- The Ads Stop And The Fun Begins (thats a lie, its just more ascii) - . . .:. .. ... . :. / . ._________________·.. \::.:. ... ________________. | . ::: ::· | _| :\.:/:. | . \/ :::.. | .j\ | ____\:/____ | .-·Ŋ \. Ķ __..--··ŊŊŊŊŊ . ŊŊŊŊ -._ | |. . : :_.-·ŊŊ . . . . :.___·:.Ž\ | .-.._). .|---···Ŋ : . . / /· /· (_o\ . \, | _/ Ž : :. ..:. . ·/ · ////·.___ _j__ | ) .: . . . . · / //·// /TTTTTTTTTTTTT7 | ··-._ _.-·ŊŊŽ··-. :. .:: :. _______________ :.. .' | ____\__ŊŊŊŊŊ\ Ŋ··--..___ ____\_______ /__ _./ | / / \ __|______.ŊŊŊŊŊŊŊ\ __ .___/__.ŊŊŊ | / /\ \ |________\__ \| | |_____________|____ / / \ \ __ /_________| | __ / /________/\_________\ |/ / | | |/ / \_________/ / | |\ ________/ flying higher than | /________/dto/e^d |______| \__________\| an incontinent pork | | chop with big wings |________________________________________________| is kind enough to bring you a new collection by _______ . . ._ ___\_. / __|___._____ _ ________ _ ____________ _|_ _______ _. | \ l__/_ ______| | /___ ______ __/ | | | \_____ __ . | : / \| / | · | | _/ | :______/ \ /_____| | : \________| _/ 7_____/ : : \______| _______ _ : . __\_ sc /_________ . \ _/: _ / ________ . \________| _)__/_ ________/ . / . . l_______ _ _ / | / . : . / / /_______/ : l_______ _|_ _____________________________________ _ _/ \___) _ __________| | \_____| · / / // yes its that magical time of the year when i commemorate being born.. // so here are some words from me... / firstly i know that lately the ascii scene has been flooded by lamers releasing a collection every 15 minutes, and i know that i have done a few collections in a very short space of time, i am not just doing a logo and making a collection to spread it, this collection wasnt even planned until a few hours ago, but i have been working hard for the last few days and have managed to do a fair few logos which were going to be for Chilli Sauce part 2, but i thought that since it is my birthday, and i am sick, i may aswell do a birthday collection! so here are some artworks, it's not just a "more-of-the-same" collection, though some of the logos are in much the same style, thats because they were requested some weeks ago and i used the same style for them, but this colly also includes some logos with a newer version of that style, and a re-do of an old style, allowing me to do longer names ;) hehe.. i hope that you enjoy this collection and that it tantalises your taste buds for Chilli Sauce part 2, which should be quite a big fat sexy ascii collection ;). as for the ascii scene, things are looking pretty good these days, i think that artcore is dead now, i think it died 24 hours before it was voted august's #1 group in the roadhogz charts which is kind of ironic. however most of the members from artcore can be found in one of the 2 new ascii groups wHALE and (ONTRA, i am sure that there will be no drop in the quality of ascii art! instead it looks like the ascii scene is bigger, fatter, and better than ever before! / more words will be randomly inserted throughout the collection // because i know how boring it is to read it all at once :) // sit back, have fun and read countzero's BirthDay collection. // / as usual; diga diga doo diga doo doo, diga diga doo diga doo. --- Hold it right there! Its time for some ADVERTISING! --- Tired of having your Ž's turned into ž's ? sick of seeing control-m at the end of every line of the ascii packs you get? Well why not download the latest rooTool by countzero/wL! (erm.. me ;)) ? It's the answer to all your ascii-viewing needs! Its a new tool that will actually reverse the roadhogging process! the words "road hogged" will no longer be such a nightmare, instead you will thrive on them because it will give you a chance to try out the newest of the rooTool range, this time brought to you by wHALE. So what are you waiting for? Leech WL!