ř-[ mYSTIC·fINHQ! ]--[ aBUSE·eHQ! ]--[ mASSIVE·fINHQ ]--[ lOW^pROFILE·sCHQ ]-ř | _\ _______ _____ _____ : | ___ ___ \ ___ \_____\___ \ s y s t e m r o o l e d b y | | fE\-/R f\-/CTORY! / __/ ___/ _______ _/ zEUS! [MYSTIC] // dUAL! [DCS] | | _/ // /_/__/ / / / 'b! [DCS] // bUBBA! [5D] | : _________ ___\__/_\_________/__/ /_ /_ r o o l e d w i t h | \ _____ \/ _____ ___ \___ \/ /__/__ [ A1230-50 // 1GB // 10MB MEM ] | 'b!/ __/ __/ / / / / / / __ _/\______ / aLWAYS rUNNING tHE lATEST DDBBS | _/ // /_ / /_ / / / / / / / / \/ su p p o r t i n | -\ /-\___//\___//_ /\____/ /__/\____/----- ((..aMIGa!·aSCII·dEMOs·mAC!..)) | . \/ \/ \/ / \ / fINLANDS bEST aSCII cONFERENCE! | : · \/ | ř-[ n O D e 1 : +358-OFFLINE! ]--[ n O D e 2 - 3 : 1 9 5 . 7 4 . 5 . X X X ]-ř [soF] @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ -:---- - /\_ - - - ------------ - ----. :__/\__/ /___ ___ ___ : / /__\_ __\_ \/\_/ /___/_ \ : /\__ \/ /__/ / / / / /__/ >>> : Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\_ /Ż\___/Ż\___/ : : /__/ : : worlD demisE : : © zeus/stylE+mystiC : : : `------- - -------- - - - - - ---:- @END_FILE_ID.DIZ _____ _ ______ _ ___:___________ __\_ ¬\_ __ ¬\_ | _/ __/__ _/ _____/_ \____/__ · ¬\_____ ¬\_ \ __________ /________/ ____/ <-----\____/--------\____/-------\______/-Stz!/6c-> : : : zeus/stylE+mystiC : : : presents a colly entitled : : : W O R L D D E M I S E : : : ___ ___ ___ /\_ ___ \_ \/\____/ \_/_ \/ / _/_ \ ________________ / / / / / / /__/ /__/ / / \_: Ż\_____/Ż\___/Ż\/ Ż\___/Ż\___/ | ___ ___ /\_______ __/\ ___ |_ _/_ \_/_ \_/__\__ \_ \/ /__\_/_ \ : \____________ / / / /__/ / / / /\__ \/ /__/ Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\/Ż\/__/Ż\/Ż\___/Ż\___/zS! : : : ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ \_ \_/_ \_/_ \_/_ \_/ / \ / / / / / / /__/ _/zS! Ż\/Ż\/__/Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\/__/ oo1 andromedA oo2 dcS oo3 trsI oo4 desirE oo5 adapT oo6 damoneS oo7 digitaL oo8 maydaY oo9 resistancE o1o anathemA o11 triaD o12 cocooN o13 cameloT o14 fictioN o15 farbrauscH o16 balancE ___ ___ ___ ___ \_ \/\____/ \_/_ \_/_ \ / / / / / / /__/ / / _ Ż\_____/Ż\___/Ż\/zS!Ż\___/ \// set the prefix to o'right! featured here is a bit more of that taller style of mine. the reason i still release collections is that there would be more of the new style to stumble upon rather than the stuff i released when i was 13 years old with no arts education whatsoever. really excited that assembly and boozembly coming my way in a month! plenty of sponsored beer and sausages! we should wear nametags to meet people lol. okay enough of this, enjoy the colly! zeusie* od.sokeri.com .-----÷------------ - - - - : oo1 : andromedA `-----÷----..------ --..----- --- - - : : . ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ /\____ ___ ___ ____ _\_ \_/_ \_/_ \_/_ \_/ \_/__\__ \_/_ \_/_ \_\_ \ / __ / / / / / /__/ / / / / / /__/ / / __ / / / / / / / / \/ / / / / / ___/ / / / / Ż\___/Ż\/__/Ż\___/Ż\/__/Ż\___/Ż\/Ż\/__/Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\___/zS! .-----÷------------ - - - - : oo2 : duaL creW shininG `-----÷----..------ --..