---- - > start of file < - ----------------------------------------- -- -- - : _|_ _ ____ _|_ ______ _( \\.. )\|/( .... )_ | .:\\:.. | ..::::. | P H U N K ! A S K E | :::\::: | ::::: _______ .__________ __. _____\ ./__ __________ ___. ______ _l __ ./ _l/_ / | \./ _.__ ./ _l/_ / ./ _l/ | \._ / _/l | |/ | \._ _/ | \______/l____l /___________l____l /l____l \_ l____l ...... /_____\ . Dz/a! /_____\ /______/ | ::::::: | ......: | | ::::::: | ::\:::: | . . | ::::::: | ::\\::: | VoL/\t|Le, /\rLeQu|n, Br/\Ne |_ :::: _|_ :\\: _| (______)\_/(___\\_) | : presented by ___ __ _ _ __ ____ .\ The Psychotic Israelien /. | ___ | | ___ ____ _/\___. ____ ______. (__/ _/\__. ___ | ./ /./\__ / \\ |_/\_\_ \\_ |_ /\___.\ |/\\_/____. | \| // \ | _ \/ _// | | _)/ | - --|____________________________/_________|_______|________\/_____|-- - . . | | |_ Named Volatile _| :/___ __ _ _ __ ___\: {vol.pnk} : : The Prez. of Phunk Ascii called _ ._____./\__. ___ (_) ____ _ _| |\ |/ /_. ___ / _//\ \\ \_ _/ .. |/ \\___ \_ _ |_____| ||____| \_|/ /// /_____| /_______//_____\ _ (_) ___ ___ / _/__/\_ / \\____ /. / /__|/ | |____/ /_____| ...::::: .::::::::::::::::::::: :::::: :::::::: :::::: :::::: ........ _ :::::::::::::::::::::::: ///\__. ____ _____·::· ______ ____ \ |/ /_._/\_\__ /_._/\\_ \ ____.\ \_ ____ _____ ______ / .. |\ / | / /.\ |/ // _/_____ / \_/\\_ \ / ||_____|______\___| \_____|__________\ \| // \_ / /. /_____| ..|_____\ |_________\_________/ \_____| ::.... :::::::: |____\ ::::::. :::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::: ·::::::::::::::::::· you are hardcore, you make me hard. you name the drama and i'll play the part. it seems i saw you in some teenage wet dream. i like your get-up if you know what i mean. i want it bad. i want it now. oh can't you see i'm ready now. i've seen all the pictures, i've studied them forever. i want to make a movie so let's star on it together. don't make a 'till i say, "action."oh. here comes the hardcore life. Put your money where your mouth is tonight. leave your make-up on & i'll leave the light. come over here baby & talk in the mic. oh yeah i hear you now, it's gonna be one hell of a night. you can't be a spectator. oh no, you got to take these dream & make them whole. oh this is hardcore - there is no way back for you. oh this is hardcore - this is me on top of you & i can't believe that it took me that long. that it took me that long. this is the eye of the storm. it's what a men in stained raincoats pay for but in here it is pure. Yeah, this is the end of the line. I've seen the storyline played out so many times before. Oh thats goes in there. Then that goes in there. Then that goes in there. Then that goes in there. and then its over. Oh, what a hell of a show but what i want to know: what exactly do you for an encore?'Cos this is hardcore. pulp - this is hardcore For all the romantic souls out there.... Keep going for romance! ______. _____ ___ ____ ______ ____ /\\\_ |__/\\_ \ _/\\\_/___._/ /____._/ ._ \_ _/ __//\___. _/ / | \/ /.\\ _)/ |\\ / |\\ |/ //.\\ \_ | \ /_____. / | \/ | \ | / | / | .--/______|---| \_____|__________|__________|__________|____\______|---. | |_____\ | |music is the taste of life, it reflects allmost any aspekt of life. | |thats why i choose to put lyrics who reflect my heart and reminds my life| |ethics, this colly is a break for me, i realy think i got better its also| |_ my #10 colly, and its very good one for my opiniun, so enjoy... _| /___ _ _ ___\ / \ /_ _ _ _\ now for the shit i call ascii's and some other people call GARBAGE. __ ____ _ ___ _______________(__\___ ________ __ __ / _/____)\ / (________________ ./ \ (_) ._ ¬\___) \\// _) _/ \/ / \. l_ i n d e x \ l/ _ \/ ` _\ \_ /_ aBHO _| /_____________________\_____/ ) ._________ / \______________\ \____________| /____/\_____\ 00001 Garbage 00002 Grill 00003 Main 00004 Orion Nine 00005 World Terror 00006 Paranoid 00007 aerosol 00008 Click(DIZ) 00009 mov4x 00010 Mo'Soul 00011 Old Stuff 00012 Pro Ascii 00013 Pager 00014 Pg(DIZ) 00015 Wanker 00016 Five Percent 00017 Save Our Souls 00018 I'm Only Happy When It Rains 00019 Love Is Pure 00020 My Love 00021 Style 00022 Geebler Oyster 00023 Fart Special 00024 massive 00025 arcade 00026 virtual insanity 00027 massive attack 00028 x-static 00029 aeon music 00030 paige rules 00031 wax .