-DH10.LHA today! --- More advertising! --- thats right, the ultimate countzero-collection will be on the shelves of your nearest software-distributer soon! yes yes! thats right, "CHILLI SAUCE PART TWO" will soon become a reality, featuring: * Vomiting sounds from some of the scenes most respected ascii artists! * More strange recipies and food-realated ideas from u-man/wL! (see later in this text for more information on u-man's horrible habbits!) * Sounds effects depicting the infliction of serious injury! * Much, much more! _|_ __ _|_ |____ ____\_ ___ _________|_ ____ _____|_ _ \__,(__\\__)|\__/, \__/\ \__,\__/\ /\__,\__/,\ /\__,`--. ------------> | ------------------------------------------- /__| <-2F erm... you dont see a table of contents from me very often ;) o1. Asylum o2. Brain Dead o3. Black Hole #1 o4. Black Hole #2 o5. Black Hole #3 o6. Contra #1 o7. Contra #2 o8. Crux o9. Deep Space Nine 1o. Endless Pain 11. Epsilon Design 12. Fatal #1 13. Fatal #2 14. Instant Pleasure 15. Lord Chaos 16. Primal Rage 17. Rave Land 18. Serpent Hill 19. Under Cover 2o. Whale #1 21. Whale #2 Pick of the week: RaveLand Lemon of the week: Fatal #1 : wHALE · wHALE . : : - -+------------- ---+----------- ---------+------------------------------+- Ķ Done For.. Ķ Reading.. Ķ Optional Comment.. : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - Ķ Juan/E^D Ķ Asylum Ķ Nice chatting. : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - · : : · . _ : : _ ___j \ _ _______ ___Ķ Ķ ___. ___. ___ ___j \ _ _\_____\ \____\_____/_____\ l |__\ | ___ ___\ l/ \____\_ l \ \_ _/ _____ \______ \______ | l/ \_ | \ \_/ \ \_____| \___ | \___ | |____ | \___ | \____| \_ : | __/ \ l __/ \ l | \ l __/ \ l __/ | __/ - +---l_____/-- --\_____/-----\______l-- -\_____/-----\______/-- ---l_____/--+- Ķ __ Ķ : _\/_: \ \/\/. \\ : Ķ\\ Ķ -+-\------- -------------------- ----------- ---------------------------- --+- : c0! - wL! . : wHALE · wHALE . : : - -+------------- ---+----------- ---------+------------------------------+- Ķ Done For.. Ķ Reading.. Ķ Optional Comment.. : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - Ķ Style Ķ Brain Dead Ķ : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - · : : · _ _ _ _ ___j \ _ ___j \ _ ___j \ _ ______. ___j \ _ _\ ____\ \____\ ____\ \____\_____\ \__\_____l__\_____\ \_ . _/ ____ _/ ________/ ____ \ Ķ | \ : \____ | Ž\____| Ž\____| \_ :_____| \_ . - +-----\ l __/---| __/ --| __/ ·---- | __/-+-- Ķ \______/ l_____/ l_____/ . l_____/ Ķ : _ _ _ _ : \: ___j \ _ ___j \ ____ ___j \ _ ___j \ _ : \ _\_____\ \____\_________/__\_____\ \____\_____\ \_ . \\ _/ | \ _____)__ _____ \ | \ __ : Ķ\\ \____ | \___ | \____| \___ | \_ _\/_Ķ -+-\- ----\ l __/-\ l __/---| __/-\ l __/-\/\/+- - : c0! wL! \______/ \______/ l_____/ \______/ · : wHALE · wHALE . : : - -+------------- ---+----------- ---------+------------------------------+- Ķ Done For.. Ķ Reading.. Ķ Optional Comment.. : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - Ķ Snake & Delboy Ķ Black Hole #1 Ķ happy, anders? : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - · : : · :__ .__ :__ .__ __/\___Ą \_____/\___: __/\___Ą \_____/\___Ą \_____/\___Ą \__ \/ \___ Ž\_/ \ Ą____\/ \___ Ž\_/ \___ Ž\_/ \ ! Ž\_ _/ _ _/ | \_ Ŋ \ l______/ _ _/ \ ! Ž\_ ! \_ T \_ ! Ž\_ | Ž\_ \ ______ /_____ /__| /____ /____| / ũ%\/ũ%ũ%!______ /ũ%ũ%ũ!______ /ũ%ũ!_______ /ũ%ũ%!______ /ũ%ũ%ũ!______ /%ũ : \/ : \/ : \/ : \/ : \/ .__ :__ :__ __/\___Ą \_____/\___Ą \_____/\___. __/\___Ą \____ \/ \ | Ž\_/ \___ Ž\_/ \ l____\/ \ _______/ _/ \ | \ | \_ _______)_ c0! \ T \_ ! \_ ! \_ ! Ž\_ \ _____| /____________ /____ /___ / wL! ũ%\/ũ%ũ%!_______ /ũ%ũ%ũ%ũ%ũ%ũ%\/ũ%ũ%!______ /ũ%ũ!_______ /%ũ : \/ : \/ : \/ : wHALE · wHALE . : : - -+------------- ---+----------- ---------+------------------------------+- Ķ Done For.. Ķ Reading.. Ķ Optional Comment.. : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - Ķ Snake & Delboy Ķ Black Hole #2 Ķ : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - · : : · _ _ _ __/\ _j \ _ ___. ___j \ _ ___j \ _ ___. ____ \_/ \____\ \_____\ | ______\_____\ \____\_____\ \____\ l/ \__ _/ ____ _/ l/ \_ _____ \ l______/ ____ _/ \_____ | Ž\____ | \___| \___ | Ž\____| Ž\_ .-----\ l __/--\ l __/--| __/-\ l __/---| __/-. Ķ \______/ \_____/ l_____/ \______/ l______/ Ķ : _ _ : · __/\ _j \ _ ___j \ _ ___. ___________ : .