--X-- Røtøx --X--
Rotox 3rd ascii collection for boards
-^×^-- Pumped by DECKER SPACEMARINES --^×^-


        _ __ __  ____/\  ____/\  ______/\  ____/\  __  /\
      _ __ ___/ / ____ \/      \/        \/      \/  \/  \
               /     / /   /\  /         /   /\  /        \
              /       /   /  \ \___/    /   /  \/\___  ___/\  __ __ _
              \   \   \   \__/   //    /\   \__/            \ \___ __ _
               \  /___/\  ______/ \  _/  \  ___\  __________/
                \/      \/         \/     \/    \/


 _ ___ ____/\  ____/\  __ __/\  ____/\  ____/\  __    /\  ____/\  _/\
_ ___//      \/ ____ \/  \    \/      \/ ____ \/  \  /  \/      \/   \___ __ __
     /   ·   /     / /    \   /   /\  /     / /    \/   /   ·   /    /   \\___ _
    /     \ /  ____ /    \   /   /  \/       /   \    //     \ /    /    /
    \     / \     / \     \  \   \__/\   \   \    \  / \     / \        /
     \  _/___\  _____\  __/\__\  _____\  /___/\  / \/\__\  _/___\  ____/
      \/      \/      \/       \/      \/      \/        \/      \/

          p®@$@nt$ h¡$ th¡®d £¡tt£@ æ$ç¡¡ çø££@çt¡øn, @nt¡t£@d :

                _ __ ___  ____/\  ____/\  ____/\
               _ __ ___/ / ____ \/ ____ \/      \
                        /     / /     / /   ____/
                       /  ____ /  ____ /\___    \  ___ __ _
                       \     / \     //     |    \ \___ __ _
                        \  ____/\  ___\  ________/
                         \/      \/    \/


  ______                                                                ______
       /\                                                              /\
______/  \______                                                ______/  \______
      \  /     /\          ·I·N·T·R·O·D·U·C·T·I·O·N·           /\     \  /
       \/_____/  \____________________________________________/  \_____\/
              \  /                                            \  /

\    /
 \/\/elcome to my third ascii collection. This time, I only made asciis for
board matters, since my other collections were mainly for the 'mail-scene'.
The boards and other asciis wich are in this collection were based on a
couple of Dutch boards, so sorry, no asciis for international boards. Maybe
next time I'll do that. Anyway, I hope you like this collection, and please
use the asciis if you can and want. Thanx.


Rotox / Abnormal

  ______                                                                ______
       /\                                                              /\
______/  \______                                                ______/  \______
      \  /     /\                   ·M·E·N·U·                  /\     \  /
       \/_____/  \____________________________________________/  \_____\/
              \  /                                            \  /


                      /   \
                     /  1  \ BULLETIN BOARD (BBS) NAMES
                     \  ___/
                        /   \
                       /  2  \ SYSOP NAMES
                       \  ___/
                          /   \
                         /  3  \ GENERAL BBS LOGO'S
                         \  ___/
                            /   \
                           /  4  \ FINAL WORDS
                           \  ___/

  ______                                                                ______
       /\                                                              /\
______/  \______                                                ______/  \______
      \  /     /\              ·B·B·S· ·N·A·M·E·S              /\     \  /
       \/_____/  \____________________________________________/  \_____\/
              \  /                     1                      \  /


  _ __ __  ____/\  __ _/\  ____/\  _/\     ____/\  __ __/\  ____/\
_ __ ___/ /      \/  \   \/      \/   \___/      \/  \    \/      \
         /   ____/   /   /   ____/    /  /   /\  /    \   /   ____/
        /    \  /\___   /    \  /    /  /   /  \/    \   /    __|_  __ __ _
        \      /        \       \       \   \__/\     \  \        \ \___ __ _
         \  ___\  ______/\  ____/\  ____/\  _____\  __/\__\  _____/
          \/    \/        \/      \/      \/      \/       \/RTX

                       PaRTeK EuROpEaN HeADqUaRTerS

                {- PrOBabLY FaSTeR ThAN You CAn IMaGiNE -}

                             $yZo : Da WaRrIOr
                                Co$yZo's :