____. _. __ _| |_/ |/ /_. 00001 \_ _/ .. | Garbage fer one of my favorite bands out there... |____| ||___| /____|-- - --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - you look so fine. i want to break your heart and give you mine. you're taking me over. it's so insane, you've got me tethered and chained. i hear your name and i'm falling over. i'm not like all of the other girls. i can't take it like the other girls. i won't share it like the other girls that you used to know. garbage - you look so fine ______________________________ .__) (__. | | ____ | ____ _____ ___ ___| ____ ___ _/ __//\|_/\_\_ \_.__\_ \ _/ (_____/\_\_ \_./ __//\___/\\_/___. .\ \_ . _ /| / /.\ _ ._ _ /| \_ ._ _)/ | |____/____|____/________\____|___\____|/____/________/____|/__\/____| . . vol| | |_ _| / \ _ _/ ___ __ __ ______\ )________ \/__\/ _________( \/ .____. _. __ _| |_/ |/ /_. 00002 \_ _/ .. | Grill fer martz and the other peepz. . |____| ||___| /____|-- - --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - W E L C O M E _ __ ____________________________ __ _ /..\ /..\ || || || ....: :.... || || ...: :... || || : ____ : || ____| _____ (____) /\__. |/\__. _/ __//\_____\_ \ /\____./ | / | .\ \_ ._ / /./ |_ |/ _ |_ _ - --|____/____|/___\____|_______|/_____///____///-- - .. .. || :... volatile ...: || || :.... ....: || || : : || _||_ _||_ _ __\ /__________________________\ /__ _ B A C K .____. _. __ _| |_/ |/ /_. 00004 \_ _/ .. | main fer myself |____| ||___| /____|-- - --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - IT'S OK TO GROW UP-JUST AS LONG AS YOU DON'T GROW OLD. FACE IT... YOU ARE YOUNG (C)PULP ___ _____ ____ (___) _____ /\__. / //\_\_ \_ /\____._/\\._ \_ .\ |/ / _ // | |/ / . | \/____\_____/___\_______|____/ \ . <--:--- -|_____\ |______\- ---:--> | | | | vol| | | | | | | | |__ __ __ __| .____. _. __ _| |_/ |/ /_. 00005 \_ _/ .. | orion 9 fer someone (sorry ;)) |____| ||___| /____|-- - --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - .... ..... ....: oRION nINE :.... : ____ : ______ _______ (____) ______ ______ / \ ./\\__ \ /\____. / \ ./\\._ \ _/ \| |/ // |/ \| |/ /. <------ \__________/____\ /________|__________/ /_____| -------> vol |____\ _ _ ____/ :.... /\__ ....: :... ____\ _ \ ....: \ /_/ \ .\ /. <------- -|_________|- -------> .____. _. __ _| |_/ |/ /_. 00006 \_ _/ .. | world terror fer myself |____| ||___| /____|-- - --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - She's an ugly girl, does it make you want to kill her? / She's an ugly girl, Do you want to kick in her face? / She's an ugly, she dosn't pose a treat. She's an ugly girl, does it make you feel safe? / ugly girl, ugly girl do you hate her 'cause she's pieces of you? / She's a preety girl, does she make you think nasty thoughts? / She's a preety girl, do you want to tie her down? She's a preety girl, do you call her a bitch? / She's a preety girl, did she sleep with your whole town? / preety girl, preety girl, do you hate her 'cause she's pieces of you? / You say he's a faggot, does it make you want to hurt him? / You say he's a faggot, do you want to bash his brain? / You say he's a faggot, does he make you sick to your stomach? / You say he;s a faggot are you afraid your just the same? / faggot, faggot, do you hate him 'cause he's pieces of you? / You say he's a jew, does it means that he's tight? You say he's a jew, do you want to hurt his kids tonight? / You say he's a jew, he'll never wear that funny hat again. / you say he's a jew, as thought being born is a sin. / Oh jew, Oh jew, do you hate him 'cause he's pieces of You. Jewl - Pieces Of You ___ ___ ._________ _________. ___ ___ /_. | (_.._) | ._\ | . | || | : | <----:---:---------- | || | -------------:---:------> | | /\_____ ______ || /\____ .