-:----. \_/ \ | \ \____\ ___\ \____\ | ______\ ________/ . Ķ : Ķ _/ _____ \ | \ l/ \_ _____)____ : Ķ Ķ Ķ \______| \___ | \___ | \_____ \_ Ķ Ķ `----+----------| __/-\ l __/-\ l __/--\ __/-------' Ķ Ķ c0!·wL! l_____/ \______/ \_____/ \_____/ `------' : wHALE · wHALE . : : - -+------------- ---+----------- ---------+------------------------------+- Ķ Done For.. Ķ Reading.. Ķ Optional Comment.. : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - Ķ Snake & Delboy Ķ Black Hole #3 Ķ : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - · : : · __/\ ______ ___. ________ ________ ___. ____ \_/ \____ \_____\ | ______\_____ \____\__. \____\ l/ \__ _/ ____ _/ l/ \_ _____ \ l______/ ____ _/ \_____ | Ž\____ | \___| \___ | Ž\____| Ž\_ .-----\ l __/--\ l __/--| __/-\ l __/---| __/-. Ķ \______/ \_____/ l_____/ \______/ l______/ Ķ : : · __/\ _.____ ________ ___. ___________ : .-:----. \_/ \ l \____\ ___ \____\ | ______\ ________/ . Ķ : Ķ _/ _____ \ | \ l/ \_ _____)____ : Ķ Ķ Ķ \______| \___ | \___ | \_____ \_ Ķ Ķ `----+----------| __/-\ l __/-\ l __/--\ __/-------' Ķ Ķ c0!·wL! l_____/ \______/ \_____/ \_____/ `------' : wHALE · wHALE . : : - -+------------- ---+----------- ---------+------------------------------+- Ķ Done For.. Ķ Reading.. Ķ Optional Comment.. : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - Ķ Contra Ķ Contra #1 Ķ Good luck for the future! : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - · : : · _ _ _ . _ _ ___j \ _ ___j \ _ ___j \ _ ___________: ___j \ _ ___j \ _ _\__. \ \____\ ___\ \___\_____\ \_\__________Ķ_\____ \ \____\_____\ \_ _/ l______/ | \ | \_/ | ________/ ____ \ \____ | Ž\___ | \___| \_ l____| Ž\____| \_ .-\ l __/-\ l __/--| __/--------Ķ----| __/---| __/ `--\______/-----\______/-----l_____/-----------:----l_____/------l_____/-' c0! · wL! . : wHALE · wHALE . : : - -+------------- ---+----------- ---------+------------------------------+- Ķ Done For.. Ķ Reading.. Ķ Optional Comment.. : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - Ķ Contra Ķ Contra #2 Ķ Another one... : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - · : : · : . _ _ _ _ _ _ -+ --------- ------+ - .__j \ _.__j \ _.__j \ _.__j \ _.__j \ _.__j \ _. Ķ H2o! : l__. \Žl ___\Žl___ \Ž| \Žl_____\Žl_____\Ž| : : | l____j | | | l____j | __ _j _ | . Mogue! . | | | | | | | | | | | | | : : | l | l | | | | | | | | | : Stylez! . .--l___ l___ l__| |--l____l__| l__| |--.-----------------:--. `-----l____l--l____l--l____l----------l____l--l____l--:-----------------:--' Ķ contra in 1995! Ķ - +----- -----------+- - : : And now... a word from our sponsors! · : \/\ /_______________________________________________Ķ / o| / Ķ| Ķ_____ _ _ _ ______ oĶ_______ ______| o\\ __ /\ /\ __ _ /_____ | _ _ / / | \\ \/ /· \ __ / \ / //\ \_______| // / Ķ ·\ // \\// \/ /__\ \ | o/ /_________________\ / \/ /________________\ \ / SkĄn |o /_____\ /_____\ |______\ / |Ķ \ / |\/ |o \/ / |________________________________________________/ Ķ / \/\ : · Yes! Its time for the first issue of U-Man's Kitchen! Your substitue host tonight is Luke, better known as the silly countzero of Whale (Recipes And New Cooking Ideas Division (R.A.N.C.I.D for short)). Welcome everyone! U-Man couldnt be with us for this issue for a number of reasons, the first of which is that he doesnt know that this segment exists, or that it will be a regular segment in all future collections from this one-year-older countzero. The other reason is that when he is in no condition to appear in any cooking/recipe segments since his last experiment which will be the feature of this week's edition of U-Man's Kitchen. Well, it was an early saturday morning in australia when i called up final impact to see if i could catch Anders (U-Man) when he was home. I was lucky enough to catch him on the board and soon the conversation went voice. It was several minutes into the conversation when an intoxicated Anders asked me to hold while he went to the kitchen to drink some milk. To my great amusement, when he returned, coughing and choking, he