                               __ _/\¦/\_ __    
               __/\__ _ _  __ _/(_)  |  (_)\_ __  _ _ __/\__
               \    /   ( /_/\\_     |     _//\_\ )   \    /
               /_  _\     \_\/_/   @ | @   \_\/_/     /_  _\
                 \/           \__   _|_   __/           \/
          _ ___ _____/\_ ___/\__/\__).(__/\__/\___ _/\_____ ___ _
          \\\__\\_____ (_) __ ___  (_¦_)  ___ __ (_) _____//__///
         _          \___  /  \/| _ _ _ _ _ |\/  \  ___/          _
        /(___ _/\_____ / /_ _ _| | | | | | |_ _ _\ \ _____/\_ ___)\  
       /    (_)  \_    \/    \\_ |_|_|_|_| _//    \/    _/  (_)    \ 
      /          _/      _  _ _| | | | | | |_ _  _      \_          \
      \                  ( (_)\_ | | | | | _/(_) )                  /  
    /\ \   WE WILL NEVER      _/ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ \_       WE WILL NEVER  / /\
    \/ /     SURRENDER  _ __/\\__ _\   /_ __//\__ _  COMPROMISE!   \ \/
      /                 \\\__/  \/  \_/  \/  \__///                 \
      \                  ¯  __/\           /\__  ¯                  /
       \  __________________\__/           \__/__________________  /
        \(                    __/\       /\__                    )/ 
         ¯                    \__/  ___  \__/                    ¯
              ONLINE UNTIL BUST \__/ _ \__/ ONLINE BIS ZUM KNAST
                                  __/ \__


                ·_)                                       (_·
                |           22/12/96   12:51:26             |
                |              _____     _____              |
                |           ___\_   \_  /\    \             |
                |          /    /    /\/  \____\            |
                |         /    /    / /   /    /            |
                |        /_   /    / /   /    / \           |
                |        \ \______/  \  /    /___\          |
                |         \_\     \  /\/__  /    /          |
                |            \_____\/ sTZ!\_____/           |
                |                                           |
                |         Shelter Fastest Dist Side         |
                |        Fix Ltd. German Headquarter        |
                |       Lightforce! Fastest Dist Side       |
                |    Sceptic /X Design Fastest Dist Side    |
                |   Rektum! /X Division World Headquarter   |
                |       Cellblock 4 World Headquarter       |
                |_                                         _|
                · )_______________________________________( ·

                         _ _____ _____
                                     (__________________ _____  _

                                oMA! iS bACK !

                         _ _____ _____
                                     (__________________ _____  _

 .________________ _____  _    _               .__     ·    /\      _  __ ____
 |                                             |//  .___\/\//\\/\___________ /
 |                                             |/   |   \/\/  \/\          //.
 |__/\___  __/\___  __/\_______/\___  __/\___  |    |            \        // |
 |\_  .  \ \_ _.  \ \_  _______ _.  \ \_  __ \ |    | ______      \      //  |
 ·/   |   \/  \| _/_/   |   \/  \|   \/    /  \|    | \____/       ·    ·/   |
 /    |       _`        |       _'        /    \    |                   /    |
 \____        /       __        /        /      \_  |                  ·     |
 .   \_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/  |                        |
 |                                        .    |    ·                        |
 |               __/\_______/\______/\__  |    |__/\___  __/\___            _|
 | organisation  \  ________ _.  ·___   \ |    |\_  .  \ \_  __ \           \.
 |      of       /\_____ \/  \|   \ |    \|    |/   |   \/    /  \           |
 |  mighthungry /   _ |/     _'    \|     :    :    |        /    \          |
 | asciiartists/    / '      /      :             __        /      \_        |
 |            ·    /\_______/\____________._  _.__/\_______/\_______/        |
 |                /                  .    |    |                             |
 |               ·                   |    |    ·                             |
 |     __/\___  __/\_____   __/\  _  |    |__/\_______/\. ____/\__           |
 |     \_  .  \ \_  ____/   \_  \/ \ |    |\_  _______  |_\____   \  ______  |
 |     /   |   \/  __/      /  \  / \|    |/   |   \/  __   \ |    \ \____/  |
 |    /    |        |      /    \/   :    :    |        /    \|     \        |
 |    \____         |      \____/            __        /      :      \_      |
 |        \____ _   |          \_____._  _.__/\_______/\______________/      |
 |                  |                ;    |                                  |
 |     __/\.    __/\:__  __/\___  __/|____:__/\___  __/\.__                  |
 |     \_  |___ \_  |  \ \_  __ \ \_  _______ _.  \ \   |  \                 |
 |     /  __   \/   :   \/    /  \/   |   \/  \| _/_/\_____ \                |
 |    /    /        ;        /        |       _`       _ |/  \               |
 |   /    /       __        /       __        /        / '    \_             |
 |  ·    /\_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/             |
 |      /                          .      :    .  _____ ___  _   _           |
 |     ·__/\___  __/\_______/\_____|    . |    |  \\                         |
 |      \_ _.  \ \  ________  ____/|    | |    |   \\                      __|
 |      /  \|   \/\_____ \/   \____|    | |    |    ·\                     \_.
 |     /   _'       _ |/     _ \   \    | |    |      ·                      |
 |    /    /        / '      /      \_  | |    |                             |
 |   ·    /\_______/\_______/\_______/  | |    |                             |
 |       /                         |    | |    |                             |
 |      /                          `----÷-:    ÷---------- -----   -      -  |
 |     ·          __/\___  __/\______/\_| |    |__/\______/\__  __/\_____    |
 |                \_ _.  \ \_ _. \____   \|    |\  ________   \ \  _____/    |
 |we are organised/  \|   \/  \| _/_ |    \    |/\_____ \ |    \/\_____ \    |
 |asciiartists.../   _'       _'    \|     ·   :   _ |/  \|        _ |/  \   |
 |                   /        /      :             / '    :        / '    \_ |
 |and we are quite  /\_______/\___________._  _.__/\______________/\_______/ |
 |mighthungry too  /                    | |    |                             |
 `------------- - / - ------------------÷-'    |                             |
                  ·                     :      `-------------------[vC!/O!]--'