                   ____/\  ____/\  ____/\  ______/\  __  /\
                  /  __  \/      \/      \/        \/  \/  \
                 /  /  \ /   ____/   ·   /         /   /    \
                /  /   //    __|/     \  \___/    /          \
                \  \__/ \       \     /    //    /\    \     /
                 \  ____/\  _____\  _/____/ \  _/  \  _/____/
                  \/      \/      \/         \/     \/

                  ____/\  /\  __    /\  ____/\  _/\     ____/\
                 /      \/  \/  \  /  \/ ____ \/   \___/      \
                /   ____/   /    \/   /     / /    /  /   ____/
               /\___   /   /   \    //    ___/    /  /    __|_
              /     |  \   \    \  / \    \  \       \        \
              \  _______\  _\  / \/\__\  _/   \  ____/\  _____/
               \/        \/  \/        \/      \/      \/RTX

[==--==--==--==--==--==--[·········DEATH SIMPLE·······]--==--==--==--==--==--==]

   ____/\  ____/\  ____/\  ____/\  __    /\
  /  __  \/ ____ \/      \/      \/  \  /  \        WhY EScApE
 /  /  \ /     / /   ____/   ·   /    \/    \        FrOM  Ya
/  /   //       /    __|/     \ /   \    /   \        DrEAmS
\  \__/ \   \   \       \     / \    \  /    /
 \  ____/\  /___/\  _____\  _/___\  / \/\___/
  \/      \/      \/      \/      \/
                                     ____/\  ____/\  ____/\  ____/\  ____/\
Da MiGHty SyZO : ScAn/EFfEcT        /      \/      \/      \/ ____ \/      \
Da HelPeRS     : TArGeT/TfA        /   ____/   ____/   ·   /     / /   ____/
                                  /\___   /    \  /     \ /    ___/    __|_
                                 /     |  \       \     / \    \  \        \
                                 \  _______\  ____/\  _/___\  _/   \  _____/
                                  \/        \/      \/      \/      \/RTX


      _ __ ___  ____/\  __ __/\  ______/\  ____/\  __  /\
     _ __ ___/ /  __  \/   \   \/        \/      \/  \/  \
              /  /  \ /    /   /         /   ____/   /    \  ___ __ _
             /  /   //    /    \___/    /    \  /          \ \___ __ _
             \  \__/ \    \    /  /    /\       \    \     /
              \  ____/\  _____/   \  _/  \  ____/\  _/____/
               \/      \/          \/     \/      \/

    _ __ ___  ____/\  ____/\  ____/\  ____/\  __    /\  ____/\
   _ __ ___/ /  __  \/ ____ \/      \/      \/  \  /  \/      \
            /  /  \ /     / /   ____/   ·   /    \/   /   ____/
           /  /   //       /    __|/     \ /   \    //\___    \  ___ __ _
           \  \__/ \   \   \       \     / \    \  //     |    \ \___ __ _
            \  ____/\  /___/\  _____\  _/___\  / \/\\  ________/
             \/      \/      \/      \/      \/      \/RTX

[==--==--==--==--==--==--[·········DUTCH DREAMS·······]--==--==--==--==--==--==]

    ____/\  /\  ____/\  /\  __ __/\  ____/\      ____/\  __ _/\  __ __/\
   / ____ \/  \/      \/  \/  \    \/      \    /      \/   \  \/  \    \
  /     / /   /   ____/   /    \   /   ____/   /   ____/    /  /    \    \
 /       /   /\___   /   /    \   /    \___\  /\___   /    /  /    \      \
 \   \   \  /     |  \   \     \  \        / /     |  \    \  \     \     /
  \  /___/\ \  _______\  _\  __/\__\  ____/  \  _______\  _____\  __/\___/
   \/      \/\/        \/  \/       \/        \/        \/      \/RTX

[==--==--==--==--==--==--[··········RISING SUN········]--==--==--==--==--==--==]

    ____/\  ____/\  ____/\  __ _/\  ____/\  __ __/\  ____/\  /\  ____/\  _/\
   /      \/      \/      \/   \  \/      \/  \    \/      \/  \/      \/   \___
  /   ____/   ____/   /\  /    /  /   ____/    \   /   ____/   /   ·   /    /   \
 /\___   /    __|/   /  \/    /  /    __|/    \   /    \  /   /     \ /    /    /
/     |  \       \   \__/\    \  \       \     \  \       \   \     / \        /
\  _______\  _____\  __   \  _____\  _____\  __/\__\  _____\  _\  _/___\  ____/
 \/        \/      \/  \__/\/      \/      \/       \/      \/  \/      \/RTX


