[80x50 and AFS.COM / amiga font]------------------------------------------ ........... : : _:_____ : ____ /\ _______ ______ ____/ / _/ _\/ \ ____/ / ______ __/ ____/__ _/ \_______/_____\______\ \ _______/ \_______/_/ ___/___\____\ \ \________\__/ ____/__ /______\_\___ \________\ _______ \ /______\ : \____\ \ /_______/ _ omi___ | \_ : /______\ - r e m o r s e - /__________/ :.........: remorse!ascii, est. 1981 and ... " Fortunately art is a community effort-a small but select community living in a spiritualized world endeavoring to interpret the wars and the solitudes of the flesh. " - Allen Ginsberg . .....::::::::::: . .....::::::::::::::::::::: . .................... . ...:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ..::::::::::::::::::::::' ```::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .:::::::::::::::::::::::' `:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::' ...::.. `:::::::::::::::::::::::::: .::::::::::::::::::::::' ..:::::::::. `::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::: .::::::::::::::. ::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::' .::::::::::::::::::. `:::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::: .:::::::::::::::::::::. :::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::. .:::::::::::::::::::::::: `::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::. `:::::::::::::::::::::::. ::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::: `:::::::::::::::::::::: .::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::. ``::::::::::::::::::::. :::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::.. :::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::©hP! ____. :::::::::: .____ ::: ____. ::: __________ ________. ________.____._____ _\ |__.____ ____| /_ : _\ |_____\____ /_\___ .|_\___ .| | / | | | _/_ | .| : | _____/_ | _/_ | :| | :| | _/_ | | | .| | _|___|_ | .| _ .| _ :| | :| _ .| | | | :| | \_____/ | :| | :| | :| | :| | :| | | | :| | .| | | :| | :| | :| | :| | :| | | | :| | :| : | | :| | :| | :| | :| | :| | | | :| | :| : | | :| | :| | :| | :| | :| | | | :| | :| : | | :| | :| | :| | :| | :| | | | :| | :| : | | :| | :| | :| | :| | :| |________ :|_____ :| |_____ :|____| :|____| :|____| :|____| :| ========|____|====|____|========|____|====|____|====|____|====|____|====|____| ....... .. ...... .. .. .. .. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::' `:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: `::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::' `:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::' `::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: `::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: `::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. `:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: `:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: `::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::' ``:::::::::::::::::::::. .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'' ``:::::::::::::::. :::::::::::::::::::::::::' ```::::::::. .::::::::::::::::::::' `::.:.. :::::::::::::::' . : .::::::::' ..::::'' . :' . ____________________ \ / \ / \ / \ present.. / \ / \ / - --------\ /-------- - \ / \ / \/ ______________________ __ _ __. .__ _ __ ________________) (_| |_) | | | . _________ _________ _________ _______ _\__ __/_ __ _______ _\___ /_______ _\___ / _\ _ \_/ \_/ /_ _)_ _\ ____\_/ _/ _/_\ _ \_/ / / / / / _/ / // / / \ \_ / / /____/ /_________/_____\____/_____ /_________/______\____/_______/_____\fAh! . . | O F · T H E · W U - T R A N K · C L A N _| |_ _____________________ __ _ _(_| |_)_ _ __ _______________) * an OmicroN ascii mini-compilation entitled .. * __/\____ __/\_ __/\_____ __/\_____ ____/\__ \ ____/_.