----- --- - - : : . ______ ____ /\_ ___ ___ ______ _/_ \_ \/\__\_ \/ / _/ \_/_ \_/_ \_ \/\___ / / / / / __ / /__ / /__/ /__/ /__/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / \/ ___/ / / Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\___/ Ż\___/Ż\/__/Ż\___/Ż\_____/ __/\ ______ ______ ___ ___ / __\_/ / \_ \_/_ \_ \_/_ \_/ \ /\__ \/ __ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Ż\___/Ż\/__/Ż\/Ż\/__/Ż\/Ż\/__/Ż\_ /zS! \_/ .-----÷------------ - - - - : oo3 : tristaR & reD sectoR inC. `-----÷----..------ --..----- --- - - : : . /\_ /\_ __/ / ______ __/\__/ / ____ ___ \_ __\_/_ \_ \/ __\_ __\_\_ \_/_ \ / /__/ /__/ /\__ \/ /__/ __ / /__/ / / / \/ / / / / / / / \ Ż\___/Ż\/__/Ż\/Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\/__/ /\_ ___ ___ ___ __/\ ___ _____/ / ___ ___ _/_ \_/_ \_/_ \ / __\_/_ \_/ \_ __\_/ \_/_ \ / /__/ /__/ / / /\__ \/ /__/ /__/ /__/ / / /__/ / \/ ___/ / / / / / ___/ / / / / / / \ Ż\/__/Ż\___/Ż\___/ Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\/__/zS! ___ ___ ___ \_ \_/_ \_/ \ / / / / /__/ / / / / / / _ Ż\/Ż\/__/Ż\___/ \// .-----÷------------ - - - - : oo4 : desirE `-----÷----..------ --..----- --- - - : : . ___ ___ __/\___ ___ ___ _/_ \_/_ \/ __\_ \_/_ \_/_ \ / / / /__/\__ \/ / /__/ /__/ / / / ___/ / / / \/ ___/ Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\/Ż\/__/Ż\___/zS! .-----÷------------ - - - - : oo5 : adapT `-----÷----..------ --..----- --- - - : : . /\_ ____ ___ ____ _____/ / _\_ \_/_ \_\_ \_/ \_ __\ / __ / / / __ / / / /__ / / / / / / / ___/ / / Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\/ Ż\___/zS! .-----÷------------ - - - - : oo6 : damoneS `-----÷----..------ --..----- --- - - : : . ___ ____ /\____ ___ ___ ___ __/\ _/_ \_\_ \_/__\__ \_/ \_/_ \_/_ \/ __\ / / / __ / / / / / / / / /__/\__ \ / / / / / / / / / / / / ___/ / / Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\/Ż\/__/Ż\___/Ż\/__/Ż\___/Ż\___/zS! .-----÷------------ - - - - : oo7 : digitaL `-----÷----..------ --..----- --- - - : : . /\_ ______ ________/ / ____ /\_ _/_ \_ \_/ \_ \_ __\_\_ \/ / / / / / / / / /__/ __ / /__ / / / / / / / / / / / / / Ż\___/Ż\/Ż\_ /Ż\/Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\___/zS! \_/ .-----÷------------ - - - - : oo8 : maydaY `-----÷----..------ --..----- --- - - : : . /\____ _______ ___ _______ _/__\__ \_\_ \_ \/\__/_ \_\_ \_ \/\_ / / / / __ / / / / / __ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Ż\/Ż\/__/Ż\___/Ż\_ /Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\_ /zS! /__/ /__/ .-----÷------------ - - - - : oo9 : resistancE `-----÷----..------ --..----- --- - - : : . /\_ ___ ___ __/\___ __/\__/ / ____ ___ ___ ___ _/_ \_/_ \/ __\_ \/ __\_ __\_\_ \_/_ \_/ \_/_ \ / /__/ /__/\__ \/ /\__ \/ /__/ __ / / / /__/ /__/ / \/ ___/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / ___/ Ż\/__/Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\/Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\/__/Ż\___/Ż\___/zS! .-----÷------------ - - - - : o1o : anathemA `-----÷----..------ --..----- --- - - : : . /\_ ____ ___ ______/ / ___ ___ /\____ ____ _\_ \_/_ \_\_ \_ __\_/ / \_/_ \_/__\__ \_\_ \ / __ / / / __ / /__/ __ / /__/ / / / __ / / / / / / / / / / / / ___/ / / / / / Ż\___/Ż\/__/Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\/__/Ż\___/Ż\/Ż\/__/Ż\___/zS! .-----÷------------ - - - - : o11 : triaD `-----÷----..------ --..----- --- - - : : . /\_ __/ / ______ ____ ___ \_ __\_/_ \_ \_\_ \_/_ \ / /__/ /__/ / __ / / / / / / \/ / / / / / Ż\___/Ż\/__/Ż\/Ż\___/Ż\___/zS! .-----÷------------ - - - - : o12 : cocooN `-----÷----..