]--÷-[  a sPACEFLOWER [ pRODUKT! ] fUNKY fRESH fOR 1994.  ]-÷--[
                                             .      ·
                   .    °    .       ·     .
                                ·    _  ·     °
            .                      _(_)_         ·  °
                                  (_(_)_)               °
                               ·    (_)
                             .                            o
                      .   °
                    °                            .  °
             o     °
          °     °                               °      o
        ·                                          °       °
     .           ._________________________________________.   ·   .
                 |>fRm/e^d<       .                        |           ·
      °  ÷----- -|     ____.______:         ________     __|_.______:
    .    :   ____|__._/    | ___ ¬¦ _______/       /____/  : | ___ ¬¦   .
         :  _\_  :  |      : /    |_\_____        /______    : /    |
      .  ¦  \       |     __/     /      |     __/  __________/     | .
         !   \      |      \_   _/       |      \_  \        \_     |
 - ------÷----\_____________/__ \________l_______/____________/__ _ ¦------- -
         ¡       |                                         |        :
         ¦       `---- - -  -                   -  - - ----'        :
         :                                                          ¦
         ·    :::: ::::                                             :
              :::: ::::  inzi is here, after almost a year, with    :
         ·    ::::.:::·  more of his ascii-art.  I won't write a    ·
         :               lot of the usual bullshit you're suppos-
         :    ed to find in an ascii-collection, who cares about    ·
         ·    it anyway. I could ofcourse tell you how lousy all    :
         :    new artists on the scene are, and how lame the new    ¦
         :    collections are - but atleast *I* don't care about    :
         ¦    them! I just felt that I had to release some of my    ·
         ¦    unreleased logos that  have been lying around here    :
         |    making no one happy  for quite a while now!  OK, I    :
         |    won't bore you  with this preface  any longer now,    ¦
         |    let's proceed with the credits for this collection    |
         |            instead! by the way, it's called...           |___ _
         |                                                       _ ____//
         |                                                          |
         |   ÷  e  n  t  e  r  t  a  i  n  m  e  n  t     o  r  ÷   |
   _ ____|                                                          |
    \\_____ _     __________ _                   _ _________        ¦
 ·       |       /     __ _                     _______     \       :. .
       __|______/__ _  /________/\_____________/   _/_\  _ __\_________  °
   °  _\ ¦   ___     _______     ________    __    ____\____  ___     /_  ·
  .   \  :   \/      /  \________/    ___\   /     \/      /   \/      /   °
   .   \     /      /    /      _\     /     \      \     /    /    : /   .
     °  \____      /\____      /\______      /\____      /\___/     ¦/   .
      · .. /______/    /______/      /______/    /______/    /______|      .
         :                                                          |
         ¦                                                        · | .  ·
         |               ÷   d   e   a   t   h   ÷               .  |
         |                                                          |
         |                                                        · |
         |__________________________                              : ¦
                                    |                             : :
            [ design, most logos ]  | vINZI/yODEL^dEADLINE dESIGN : ¦
          __________________________|                             : |
         |                                                        : |
         |   ......... .             . ...........................: |
         |   :                                                      |
         |   :                                ______________________|
         |   :                               |
         |   :   fRAME/c-lOUS^ePSILON dEZIGN |  [ 1st vinzi-logo ]
         |   :                               |______________________
         |   :                                                      |
         |   :.............................................. .      |
         |                                                          |
         |                                                          |
         |                                                          |
         |                                                          |
         ¦        [  step aside now,               ______ __        |
         ¦                                         \_____\\_\\      |
         :       __ ______      watch me fall,                      ¦
         :      \\_\\_____\                                         ¦
        ·                              and watch me float  ]        :
       ·                                                           ·
         °  .                                                     °
              ·                                                    ·
              .                                                     ·
 _________________                        ________
 \       ________/__ _ ___  ______________\_      \ _______/\__________
 _\       \/       / //__///___      ___   _       \\__     _     ____/______
 //__      \      /   ........\       \/    \       \/     __\_______       /_
    \_____       /     ::::::  \      /      \      /      \        /     __\\
        /_______/      ::::::   \____________/\____________/\       ______/
    _ _______          ::::::        .    ___ _              \_______\
            /____     .::::::.......::   _\  _   |  _      ¸ _ ___
                /________________________\  (_ - l (_) (_) )     /_  >vNZ
                                                                  /_____ _
   |   |  _______________________________________ _         _ _________
   |___| |                                                          ___|
      ___|             [ c-lous grouplogo for frame ]              |  ___
     |______ _         _ __________________________________________| |   |
         _______ _-_--÷-( d E A D L i N E )-÷-- -
        /    __////                      . _ ____               /\
      __\____¬\   _________   _________  l____ _¬| _______/\___/  \.______ _ _
     /   ___/  \ /  _ __  ¬\ _\_____  ¬\ |       !/   _________   _\_   __\\\\
    /     |     /      / ___/    ______/_!       /    \__    /     \_   ¬\
 _ /      |    /     ___/  /    /       ¬\  _ _ /      /    /      |      \
  \\______     \______     \______        \  \\\\______     \______|       \
      >vnz\_______/   \_______/   \_______/      |     \_______/   l_______/
                                         l:... . ¦
     \   ·/ _ _________________________________________________________
      \ //                                                             |
     ¡ \/          [ deadline dezign grouplogo for shade ]          /\ !