       ____/\  ____/\  __ _/\  ______/\  __  /\  ____/\  ____/\  __ __/\
      /      \/      \/   \  \/        \/  \/  \/      \/ ____ \/  \    \
     /   ____/   /\  /    /  /         /   /   /   ____/     / /    \    \
    /\___   /   /  \/    /   \___/    /       /    __|/       /    \      \
   /     |  \   \__/\    \   /  /    /\    /  \       \   \   \     \     /
   \  _______\  _____\  ____/   \  _/  \  _\___\  _____\  /___/\  __/\___/
    \/        \/      \/         \/     \/      \/RTX   \/      \/

          _ __ ___  ______/\  ____/\  /\  ____/\  ____/\
         _ __ ___/ /        \/ ____ \/  \/ ____ \/      \
                  /         /     / /   /     / /   ____/
                  \___/    /       /   /  ____ /    __|_  ___ __ _
                     /    /\   \   \   \     / \        \ \___ __ _
                     \  _/  \  /___/\  _\  ____/\  _____/
                      \/     \/      \/  \/      \/

[==--==--==--==--==--==--[·······SOUTHERN TRIBE·······]--==--==--==--==--==--==]

   _ __ ____/\  ______/\  ____/\  _/\     _/\       /\  ____/\  __ __/\
 _ ___//      \/        \/      \/   \___/   \___  /  \/      \/  \    \
      /   ____/         /   ·   /    /  /    /   \/   /   /\  /    \    \
     /\___    \___/    /     \ /    /  /    /    /   /   /  \/    \      \ ___ _
    /     |    \ /    /\     / \       \        /\   \   \__/\     \     //__ _
    \  ________/ \  _/  \  _/___\  ____/\  ____/  \  _\  _____\  __/\___/
     \/           \/     \/      \/      \/        \/  \/      \/RTX


                   _ __ ___  ______/\  __  /\  ____/\
                  _ __ ___/ /        \/  \/  \/      \
                           /         /   /   /   ____/
                           \___/    /       /    __|_  ___ __ _
                              /    /\    /  \        \ \___ __ _
                              \  _/  \  _\___\  _____/
                               \/     \/      \/

                   _ __ ___  _/\       ____/\  ____/\
                  _ __ ___/ /   \___  /      \/ ____ \
                           /    /   \/   ·   /     / /
                          /    /    /     \ /   ____ \  ___ __ _
                          \        /\     / \      /  \ \___ __ _
                           \  ____/  \  _/___\  ______/
                            \/        \/      \/RTX

[==--==--==--==--==--==--[··········THE LAB···········]--==--==--==--==--==--==]

           ______/\  __  /\  ____/\       _/\       ____/\  ____/\
          /        \/  \/  \/      \     /   \___  /      \/ ____ \
         /         /   /   /   ____/    /    /   \/   ·   /     / /
         \___/    /       /    __|_    /    /    /     \ /   ____ \
            /    /\    /  \        \   \        /\     / \      /  \
            \  _/  \  _\___\  _____/    \  ____/  \  _/___\  ______/
             \/     \/      \/           \/        \/      \/RTX

[==--==--==--==--==--==--[··········THE LAB···········]--==--==--==--==--==--==]

  ______                                                                ______
       /\                                                              /\
______/  \______                                                ______/  \______
      \  /     /\          ·S·Y·S·O·P· ·N·A·M·E·S              /\     \  /
       \/_____/  \____________________________________________/  \_____\/
              \  /                     2                      \  /


         _ __ ___  ____/\  ____/\  ____/\  ____/\  ______/\  ___ __ _
        _ __ ___/ / ____ \/      \/      \/      \/        \ \___ __ _
                 /     / /   ____/   ·   /   ____/         /
                /  ____ /    __|/     \ /\___    \___/    /
                \     / \       \     //     |    \ /    /
                 \  ____/\  _____\  _/_\  ________/ \  _/
                  \/      \/      \/    \/RTX        \/


         _ __ ___  ____/\  ____/\  ____/\  ____/\  ____/\
        _ __ ___/ /      \/ ____ \/      \/      \/  __  \  ___ __ _
                 /   ____/     / /   ____/   ____/  /  \  \ \___ __ _
                /\___   /    ___/    __|/    __|/  /   /  /
               /     |  \    \  \       \       \  \__/  /
               \  _______\  _/   \  _____\  _____\  ____/
                \/        \/      \/      \/      \/