__/\. _________| | | | .____\ // \____\_ \| |/ /| | | | | /\ . \_ / /. |_ _ / | | <-- -:---- -|____/\___/|________|/___\_____|_____///____/ -- - :------> | | . .. . | | | | | || | | | | ._______ _____ /\____ /\____ _____ /\____ |_| // _/_____.__\_ \ ___\_ \ / \____\_ \ |\. ./ _)/ /| / /.\ / // \_ / /. <-- -:-|_____/|___\/_____\____\_____|____\____\________|/___\_____|-- -> | | . || . . . | | | || | | | <-----:---:---------- | || | -------------:---:-------> _| : |_ _||_ _| : |_ ___ ___\ )________\::/________( /___ ___ .____. _. __ _| |_/ |/ /_. 00007 \_ _/ .. | paranoid fer paranoid |____| ||___| /____|-- - --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - ___ ______. ____ _____ ____ _____ ____ (___) ____ __/\\_ |/\_\_ \_.___\_ \_/\_\_ \____/\\_ \ / \ ______.____) \_ \ /____. _ /| / /. _ ._ |/ /./ \\ | _ / vol/____\ |____/_________\____|____/____|/___/_____|________/_____|_____/___\ .____. _. __ _| |_/ |/ /_. 00007 \_ _/ .. | aerosol fer the aerosol boys |____| ||___| /____|-- - --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - WHAT WE CALL HUMAN NATURE IN ACTUALLY IS HUMAN HABIT (C)JEWL ______ _____\_ \ ________________________________ .\ _ /. .) (. vol|_ /_____| | a E R O S O L | :/ ._ /______ | | |_ |__\ /. | | :/ _______| | Blue · Darkus · Karlos _| | \_ \ |_ /\__________________\: |_ / /. :/___________/ :/ \______| ___ _____ ____ | _ \.___/ /__._/ _ \_._/ /___. |_ / /| \__ | / | / | :/___________|____|/___|_________|_________|pnk .____. _. __ _| |_/ |/ /_. 00008 \_ _/ .. | click(diz or smth) fer the click boys |____| ||___| /____|-- - --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - . ___ __ _... ..._ __ ___ , :_\ ....: :.... /_: | ...: __ :... | | :__ ____. (__) ___ _: | ·_/ _//\__.\ | /\___._/ _//\__.___/ \ | .\ \( | |/ |\ \( | / _/_. |__________________________________\ | . \____| vol| :... ...: . |_ :.... ....: _| :/___ __ _:... ...:_ __ ___\: : : .____. _. __ _| |_/ |/ /_. 00009 \_ _/ .. | mov4x fer mov |____| ||___| /____|-- - --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - ____ _____ ._____ ____ ._____ _ _ ____ / / / \ _____| // /___ _____| / // \\ .\ \/ /./ \\ / /.\ /| \\ \ \. vol|____\/____|_________/____|____|____| /.____|\____| |____| .____. _. __ _| |_/ |/ /_. 00010 \_ _/ .. | mo' soul fer the mo'soul boys |____| ||___| /____|-- - --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - THINGS are changing But nothing changes And Still there are changes Le roi est mort, vive le roi! ALL our life we'll wait for the answer And the question is: WHY? EVERYTHING is possible Beyond the invisible LOVE is a crazy game it is real and pure T.N.T for the brain MOST of the energy we spend is like a footprint on moving sands TRY to live your lost illusions They are the spice of life THERE'S no teacher Who can teach anything new He can just help us to remember The Things we allways knew. (C)Enigma ._______________________ | (. | MO' Soul | __|_.._____ _________ · __\ || // _ \ "are you ready to sale \ \/ ._ / \_ | /_____||_____|/__________/ |your soul ?" . ____ _______ .____| ________. _____|/ /____/ _ \| /.____\ | \ \__ / / \ \| \\ |_ _ /_______/____/__________|\__________\\______/// . . vol| Mark Ryder · Tango | | | | Manta · Crusader | | | |_ add more :) | /______________________|pnk .____. _. __ _| |_/ |/ /_. 00011 \_ _/ .. | old stuff fer brane |____| ||___| /____|-- - --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - _ __ _____ .___/\. _________ __ _ /_. / \ | |/ / ._\ | _/ \| |_ _ / | -:--- ---- \_________/______///____/ ---- ---:- | | vol| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ___ .___/\_ __/\ ____/\ ___/\ | | ./ _//\__| // /___./\\ _//\\ _/ | | |\___ \. ./ /| | .\ .\ | <- -:-|__|/____|____/|________|_____|______|-- -:---? | | _| |_ _ __\ /__ _ .____. _. __ _| |_/ |/ /_. 