     |_________________________________________________________ _  / \\
    :::              ________                    ________              :::
    :::   __________/       /_______________    /   _ __/___________   :::
    :::  _\      ____ _   _    ____ _   _   \/\/      _   ___      /_  :::
    :::  \       \/       /    \/       /   / /       /    \/       /  ·:·
    :::   \      /       /     /       /     / . ·   /     /       /   ·.·
    :::    \____________/\____________/\_______.::__/\____/       />vNZ::·
    :::                                        :::       /_______/     :::
    :::    oK, tAKE iT eASY wITH tHE dOWN-     :::  .....   .....   ...:::
    ::: · lOADS, fELLA, aND dON'T fORGET tO ·  ::: ::: :::  ...::: ::: :::
    :::    sUPPORT uS wITH fRESH uPLOADS!!     ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::
    ·::.................................... .  ::: ·::.::· ·::.::: ·::.:::
     ... . .        _ _________________________________________________
   ..:                                                                 ¦
   :..                    [ download logo for you? ]                   :..
     ¦_____________________________________________ _          . ........:
        :::      ________                                        :::
        :::     _\       \ ______________________________  >vNZ  :::
        :::     \         \\__         _     ___        /_       :·:
        :::   ___\         \/          /      \/         /__/\__ __·_
        ::: __\  \\        /          /  . ·  /         / \ oô //. ·
        ::: \_\\__\\_________________/\  .::    _______/_//_\/_\ :·:
        :::                            \_:::_____\          \/   :::
        :::    kEEP uP tHE gOOD wORK     :::  .....   .....   ...:::
        :::  · aND rEMEMBER: qUALITY ·   ::: ::: :::  ...::: ::: :::
        :::        uPLOADS oNLY!         ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::
        ·::.......................... .  ::: ·::.::· ·::.::: ·::.:::
       ___________ _               _ _________________________ ___ ___ ___
     _|_ __ _                                             _ __|___|___|_ _|
   _|___|_____ __ _      [ upload logo for you too! ]           _ __|_ _|
  |___|___|___|___________________________ _          _ ______________|
  .......................... .
 :::              .....   .....   .....  ...  ........      .....   .....
 :::  - --÷-- -  ::: ::: ::: :::  ...::: :::  ::: :: :::   ::: ::: ::: :::
 ::: wELCOME tO: :::     :::.::: ::: ::: :::  ::: :: :::   ::: ::: :::.
 :::  - --÷-- -  :::     ·::...  ·::.::: ·::. ::: :: :::   ·::.::· :::
 ·:·                ____.                                       ________
 _ ________________/    |________/\_____________________________)      /
  \\_    __       /     |      \________     __    __     /     ______/__
   /      |______/      |__ _  /      _/     /      |    _\_________     \
  /       |     /       __//  /       |     /       |    /         /      \
 .\_______      \_______|     \_______      \_______     \________         \ _
 :.   >vnz\________/    l________/    \________/    \________/    \________//
 :::                                                                   .
 :::            · lIMITED eDITION hQ - oPERATED bY bIZTRO ·           :::
      _ __
   _ __/_/\  _ ________________________________________________________
       \_\/                                                            !