\ _/___ .\ _ /.\ _\_ /._\___ /. ._\___ | ____/_| | | _ | \| | | \| | |/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ___ |____. |___. |____. |____| |____| | ___ \· `----' `-----' `----' `----' `----' ·/ \\______ __/\____ __/\_____ ___. __/\____ ______// · .\ _____/_.\ _ /.\ _|_____._\_____ /. · __ | |/ | | | \_ /. \| | __ \/ | | | | | | | | | \/ | | | | | | | | | _________________ |__. |____. |___. | .__| _________________ \· `------' `----' `-----'------' ·/ \\__ ____. _/\_ ___. ___. ©hP! __/\____ __/\_____ __/\____ ___// · .\ |/\__ \ .\ _|_____ \ _|_____ \ ____/ .\ ___ / \ ____/_. · | | _/_. · | \_ /. \_ /. ___)___| _ _/_._\___ | | _ | | | | | | |/ | | | \| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | : :: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | :: : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ___ |____| | |___. |___. |___. |___| |____. | ___ _) `-----'----' `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----' `----' (_ : : : " you are are about to experience the magic of a place called omizona " : :_ _: )_________________________________________________________________________( " We will discuss this further later -- I am receiving lesbians. " - Necromancer _/\_ ____/\__ __/\_ __/\_____ __/\_____ .\ ._\___ /.\ _/___ .\ ___ /.\ _ /. | · | \| | ____/_| _ _/_| | | | | | | |/ | | | | | _____________________________. | | | | | | | | | | : | |____| |___. |___| |____. | · i n t r o d u c t i o n · : `----' `----' `-----' `-----' `----' : : __ __ __/\____ ____. __/\____ __/\_ _/\_ __/\_____ ____/\__ : \/__\/ ._\_____ /.\ |/\__ \ _____/_.\ _/___ .\ .\ _ /._\___ /. : \/ | \| | | /. |/ | ____/_| · | | | \| | :__________ | | | | | | | |/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ©hP! | .__|____. |__. |___. | |____. |____| | `------' `----' `------' `-----'----' `----' `----' _ __ ____________________________________________________________ / /- / Just a small little introduction to start this bad boy off. This is my 3rd colly, the second to be released under remorse1981, and it is entitled "Stoan Kold Killaz". Props to WindRider for the name. * Only about 11 asciis or so in this MINI-ascii compilation * Formatted for PGUP/PGDWN viewing in TribeView. * Formatted exclusively for 80x50 mode!!!! AFS.COM will be needed if you do not own an amiga to view some characters correctly. * Released: Jan 2, 1997. Orig size: 31,337 bytes! / -OmicroN -/ /___________________________________________________________ __ _ _/\_. ____/\__ __/\____ __/\____ ____. .\ |_\___ /._\_____ /.\ ____/ .\ |_/\_. | · | \| | \| | ___)___|_ | _| ©hP! _ | | | | | | |/ ./ _ \. _ _\ | | | | | | | | | | /_ \_ | |____| | .__|___. |____| | _/ `----' `----'------' `-----' `----' 1 <=> Abraxas 2 <=> aCk 3 <=> hiro 4 <=> KTS 5 <=> Necrom 6 <=> Reflux .DIZ 7 <=> Remorse 8 <=> Stop 9 <=> Soul Food 10 <=> Terra Cotta 11 <=> Whodini " What's with these israelis and their funky spelling? Jesus christ.. It's my conclusion that they don't sell swishers in israel. " - discyple _ _____________ · stOan cOld killers · . ( logo #01 ) . /__ ___________________ _ ___/(___________ ___/(___________ \/ . .________ .__\ _____________)___.__\ _____________)___. ___/(____| _/___. | \_____________ | \| |__\ _ | __ | |/ |_ \ |_ | |_ \ |___________ / (_)_________ (_)_________| (_) \_________ _ '-----------' '-----------' '-----------' / · ...and the lOgo says Abraxas · ©hP! · ..... . .:::::: ·::::.. ::::::· _________ :::::: :::::: _______\ / ___________ __······:::::·_________ ____ ___\____ \_ __/___\____ / __\____ \::::_\_____ \__/ __/_____ _ __/ \_ \ \___ /_ /____/_/ \_ \: \_ \______ \ _ ____________/_ /_ \ \ _ _____________/:.