00012 \_ _/ .. | pro ascii fer b and the staff |____| ||___| /____|-- - --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - I thought it will be so cool. To be a a grown person. I thought it will be so easy comparing to my previous life. I thought its my destiny. I still think it is. I am not like other kids. I'm all grown inside. I'm emotional aware of my feelings Unlike other kids. So when I took my dive into the grown world. The real world. There was only the black window, The window to the future And there were fears in the way to the black window And there were emotions in stake. There was my folks Who were proud at me for taking the step, They know how hard it is Especially when your young as me. Full time job. The pressure of final exams Mixed with all of those fears And feelings There's only a black window. Opened for me, Tempting me to go inside, Feel what I desire the most. to enjoy the real life, oh i've learned, there is no global real life, there is only what we choose and our choices are the real life. I've crossed it. Now I'm looking on the advantages of my new window, It's a white window It's opened, Calling me, Tempting me, Waiting for me to go inside. The window to the life I used to live, Filled with hate, Thoughtless life Fights and other childish things. It's like leaning the extreme.It's like wanting the other thing. The other method. I'm a perfectionist I need it all That's why I live the way I do. i am more happy and My old illusion world is gone. There is only the real world now. And it's hard. So hard... windows of my soul(c)volatile, peleg samson _ __ __ _____________________________ __ __ _ /..) (..\ || || || _______ _____ ______ || ||/\\\_ //\\_ \ / \ || _/ / \/ /./ \|· \ /___. / | /. - --/______| | \_____|___________|-- - || |_____\ |. || ___|| ____ ____ ||_____ ____ (____) (____) .___/\_)_ \_ _/ _//\___ _/ _//\___._/\____|._/\_____. | //.\\______ /.\\ |( |\\ |\\ | | _ | |/ | | | | - -- ---|______/_____|______/_____|___________|________|________|--- -- - .. .. vol|| || || || || || _||_ _||_ _ __ __\ /___________________________\ /__ __ _ .____. _. __ _| |_/ |/ /_. 00013 \_ _/ .. | pager fer genick |____| ||___| /____|-- - --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - _____. ____ ____ ___ _____ __/\\_ |/\_\_ \_./ __//\__/\\_/_____.__\_ \ \ /___. _ /| \_ _ _)/ _| / /. vol/____\ |____/________/___|/__\/_____/____\____| .____. _. __ _| |_/ |/ /_. 00014 \_ _/ .. | papia girls (diz) fer brane |____| ||___| /____|-- - --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - ___________ ._) (_. | | | ______. ____ | __/\\_ |_/ __//\_. \ /____.\ \_ | - -- /____\- --|____/____| -- - . . vol| | | | |_ _| /_____________\ .____. _. __ _| |_/ |/ /_. 00015 \_ _/ .. | wanker fer trophy ( i got one vote, jee thanks ) |____| ||___| /____|-- - --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - __ __ __________\ /___________ _\ /_ __.| |.__ \ || || / \|| ||/ /\___. ____ _____ ____ ___ |_____ _____\ |/\_\_ \____/\\_ \___/\\ \ /\\_/_______|\_ \ \ /\ . _ ._ |/ /. _/ _/./ _)/ ._ / /. - --/____/\___|____/____|/___/_____|___\ |___\/____|/____\____|-- - . \____| . .| |. /|| ||\ /_|| ||_\ vol|___ ____| _ / \ _ / /____________ _ __ ______ _ __ _________\ \ .____. _. __ _| |_/ |/ /_. 00016 \_ _/ .. | five percent fer kresile |____| ||___| /____|-- - --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - I walk the maze of moments but everywhere I turn to begins a new beginning but never finds a finish I walk to the horizon and there I find another it all seems no suprising and then I find that I know ANYWHERE IS / ENYA _ __ __ _ /. .\ | | | ___ | |__. (___) ___ | /\\ |__/\____._/\___ ._/\\_/____.| _/ _/\\ |\\ /____|\\ _)/ || \ | . /| | \/ || /______|________| \| .__________|| . |_____\____| | | | ______. ___ | _____ ____ ___ | ______ ._____. /\\\_ |_/\\\_/_|___ /\\_ \ _/ _//\__._/\\\_/___._/\\_ /._| |_ _/ / \\ _)/ // \/ /.