     ¡             [ realm of chaos boardlogo for biztro ]        __/\__
     |_________________________________________________________ _ \ oô /
                _ _ _________
              ______  ________              ________            _____ ___ _
              \ | . ) \      (_____________/  _ ___/__________ /    //  ///
                | l__) \____   ___ _    ____ _   _______     //____//__///
                 _________\__   /___    \/   ____/____\__   /___
      _ ___ _____\        \/       /    /    \        \/       /
      \\\  \\    \\       /       /    /      \       /       /
 <--- -\\\__\\____\\_____________/\___________/\_____________/- ---->vNZ
   |    _/____ _       _ ______________________________________________
   |___                                                               _|
      _)              [ tb303 logo for all tb-addicts ]              (___
     |____________________________________________ _       _ ________    |
           ..................... . : . ..................... .\   ·/
          :::                      ¦                           \ //
          :::   wELCOME tO tHE     | _ ____  ___ _             :\/
          :·:               _  __( l____ _¬| )                 :·:
 _ ___ _ ___________________ /\____|       l_________________________ _ ___ _
      \\\\_   __    ____  _¬Y _  _/|     _ __  ___________   __    _////
         /     |__  ¬\/    \_/   ¬\|       /   \__    ¬\/     |__  ¬\
        /      __/   /      |      |·     /      |     /      __/    \
        \______|     \______|      |·     \______      \______|       \
           >vnzl_______/    l______|:      |     \_______/    l_______/
          :.                       l::. .  |                     .
         /\::                                                  .::
        /· \·     ·  a M I G A   c O N F E R E N C E !   ·     :::
       //   \                                                  :::
      //     \ . ..............................................::·
     /________\                                                 __ _ _
                                                               /\_\\ __
      ______________________________________________________ _ \/_/ /_/\
     ! __                                                       /_/\\_\/
 _  _ /_/\             [ amiga logo for all sysops ]            \_\/   ¡ 
 //\_\\_\/ _ __________________________________________________________|
    ::·                                                               :::
   _·__ _ _____________________________________________________       :::
      ////__    ___     _     ___     _     ___       _   ____/______ :::
    .     /      \/     /      \/     /      \/     __/______       / ·::
    ::.   \      /      \      /      \      /      \       /      /_ __·_
    :::    \____________/\____________/\       _____/\       _____////  .
    :::                                 \_______\     \_______\       .::
    ::: - ---÷  oOOPS! yOU'VE rEALLY                                  :::
    :::        sCREWED uP thIS tIME!! ÷-- -                      >vNZ :::
     \  \\  _ _________________________________________________________
      \ __\                                                            |
     ¡ \/               [ oOPS! logo for wild thing ]               /\ !
     |_________________________________________________________ _  / \\
                                                                  /__ / 
                                                 ..                     ...
                                         ...   ..::  ....  ...    ...  :: ::
       yOU hAVE jUST eSTABLiSHED        :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::  :: :: ::.
   !  a cONNECTiON wITH tHE yODEL  !    ::.:: :: :: :: :: ::.::  :: :: ::
          aMiGA hEADqUARTERS:           ·:... ·:.:: ·:.:: ·:...  ·:.:· ::
                                          . _ ____  ...:·              ::
       _______                  /\        l____ _¬|  ___.            ¦______ _
   ____)     /_ ____/\_____ ___/  \.______|_ _ _ _|_/   l___  _______|   __//
  /    _____/__\\_______  ¬\\__   _\_   ____\\\\\\__    ___/__\__    |   ¬\
 _\________   ¬\/     _/    \/     \_   ¬\|       /     |    ¬\/     |     \
 /        /    /      |     /      |      \      /      |     _\___  |      \
 \_______      \______      \______|       \     \______     /    ¬\__       \
     >vnz\_______/    \_______/    l_______/      |     \___/           _____/
                                          l:... . ¦        /___________/
       .    .                                     :
        \/\/  _________________________________________________________
      _( oO )_\_                                                       |
     ¡   \/        [ edge of sanity boardlogo for bionic ]   ____>--<__|
     |________________________________________________________\ (_oø_)
                                                                ·    ·
         _ ________                        _______            _______
 _ _ __/\ __      /_______________________/  _ __/___________/      /
  \\\\   \/      /   _ _______     _   ____ _  _______     _       _\
     /___ \     /      /   \/      /   \/      /  \________/      /
       _/      /      /    /      /    /      /    /      _\     /_ ___ _
       \_______      /\__________/\__________/\____      /______////
            _/    __/____ ___ ___ _              /______/>vNZ
  _ ______________________________________________ _        _ ________
  //___                                                             _/__
     /___                 [ yodel grouplogo for me ]                  _/__ _
       /______ _       _ ________________________________________________//
                                            . .. · . . ·
                                         ·      ··..:.··. .