____________/__ | \_ _ _ ____________\-\ \ ::::::::::: omi/__________/ \ \______\ :::::: :::::: ---\--- - :::::: ··::::. . :::::· . .::::·· _ _____________ · stOan cOld killers · . ( logo #02 ) . /__ ___________________ _ ___/(___________ ___/(___________ \/ . .________ .__\ _____________)___.__\ _____________)___. ___/(____| _/___. | \_____________ | \| |__\ _ | __ | |/ |_ \ |_ | |_ \ |___________ / (_)_________ (_)_________| (_) \_________ _ '-----------' '-----------' '-----------' / · ...and the lOgo says aCk ' ©hP! · .......... ..............:::::···· :::............ : ::::::: . .:::· : _:__________::::::: ____:_______ ________\ \:::::: ·:::::. / / / \__ \:::::. :::::____/ / .. . / / \::::::.. :::: /___________/____ . .. /_____________\ \··:::::::..:::.._ . \ : \___________\ aCk! ·: /_________________\ :.....................................: omi _ _____________ · stOan cOld killers · . ( logo #03 ) . /__ ___________________ _ ___/(___________ ___/(___________ \/ . .________ .__\ _____________)___.__\ _____________)___. ___/(____| _/___. | \_____________ | \| |__\ _ | __ | |/ |_ \ |_ | |_ \ |___________ / (_)_________ (_)_________| (_) \_________ _ '-----------' '-----------' '-----------' / · ...and the lOgo says hiro · ©hP! · -|---------------------------____/\____-------------------------------------|- | _ _________ _\________/__ ____________ _ | -|-------_//_\ _ ___/_____/ _/___________\______ _/_//_ -------|- | \\\__ _ _________________ / :| \ |______/ \_ _ | __///_____/_____________\ /_____________/ \\|_____\ \omi \__________\ " A countryman between two lawyers is like a fish between two cats. " -- Ben Franklin _ _____________ · stOan cOld killers · . ( logo #04 ) . /__ ___________________ _ ___/(___________ ___/(___________ \/ . .________ .__\ _____________)___.__\ _____________)___. ___/(____| _/___. | \_____________ | \| |__\ _ | __ | |/ |_ \ |_ | |_ \ |___________ / (_)_________ (_)_________| (_) \_________ _ '-----------' '-----------' '-----------' / · ...and the lOgo says KTS · ©hP! · hmm. this one kinda sux _________________________________________ \ k · a · t · h · a · r · s · i · s / \ _____ / _____\_______ __\ __/_______ ___/______ ______\ / _/ \_ \____/ ____/______ _ _/ _\_________/____\______/ \ ___________ \ - \\\\______/ \ /___________\__ _ _ | \_ _ _/___________________\ _ omi __ /______________//// - \ / \ - ascii - / \ / \ / -\-----------------/- " He got hit with the poskgubbe crackrock flu " -- Whodini _ _____________ · stOan cOld killers · . ( logo #05 ) . /__ ___________________ _ ___/(___________ ___/(___________ \/ . .________ .__\ _____________)___.__\ _____________)___. ___/(____| _/___. | \_____________ | \| |__\ _ | __ | |/ |_ \ |_ | |_ \ |___________ / (_)_________ (_)_________| (_) \_________ _ '-----------' '-----------' '-----------' / · ...and the lOgo says Necrom · ©hP! · [80x50+AFS.COM] ____/ _ ___\ /_____ / ___/_ ______ ________ _______________ \______\ /__ _____ ___\___ / _____\_ _____ / _ ______ \ / /_ _\ /_____\ /___/__/ _ / _//_____/_//_\___ \ _\/_ \___ _ _ ___ _ _ _______________/____/___ \ _ /_ \_\/____ _ _ /______/ \__ ____ \--\ \________/ /__________// _\ /___________\ \________\omi \___ _ ___ \____/_ /___\ \ _ _____________ · stOan cOld killers · . ( logo #06 ) . /__ ___________________ _ ___/(___________ ___/(___________ \/ . .________ .