\\ |( |\\ _)/ |\\ / |\ ./ \ /_____. \/ / | | \/ | / | | /______| |__________. \_____|__________|__________|___\_____|_______| . |_____\ . vol| | | | | | _| |_ _ __\ /__ _ .____. _. __ _| |_/ |/ /_. 00017 \_ _/ .. | save our souls fer the boys |____| ||___| /____|-- - --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - People Living thier lifes for you on tv They say they're better then you and you agree Another burger, Another hot-dog, some fries A wish in the well, hope your health don't go to hell well Another doctor's bill, another lawyer's bill Another Cute Cheap Thrill You know you love if you put him in your will Who will save your soul when it comes to the flower Who will save your soul after all the lies that you told, Boy Who will save your soul if you won't save your own? We try to hustle them, Try to bustle them, Try to cuss them The cops wants someone to bust down on Orleans Avenue Another Day, Another doller, Another war, Another Tower Went up where the homeless had their homes So we pray to as many diffrent gods as there are flowers But we call religion our friend, we're so worried about Saving our Souls Afraid that the god will take his toil That we forget to begin Some are Walking, Some are talking, Some are stalking thier kill. You got social security. But that don't pay your bills There are addictions to feed and there are mouths to pay So you bargain with the devil, Say your o.k for today You say that you love them, Take thier Money and run Say, Its been swell sweetheart, But its just one of those Things, Those Flings, Those Strings you've got to cut, So Get out on the streets, Girls, And bust your butts. _ __________________________ _ .\ /. ____| ____ ____ |___ _/ _//\___.___/\_)_ \_ _/ /_____ _/\\\_/____ .\\______ | //.\\ /| (.\\ _)/ (. | |/ | _ | \| | \/ | <- --|______/_____|______/_____|_____\_____|___________|-- -> . . vol| ______ ____ | | _/ ._ \_ _/ /_____ _____ | | .\\ |/ //.\\ /| (__/\\_ \| | | / | \| \/ /. | | | . / | | |__________|__________| \_____| <-.-----------------------|_____\------ -> | | _____ | ________ ____ ____.| ____ _/ _//\___._/ ._ \_ _/ /_____ _/ |_/ _//\___. .\\______ |\\ |/ //.\\ /| (.\\ |\\_____ | | |/ | / | \| | |_ _ |/ | <- ---|______/_____|____________|___________|_______///__/_____|--- -> . . |_ _| / _ ________________________ _ \ .____. _. __ _| |_/ |/ /_. 00018 \_ _/ .. | i'm only happy when it rains fer myself |____| ||___| /____|-- - --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - ____ (___/ __. ____ _______ _____ .____. ____ /\_ _/\_____ _/ |/ (. _/ ._ (._/\\_ (_._| |_/ //_ (. .\\ (.\\ \/ | .\\ |/ |\\ )/ |\\ |\\____|/ | | | \____| | / | / | |_ _ / | |________|______\ |_________|__/______|_______/// |____| |_____| /\_. ____. ____ _______. _______. ___ /\_ _/ |/ |__/\_)_ \_ _/\\__ |_/\\__ |_/ //_ (. .\\ .. . //.\\ / \\ / \\___|/ | | ||____| _ | /_____| /_____. / | |_____| |_____/_____|_____| |_____| | |____| |_____| .___. /\_. /\__ ___ ______ _| |_ ___ _/ |/ (__/\\\_/______/\\__ (_. .\\ / (.\\ .. \\ _)/ )/ | | /\ | ||____. \/ / | vol|_____/\_____|_____| |_______________/______| ____ ____ _____ ____ (___/ ______ ____ (___/ /\___. __/\\_ \ _/\_)_ \_ _/\_____ _/\\__ (_._/ _//\__. _/\_____ _/ |_ .\\ \/ /.\\ //.\\ (.\\ )/ |\\_____ | .\\ (.\\ _/ | / | _ | | / | |/ | | | | | \_____|_____/____|________|___/______|_____/____| |________|_______| |_____\ .____. _. __ _| |_/ |/ /_. 00019 \_ _/ .. | love is pure fer myself :) |____| ||___| /____|-- - --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - kindness in your eyes I guess you heard me cry you smiled at me like jesus to a child I'm blessed I know heaven sent and heaven stole you smiled at me like Jesus to a child and what have I learned from all this pain I thought I'd never feel the same about anyone or anything again but now I know when you find love when you know that it exist then the lover that you miss will come to you on those cold, cold nights when you've been loved when you know it holds such bliss then the lover that you