                         _ _____ _____
                                     (__________________ _____  _

 "The  path  of the reighteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of
  the selfish and the tyranny of evil men.  Blessed is he, who in the name of
  charity  and  good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness,
  for  he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children.  And
  I  willl strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those
  who  would attempt to poison and my brothers.  And you will know my name is
  the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee."
                                                            from Pulp Fiction

                         _ _____ _____
                                     (__________________ _____  _

               _______________________ __
               \                    __\\
            ____\______.          ._\______  _________
         fTL\     _.   |__________|__ _   /./         \.__________________
       ______\____\|   |         ___//    _|      ..   |)     ._         /
      _\         __|   __        \|       \|    :. :  _|_     |/        /
      /__________\_    \/         \______     __:_____\//_____|        /
                  /_____\-----------\   /____/  :.. .:      /_________/eD
                      \                   \ ......:
                       \                   \__ __:

                         _ _____ _____
                                     (__________________ _____  _

    |                                                                    |
  .:|Hi,  I  am  back. I am once again too lazy to produce something nice|::::
.:::|text.  So  I will just write some uninteresting words. First a small|::::
::::|Fuck  Off to rave & vace, and a big hello to all i know. I am lookin|::::
::::|forward to see some of you (at least I hope I will do) at The Party.|:::'
::::|Ok.  I will not bore you nemore. So have a nice trip to my little   |:::
::::|world  of simple asciis...                                AdON/oMA! |:'

                         _ _____ _____
                                     (__________________ _____  _

                                          _    ._ ____________________ _:
                                         (_)  _|_))                  ((_|
        ___________ _______    __________   __________                  |
      _/   _   __ /_\_     \___\_       /___\__      /     P·A·N·i·C    |
     /     /   \ /    _     \_  /      /      /      \_.                |
    /      _____/_____\______/ /_______\______\________|   By Adon      |
   /_______|-Mo!\aL-   - ----\/----------- -   .                        |
                                               |_      Of Oma!         _._

                         _ _____ _____
                                     (__________________ _____  _

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Ascii Guys Seven  /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Xcluziwe      //_______|

      __________ __________ ________  _______ ______
     _\   _    /_\   _____/_    ___/___ ____/_ ____/_ ______________
    .)    _     /_______    /   \     /      /      /               |
    |_____|____/___________/_________/______/______/      aSCII     |
              _______      _______    ________ _________    gUYS    |
      ¡ _ _  _\  ___/___ __\     /_ __\      /   ______/_    sEVEN  |
      | \// .)   \_    /    \     /\   \    /_______    /           |
      |     |_________/__________/_________/|__________/            !
      | AdN!        _________  _________     ______ ________ _ ________
      |___________ _\   ____/_ \_  ____/__ __\    /__  ____/__ \___   /_
                  .)______    /   ___|   /    \    /  ___|   /    /    /

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Shelter           /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Slapshot      //_______|

           ._) _ _      ((_______________________________________.
           |   \// AdN!                                          |
  _________ ____._____ __________ ________   ______  __________ ___________
 .\  _____/.\   |    /.\_   ____/__   ___/__.\    /_ \_   ____/________   /.
 |______   |          |    ___|   /   \     |    ___/.   ___|   /    _/    |
  _________|____|_____|___________\ ________|________| _________\ ___\_____|
           .                                                     .
           |                     sHELTEr!                        |
           |______________________________________ _____ ____ ___|