__\ _____________)___.__\ _____________)___. ___/(____| _/___. | \_____________ | \| |__\ _ | __ | |/ |_ \ |_ | |_ \ |___________ / (_)_________ (_)_________| (_) \_________ _ '-----------' '-----------' '-----------' / · ...and the lOgo says Reflux .diz · ©hP! · Tklp wanted the WHOLE word "reflux" [80x50] in the diz. They must pass out free crack in Reflux. anyway, it turned out kinda crappy cuz of the requirments. Oh well, fUCK 'EM. I'm only supposed to draw for RTS anyway _________ ________ __________ _____ \___ /_\___ /_\ _ / / __\_ \____ / /___/__ /___/_| |___/_/___| /_ \ / / \ _ ____________/_/ \ _| \_ \/ - ---\ \omi |__| ----\ \_______/___\ X%%%%%\____\%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\____\ /____/%%X -/- ______________________________________ / bullshit in here \ _/ \_ \__________________________________________/ _ _____________ · stOan cOld killers · . ( logo #07 ) . /__ ___________________ _ ___/(___________ ___/(___________ \/ . .________ .__\ _____________)___.__\ _____________)___. ___/(____| _/___. | \_____________ | \| |__\ _ | __ | |/ |_ \ |_ | |_ \ |___________ / (_)_________ (_)_________| (_) \_________ _ '-----------' '-----------' '-----------' / · ...and the lOgo says remorse · ©hP! · ........... : : _:_____ : ____ /\ _______ ______ ____/ / _/ _\/ \ ____/ / ______ __/ ____/__ _/ \_______/_____\______\ \ _______/ \_______/_/ ___/___\____\ \ \________\__/ ____/__ /______\_\___ \________\ _______ \ /______\ : \____\ \ /_______/ _ omi___ | \_ : /______\ - r e m o r s e - /__________/ :.........: _ _____________ · stOan cOld killers · . ( logo #08 ) . /__ ___________________ _ ___/(___________ ___/(___________ \/ . .________ .__\ _____________)___.__\ _____________)___. ___/(____| _/___. | \_____________ | \| |__\ _ | __ | |/ |_ \ |_ | |_ \ |___________ / (_)_________ (_)_________| (_) \_________ _ '-----------' '-----------' '-----------' / · ...and the lOgo says Stop · ©hP! · _______ _ | | ____ ______ __ _ _\\_| ____|____ ________________ __ _ _ \ \\ \ /_/ __________ \__ /_ STOP! _\ __ //_// \___\\_____\ _____| \_ | \ | __|· _/ | | /__________\_____| \_________\__ ______ ____ _ __ __|_ |_________/____ _\ ____ \________\omi \_\/ // / \ \_\\_____________ \_/ :| \_ __ _ /_____//___/ _ __ / _\____________//_//- -- /_____________/ _____ ___________ _____________________________ __________ ______ __ \ \\ \\ // // / __ \____\\__________\\_________________________//_________//_____/ _ _____________ · stOan cOld killers · . ( logo #09 ) . /__ ___________________ _ ___/(___________ ___/(___________ \/ . .________ .__\ _____________)___.__\ _____________)___. ___/(____| _/___. | \_____________ | \| |__\ _ | __ | |/ |_ \ |_ | |_ \ |___________ / (_)_________ (_)_________| (_) \_________ _ '-----------' '-----------' '-----------' / · ...and the lOgo says Soul Food · ©hP! · [80x50 mode] _______ | \ _________ ________ ________ ___| \_ \ _ /____| /_\_ / _ __ __| |_________/___\__ / || \| _/_________ __ _ \\_\\_______________ /_/ _||_ \_ \ _//_// / / _ ___________\ _/_________/ \ \ _____ _/ / /_ _____| _ ________\ \ _____ _\ \________________\ \ omi \_______\ /_ / -\-- - \ /______ _ _ __________ \ _________ _ _______\ _____| __/_______ ______________\ / _\ | \ _ /__ __\ _ / _\_ /_ _ _ | _|_______/\__ / | \ __/ \ \_//_ _\\| /_____/ /_/ _|_ \_\__________________/ |______| _ __________\ /__________ _ _ _____________ · stOan cOld killers · . ( logo #10 ) . /__ ___________________ _ ___/(___________ ___/(___________ \/ . .________ .__\ _____________)___.