this train got rocked in _ _____ ___ ______ )_ __ _| (___) _ )_ __/__) (_ | |___/ _ ___ | |___| |__ c!|______|MSS|____| |______ _ ____ ____ _____ ____ ___\ (_ ___\ (_ __\_ (_ __\ (_ _) _/ /___) _ /___) _/ /___) _ /__ / \ / \_ / \ / / / \___ \_____/ \____\ \___ \ \ \ ________\ /______\dDKB\ ____\ \_______\ \/ - t h e - y a r d - \/ - germany - ( (analogue\isdn\telnet available on 6 nodes) (t\y staff is zANEr - diPSWiTCH - hAsH) (email to: or ask on irc) _______ ___ ______. ____ ____ .___\ \ /\/ \ |_/\____ / / / \ __|_ \ \ \/ _\ \ _/ \ / /_ - Sadistik Exekution - _\ \ _ /______/ /_____/____| /___\____\ - ------------ - /_____/____\___\ /______\ /______\ __ ___________ / \\/ // -Mo!/aL- ____ ______. ______. \ /.______ ______. \ \ _\ _|__ ____ ___\ |_/\ _/_|_ / \ _|__\ \/ \ _\ /____ / / / \ _/ \ _\ / / \ _\ /____/ /_______\ / /_ / /____| \ /___/____\ «- ----/_______\---\____\------/___\____\______\--/______\ ---ø----- -» \ / Evidence HQ · Damones Finnish HQ \/ AMiGA · PC [O-7D & Classics] · C=64 · UNiX · ASCii Mighty Sadistik Brothers: cARNIFEX · tHrEAz THE MAN WITH THE ANGRY GIRLFRIEND IS BACK! _ __ ,°o/_ _______ ______|_ _______ ______ _______ ______ )/. (____) _____\ _//_ _//_ /_\_ // _ \\ /.| || \ /___ | | /____/ ___\ \ \ || ||____ /_____________| |_________________________/ :| / .--' . _| |_ _______ ___ ____ ______ | (___ ) | ·cDr/m's· \_ _//_ // |_____(____)) _/____ /¯|¯ __|__ | /____/ | / / _\ |__ \(ø)/__________ |____ ._____________\ _________________\ (__)|__) \ / \| |____| : : / : | |________________________________________________________________ | | | stezotehic gives you the 5th part of the animal collection named | |________________________________________________________________ | | | : _ : _\o°, ____ (____) _____ ______ ____________ __ ____ ____/ / || / \/ /_/ / _ \/ \_/ _/___/ / / ____|| / \_ \ __) / _/ / \ \ / `--. \ \_______//______/____/___\ \__/__________/ /___/ ( ___) (-- - ----[sTZ!/sE ©'98]------\___/---------\___/----------- -- - ¯|¯\ __| /_ (__|(__) _ _\.oO)_ ____________________________________________________________ (_ ) | | |`-' | here we have a very weird animal called ostrich. it sounds | || | like german, I really prefer strutsi better, but I can't | || sTZ!| use that word. ok, ostrich reminds a little bit of giraff. | ___||___ | difference is that ostrich use only 2 leg for walking and | / ' \ | it has feathers'n'shit. ostrich does not live old. it dies | ( / \ )| about in the age of 2 years. you really should see the | ( /_______/ | growing part. fast, when ostrich is born, it is about 10cm | (/ | | \ \ _|_ and after 10-15 days it is already 1 meter tall. likes to | | | \ ( / ) listen bob marley and smoke some weed with good friends! | |_| \ /___________________________________________________________| (_,_) \_/ .-. _\/°_°\/_ (¯¯=¯¯) original ostrich. ¯\ /¯ no nothing extra. butt naked. |¯| just wondering what he is doing here, | | can't figure it out. jeah, the another | | difference between giraffe and ostrich is __| |__ that ostrich is not a smart animal. .·~ ,|_| ~·. it's the opposite of smart! / ¯¯ ¯¯ · molopää, dumbshit, onneton nykijä. · · . | · | _ | · they are stupid but still smart enough \ | | / that they won't show their genitals \'._\___/_.`/ or ass (like some of those weird ppl .' | | | `. do, huh can't understand them! and they | | | get pictures of it also! ohno..) | | | so ostrich is way much smarter than sTZ! | | | some people, scene people? _| | | thank god I'm not one of them! .-·~_ ; -. `-,-~_.' ¯·._¯. `·-~ ¯ .