       ·                                     . · ·.·::··..
       :                                        .· .· ·.  ·· .
       ::.................................. .  .  . ....................... .
       :::                                  . ·                     :::·
       :::  w E L C O M E   t O   __ _ .  ·                         :::
       :·:                 _ ____/ ___.         ___.                :::
 _ _ _______ /\_______/\______ ___/   |___  ___/   |___   ___/\______·:
  \\\\__  _ Y _  __\_______  ¬\\__    ___/__\__    ___/__ \_______  ¬\
      /    \_/   ¬\/     _/    \/     |    ¬\/     |    ¬\/     _/    \
     /      |     /      |     /      |     /      |     /      |      \
     \______|     \______      \______      \______      \______        \ _ _
       .>vnzl_______/    \_______/    \_______/    \_______/    \_______////
       :::                                                          . .
       :::   _ _______________ __ _                                 :::
 . ...::::............. .  ___))                   . ...............:::
                     _ __((__________________________________ __ _   ·:
                                                          ___))       ·
                                                    _ __((____________ _
     \ Oo /  _ ________________________________________________________
     /_\/_\                                                            |
     . \/              [ matta boardlogo for franklin ]         __/\__ !
     |______________________________________________________ _  \ oO / 
              ________                          - [ r e a l m   o f ] -
 _____________\_ _    \______________________________________________
 \       _________     ___     _ ________    _ _______       _   ___/_______
 _\       \)     /_     \/     __/    __/      /    \/     __/_____        /
 //__      \      /     /      \      /       /     /      \      /       /
    \____________/\____/       /\____________/\____________/\       _____/
                      /_______/                              \_______\>vNZ
          _____________________________________________ _       _ ____ __ _
      __ /                                                           // ///
   _ / //       [ small realm of chaos boardlogo for biztro ]       //_/
  ///_//     _ ____________________________________________________/
                .............  ....... ....... :::::::
               ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::::::::
               ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::::::
               ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::::::
     :         ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::·:·:: :::::::
     ¦ _ ____  ·:·:::: :::::·: ·::·::· :::·:·: _·_______·:::·:
     l____ _ | /\ · ·: ::·:· _______·. _·____  //    __/ :·___ _ 
     | _ _ __!/  \.____· ____)     / l____ _ !__\____ \ _ /_________
     |  \\\\__   _\_   \/    _____/__|       /   ___/  \\//  _ __   \
     |      /     \_   _\________    \      /     |     \/      / ___\
     |     /      |    /        /     \    /      |     /     ___/    \
     |     \______|    \_______        \   \______      \______        \ _ _
     l____ _ |>vnzl_______/ .  \_______/     |  . \_______/ .  \_______////
               :. .. . . ..::: :. .. l____ _ | :::.. . . ..:::
               ::::::: ::::::: ::::::. .. . .¦ ::::::: :::::::
               ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::::::
               ::::::: :::·::: ::::::: ::::::: :::::·: :::::::
               :::::·  · ·  ·  :· ·  · · ·:· · ·  ·  · · ·::::
               ::::. [  i  n  s  i  d  e      o  u  t  ]  .:::
               ::::::. . .  .: . .. .. . ..:.. .  . .. ..:::::
               ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::::::
               ·::::::.::::::· ·::::::.::::::: ·::::::.::::::·      _
      _______________________________________________________ _  (_(_)_)
     |    _                                                        (_)
     !  _(_)_        [ inside out boardlogo for cateye ]               ¡
       (_{_}_)  _ _____________________________________________________|
   ___________- --÷( e D G E   o F )÷-- -_______   _____  _ __________
   \     ____/_/\_______________________(__ _  _)_/   _/__  ___      /____
  __\_______  /  _______  _     ___     /_   _ ___    ___/___/_     /    /_
 _\      \/      /   __/  \__    \/      /      /     \/      /    /      /
 \       /      /     \     /    /      /       \      \     /    /      /
  \______      /\      ____/\___/      /|       ¡\____      /\____      /
       /______/  \______\      /      / |_      |   /______/__ _/      />vNZ
                              /______/    )__ _ ¦           \_\\______/
      __    ________________________________________________ _
     | /_  _\
     !   \/     [ small edge of sanity boardlogo for bionic ]  __/\__  ¡
                   _ __________________________________________\    /__|
       _____________________________________________________ _\  /
      |                                                        \/|
      | _________      w e l c o m e   t o                   _   !