        _ __ ___  ____/\  ____/\  _      /\  /\  _/\
       _ __ ___/ /  __  \/      \/ \    /  \/  \/   \___  ___ __ _
                /  /  \ /   ____/   \  /   /   /    /   \ \___ __ _
               /  /   //    __|_\    \/   /   /    /    /
               \  \__/ \        \\        \   \        /
                \  ____/\  _____/ \  ____/ \  _\  ____/
                 \/      \/        \/       \/  \/RTX

[==--==--==--==--==--==--[·······SPEED DEVIL·········]--==--==--==--==--==--==]

   _ __ __  _        /\  ____/\  ____/\  ____/\  /\  ____/\  ____/\
 _ __ ___/ / \  /\  /  \/      \/ ____ \/ ____ \/  \/      \/ ____ \
          /   \/  \/   /   ·   /     / /     / /   /   /\  /     / /
         /      /\    /     \ /       /       /   /   /  \/       / __ __ _
         \     / /    \     / \   \   \   \   \   \   \__/\   \   \ \___ __ _
          \  _/  \____/\  _/___\  /___/\  /___/\  _\  _____\  /___/
           \/           \/      \/      \/      \/  \/      \/RTX

  ______                                                                ______
       /\                                                              /\
______/  \______                                                ______/  \______
      \  /     /\      ·G·E·N·E·R·A·L· ·B·B·S· ·S·T·U·F·F·     /\     \  /
       \/_____/  \____________________________________________/  \_____\/
              \  /                      3                     \  /


       _ __ ___  ____/\  ____/\  ____/\  ____/\  ____/\
      _ __ ___/ /      \/ ____ \/      \/      \/      \
               /   ·   /     / /   ____/   ·   /   ____/
              /     \ /       /    __|/     \ /\___    \  ___ __ _
              \     / \   \   \       \     //     |    \ \___ __ _
               \  _/___\  /___/\  _____\  _/_\  ________/
                \/      \/      \/      \/    \/RTX


    _ __ ___  ____/\  ____/\  ____/\  ____/\  ____/\  __ _/\  ____/\
   _ __ ___/ /      \/      \/      \/  __  \/ ____ \/  \   \/      \
            /   ____/   /\  /   /\  /  /  \ /     / /   /   /   ____/
           /    \__/   /  \/   /  \/  /   //   ____/\___   /    __|_  ___ __ _
           \       \   \__/\   \__/\  \__/ \      /       /\        \ \___ __ _
            \  ____/\  _____\  _____\  ____/\  ___\  ____/  \  _____/
             \/      \/      \/      \/      \/    \/        \/RTX


       _ __ __  _/\     ____/\  ____/\  ____/\  __  /\
     _ __ ___/ /   \___/      \/      \/      \/  \/  \
              /    /  /   ____/   ____/   ____/   /    \  ___ __ _
             /    /  /    __|/    __|/    \  /          \ \___ __ _
             \       \       \       \       \    /     /
              \  ____/\  _____\  _____\  ____/\  _\____/
               \/      \/      \/      \/      \/RTX


    _ __ __  __ _/\  ____/\  _/\     ____/\  ____/\  ____/\
  _ __ ___/ /   \  \/ ____ \/   \___/      \/      \/  __  \  ___ __ _
           /    /  /     / /    /  /   /\  /   ·   /  /  \  \ \___ __ _
          /    /  /    ___/    /  /   /  \/     \ /  /   /  /
          \    \  \    \  \       \   \__/\     / \  \__/  /
           \  ____/\  _/   \  ____/\  _____\  _/___\  ____/
            \/      \/      \/      \/      \/      \/RTX


  ______                                                                ______
       /\                                                              /\
______/  \______                                                ______/  \______
      \  /     /\             ·F·I·N·A·L· ·W·O·R·D·S·          /\     \  /
       \/_____/  \____________________________________________/  \_____\/
              \  /                       4                    \  /

 /ou now have reached the end of this ascii collection. I hope you liked
it, and used the asciis. I'm planning to release a very BIG ascii
collection in a month or two, so watch out for that. It'll contain
mail-scene and modem-scene asciis... Till then !