kissed will comfort you when there's no hope in sight sadness in my eyes no one guessed, well no one tried you smiled at me like Jesus to a child loveless and cold with your last breath you saved my soul you smiled at me like Jesus to a child and what have i learned from all those tears i've waited for you all those years just when it began, He took your love away so the words you could not say i'll sing them for you and the love we whould have made I'll make it for two for every single memory, as become a part of me you will allways be... my love well I've been loved so i know just what love is and the lover that i kissed is allways by my side oh the lover i still miss... was Jesus to a child. George Michael - Jesus to a child ._____________/\ | \_. | | .____. |_____ ____ | ___ _| |_/ ._ (_._/ /____|_/\\_/____ .\\ |\\ |/ |\\ /| (.\\ _)/ (. | | / | \| | \/ | . | |_ _ |_____\ |____ | : |_______///______| \___| \_____| : : . ____ . : : | (___/ ___ | : :...... |/\_____ _/ _/____|_. ......: :...... .\\ (.\\_____ | ......: :. | __| |/____| .: |_____/ |_____/ . . | _______.| ____ ____|_ ___ .___ _/\\__ |_/ /____ _/\\_ \ /\\__\| (. .\\ |/ __.\\ /| (.\\ / // _)/ | | / / | \| ___| \ ____ \______| |____|\/ |_____\/ |_____\/. \ / . | \/ vol| _____________| |_ / \/ .____. _. __ _| |_/ |/ /_. 00020 \_ _/ .. | my love fer myself |____| ||___| /____|-- - --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - __. ____ __ /\_ .____. ________ ____ ___ _/ |/ (_/ //_ (. _| | _/ ._ (._/ / ___ _/\\\_/____ .\\ \/ \\__|/ | ,\\ | \\ |/ |\\ /|/ (.\\ _)/ (. | \___, / | | |_ _ / | \| | \/ | vol|______\ | |____| |_______///________|_____\____|___________| |____| your the one that makes my heart run when its cold and dark your my bright light your my love, my life my everything you keep me strong you keep me happy your the one for me and i love you, so... you can't realy know how much you mean to me i want this to last forever love is the poison and the cure the perfect drug your my perfect drug (c)volatile .____. _. __ _| |_/ |/ /_. 00021 \_ _/ .. | style fer the style boys |____| ||___| /____|-- - --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - .__________ __________, | (..) | | || | | || | ____ |/\__. _||/\_ .____. ___ _/ _//\__._/ |_ _/ //_ (._| |_/\\\_/_____ .\\______ |\\ _/¯\\__|/ |\\ |\\ _) (. | |/ | | _/ | |_ _ \ | | /___|_______. \|____|_____ /// _\ __| |___ / . |_____\ \/ \ / \/ vol| .. . \/ | || | | _||_ | |_________\ /__________| .____. _. __ _| |_/ |/ /_. 00022 \_ _/ .. | geebler oyster fer compumang |____| ||___| /____|-- - --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - ____________.._____________ ._\ || /_. | || | | || | _____ ___ | ___ ||__ ___ | ___ _____ _/ __//\_ _/\\_/____|_/\\_/____ _/ .//\__ _/ _/__|__ _/\\_/____ __/\\_ \ .\\ \_ (.\\ _)/ (.\\ _)/ (.\\ _| (.\\ \ (.\\ _)/ (.\\ \/ /. | / | \/ | \/ | \_ | \ | \/ | / | | \____|____ |____ |____| |____/ |____ | \_____| -|______\--------\_____|-- -\_____|---\______|- --\_____|----\_____|_____\------ . || . _______ ___ /\_ ____ ||.___. |___ _____ _/ ._ (._/ //_ (._/ _//\__._| |_ ____ _/\\_/____ __/\\_ \ .\\ |/ |\\___|/ |\\_____ |\\ _// (.\\ _)/ (¯\\ \/ /. | / / |/ \| | \/ / | |________. |__________/___________\________________. \_____| <- -- -------|______|-------------- ------ - --- -----------|_____\-- -- -> . .. . vol| || | |_ || _| /____________||_____________\ .____. _. __ _| |_/ |/ /_. 00023 \_ _/ .. | fart special fer myself ( no bg ;( ) |____| ||___| /____|-- - --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - _____/\_ ___ _____ _/ _/_/\_)_ \_ __/\\_ \ _/\___. ______ .\\ .\ \\ //¯\\ \/ /.\\ |_\ (. | | _ / | ./ | |_______|\_____/____. \_____|______|)______| |_____\ ____ ____ _______. ___ ____ (___/ ____ .______. ._/ _//\__._/\\__ |_/\\_/____ _/ _//\__ _/\_____ _/\_)_ \_ _| | |\\_____ |\\ / \\ _)/ (.\\ |( (.\\ (.\\ //.\\ | | |/ | /_____| \/ | | | _ | |_ _ |_____/____|_____| |____ |____ |________|_____/ |_________/// \_____| /______| /_____| .