----. _\\(~¯¯\/¯¯~)//_ here we have different ostrich. ,·-\__..__/-·, this one thinks he is a human, I hope \ ,_ _, / he don't show his ass all the time because `--) ;--' thinking he is a human being. (______) altho' he is the oldest of them all, | | almost 2 years. so we have to start looking __| |__ a coffin for it. sad, but what can / _| |_ \ you do?! what can I do?! nothing.. .·¯~\ \| |/ /~¯·. ./ \ \__/ / \ human ostrich. jep, I bet he has a \_ \____/ _/. beercan somewhere there. he is just / . (__) . _/. hiding it, because wanted to impress / / /\ \ | you guys. nothing but a pitiful drunk. ( / \/ \ | \ ( )| if you look his outfit you might think \ \____.------ ___/ | he is a boy scout. sorry, he ain't! \ \ -·¯¯¯¯¯¯ \_| one day he, totally messed up, walked /\__/ \__ \) in the woods and found couple of boyscouts · · __) · well, he beat em' and stole their \ , _/ | / uniforms. he was just way too tired \ ¯ | / living as a ostrich. later on he took \ | / a human name for himself, jorma (german /_______|______\ name, if I remember right). | | | | he will bequeath his clothes and sTZ! | | | | identity for his relatives. ____:--: :--:____ peace! ·~¯ X ¯~· / _,-------' `-------._ \ ·' `· ,\\---._// / /¯\/ \ · (__oo__) young osrtich. ) ( '·. as you watch that picture you'll / /¯¯¯¯U¯~·.__) see that he has quite a 'horny' sTZ! / / . expression. well he is horny! / ./ he is going to check few ost-babes! / ./ he is young and interested of babes!! ____/ /_ like we all were, except those / (__/ \ who born to be gay (well actually / \\ I don't know anything about · , '' · their lusts, so I just quit the · \ ) subject!) ok, this one likes \ \) / female ostrichs tho'! .-.\ \)______/ he masTurbates when babes are not / \\\) | \ \ available. so masturbating is · \ \\) | \ \ .-, not so popular! they fuck like maniacs! | | |\____/ \ \ · / ) not like people. they have real `-|-' \ \/ / "nussijaiset" almost every weekend, mMm! ·___.· _.--._ _\( o)(o )/_ (¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯) confused ostrich. \`-, .- / has lost his map and don't know ~¯\ (¯~ where to go. there ain't gonna .' /(__/: bobmarleys help at this time. ( · . they are very fast movers, maybe \ \ this one moved just a bit too ____ _ _.-----._ ) · fast and lost the map. (___ ¯¯~~/~ ~·. / ok, they move fast, so they (__ ,~ \ need lot of drinking, like (_.-/ , \ the hippopotamus, except they · / \ , ____ are not fast! some times you | / · \ ~¯ ___) can see when they collapse \/ / / \ ___) for beer, sad! but I bet this (_// / ___ _· ·.___) one has drank someting else (_/ /|__: :,-·' than beer, jeah. it's not (_/ | | | what I'm drinking now but almost, | | | | sTZ! a style-cola. the real thirst | | | | quencher! try it! | | | | ,-.| | | |.-. · : | | : · \____)(____/ _ ____________________________________________________________ _(Oo./_ | | ( _) | that is it for now. what did you learn? now, don't tell | `-'| | me that you didn't learn anything. you couldn't know | || | everything about ostrich. they are not that famous animals |sTZ! || | ..well maybe you could. you have to be atleast little | ___||___ | smart because you have been wathing my collections, eh? | / ` \ | no I really gotta leave you guys, I have a date with |( / \ ) | beautiful female camel. going to ask little about their | \_______\ ) | life and maybe later on I will make a camel guide to you, _|_ / / | | \) | so u can learn everything you need to know about camels. ( \ ) / | | |___________________________________________________________\ / |_| \_/ (_,_) __ <---( cr( /,d|ts )----------------------------------------------------------> ¯¯ style file id ....................................................... Tango stezotehic ascii ................................................. Crusader all ostrich \ ascii \ design ................................... Stezotehic release date ..................................................... 