managed to tell me what his drunken idiocy had made him do, forcing me to laugh and taunt him for several minutes. So here is what he did, no doubt the secret to his ascii success! I know you want to know! Okay okay, here is how to become a bigmightyasciigod just like Anders. Next time you go to the refridgerator for some milk, and you see your milk carton with that blue stripe on it, think to yourself "no, none of that non-ascii drink for me, its time i became a real artist!" and shun that blue line! Reach out for the red-lined carton which is no doubt lurking in the back of one of your shelves... thats right, pick up a carton of *CREAM* and take a big long gulp! And remember to do it like Anders did, dont just have a taste and then spit it out, swallow it! Yum yum! Okay thats U-Mans kitchen for this week, next time i am sure that Anders will have recovered and probably done another similar thing that he himself can share with all you crazy lambs! *************************************************************************** Next issue will be written by the U-Man (I hope, i havent spoken to him about this at all, this is all being written without his concent and is all completely non-fictional!) and will appear in the much publicised CHILLI SAUCE PART TWO! *************************************************************************** @END_OF_TOM_FOOLERY @THERE_WILL_BE_MORE.MARK_MY_WORDS! : wHALE · wHALE . : : - -+------------- ---+----------- ---------+------------------------------+- Ķ Done For.. Ķ Reading.. Ķ Optional Comment.. : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - Ķ Shane Ķ Crux Ķ : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - · : : · _ _ _ _ ___j \ _ ___j \ _ ___j \ _ ___j \ _ _\__. \ \____\ ____\ \____\ | \ \___\ l \ \__ _/ l______/ ________/ | \ _____ _/ \____ | Ž\____| Ž\___ | \___| Ž\_ .-----\ l __/---| __/-\ l __/--| __/-----------------. Ķ c0! \______/ wL! l_____/ \______/ l_____/ Ķ `------------------------------------------------------------------------' : wHALE · wHALE . : : - -+------------- ---+----------- ---------+------------------------------+- Ķ Done For.. Ķ Reading.. Ķ Optional Comment.. : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - Ķ Sisko Ķ Deep Space Nine Ķ : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - · : : · _ _ _ _ ___j \ _ ___j \____ ___j \____ ___j \ __ _\_____\ \____\________/__\ ______/__\ ____\ \_ . _/ | \ ____)__ ____)__ _______/ : \____ | \___ | \___ | \_ | -+-- --\ l __/-\ l __/-\ l __/______l--- -- --- -- - - Ķ \______/ \_____/ \_____/ : _ _ _ _ _ . ___j \__ ___j \ __ ___j \ _ ___j \ _ ___j \ ____ : _\ _____/__ __\ ____\ \__\_____\ \_ __\__. \ \____\ _______/ : _ _____ \ ______/ _____ \ l______/ ____)___ Ķ \__ | \_ | \_____| \___ | Ž\_____ \_ : - +------\ l __/______l---- ---| __/-\ l __/---\ __/-+ - Ķ \______/ l_____/ \______/ \____/ Ķ : _ _ _ : \. ___j \ _ ______. ___j \ _ ___j \ ____ . \ _\_____\ \___\_____l__\_____\ \____\ _______/ : \\ _/ | \ Ķ | \ ____)___ : Ķ\\ \_____| \_ :_____| \___ | \_ Ķ -+-\-- ---------- ---------| __/ ·-- --| __/-\ l __/-+- c0! \ wL! l_____/ . l_____/ \______/ : wHALE · wHALE . : : - -+------------- ---+----------- ---------+------------------------------+- Ķ Done For.. Ķ Reading.. Ķ Optional Comment.. : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - Ķ Mogue/C! Ķ Endless Pain Ķ : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - · : : · _ _ _ _ _ _ .__j \ _.__j \ _.__j \ _.__. .__j \ _.__j \ ____j \ __ | ____/l_____\ l_____\ | l____| ____/| _____/ _____/ | ___)_| | | | | | | ___)_l___ l___ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | . | l | | | l | l | l | l | l | : l___ l__| l___ l___ l___ l___ l___ | : -+---el____l-nl____l-dl____l-ll____l-el____l-sl____l-sl____l-------------+ - Ķ _ _ _ Ķ : .__j \ _.__j \ _.____.