__\ _____________)___. ___/(____| _/___. | \_____________ | \| |__\ _ | __ | |/ |_ \ |_ | |_ \ |___________ / (_)_________ (_)_________| (_) \_________ _ '-----------' '-----------' '-----------' / · ...and the lOgo says Terra Cotta · ©hP! · ·::::::...:::::...:::::· ·::. .:::::· .::· ··. :::::: .··· ______ ______ ______ _______ ... . . .:::::· ...... ____/ / ___\_ \ ___\_ \___\__ \ _ _ __ .:::::: ::::::___\\____//_\_ / \\_ / \ _// \ ::::::: :::::://_________\ //______\ //______\---\______\ · ···::::::::... :::: //________\ /________\\ ··::::::.::::.. . ····· · · · T e r r a · C o t t a · . ......::::::::..... "Scorched Earth" :::::::· .:::: · ::::::· ······ _____ _____ ________ ___ _ _ ::::::· __ _________\ _\\_____\ _\\_________\__ \ . . ... ::::::· ........ ._ __/_\_ \_____ \\_ \_____ \ _// \ .::::::· :::::· \\ \/ \ \/ \ \----\_______\ ··:::::.. ::::_ _________\___________\___________\\ ·::::::..::::omi ········::::. .. _ _____________ · stOan cOld killers · . ( logo #11 ) . /__ ___________________ _ ___/(___________ ___/(___________ \/ . .________ .__\ _____________)___.__\ _____________)___. ___/(____| _/___. | \_____________ | \| |__\ _ | __ | |/ |_ \ |_ | |_ \ |___________ / (_)_________ (_)_________| (_) \_________ _ '-----------' '-----------' '-----------' / · ...and the lOgo says Whodini · ©hP! · ............ : : .... .... _____:_ ___:__ ..::::::... _______ ::··:: ____ ::··:: \ \_____\_ _\___:::_ ·::::: \ \________\ |______________ ..\ _/\ / _ _/ :. ::::::___\ \ _/ _ _/ _/.. \______\ /--:-/ \ :· :::::: :\_ _\ \-----/ \ \.... /______/ :/_______\ :::::: _________/ _____\ /_______\ _____\ : : : ·:::.::::··omi :.................................: :..........: " Johnny Blaze and his ways, leaving maytrickz in a daze. " -- WindRider __/\____ __/\_____ __/\____ __/\____ __/\_ __/\____ .\ _____/__\ ___ /.\ ____/ .\ ____/ .\ _/___ \ ____/_. | \_ _ _/_| ___)___| ___)___| ____/___\___ | ©hP! _ | | · | · |/ · |/ · |/ · \| | _ _\ | | . | . | . | . | . | | /_ \_ |___. :___| :___. :___. :___. :____. | _/ `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----' `----' Now on to me greetz and respects, and other misc crap then I'm done. thanks ..... Greetz: Necrom, Hiro, Whodini, mHz, fahrenheit, Enigmatic, trip ca1n, 9 lives, noname ascii (cuz i own you all =), kts!ascii tinyz, remorse1981, cyberkid, erupt, posk, wise-k, Nebraska all of #ascii (much love), miasma, everyone i forgot, sorry. Credits: Omicron logo ............................ fahrenheit Wu-Trank logo, Stoan Kold Killas logo, Greetz logo, Header, Index, .DIZ ............. Hiro Extra Special Thanks to miasma and 9lives who drew me logos for this colly, but i couldn't fit them in. I love you guys tho! Deep Respects to Hiro, Necrom, and Whodini. The 3 people I respect above all others and look up to more than anyone else in the ascii scene (and have known longer than anyone). This next quote is for you guys..... " I have always been an admirer. I regard the gift of admiration as indispensable if one is to amount to something; I don't know where I would be without it. " --Thomas Mann . /.................................................. .. . @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ@ __ __/\____ _______ Remorse!Ascii presents \/ \ ____/_. Omicron in the ascii ._\___ |__/\____ colly called _ ___ _ | \| |\ _____/_. / _\ | | | |/ |___. Stoan Cold / \_ |____. | | |\ |_/\_ Killers / / ©hP!`----' | | · | _/_. // /___________ |__. | _ | ____/____ `------' | | / _/ [Released: 01-02-97] |___| | · \ [Size: 31,337 bytes] `-----' · @END_FILE_ID.DIZ@ SAUCE00Colly - Stone Cold Killas OmicroN ACiD Productions 199701 6hz�����������������������������������