   /\_| \      _/ /\ _________ _____________  /\ _________  /(__________
  /   |\/\      \/  \___     /__________   ¬\/  \___     ¬\/   _____   ¬\
 /__  ¦ \ \     /_     ___     \     _  ____/__    \______/____\  ______/_
   \  :  \ \      \_    \       \     \       \    ___/     \     \       \
    \______________/_____\       \_____\       \_______      \___:___      \_
 ...                  >vnz\_______/     \_______/     \_______/  ¦  \_______/
 :::...   ....  .....  ...   ...  .....   .... ... ...           |
 ::: ::: :::   :::.::: :::   ::: :::.::: :::   ::: ::: _ __/\  __!____ _
 :::.::· :::   ·::...  ·::.:.::: ·::...  :::   ·::.:::       \/  ¡
      .                                         ...::·           |
      !/\   ·  tHE wAREZ bREWERY  ·   /\_________________________|
      / \\ _ ________________________/
      __ _   (ö)   _ __________________________________________________
     |      '(_)`                                                   __ !
     |       ¯ ¯    [ warez brewery boardlogo for delta ]       __ /\_\
     |_____________________________________________________ _  /_/\\/_/
                                                               \_\/\_\ _
   __________            ______                  _______         ________
   \    ____/__________ / _ ___\____________    /   _ _/_________)      /____
 ___\_______     __ __//   _ ______      _  \/\/   _ ______     _      /    /_
 \       \/      /   \/      /   \/      /  / /      /   __\   _/     /      /
 /__     /      /    /      /    /      /    /      /     \    \     /     __\
   \_____      /\____      /\____      /\____      /\____      /\____      /
       /______/    /______/    /______/    /______/    /______/    /______/vNZ
      _ ___ ________________________________________________________ ___ _
     ///  //                                                       //  ///
    ///  //          [ subway boardlogo for terrorizer ]          //  ///
                        ... :::     :::
              ...   ... ... :::  ...:::
      ______  ·::.:.::· ::: ::: ·::.:::         _ ____
   __/    _/__  _ ___________________________________ \   __________
  /__     ___/____     ___     _     ___     _       \ \_ \    ____/______
   /      \/     /      \/     /      \/     /       /_____\______       /
   \       \     \      /      \      /      \      /    \       /      /
    \_____       /\____________/\____________/\_____      \       _____/
        /_______/ ___ _                           /_______/\_______\>vnz
           _ ____/
      ____________________________________________________\___ _ \ _ __
     |                                                            \    |
     ! /\             [ wildtools logo for wild thing ]      \     \   |
      / \\  _ ________________________________________________\  _ ____|
     /____\                                                    \______\
                   ..................    ..................
                  :::::::::  :::::::::  :::::::::  :::::::::
                  :::::::::..........   :::::::::  :::::::::    ____
                  :::::::::  :::::::::  :::::::::  :::::::::    \  ¬\
                  :::::::::  :::::::::  :::::::::  :::::::::  __ \   \
                  :::::·:::  :::::::::  :::::::::  :·::::·:: _\¬\ \   \
                  ::·___.·: _·_·:··:·:  ·:·:::·:·___.·_·__·: \\\_\ \___\
    ________________/   l__  \\\_/\_____________/   l__   \ _ __________
   /    ____________    __/____ ________    ____    __/____\//    __   ¬\
  _\________    ¬\/     |     ¬\/     _/    ¬\/     |     ¬\/      / ____\
  /        /     /      |      /      |      /      |      /     ___/    ¬\
  \_______       \______       \______       \______       \______         \
      >vnz\________/    \________/ .  \________/    \________/    \________/
      ____  __ _  . .::.. .  . . .:::.  .   . ..:  :.. . . .
      \  ¬\ \¬\\\ :::::::::  :::::::::  ::.::::::  :::::::::
       \   \ \_\  :::::::::  :::::::::  :::::::::  :::::::::
        \   \     :::::::::  :::::::::  :::::::::  :::::::::
         \___\    :::::::::  :::::::::  ·::::::::..:::::::::
                  :::::::::  :::::::::  .........  :::::::::
                  ·::::::::..::::::::·  ·::::::::..::::::::·
     _ _\/_  _ ________________________________________________________
      \\/\/                                                        __  !