------ --..----- --- - - : : . ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/_ \ / /__/ / / /__/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\/__/zS! .-----÷------------ - - - - : o13 : cameloT `-----÷----..------ --..----- --- - - : : . /\_ ___ ____ /\____ ___ /\_ _____/ / _/ \_\_ \_/__\__ \_/_ \/ / _/ \_ __\ / /__/ __ / / / / /__/ /__/ / / /__ / / / / / / / / ___/ / / / / / / Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\/Ż\/__/Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\___/zS! .-----÷------------ - - - - : o14 : fictioN `-----÷----..------ --..----- --- - - : : . /\_ ______ _____/ /___ ___ ___ _/ \_ \_/ \_ __\_ \_/ \_/_ \ / /__/ / /__/ /__/ / / / / / / ___/ / / / / / / / / / / Ż\/ Ż\/Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\/Ż\___/Ż\/__/zS! .-----÷------------ - - - - : o15 : farbrauscH `-----÷----..------ --..----- --- - - : : . ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ _______ ____ ___ ___ _/ \_\_ \_/_ \_/ \_/_ \_\_ \_ \/\_/ __\_/ \_/ / \ / /__/ __ / /__/ / _/ /__/ __ / / /\__ \/ /__/ __ / / ___/ / / \/ _ / \/ / / / / / / / / / / Ż\/ Ż\___/Ż\/__/Ż\___/Ż\/__/Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\/__/zS! .-----÷------------ - - - - : o16 : balancE `-----÷----..------ --..----- --- - - : : . ___ ____ /\_ ____ ___ ___ ___ _/ \_\_ \/ / _\_ \_/_ \_/ \_/_ \ / / _/ __ / /__/ __ / / / /__/ /__/ / _ / / / / / / / / / / / ___/ Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\___/Ż\/__/Ż\___/Ż\___/zS! C R E D i T S _ ----- -÷- ----- -------------- -÷- ----- -------------- -÷- ----\/---÷ artworK + desigN : zeuS [zS!] guesT appearanceS : 'zeuS' by stezotehiC/stylE [sTZ] releasE infO : unleasheD on 07/01/2019 : filenamE "se-demi.txt" : sizE 15kb nutritioN supporT : pizzA+pepsI : reD winE playlisT : aquA .................................. aquariuM : sugababeS ........................... overloadeD : the prodigY .... musiC for the jilteD generation : massivE attacK ....................... mezzaninE : faitH nO morE ................... kinG foR a daY : ministrY .................... riO grandE duB(ya) : amorphiS ......... taleS froM thE thousanD lakeS S H O U T S _ ----- -÷- ----- -------------- -÷- ----- -------------- -÷- ----\/---÷ greetZ a-z : ansichrisT, bananatoR, bohemE, chroniC, cindY, : crusadeR, cybergoD, darkelF, distancE, dmG, : duaL, elviS, folaR, funguS, ganjA, g.o.D, : gravediggeR, h7, hydrA, karmA, lagerS, mariO, : nuP, phobiA, psychE, psykO, quartZ, repE, : saL-onE, seekeR, shadE, shapechangeR, shock^G, : spoT, stezotehiC, taroT, u-maN, wreC, zefyroS. respectZ : dezigN. firE&icE. arclitE. mO'souL. stylE. : contrA. divinE^stylerS. aerosoL. prO^artS. R E A C H M E _ ----- -÷- ----- -------------- -÷- ----- -------------- -÷- ----\/---÷ >>> oD.sokerI.coM S T Y L E ! _ ----- -÷- ----- -------------- -÷- ----- -------------- -÷- ----\/---÷ _ 4*W. 'Ms VW. _mss 'Ms ,. d| ,@! VW. 'Ms M.gA`,@ df VW.'MK .g! -W 'Ms ~*f` 4i VW. . g_. 'M '` Vsz ~VMm2b -fN. ''Yb ,_. Vs W _ gff`, 'NZ f 4K @.gW*Ms VW. '*`` !P 'Ms !Wmf VW. 'Ms VWf . ... it'S likE theY inventeD spandeX(tm) ... . stezotehiC >>> qu/\rtZ >>> fol/\R >>> zeuS >>> behemotH >>> zinkO elviS >>> bohemE >>> cocO^popS >>> t/\ngO >>> axebl/\dE >>> repE! amigascne.org/style _ ----- -÷- ----- -------------- -÷- ----- -------------- -÷- ----\/---÷ [eoF]