06-03-98 original size ...................................................... 13 420 __ <----------------------------------------------------------( cr( /,d|ts )---> ¯¯ .- .. a n i /\/\ a l r e l e a ,¯) e s .. ¯ .--------------. .---------------------. .-----------. .XX| filen/\me |XX| whole n/\me |XX| rele/\sed |XX. |XX+--------------+XX+---------------------+XX+-----------+XX| |XX| |XX| |XX| |XX| |XX| SE-RLA.TXT |XX| turtlewax |XX| 04-03-98 |XX| |XX| SE-PUSSY.TXT |XX| catlike |XX| 04-03-98 |XX| |XX| SE-GIRAF.TXT |XX| giraffe |XX| 05-03-98 |XX| |XX| SE-HIPPO.TXT |XX| hippo'potamus |XX| 05-03-98 |XX| |XX| SE-OST.TXT |XX| ostrich |XX| 06-03-98 |XX| `XX| |XX| |XX| |XX' `--------------' `---------------------' `-----------' · _ _:_________________________________________________. | !XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX! | | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | : | ______. | : | | _ _______\___ |________________ (_) | |/\| \\\\__ __/ | __/ _____/ | | / \\ | | _ \__ _ __/__ |/\| ) ( _ : | | : ¬\_ / \\ \ / (_) |_____|____| |__________/ ) ( :)(: | | \ / / \ ___________/\ : _|________ :)(: ) ( __/ _____/ \| \______ ¬\ / \ \\ / \__ _ __/__/ \\ | |\ \ ) ( |\/: _/ ¬\_ \____: |/ \ \\ / | | \____________/ |Stz!|__________/ |\/: : | \_______| _ | | | (_) (_) | | | |___________________________________________| | | ¡XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX¡ | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯:¯ ¯ . __ __ _ · ._\_)_\ « sADISTIK eXEKUTION » : ______ | _______ ______ ____ __:__ _/ /_____| _____________\ / ____/ /______________\ /______/ / \______ /:_\___ 7_ __\ /__\ /______ / / \/ / _/ / /______/ __ /__________\ \/ / /______/ _/_______\__\ \ <=====tR!/____________\=========/________\======/________\============\______\ ________ | ________ _____ ____ ___:___ / _ /__:__/ _ /___/ /___ ________________\ /__ ____/ / / /___/_ | /_ /___/_ _/ / (/ / / \/ /_____/__ // / /_________/ \_____/_\ \__________\ _/______\ _ /__\-----\ ========/____7_____\=======\______\========/_______\======/________\-T!===:==> ¡ : | Evidence HQ - Damones FinHQ : | AMIGA · PC [0-7d & Classics] · C=64 · UNIX · ASCII : | + Multinode system running with DD/Linux & ISDN+v.34 + : | : |_ Sadistik Brothers: Carnifex/DMS^EVD · tHrEAz/-T! : / : -/------------------------------------------------------------:-» . @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ______ ____ __ _____ ____ / /__ / |_ __ / \_/ /___/ _/___ \__ \/ _/ / / / / _| / /______/______|____ /________/________\ «----------------tGø/____\-----------------» .o s t r i c h. @END_FILE_ID.DIZ this train got rocked in _ _____ ___ ______ )_ __ _| (___) _ )_ __/__) (_ | |___/ _ ___ | |___| |__ c!|______|MSS|____| |______ _ ____ ____ _____ ____ ___\ (_ ___\ (_ __\_ (_ __\ (_ _) _/ /___) _ /___) _/ /___) _ /__ / \ / \_ / \ / / / \___ \_____/ \____\ \___ \ \ \ ________\ /______\dDKB\ ____\ \_______\ \/ - t h e - y a r d - \/ - germany - ( (analogue\isdn\telnet available on 6 nodes) (t\y staff is zANEr - diPSWiTCH - hAsH) (email to: or ask on irc)