, [37mL[0move & [37mA[0mbandonment [ 50 ] ___________ _________ _________ ____\ \__________\ /_/ \_____ _\ \ \ _______ \ / / \ \ \ \ \____ \\______\--· \_\__ \ \ \ \ \ / / ____\__ \ \ \ \ \_\_ / /_ \ \__ ____\ \ \ _\ \ \ \ \_\ \ \ \ \ / \ \ \_\_ \ \ \_\ \_\ / _\ \_\__\__________\ \ \\__________/___\ \______________\ \______\______________\ \________\ this is the 2nd version of a zito logo i created for the use of my ascii-letter as all my contacts in scene know... AmigaTrek VIII - First _______ ________ __ __ ________ ________ _______ ________ / /\/ /\/ |\ / /\/ /\/ __ /\/ /\/ /\ / _____/ / ____ / / |// / /__ ___/ / /_/ / / _____/ /__ ___/ / / /\____\/ / / / / /| |/ / /\_/ /\__\/ / / /\____\/\_/ /\__\/ / /_/__ / /___/ / / / | / / / / / / __ / / /_/__ / / / / /\/ / / / /| / / / / / / /\/ / / /\ / / / /______/ /_______/ /_/ / |_/ / /_/ / /__/ /__/ /______/ / /_/ / \______\/\_______\/\_\/ \_\/ \_\/ \__\/\__\/\______\/ \_\/ A Journey To The Scene as `bonbon` one of my privat collection! guide logo for swap business... the end??? never!!! i hope to see you soon, on my 2nd azkee colly or blaze` new azkee crew!!! because i`m a poet, philosoph and author you can also contact me to write some texts for you. poems or short stories, but be prepared what you wish to have... short credits ----------- azkeez: all be zito/zetec food support: mc donalds, alberto pizza drink support: banana-cherry-mixed-juice cigarettes: gauloises blondes x-tra apartment: mephisto / momo productions music support: `out of sight` score by david holmes `wild palms` score by ryuichi sakamoto genesis, sting and various amiga musicians as there are: dr.awesome, clawz, black dragon, mr.lou, ed, emax... chip & fast: dialoque inspired by a dialoque of the movie `leaving las vegas` by mike figgis compiled: from the 21.10.1998 to 7.1.1999 (i dunno why so long...) released: 7.1.1999 (23:59:59) our azkee productions so far: ..ztc-toc.. ..07-01-99.. ..touch of god.. ..zito/zetec.. ..091.500.. (hehehe...) fast greetings: 214/indy aztec/sector7 azzaro/ex-link124 black dragon/honoo^limited edition blaze/floppy^nah kolor^mystic buggs/defect curt cool/depth darkhawk iris darkus/animators^low profile ed/red tiger inc.^zetec general lee/ram jam^paranormal^freezers ghandy/darkage^faith^gods^chemical reaction hooligan/dual crew^ shining joanne/zetec michael `twilight` enderleit nagasaki/zetec pnx/grdu samael/zetec strife/apathy sixpack/haujobb trsi & fairlight recordz wiseguy/giants i don`t like this collection. it was planed a bit different! not so bad! left the screen and me with a last advert! !nternet became da great master these days, but no 1 can kill an engaged, friendly, fast & worldwide swapper! `coz friendship is all! .·······················. : : zetec whq at zito`s : : ··:·· : postfach 10 05 22 : ··:·· : : 04005 leipzig : : : germany : ·.......................· contact for: philip k. dick babylon 5 chip strange luck ascii and ansi scores joining simpsons swap & blade runner zetec - preserve your roots let us have some news of my groups at last... taf news the agony`s friends news updated on 3th november 1998 axel/zetec has been kicked out because of laziness and using a pc nihil/zetec left town and it seems he forgot the address lars kicked himself, nobody knows why ed/rti has gone to munich and none done since ¾ year ...big memberlist: zito/zetec (swapper, azkeeze, soon a coder) that means... taf is dead! TAF IS DEAD!!! IS DEAD!!!!! IS DEAD!!!!!! DEAD!!!!!!!!! the agony`s friends rest in peace, forever. ashes to ashes - dust to dust - ... zetec news updated on 31st of december 1998 axel kicked out because of laziness and using a pc nihil left town and it seems he forgot our address lars has kicked himself out of business joanne hired as new member samael reentered the scene nagasaki entered the amiga scene as gfx-dude ed joined from red tiger inc. current memberlist... ed.............................................musician joanne............................................coder nagasaki.....................................graphician samael............................................coder zito..............swapper, azkeeze, organiser, musician comming soon... pkd-guide4............new dictionary release of your favorite sf-author unnamed.............................................new musicdisk by ed unnamed.......................................zito`s second azkee colly we will end up with `the end` logo i guess! bye bye! __ __ ___ | \ | _|_________ / \| \|| / / ___\ t | | / / ___\_ h | | / / \ e | | / / \ | / /____________\\ |_____/ |__| \__| .zZ . . _____: . O o O _____|_____. _____ .) |____o [ t . H . E - y . A . R . d ]_o . _| / .|_____/_ /_ : _ | : \ / |/ / _// \ ahs . bgirl . arcade . srz . tac . dkb | |____/|____/ /__________\ wx . lp! . soia . pnk . omn . mce . 1oo | /______/ _ _: _____ ______ __________ ________: \\\. / /__________\_ /_/ _ // ._ /. consoles.amiga.graffiti ! / /| / _ \ / / |/ | ascii.hiphop.mp3.drugs |/_____ /____\_______\___\________________| classic games.linux/dd :_ t^/____/ _. zANEr/diPSWiTCH/hAsH/cRAZY | (_____________)| ___________ _______ _ ______: one of the finest in +49 _ _ ___) (_) : non-24h static telnet ip #1 33k6. #2 28k8. #3 64k isdn #4 64k isdn - theyard.ddns.org - #5 telnet #6 telnet #7 telnet #8 telnet