__j \ _. : . l ___\ l_____\ l____l_____\ | . : | _____j _ | | | | : : | | | | | | | | . . | | | | | | | | : Ķ pl____| l__| i____l__| | Ķ -+------ ----------- ---- ------------------ -------al____l------nl____l-+- : c0! · wL! : : wHALE · wHALE . : : - -+------------- ---+----------- ---------+------------------------------+- Ķ Done For.. Ķ Reading.. Ķ Optional Comment.. : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - Ķ Fatal/E^D Ķ EPSLION DESIGN Ķ muhahah! : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - · : : · _ _ _ _ _ .__j \__.__j \ _.__j \_______.__. .__j \ _.__j \ _. l_ ____/l ___\ | _____/____l |____l ___\ l_____\ | | ___)_| ____l___ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | l | | | l | | l | l | | | : l___ l____l l___ l____l___ l___ l__| | : -+----l____|---- -----l____l-------l____|--l____|--l____|---------- ------+- - Ķ : . _ _ _ _ _ Ķ -:-+----- --------------+- .__j \ _.__j \__.__j \_______.__j \ _.__j \ _. : : Ķ Ķ l_____\ l_ ____/| _____/____l__. \ l_____\ | : : : : | | | ___)_l___ | | l____j | | . . . : | | | | | | | | | | | | : : : . | l | l | l | | l | | | : Ķ : : l___ l___ l___ l____l___ l__| | Ķ - +-:--- ---------- -----: ----l____l--l____l--l____l-------l____l--l____l-+ - c0!Ķ Ķ : wL!+--------------------+ . : wHALE · wHALE . : : - -+------------- ---+----------- ---------+------------------------------+- Ķ Done For.. Ķ Reading.. Ķ Optional Comment.. : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - Ķ Fatal/E^D Ķ Fatal Ķ : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - · : : · _ _ ____________ ___j \ _ __________ ___j \ _ ___. _\__________/_\_____\ \___\________/___\_____\ \____\ | ____ ./ _____} _/ ____ \ \_ ____ \ l/ \_ Ķ Ķ \_____| \____ __/___| \___ | \_ : : | __/ \_____/ | __/ \ l __/ · . c0! wL! l_____/ l_____/ \______/ : wHALE · wHALE . : : - -+------------- ---+----------- ---------+------------------------------+- Ķ Done For.. Ķ Reading.. Ķ Optional Comment.. : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - Ķ Fatal/E^D Ķ Fatal Ķ : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - · : : · _ _ _ _ .__j \ _.__j \ _.__j \ _.__j \ _.__. l _____j _ \ | \ l _ \ | l____. | ____)| _ l____j | _ | | | c0!| | | | | | | | | | | wL!| | | | | | | | | l | .-l____l--l__| |--l____l__| l___ |-- ---------------- ---------. `------------l____l-------- -l____|--l____|----------- -----------------' : wHALE · wHALE . : : - -+------------- ---+----------- ---------+------------------------------+- Ķ Done For.. Ķ Reading.. Ķ Optional Comment.. : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - Ķ Nike Ķ Instant Pleasure Ķ Chat ya! : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - · : : · _ _ _ _ _ _ .____.__j \ _.__j \ ____j \ _.__j \ _.__j \ _.__j \ _. l____l_____\ | _____/ \ l _ \ l_____\ | \ | | | | l___ l____j | _ | | l____j | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | l | | | | | | | | | : l____l__| l___ | l____l__| l__| | l____l . -+---- ----l____l--l____l-------- -l____l--l____l------------ ------------+- Ķ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ķ : .__j \ _.__. .__j \ _.__j \ _.__j \ ____| \__.__j \ _.__j \ _ : . l ___\ l |____l ____/l _ \ | _____/ | l ___\ l ____/ : : | _____j l | ___)_| _ l___ | | | __ _j ___)_. . . | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | : : | | | l | l | | | l | l | | | l | : Ķ l____l l___ l___ l__| l___ l___ l__| l___ | Ķ - +------ ----------l____l--l____l--l____l--l____l--l____l--l____l--l____l-+- : c0! wL! · : wHALE · wHALE . : : - -+------------- ---+----------- ---------+------------------------------+- Ķ Done For.. Ķ Reading.. Ķ Optional Comment.. : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - Ķ Lord Chaos/wL! Ķ Lord Chaos Ķ Sorry for the delay! : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - · : : · _ _ _ ___. ___j \ _ ___j \ _ ___j \ _ _\ | ____ ___\ ___\ \_ __\_____\ \__ __\_____\ \_ _/ l/ \_ | \ ________/ | \ : \____ | \___ | \____| Ž\____ | \_ . - +---- ------\ l __/-\ l __/---| __/--\ l __/------+ - Ķ/ \______/ \______/ l_____/ \______/ Ķ // _ _ _ _ : // ___j \ _ ___| \ _ ___j \ _ ___j \ _ _______ . /: _\_____\ \____\ l \ \____\_____\ \_ __\ ___\ \____\ ____/__ : : _/ l______/ _____ \ _____ \ | \______ \ : Ķ \____ | Ž\____| \____| \___ | \___ | \_ Ķ -+-- --\ l __/---| __/---| __/-\ l __/-\ l __/-+- : c0! \______/ l_____/ l_____/ \______/ \_____/ : . wL! : wHALE · wHALE . : : - -+------------- ---+----------- ---------+------------------------------+- Ķ Done For.. Ķ Reading.. Ķ Optional Comment.. : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - Ķ Delivery Man Ķ Primal Rage Ķ : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - · : : · _ _ _ _ .__j \ _.__j \ _.____.__j \ _.__j \ _.__. l ___\ l ___\ l____l_ l \ l _ \ | |____. | _____| __ _j | \_/ | _ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | l | : l____l l__| l____l__| l__| l___ | . - +------- ---------l____l-------l____|--l____|--l____|-----+ - Ķ _ _ _ _ Ķ : ___j \ _ ___j \ _ ___j \ _ ___j \ ___ : . _\_____\ \____\_____\ \____\__. \ \____\________/ . : _/ ________/ ____ \ l______/ _____)__ : c0!Ķ \_____| Ž\____| \___ | Ž\___ | \_ Ķ -+----- -| __/---| __/-\ l __/-\ l __/-+- - wL!: l_____/ l_____/ \______/ \______/ · Okay enough of that... now lets talk about Road Hogz, i think that its time the road hogz say goodbye to the amiga scene, we dont want to see you anymore. goodbye! and did i mention to lookout for chilli sauce 2 ? no ? well do it. : wHALE · wHALE . : : - -+------------- ---+----------- ---------+------------------------------+- Ķ Done For.. Ķ Reading.. Ķ Optional Comment.. : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - Ķ H2o/C! Ķ Rave Land Ķ Love your stuff! : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - · : : · _ _ _ _ ___j \ _ ___j \ _ ___j \ _ ___j \ ___ _\_____\ \____\_____\ \____\ | \ \____\________/// _/ _ ______/ ____ \ | \ ______)__ :\\____\ Ž\____| \___ | \___ | \_ . - +---- --\ __/---| __/-\ l __/-\ l __/---- -------+- - Ķ r\_____/Ž al______/Ž v\_______/Ž e\_______/Ž __ Ķ : _ _ _ _\/_: \. ___. ___j \ _ ___j \ _ ___j \ _ \/\/: \ _\ | ____ ___\_____\ \___\_____\ \____\_____\ \_ . \\ _/ l/ \_ ____ \ | \ | \ : Ķ\\ \\\____ | \____| \___| \___ | \_ Ķ -+-\------- ------\ l __/---| __/--| __/-\ l __/--+ - : c0! · wL! l\_______/Ž al______/Ž nl______/Ž d\_______/Ž : · : wHALE · wHALE . : : - -+------------- ---+----------- ---------+------------------------------+- Ķ Done For.. Ķ Reading.. Ķ Optional Comment.. : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - Ķ Ezco Ķ Serpent Hill Ķ : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - · : : · _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .__j \ _.__j \__.__j \ _.__j \__.__j \__.__j \ _.__j \ _. l ______l ____/l_ _ \ l _ l ____/l_____\ | \ | l___ | ___)_| _ _j | | ___)_| | l___j | | | | | | | | l | | | | | | | | l | l | | | _____l l | | | | | .--l___ l___ l__| l__l----l___ l__| |--l____l---. +-----l____l--l____l--l____l----------l____l--l____l-----------+-----------. Ķ _ Ķ Ķ : ___| \ _ _______. ___. ___. .----' : · _\ l \ \__\______|__\ | ____ ____\ | ____ Ķ . : _/ ____ \ | l/ \_ l/ \_ : : Ķ \_____| \______l____ | \___ | \_ Ķ Ķ `-----------| __/---------\ l __/-\ l __/-+----------------' c0!·wL! l_____/ \______/ \_______/ : · : wHALE · wHALE . : : - -+------------- ---+----------- ---------+------------------------------+- Ķ Done For.. Ķ Reading.. Ķ Optional Comment.. : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - Ķ CyberGod Ķ Under Cover Ķ : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - · : : · _ _ _ _ _ .__j \ _.__j \ _.__j \ _.__j \ _.__j \ _. l | \Žl_____\Žl_____\Žl ____/l_____\Ž| | | | | | | | ___)_| __ _l | | | | | | | | | | | | l | | | l | l | | | . : l___ l__| l___ l___ l__| | : - +----l____l--l____l--l____l--l____l--l____l----------------------------+- - Ķ Ķ : : : : : : : : : : : . . : : : : _ _ _ _ _ . : .__j \ _.__j \ _.__j \ _.__j \ _.__j \ _. : : l__. \Žl ___\Ž| | \Žl ____/l_____\Ž| : \: | l____l | | | | ___)_| __ _l : \ | | | | | | | | | | | . \\ | l | l | l | l | | | : Ķ\\ l___ l___ l___ l___ l__| | Ķ -+-\------------ ----------------l____l--l____l--l____l--l____l--l____l-+ - : c0! wL! : : wHALE · wHALE . : : - -+------------- ---+----------- ---------+------------------------------+- Ķ Done For.. Ķ Reading.. Ķ Optional Comment.. : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - Ķ Whale Ķ Whale #1 Ķ : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - · : : · .__ :__ __/\___: __/\___: __/\___Ą \_____/\___: __/\___Ą \_____ \/ \ Ą_____\/ \ Ą______\/ \___ \_/ \ Ą____\/ \__________/ _/ | Ž\_ ! Ž\_ Ŋ \ | Ž\_ _______)_ \ /Ŋ\ \_ _ \_ T \_ ! \_ ! Ž\_ \ _____T /__| /__| /____ /___ / ũ%\/ũ%ũ%!_______ /ũ%ũ!________ /ũ%ũ!_______ /ũ%ũ%!______ /ũ%ũ!_______ /%ũ c0!·wL! : \/ : \/ : \/ : \/ : \/ : wHALE · wHALE . : : - -+------------- ---+----------- ---------+------------------------------+- Ķ Done For.. Ķ Reading.. Ķ Optional Comment.. : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - Ķ Whale Ķ Whale #2 Ķ : - +------- ---------+------ --------------+------------------------------+ - · : : · _ _ _ ___| \ _ ___| \ _ ___j \ _ ___. _________ _\ l \ \____\ l \ \___\_____\ \____\ | ____ ____\ ______/ _/ /Ŋ\ \ ____ \ ____ \ l/ \_ _____)__ . : \_____| \____| \___| \___ | \___ | \_ : -+-------| __/---| __/--| __/-\ l __/-\ l __/-+ : c0! l_____/ l_____/ l_____/ \______/ \______/ : . wL! · . END OF ARTWORK (BUT THATS THE BORING BIT ANYWAY!) More words: Heres some more words from me, being typed a week after this collection was finished and was supposed to be released, the at&t thingo died unfortunately and i was too lazy to release this thing ;) but here it is. So heres what i have to say since my last collection. @TOPIC: PIONEER DESIGN You suck, go away, thanks for trying. @TOPIC: AUSTRALIAN ASCII Great regards must go to all the guys who have pitched in and created a great australian ascii scene, the latest contributers are Road Runna who finally did a collection :) and Rasta. It seems to me that our current list of active artists are: countzero (whale) dartagnan (whale) acid kid (whale) psyche (devious designs) rasta (ultra sonix) road runna (devious designs) Thats not a bad tally, considering our quality in days passed, i am very happy with the quality of the new stuff and i hope it keeps up! @TOPIC: LAZY I am lazy, i just sat down for a whole weekend to do some coding and only did about 15 minutes work :) @TOPIC: KRYPTONITE Kryptonite... i probably dont need to comment on his style, if you have seen it i doubt you would forget it. For the annoying words and childish comments in his latest sack of shit i would like to send him this message: grow up, you dont have a clue or a style. So if you want to laugh at some shitty styles, always look for the kryptonite label of un-original shit. also 'worst group name: whale' - this seems ironic coming from someone whose namesake is a green rock with an uncanny ability to hinder american superheros. @TOPIC: DE-HOGGER Sad though the news is, people have been telling me that they cant make my dehogger work :) it works 100% on my system and i am currently trying to find out what the problem(s) is/are, please be patient :) its hard to bugfix something that seems to work! It will be fixed in notime flat :) i swear on my whale's honor. @TOPIC: WHALE MEMBERSHIP Just a quick note to all the guys who have asked to join our loopy young outfit, we are not really looking for new members at the moment so unless you are good at ascii *and* deeply disturbed in a way that amuses those around you (i.e us) dont apply just now ;) @TOPIC: FINAL IMPACT Tradgedy - our WHQ is temporarily down, the situation will be rectified as soon as possible, until it is contact us for joining/chatting/anythinging on Midnite. @TOPIC: SQL If you have ever had to make your code interface with MSQL you know what i am thinking ;) @TOPIC: PASCAL As above (more or less). @TOPIC: BAH Bah. @TOPIC: BORING I must apologise for the lack of earth-shattering reading matter in here ;) but good things come to those who wait. Ascii respects go this time to these *quality* groups: Arclite, Contra, Dezign, Epsilon Design, Offspring. Ascii respects go to all the active and funloving artists out there. Special regards go to the guys who were fastest to produce whale logos.. Desoto and Karma! Thanks to the artists who were supreme enough to have their logos featured: desoto/epsilon