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Shelter (FID)     /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Slapshot      //_______|

¡ _____ __.__ ____ ____ ___  _____ _____AdN!
|.\ __/.  | /.  _/__ _/_. /_ \  _/___ __ /.|
||___  |     | _|  / \  | __/. _|  /  \   ||
| _____|__|__|_____\ ___|____|_____\___\__||
|                                          |
|      Shelter gives you blablabla...      |

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: The Junction      /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Slapshot      //_______|

                         ______   ____.____ _________
                        .\    /_  \   |   /.\_  ____/__
           ___          |    ___/.         |     _|   /          ___
           \.(_________ |________|____|____|__________\ _________)./
            | _ _                                                 |
            | \\/             (· tHE jUNCTION! ·)            AdN! |
            |                                                     |
            |                  bla bla bllllala!                  |
            |                                                     |
            |          ashdjf ansd feja jsdlka  jlkdafs           |
            |                                                     |
    _______ ! ______  ________ ______    ______   ______ ________ ________
  __\___  /.__\    /._\___   /_   ___|___\    /_ .\____/.       /.\___   /.
 |     /   |   \    |    /    /   \     /    ___/|      |   |    |   /    |
 |    _____|________|___/____/_________/|________|______|________|__/_____|

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Slapshot          /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Slapshot      //_______|

  _________ _______  _________ __________ _______  ____.____ ________ ______
 _\   ____/.   ___/___   _   /.    _    / \  ___/_.\   |   /.       /.\    /_ .
.)______   |   \     /   _    |   _____/______    |         |   |    |    ___/|
¡                                                                             ¡
|               slAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaapsHoooooooooooooooT is here            |

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Trade             /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Neuro!        //_______|

_._                                                                         _._
 |                                                                           |
 |                                                                      AdN! |
 |                                                                           |
 |     tRAdE!                                                                |
 |                 ________  _____________ __________   __________ __________|
 |                .\      /_ ._______    /_    _    /_ _\____    /_\_   ____/|_
 |                |     ____/|     _/     /    _      /     /     /    ___|   /

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Raging Fire       /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Trivial!      //_______|

 ______________ _____________ ________     _______  ____________ ________
 _______      /.      _     /.\    __/____.\_____/._\______    /.\    __/_____.
.)    _/       |      _      |     \_     |       |       /     |     \_      |
¡                             __________________________________ ____________ |
|      rAGING                .\     ______._______.______      /.\_    _____/_|
|               fIRE!        |     ____|  |       |    _/       |     ____|   /

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Trivial           /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Trivial       //_______|

 ________  _____________ _______     _______ _______ _____________ ________AdN!
.\      /_ ._______    /.\_____/.____\     /.\_____/.      _     /.    ___/___.
|     ____/|     _/     |       |     \     |       |      _      |    \      |


   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Low Profile       /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Trivial/Zorro //_______|

 ________    ___________ _______
.\   ___/___.          /.      /______ ______________________________________.
|    \      |     |     |     /\      |                                      |
!___________|___________|_____________|            dA lO'pRO pOSSE!          |
|                                                                            |
|                                                                            |
|                                                                            |
|                                                                            |
|                                                                            |
|                                                                            |
|_________ ___________ ___________ ___________________ ________    __________|
!\   _   /.______    /.          /.\     _____.______/.    ___/___.\_   ____/|_
|    _____|    _/     |     |     |     ____| |       |    \      |    ___|   /
|____|AdN!|____\______|___________|______|    |_______|___________|___________\

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Soia              /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Trivial       //_______|

           _____________ ______________ __________ _______________
 ________ .\    _______/.             /.\________/.       _      /. _________
(________||________     |      |       |          |       _       ||_________)

                          [o  sICk oF iT aLL!  o]

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Zorro             /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Zorro         //_______|

 _______________ ______________ _______________ _______________ _____________ A
.\_________    /.             /.________      /.________      /.            /.d
|    ___________|      |       |      _/       |      _/       |      |      |N

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Outbreak          /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: [MYSTICK]     //_______|

  _______    ______ _____    ________ __________ ________ _________ _____ AdN!
 .\     /.___\    /.\   /_ ._\____  /_._____   /.\_  ___/__   _   /.\    /   /
 |   |   |    \    |   ___/|     /   /|   _/    |   __|   /   _    |   _/   /|
 |_______|_________|_______|________/ |___\_____|_________\ __|____|___\_____|
 ¡                                                                           ¡
 |                              (· oUTbREAK! ·)                              |