Rotox / Abnormal

I greet the following people :


And now my messages :

From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : All my contacts

Hi ! Sorry, but if you aint in this file this time, you can expect a messy
in my next message file ! School sucks... Da mighty greets !
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : Magic / Applause

Hakkuh !!!!! Nog naar een aantal leuke housepartys geweest de laaste tijd ?
Hehehe, dat zal wel... Ik vindt het nog steeds een beetje shit dat je
gekapt bent met Dutchies te swappen, maar okay, met een psychiater kom ik
er wel over heen, denk ik.. Hoop ik... Hehehe, geintje... Anyway, ik hoop
dat je mijn THING artikeltjes kunt gebruiken... C ya... Oja, groetjes aan
Franklin - Hij mag me nog wel eens bellen !!!!!
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : Sascha / Applause

Hmmm... Leuke pakketjes van je ! Trouwens, ook nog een gaaf interview in
JSW, well, okay, misschien dan toch, ja, wat nou ja, ja nou okay ?????
Hehe, Jammer voor je, dat geval met Eva... (Heb ik trouwens ook alleen maar
van Fulco & Erwin gehoord !)... Doet ze nog wel wat voor Applause ? I'm
awaiting THING #4 !!!!! Da mighty grtx...
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : Dalamar / Grotesticle

Well, hidiho ! Enjoyed my Dutch scene report ? There are some small changes
in it, I guess... I shall write a new one wenn I receive your package...
Please send more often, I only get a sending from you about every two
months !!!!! Please ????? Da mighty kisses, eh... grtx...
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : Overdose / Delicious

Tally ho !

I hope you've received my second reply to your contact letter, the post
really sucks if you didn't receive that one, too !!!!! Anyway, if you
haven't heard from me since you contacted me, I beg you to PLEASE recontact
me, since I already did two attempts for you... Da mighty greets !!!!!
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : Target / Effect

Hi ! Well, de post laat ons nu met rust, het zou ook eens een keertje tijd
worden !!!!! Anyway, ik vindt het wel gaaf dat je nu cosyzo vent bent op
Stallion, ik kan alleen niet zo vaak bellen, want mijn telefoon rekening is
al onbetaalbaar !!!!! Ik zal het proberen, though... Je schrijft trouwens
wel altijd mega lange brieven, sorry, maar ik kan dat niet, daar heb ik te
veel contacts voor ! C u lada...
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : MSW / Effect

Aaaargh ! Boe !
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : Hawk / Effect

Hi ! Hmm.. Ben je alweer bezig met een nieuwe code voor NMM ? Het 12e issue
zag er leuk uit, beter als #1 t/m #9 en veel beter als #10 ! Komt er ook
nog een intro van je ? Zal wel leuk worden - jammer is alleen dat Effect
geen goede graphician heeft, anders werden jullie produkties waarschijnlijk
(veel ?) beter !!!! C ya lada...
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : Radavi / Effect

He Duckieboy ! Had de PKN nu ook al mijn sendingetje aan jou afgepakt ?
Aargh ! ik wordt strontziek van die tering hufters !!!!! Jep... Hmm...
Tegenwoordig haal je me steeds weer in in de JSW support chart... Ik denk
dat ik maar weer eens mijn post op moet stapelen zodat ik meeeeeer kan
schrijven, dan versla ik jullie allemaal !!!!! Joke... Lukt me
waarschijnlijk toch niet ! Da mighty kisses eh... greets...
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : Phyton / Iris

Howdy Cyriel ! En, hoe gaat het daaro in Brummen tegenwoordig ? Nog last
van stomme suckheads die bij Hans van der Toght alleen maar foute
antwoorden kunnen geven ? Geef die sukkel een schop in zijn noten van
me.... En nog een.. En nog een, hehehehe... Wanneer released Iris Nederland
eens een demo ????? Of hebben jullie geen coders... Misschien kan ik wat
voor jullie doen, je vraagt het maar ! C ya lada...
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : Kopara / Mad Elks

Yo ! I heard you quitted swapping... I hope by god this isn't true !
Please, leave me a message in Generation and tell me the answer, and IF you
will continue swapping with me... Please...
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : Steffen / Parasite

Hi ! Haven't heard from you for some time now, I hope I'll receive some new
hot stuff from you some time again... Hehehe, your envelope letters are
cool... A littlebit short, though... But who cares ? I couldn't write long
letters when I had more than 200 contacts !!!!! ( So I don't want that !)
Da grtx....
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : Sonic / Platin