____. _. __ _| |_/ |/ /_. 00024 \_ _/ .. | massive fer pariah |____| ||___| /____|-- - --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - ___ __. ____ ___ ____ ____ (__/ ____ ___ _/ |/ (._/\_)_ \_ _/ _//\__._/ _//\__._/\____ _/ //\__ _/\\_/___ .\\ \/ | //.\\_____ |\\_____ |\\ (.\\ /| (.\\ _)/ (. | \____| _ | |/ | |/ | | \| | \/ | vol|------\ - ----/____|-----/____|-----/____|_______|-----\____|____ | <- -----------------------------------------------------------------\____|- -> .____. _. __ _| |_/ |/ /_. 00025 \_ _/ .. | arcade fer the arcade boys |____| ||___| /____|-- - --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - __ __ _ _ __ __ /._________..______________________________.._________.\ | || || | | || || | | || || | | || || | |____ ||___ ____ ____ || ____ | ___ .___/\_)_ \__/\\_ \ _/ _//\___.__/\_)_ \_ _||_\_ \_ _/\\\_/___. | // \/ /.\\ |( | //.\ / //.\\ _)/ | | _ / | | _ | / | \/ | |______/___. \_____|___________|_____/_____|__________|__________| <-- -- --------|_____\------------------------------------------------ -- --> vol| .. || | | || || | | || || | | || || | | || || | | || || | _|_________||______________________________||_________|_ __ __ _\ /_ __ __ .____. _. __ _| |_/ |/ /_. 00026 \_ _/ .. | virtual insanity fer myself |____| ||___| /____|-- - --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - _ __ __ _ /. .\ | | | ____ | ____| (___/ ____ ___. __/\ ____ .___.| _/ //\__ _/\____.__/\\_ \ _) |_ /\__ _/ /____ _/\_)_ \_ _| | _____ .\\ /| (.\\ |\\ / /.\ // //.\\ /| (.) //.\\ |/ (. | \| | . / | _// | | _ | |_ _ | |-----\____|_______| \____|___\_______|__________|-----/____|______///___| <-- --- -------------|_____\-------------------------------------------- --- --> . . vol| | | | | | | | | | | | ---- | ------- -----> V irtual - ------- - inasnit Y <----- ------- | ---- | | | | | | | | | | ___ | ___ | (__/ | ____ ___ ___ ____ (__/ ___. ___ /\_ _/\____ __/\\_ \ _/ _//\__._/\_)_ \_ __/\\_ \ _/\____ _) |_ /\__ _/ //_ (..\\ (.\\ \/ /.\\____ | //.\\ \/ /.\\ (.\ // //¯\\___|/ || | / | |/ | _ | / | | _// / ||_______|---/_____|----/____|-----/___|---/_____|_______|___\______. /|____|--------------------------------------------------------------- -> |______|-- -> | | | | _| |_ _ __\ /__ _ .____. _. __ _| |_/ |/ /_. 00027 \_ _/ .. | massive attack fer one of my favorite bands... |____| ||___| /____|-- - --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - ___ __. ____ ___ ____ ____ (__/ ____ ___ _/ |/ (._/\_)_ \_ _/ _//\__._/ _//\__._/\____ _/ //\__ _/\\_/___ .\\ \/ | //.\\_____ |\\_____ |\\ (.\\ /| (.\\ _)/ (. | \____| _ | |/ | |/ | | \| | \/ | |______\ -|----/____|-----/____|-----/____|_______|-----\ |____ | vol| | | | \____| | | _ _ | | _ _ | unfinished symphony · teardrop · protection \_\\. .//_/ | | | | | _|_ __ __ ___ ___ | |___ | \| \_ _/ (..____ _/ (..____ _/\_)_ \_ _/ _//\__| _) \_ | \ //.\\ || (.\\ || (.) //.\\ |( | \_ //. | _| | _/ | _/ | _ | . / | `----/____|____\| |____\| |----/____|_________| |_____| |____| |____| |____| .____. _. __ _| |_/ |/ /_. 00028 \_ _/ .. | x-static fer slagger |____| ||___| /____|-- - --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - ___ ____. ___ ___ __. ____ __. (__/ ___ _) |/ (_ __ _ _/ _//\__._) |_ /\_ _/\_)_ \_ _) |_ /\_ _/\____ _/ _//\__. .\\ _/ //. /_///.\\____ |\ // //.) //.\ // //.\\ (.\\ |( | | \ | | |/ | _// | _ | _// | | | |____/|_____|volpnk|----/____|--\______|-----/____|--\______|_______|_________| .____. _. __ _| |_/ |/ /_. 00029 \_ _/ .. | aeon music fer helicon |____| ||___| /____|-- - --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - _________. .) | /\_________. | |/ | ____| ___ / _______| _____ ._/\_)_ \_._/\\_/_||_ _/ ._ (._/\\_ (_. | //|\\ _)/ (.\\ |/ |\\ )/ | | _ | \/ | / | / | |_____/____|____ |_________|__/______| . \_____| . | .| __| _ __. ____ __|_ _||_ (__/// ____ _/ |/ (._/ /____ _/ _//\__._/\_____ _/ _//\__. .\\ \/ |\\ /| (.\\_____ |\\ (.