design, shapechanger/dezign, skin/dezign, karma/arclite x 2. : . : - +---------------+ ---------------------------------------------------+- - Ķ u-man Ķ please forgive me for sharing your misfortune with Ķ Ķ Ķ the whole scene ;) Ķ - +---------------+ ---------------------------------------------------+- - Ķ manta Ķ nice whale logos mate! Ķ - +---------------+ ---------------------------------------------------+- - Ķ tango Ķ diga diga doo, diga doo doo. Ķ - +---------------+ ---------------------------------------------------+- - Ķ stylez Ķ good luck with contra, countze... erm... stylez ;) Ķ - +---------------+ ---------------------------------------------------+- - Ķ juan Ķ hey mate, thanks for the kind words, catch ya on Ķ Ķ Ķ yar board. Ķ - +---------------+ ---------------------------------------------------+- - Ķ desoto Ķ nice logo ;) Ķ - +---------------+ ---------------------------------------------------+- - Ķ fatal Ķ still laughing at that joke (really ;)) Ķ - +---------------+ ---------------------------------------------------+- - Ķ fury Ķ practice up, meboy.. the day of warcraft is near! Ķ - +---------------+ ---------------------------------------------------+- - Ķ enzo Ķ erm.. your users are requestaholics ;) Ķ - +---------------+ ---------------------------------------------------+- - Ķ twister Ķ never around your poota? ;( Ķ - +---------------+ ---------------------------------------------------+- - Ķ sal-1 Ķ back into ascii! do it! Ķ - +---------------+ ---------------------------------------------------+- - Ķ skize Ķ welcome! Ķ - +---------------+ ---------------------------------------------------+- - Ķ c-real Ķ go somewhere and die, as far from ascii as can be. Ķ Ķ Ķ and i like your 'new' style.. whats it called? Ķ Ķ Ķ 't0MMY'? Ķ - +---------------+ ---------------------------------------------------+- - Ķ terminal s. Ķ fark, nice works boyo, did you get my req's? Ķ - +---------------+ ---------------------------------------------------+- - Ķ shapechanger Ķ muhaha, thanks for the logos! Ķ - +---------------+ ---------------------------------------------------+- - Ķ dartagnan Ķ do a collection, slackster! Ķ - +---------------+ ---------------------------------------------------+- - Ķ kryptonite Ķ dont write about me in your collections, lamer. Ķ - +---------------+ ---------------------------------------------------+- - Ķ nz ascii guys Ķ wow... putting in the ascii effort, keep it up! Ķ - +---------------+ ---------------------------------------------------+- - Ķ everyone else Ķ sorry, i forgot you, you arent important ;) Ķ - +---------------+ ---------------------------------------------------+- - : · : contact us on... · _ __/_______ · / / _ _ __ ___/_______ <--------. _ _________/\____ /_______/___ _____________ / ___/___________ | \\__ / / Ž\_/ \_____ Ž\_\__________ Ž\_/ \_________ Ž\_ | / / / / / / ____/ / / \________/ | .---/ / / / / / / / / / /--' | / / / / / / / / / /_ | /_______ /_______/ /_______ /_______/_______ // `-------/_______/---> / / /_______/ / kRm/_______/ · / · · cOUNTzERo · uMAn · mANTA · tANGO · aCID kID · sKIZE · DaRtAGnAn · lORD cHAOS *fINAL_iMPACT.. wORLD_hQ! hOMEbASE_oF_uMAn! mIDNITE.. aUSTRALIAN_hQ! hOMEbASE_oF_cOUNTzERo! tHE_lAST_iNN.. sWEDISH_hQ! hOMEbASE_oF_mANTA! 13tH_hOUR.. uNITED_kINGDOM_hQ! hOMEbASE_oF_tANGo! eXTREME_oVERLOAD dISTRIBUTION_sITE! sYSOP: sHAPERcHANGER/dEZIGN! * = bACK_sOON! signing off - counTzero aka Bruce aka Luke aka pagan@starvision.sv.net.au.. 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ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... I'm afraid so, now its really over... @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ Ũ · _ _______ ___________ _____ ____ |______/_ /____/ _______ / ___/_____| \\__ / /___/ \__ Ž\_\_____Ž\_/ \\______ \_ | / / / / / / __/ / / \_____/ |/ / / / / / / / / / /____ /____/ /____ / /____ /| `--/____/---/____/kRm/____/ · /____/ Ũ nutty as a fruit sandwich, countzero brings you his new ascii pack done (ahem) on his birthday! requests, tributes, fun fun fun! @END_FILE_ID.DIZ