Gutentag Marcus ? Sind sie fertig mit das logo oder was ? Sorry, that was
some of my crap German again, hehehe ! Du schenkt mir sehr tolle briefen,
Ich hoffe das du es konnt bleiben tuhn.... Aargh, I hope you'll understand
what I meant to say !!!!! Kisses !!!!! Send a picture, hehehe ! Thanx for
the cool non compy stuff, like my stuff ????? Kisses, eh.. Grtx...
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : Damion / Platin

Gutentag Jens-Oliver ! Ich hoffe das du nicht mehr in das Hospital liegt !
Anyway, nice sendings ! Thanx for finding my sources good, I'll probably
join Platin, if you find it okay though ! Sorry, but I really can't find a
good Dutch graphician who wants to join Platin too !!!!! Maybe you can
place an add or something ????? Kisses, eh... Grtx...
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : The Trendy Dealer / Ram Jam

Yo Eugenio ! Liked my card from Huizen ? Maybe you can send me a card from,
let's have a look, eh... Firenze ????? Thanx ! I'll keep on supporting the
charts forever, but please send it faster next time, most times I already
have it from some other contacts ! That's a pitty ! Anyway, I like your
letter... C ya lada !
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : Colorbird / Razor 1911

Hi ! So you liked my articles ? Thanx a lot mate ! I hope you can use them
in Propaganda #4 ! Send it to me when it's red, hot and chilli ?????
Hehehe, just kidding - send it to me fast please... How's the trackmo going
? Let's hope you'll win at the Gathering ! Da grtx...
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : Hammerfist / Score

Hi ! Hmmm... Haywire kan ook coden, soory dat ik je verliet, maar het liep
gewoon niet lekker... Veel te onhandig, ik woon helemaal niet in de buurt,
dus het is zowieso al een heel stuk moeilijker, en ik had er op een gegeven
moment gewoon geen zin meer in, sorry ! Misschien kan Arno nog wat voor je
doen ???? Ik hoop het voor je ! Anyway, laten we maar gewoon aan langzaam
swappen doen, oki ? Kisses, eh.. Grtx...
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : Rico / Abnormal

Ha die Enriko ! Hehehe, Silicon Valley is nog niet gereleased hoor, dat
wordt onze demo voor op SIH 2 !!!!! De demo waarmee jij in de war bent /
was, was onze Party III entry, Christmas Whistles !!!!! Anyway, maak even
wat toffe liedjes voor onze maandelijkse invitaion intro, en voor onze
echte party invitation, okay ???? Da grtx...
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : 501 / TRSI

Hidyho ! Were you busted or is this just a ton of shit ? I read it in
several mags !!!!! Anyway, please send soon, I haven't heard from you for a
while ! And otherwise, give me to another TRSI member or something, okay ?
Da grtx from me...
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : Christine / Transonic

Yo Danish queen !!!!! When do you send back again ???? Haven't heard from
you for a looooooooooong time !!!!! Kisses from me, and send a photo,
hehehehehehehehe !!!!!
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : Hysteric / Unlimited

Hi ! Are you satisfied with my news editing for your packmag ???? Let's
hope so, hehehehe ! Long letters rule ? Yeah, hehehehehe. I really think
that's true... Give me time and I'll write every single contact of mine
(and I don't have about 10 contacts !!!! I have a lot, I think...) a long
letter... Just because that's way more personal than HI, LONGER LETTER NEXT
TIME, GRTX, STAMPS BACK !!!!! By the way, you can write nice letters, too !
Keep on doing that !!!! Da mighty grtx...
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : Fate / Vandalz

Vat geen kou boy ! Hehehe, krijg ik nu ook al elke keer van Exit /
Overlords te horen !!!!! How's life going in het verre Brummen ? Is het
daar nog een beetje uit te houden ???? Hahaha, jij moet die sukkel uit
Brummen die op TV kwam ook maar schoppen van me... Hehehe, kick his butt !
Wow, that's cool !!!! Hehehe... C ya lada...
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : Cesium / Balance

Upstream rules ! Yeah, hehehe... Hope you'll like my support for the next
issue... I think Upstream is better than RAW, and I don't say this to jerk
you off !!!!! Anyway, please send me Upstream again when it's new ! The
greets from a Dutch contact...
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : Slam / Essence