\\ |( | | \____| \| | |/ | | | |______\ \__________|_____/ |________|__________| . ./_____| . vol| || | | || | | _|| | |_ \\ _| )________\\__________ | .____. _. __ _| |_/ |/ /_. 00030 \_ _/ .. | paige rules fer the cute paige =) |____| ||___| /____|-- - --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - _ __._____________.._____________.__ _ /| || |\ | || | | || | | ||__ _ | _______. ____ (__/// ____ | ___ _/\\__ |_/\_)_ \_ _/\_____ _/ __//\|_ _/\\_/___ .\\ / _ //.\\ (.\\ \_ (.\\ _)/ (. | /_____. / | | / | \/ | | | | _____|________|____ |____ | |_____| |____/ .. \_____| \____| . || . _____ |___ .__.|| ___ | ____ __/\\_ \ _/ /____ _| |_|____ _/\\_/__|__ _/ _//\__. .\\ \/ /.\\ /| (.\\ |\ (.\\ _)/ (.\\_____ | | / | \| | |_ _ | \/ | .// | | \_____|____ |_____/// |____ |____|/ | |_____\ . \_____| .\____| \______| /_____| vol| |. . | || | | || | | || | _| || |_ _ __\|_____________||_____________|/__ _ .____. _. __ _| |_/ |/ /_. 00031 \_ _/ .. | wax fer gdr |____| ||___| /____|-- - --------------------------------------------------- --- -- - : ._______/ : | .____/| /..____/ | | | /.| || /. | <-- - | || || | - --> |/\_____|| ___ ||___.·__| .____\ //\_\_ \___\_ |/ /_. | /\ _ .// ._ |_ |____/\ /| /____|/___|/ |/ <- ----:--\_/-|___/-----.----/_____|- -> | . . | . . | | .| |. | | <-- - |_ || ||_ | - --> | /___|| | /___| | | / |_ |/ | : /______| : / \____________.._____________/ |\ || /| | _| | | \| |___ __/\ _____| __/\ |\ /\__ (___/ __/\ __/\ _/ __/____.__/\\_ \ _/ _/_____.___.\ \_ _/\____ _/ /_ __._/ _/____. .\\ \| |\\ |/ /.\\ _) | |/ //.\\ (.\\ _// |\\______ | |_____ | \____|_____ |____ |___ |____ | |____ |/ | -----> -\____|______\--.---> -\_____|.-- \_____|---\___|--- \_____|--- \_____|- vol| .|_ . vol| ||/ | | |/ | |/___________||____________\| / \ phunk ascii - exile index - abhorence phunk ascii - dezibel don rappelo - greetings the rest by volatile ________ ._) (_. | _| |_ \: _/ | | | ___ ._______ _______: ________________ ___ ____ ___ ___ ._) /____.__|_ /_) _ (__) _ (_ _/__) )_._) _ \____._) (___) /____ | /__ / / __/___/ __/___/ | | |\ \ (| /______ (_ |_ |/ ._ \ ._ \ ._ \ ._ ._ ._ |/ ._ |/ / | /_______|/___\____|/_______|/_______|/_____|/______|/__|______|/_____________| so many people... i have choosen to just greet anyone i like (you know who you are) and all the newblood in the scene! _. ___________.._________ \|________________________. \ || /.___..__________| | |\ || /|| || \ | | || || ||____ | _____ | __/\ \\__/\ || _/\\ / __/\ __/\ __/\ | __/\\ \ _/ _/____.|/ _/____|_/ |/ /_/ _/____._/ __/____._/ /_ __| .\\ / /.\\ _) |\\____._ |\\ / \\\ _) |\\ \| |\\ _// | | \_____|_____ ||| |/ | /_____\____ |_____ |____ l | |_____\ . \____| _ | || \____| \____| \_____| | // | || horizon, dezibel, arlequin, mogue | | _|| | || | |_ \\| _| || venturus, folar, <e>, mjolnir, | vol|/_________||_______\| || | / \____||__________ chromebacker, tango. | \ ______________________| \/ @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ Phunk Ascii Prez - This is Hardcore _.___________..___________._ \| \||/ |/ \ P H \/U N K / | || | _:_____ ____::_ ____: _/\\__ //\\__ ¯\___/\\_ \__. .\\ / |/ / \/ _/ | | /________/ ._____\ |vol <- ---|_____|-------\______|-----|_____|--- -> . .. . : 1 9 :: 9 8 : |_ _||_ _| |/T his I s\||/H ardcore\| /___________\/___________\ @END_FILE_ID.DIZ _____________ _______________________ ___________\ _______ /_______________ ______) _________ /) _____ /_ ________) ____________\ /____ (\ _______ /_) ______) /____) /_ /_ \ ________) (____\ /______) /____ __\ ________ ___ ___ __ __ _ _ __ ___) ___ \_) |________) |______) \ ______ ____ / \_ __ _ _ \\\\_\\_______/ |_ | | | \) |_) |/ //_//// | _________/ | | | \\ | _/ _/ :l____| |____| _____ ______\ \ \_ xl :.. ...l_____| \____|.. \____ \_____/ :.. ..: ..l____| :... - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A · S · C · i · i - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---- - > end of file < - -------------------------------------------- -- -- -