     ¡                [ state 69 boardlogo for shade ]            _\/_ _
     |_________________________________________________________ _ \/\// 
     ....   ......  .....     ......  ..... .  . ........................
    ...::: :::.::: :::.:::   ::: ::: :::.                              :::
   :::.:::   ..::· ·::..     ·::.::· :::       - ---[ aGE oF pANIC! ]  ·::
     ____________________________________________/\_____________________ ·
    _\     ___       ________      _   ___      /_  _ _____    ________/__
    \       \/       /    __/      /    \/       /       _\     \/       /
     \      /       /      \      /     /       /        \       \      /
      \       _____/\_____       /\____/       /|        ¡\_____       /
    :. \_______\        /_______/     /_______/ |___     |>vnz/_______/
    :::                                           /____  |            
    ::: - --÷( tHE yODEL wORLD hEADQUARTERS )÷-- -   /___|_    · 28.8k ·
    :::                                                 _!/  +46-×××-×××××
    :::  sYSOP: RaZe^yODEL · 2nODEZ · 28.8 pURE sPEED  \\|_  +46-!sHORTLY!
    :::    1.2gB pLUS cD-rOM oNLINE! · c64-nOSTALGY     _!//   · 16.8k ·
    :::  pOWERED bY a 50mHZ o3o cPU wITH 12mBs oF rAM   \|_  +46-×××-×××××
    ·::............................................... . ¦
              ,,                                         :
      __     (oo)     _______________________________ _           _ ___
     |  `-oOO-()-OOo-'                                                 |
     |                [ age of panic board-ad for raze ]     _______   |
     |________ _           _ _______________________________(       )__|
                     _______          :______
        _ ___ _ _____)     / _ _______¦    _/ _______________
            ////     _____/___\\_     |    ¬\ \_      __    ¬\
   ___        _\_________    ¬\/      |      \/     __  _____/
  |   |  __ _ /         /     /       |      /       /      ¬\ _ _______
  |___| |     \________       \_______       \_______         \ _ __ _  |
     ___|          >vnz\________/     \________/     \________////      |
    !                                                                   !
  ...........   ...........   ....................  ::::::::::: ...........
  :::::::::::   :::::::::::  ...........::::::::::: ::::::::::: :::::::::::
  :::::::::::   ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: :::::::::::
  :::::::::::   ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: :::::::::::
  :::::::::::   ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: :::::::::::
  ·::::::::::.:.::::::::::· ·::::::::::.::::::::::: ·::::::::::.:::::::::::
    .           . ..............................................::::::::::·
    !                                                                   .
 - -÷-------(  s Y S O P  -  t E R R O R ¡ Z E R ^ d U P L O !  )-------÷- -
    ¡                                                                   ¡
    |  · cO-oPERATORS - ××××××××××^××××××××× - ×××××××××^××××××××××× ·  |
    |     · dUPLO eHQ · aSC¡¡ cONFERENCE · >700mB oNL¡NE · cD-rOM ·     |
    |  _ô_  · zER0 dAY wAREZ! · dUAL sTANDARD · cHATTABLE sYSOP ·    ___|
    |  _|_     · aND tHE nUMBER tO d¡AL ¡S +XX-(0)XXX-XXXXX! ·      |  ___
    |__\ /__________________________________________________________| |   |
  ___\   _                                                         _   _/_
  \___  (/)          [ subway board-ad for terrorizer ]           (/) ____\
      ......................................... . :::::: ::::::
     :::                                          ::::::......   ...........