Howdy Andreas ! Cool that your group is going to start a diskmagazine !
Expect some support in the near future... I really love all Essence
productions, the designs are so marvelouss... Please send soon again mate
!!!! Da mighty greetx !!!!!
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : Fashion / Static Bytes

Howdy cool Andreas ! What's up, didn't you receive my last package ? It
takes so long, which isn't normal for you ! Anyway, if you haven't heard
from me for some time, please drop me a message, or a letter, or even
better, a package, so that I know if you received my package or not ! Da
mighty greets from me...
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : Chris / Iris

Bonjour Christophe ! Ca va bien ? Hehehe, that's about my French, I find it
very difficlut to understand... You really write nice letters, keep on
doing that ! I heard from House-A-Holic something about that he can become
the leader of the Cutch division ? I hope you're not serious about this...
I know him better than you (He lives some minutes away from me), and
believe me, he really isn't the guy for that... Maybe he's good as a
swapper, but not as a leader, he's way to messy for that !!!! Consider this
as a tip... C ya lada, grtx !
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : Exit / Overlords

Well, hallo bopper ! Modem je nog wel eens, of doe je dat alleen maar bij
Prof B-Rom ofzo van Partek ???? Anyway, het is nog wel eens leuk om een
messy van je te ontvangen bij Beast, ik bel hem regelmatig... Heb je zelf
eigenlijk wel een modem ? Oja, nog gefeliciteerd met je 1200 !!!!! Da grtx
from da mighty me !!!!!
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : Curt Cool / Depth

Hello ! oy, you are really fast, aren't you ? Please, try writing my addy
correct, I can see that you have trouble with it... It's GOOIERSERF 230
1276 KZ HUIZEN      HOLLAND    Okay ? Really nice letters, too ! Please
send some chips for my pack ! Tnx... Da mighty greets from me !!!!!
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : Zinko / Polka Brothers

Hi Jack ! Do you still have the forces of the pyramids ? Hehehe, just
kidding... Wow, you really have a big garden !!!!! Greet Pan from me, will
you ? Keep on nice lettaz + stuff !!!!! Kisses, eh... Grtx !
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : Exciter / DCS

Hi Ingo ! Cool modules ! Maybe you can send me some more of them ? Hehehe,
so when is DCS' mag finished ? I hope soon, I'll support it for sure ! Keep
on releasing very cool DCS intro's ! They really are original ! Da mighty
greets from da Rotox...
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : Ace / Vortex Design

Hi ! Lekker mailtraden he ????? Blijf die disks vol met lha'tjes sturen, ik
zal dat ook proberen te doen, maar meestal download / krijg ik DMS files en
geen LHA'tjes... Maar, we zullen zien... Leuk, die enveloppen, lekker een
kleurenprinter he ? Cool ! Da mighty greets from mij dan maar !
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : House-A-Holic / Independent

Ha die Bas ! Hoe gaat het met je HDtje ? Nog crashes lately ? Ik hoorde
via ria, eh ik bedoel via via dat je weer begonnen was met swappen, contact
ze !!!!! Kom nog maar eens langs voor wat toffe wares, en eh... doe Cock
maar weer eens de groenten van me, ik heb niet zo veel tijd om overal heen
te gaan, maar binnenkort moet het maar weer eens gaan lukken ! Da mighty
greetings from da mighty Rotox, hehehe !!!!!
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : React / Abnormal

Ha Joerie ! Heb je nog lekker veel reklame folders opgestuurt naar onze
gestoorde Franse vriend met de naam van een hefty drankje ? Hehehe... Wat
was die lijp aan het doen op die video... Uh.. Hi React, huhuhu... En dan
ook nog eens zo'n tof petje op... Dan ben je toch gewoon gek ofzo ? Hehehe,
anyway, keep on gfxing, en c ya lada !
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : Beast / Partek

Well holadijee ! Nog gefeliciteerd met die 21k6 van je... Jammer genoeg heb
ik geen geld om zo'n wijs ding te kopen... Sometimes I wish I had money...
A lot of money, hehehe ! ik ben nu met een nieuwe Ascii stijl bezig, expect
some Beast etc. Ascs soon... Grtx
From : Rotox / Abnormal
To   : Speed Devil / Partek

Hi ! Ook jij nog congrats met die 21k6 ! Jij kan binnenkort ook wat
new-style asciis verwachten van me ! Till then...