     :::    ÷  v Ä L K O M M E N   t I L L  ÷     :::::: :::::: :::::: ::::::
   ___________    _____                     _____ :::·:: :·:·:: :·:::: ::::::
   \     ____/___/   _/__ _ _/\____________/   _/__:·_ ____________·:: ::::::
  __\_______   __    ___/___________     __    ___/___________     \ : ::::::
 _\      \/    /     \/      /   __/     /     \/     _   \________/.: ::::::
 \       /     \      \     /     \      \      \     /    /      _\ : ::::::
  \______      /\____      /\______      /\____      /\____      /..:: ::::::
   >vNZ/______/    /______/      /______/    /______/ .  /______/.:::: ::::::
     .:.                                          ...::: ... .. .::::: ::::::
     :::   sYSOP: tORBJÖRN mALMER    _ô_  a4oOo   :::::: :::::: ·:::::.::::::
     :::  cOSYSOP: kIMMO bJÖRNSSON   _|_  pOWER   ·:::::.:::::· ...... ::::::
     ·::.............................\ /..................... . ·:::::.:::::·
            _ _________________________________________________\    /__
     ¡                   [ state 69 log-on for shade ]                 !
     |__    ___________________________________________________ _
       /_  _\
        ..............                             . _ ____      ______
        ::::::: :::::::  · tHE aGE oF ·  /\        l____ _¬|     \    /
 _ __¡__::::::: :::::::_ ___________ ___/  \.______|_ _ _ _|______\ //__ _ _
     |  ::::::: ::::::: \\_______  ¬\\__   _\_   ____\\\\\\__   __ \/  ¬\\\\
     |  ::::::: :::::::  /     _/    \/     \_   ¬\|       /     |______/
     |  ::::::: ::::::: /      |     /      |      \      /      |     ¬\
     |  ::::::: ::::::: \______      \______|       \     \______        \
     |  ::::::: :::::::        \_______/    l_______/      |     \_______/
     |  :::::::.::::::·                            l:... . |          |
     |  :::::::          /\ _ ____________________________ ¦ _________|__ _
     |_________________// \\\\\                            :      >vnz!
 ·. . ·  .
  .:..      _ _________________________________________________________
 · ·   ·.                                                              |
 .  ·    · .   ·     [ age of panic boardlogo for raze ]       __/\__  !
      ¡___________________________________________________ _ <-\ !¡ /-«
        _________        . ........................................
        \_      /                             ________           :::
        /     _/_____________________________/       /           :::
       /     _       \_   _____     \_      /       /            :::
      /      /     __/    \_________/      /       /             :::
     /      /      \       /      \       /       /___ ___ ___   :::
    /______/       /\______       /\________     //__//__//__/   :::
     . .  /_______/      /_______/      /       /                :::
     :::                      _ ___ _ _/       /                 :::
     :::       · h E Y ! ·         \\\\_______/             >vNZ :::
   _ ____/\  __________________________________________________________
           \/                                                          !
                         [ hEY! logo for wild thing ]
      ¡__________________________________________________________  /\____ _
                  ·                                     .
               .                                              ·   .
                °                                                   °
                  °                                             °
                 .                                            ·
           ·  °
         ·                                                     ° .
        ·                                                           ·
         :                                                           ·
  .......:                                                          :
  :                                                                 :
  :  [  be extremely subtle, even to point of formlessness.         ¦
  ·                                                                 |______
  · ···· ·                                                                 |
         :   be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness.  ¦
   ......:                                                                 :
   :                                                                ········
   ¦  thereby you can be the director of your opponent's fate.  ]   ·
   |_____                                                           :
         |                                                          ¦
         |                                                          |
         ¦                                                          |
         :    .....                                                 |
         ·   ::: :::                                                |
         :   ::: :::  K, yet again you're facing the end of a sp-   |
         ¦   ·::.::·  aceflower production.  This time I'll stay    ¦
         |            quiet about the possibility of future aski    :
         |   work from me.. I'm not really planning anything and    ¦
         |   the ascii-scene isn't  what it used to be, but I gu-   |
         |   ess I'll end up with a pile of logos someday that I    |
         |   put together  and release!  Btw, is there any ascii-   |
         |   scene  at all?  I can't remember a  single >really<    |
         |   good collection from 1994 actually! Naah, I have to    |
         |          stop complaining now... cYAH sUMTIME!           |
         |                                                          |__ _
         |                                                       _ ___//
         |                [  musical supporting.  ]                 |
         |                                                          |
         |   depEche mode, front 242, aphex tWin, kraftwErk, nut    |
         |   E1, bLack dog productioNs, the cuRe, front line ass-   |
         |   embly, ridE, nitzer eBb, laiBACH, 3o3 aBuse, flat47,   |
   _ _ __|   orbitAl, oRb, ludwig van beEthoven, my bloody valen-   |
    \\\\___  tine, vivaldi, uncle22, devo, cabaret voltaire, b12,   |
         |   and oNe,  stakkEr, speCtral,  houSe crew, consiRacy,   |
         |   homEboy, grandMaster flash and the furious 5, sugar-   |
         |   hill gang, exitEEE, dj pulse, the chameleon project,   |
         |   marmion, specials,  madness, sly & robbie, atlantis,   |
         |   acid hEads, acRid abeyance, diLeva, hardfloor, noNi,   |
         |   beastie boys, grandmaster melle mel, shanti, skaNNa,   |
         |   simAryp,  brad fiedel, biosphere,  drum club, kenny    |
         |   larkin, system 7, underworld, human beeings, pesHay,   ¦
         |   scientist and  prince jammy, skinny puppy,  gEstalt,   :
         |   saBres of paRadise,  dyNamic loVe trancE, frEe enve-   ·
         |   loPe,  chill'n foRce, megaLOmania, soLitaire, blaCk    :
         |   boX, voiCes,  rhythim is rHythim, sVen väth, pascal    ¦
         |   f.E.o.s.,  miSs dJax, faBio,  ruFige cru, Q-prOject,   ¦
         |   ganJa crew, UK apaChi,  shy FX, acEn, spinback, aNi,   |
         |   damiOn wiLd, dinGe quEen, ibiza 13, sound coRp, boo    |
         |   radleys, divE, peter gabriel, popsicle, noodles and    |
         |   wondEr,  source,  spaCe frog,  liquid bass,  moGuai,   |
         ¦   acid junKies, pLank, radical aBuse, bizZy B, aDam f,   |
         ¦   velociTy,  teenage fanclub,  fields of the nephilim,   |
         :   afrika bambaataa,  paraglidErs, autechre, mEat bEat    |
         ¦   manifEsto,  einstürzende  neubauten,  master genius,   |
         |   apoptygma berzerk,  break machine,  808 state, coOl    |
         |   hand flEx,  beatles, joy division,  niNe inch naiLs,   |
         |   up!,  natuRal instinct,  mErry syndicate, engineErs    |
         |   without fEars, equinOx, desired stAte, allAdin, eqP,   |
         |   intermix,  new order, polygon window, saint etienne,   |
         |   redEye,  frame, silent otomo,  shorty bone,  sequel,   |
         |   quEnch,  jean-michelle jarre, tangerine dream,  the    |
         |   invisiBle  mAn,  future sound of london, s.p.o.c.k.,   |
     _ __|   amoRphus  androgynous,  traNceliner and dread zone.   |
      \\___ _                                                       |
         |                     [  p H E W !  ]                      |___ _ _
         |                                                       _ ____////
         |___________________                                       |
                             |                                    . |
            [ contact me! ]  | vinzi@star.ct.se or 2:203/420.242    |
          ___________________|                                    · |
         |                                            .... .  . ..: |
         |        ....................................:             |
         |        :                              ___________________|
         |  ....  :                             |
         |  :  :  :  the 18th of november 1994  |  [ releasedate ]
         |  :  :..:                             |___________________
         |  :                                                       |
         |  :...........................                            |
         |                             :                            |
         |                             ·                            |
         |                             ·                            |
         |                                                          |
         |               [!]  and always remember  [!]              |
         |                                                          |
         ¦           the only good fascist is a DEAD one.           |
         ¦                                                          |
         :       join d.A.F (demogroups against fascism) now!       ¦
         :                                                          ¦
        ·                                                           :
       ·                                                           ·
        .                                                         ·
           °  o                                                  .
                 °                                            °
                   ·                                       ·
                      .                               o  °
                          °  .   ·                  °
                                    .             ·
                                       ·     °
                                       .   ·
                                      .   °
                                       . ·
                             _____           _____
                         ,ad8PPPP88b,  ·  ,d88PPPP8ba,
                        d8P"      "Y8b, ,d8P"      "Y8b
                       dP'           "8a8"           `Yb
                       8(              "              )8
                       I8                             8I
                        Yb,                         ,dP
                         "8a,                     ,a8"
                           "8a,                 ,a8"
                             "Yba             adP"
                               `Y8a         a8P'
                                 `88,     ,88'
                                   "8b   d8"
                                    "8b d8"
               ]--÷-[  eNTERTAINMENT [ oR! ] dEATH 1994. ]-÷--[