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Outbreakers       /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: [MYSTICK]     //_______|

 ___________     _______ ________
.\         /.____\     /.\      /_ .   ____________               ___________
|     |     |     \     |     ____/|  (___________/ oUTbREAKERs! /___________)
 ________ __________ ________ _________ _____ ___ ______  __________ _________
.\____  /_._____   /.\_  ___/__   _   /.\    /  /   ___/__._____   /.\  _____/.
|    /   /|   _/    |   __|   /   _    |   _/  /|  __|   /|   _/    |______   |
|_______/ |___\_____|_________\ __|____|___\____|________\|___\_____|_________|

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Atlantic Is Back  /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Hardsequencer //_______|

 __________ _____   _______    __________  _________ _____   ______ ______ AdN!
.\   _    /.\   /_ .   ___/___.\   _    /._\____   /.\   /_ .\____/.   ___|___.
|    _     |   ___/|   \      |    _     |     /    |   ___/|      |   \      |
 _______ ___________            ___________  ___________ _______     _____ ____
.\_____/.\   ______/. aTLANTic .\_____    /_.\    _    /.    ___|___.\    /   /
|       |_______    |    iS    |     /     /|     _     |    \      |   _/   /|
|_______|___________|   bACK   |__________/ |_____|_____|___________|___\_____|

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Tb-3o3            /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Tb-3o3        //_______|

              | _________________             ________________ |
              ! \                \ yES, iT'S /               / !
   ________    ____________           ___________ ___________ ___________ A
  .\      /__ .\_____     /_  ______  \______   /.\         /.\______   /.d
  |     _____/|     /      / /_____/  ___(__     |     |     |___(__     |N
  |___________|___________/          /___________|___________/___________|!

              ¡ /________________/ tB - 3o3! \_______________\ ¡

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Nettwerk          /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Tb-3o3        //_______|

                     |                                     |
 _________ ________  ______   ______   ______     ________ _________ _____ ____
.\____   /.\_  ___/__\    /_ .\    /_ .\    /____.\_  ___/__ ____  /.\    /   /
|    /    |   __|   /   ____/|   ____/|    /\    |   __|   /   _/   |   _/   /|
|___/_____|_________\________|________|__________|_________\ __\____|___\_____|
                     ¡AdN!                                 ¡
                     |                                     |
                     |  (· nETTwERK iS bACK oNCe mORe ·)   |
                     |                                     |

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Stile             /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Xcluziwe      //_______|

  ________ ___________ _______   _______ ________    __________    ________ A
 |        .\   ______/.\     /_ .\_____/.    ___/___.\_   ____/___         |d
 | sTILE! |_______    |    ____/|       |    \      |    ___|    /  sTILe! |N
 |_______ |___________|_________|_______|___________|____________\ ________|!

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Eckel Dronter     /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Xcluziwe      //_______|

        __________    _______     ______ ______________    ________
       .\_   ____/___.\   ___|___.\     /    __   ____/____    ___/___.   AdN!
    .__|    ___|    /|    \      |    _/    /|    ___|    /    \      |__.
    !  |____________\|___________|____\______|____________\ __________|  !
 ___________ __________ __________  ___________ ______    __________ _ _______
 \_____    /_ ____    /.\        /._\_____    /.\    /__ .\_   ____/______   /.
  /   /     /   _/     |    |     |      /     |   _____/|    ___|      _/    |

    ¡                   (· eCKEl dRONTER oNd dROEBER ·)                  ¡

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Another Step      /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Fatal         //_______|

      |                                                               |
      |                      (· aNOTHER sTEP! ·)                      |
      !                                                               !
   _________  ________ _________ ______   ____ ____ _________ _ __________
  .\   _   /._\___   /.\       /.\    /_ .\   |   /.\_   ___/__._____    /.
  |    _    |    /    |    |    |    ___/|         |   ___|   /|   _/     |
                   _________ ______   _________  _________
      ¡__________ .\  _____/.\    /_ .\_   ___/__\    _   | __________¡
                  |______   |    ___/|   ___|        _____|

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Art Bomb          /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Fatal         //_______|

 |                                                                           |
 |                               (· aRt bOMb ·)                              |
 |   _________ _________ ______      _________ ________ ________ _________   |
 |  .\   _   /._____   /.\    /_ .  .\____   /_       /.\      /.\____   /_  |
 |__|    _    |   _/    |    ___/|__|    /    /   |    |        |    /    /__|
    |____|____|___\_____|________|  |________/_________|___\/___|________/AdN!

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Epsilon Design    /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Fatal         //_______|

     |                                                               |
     |                      (· ePSILOn dESIGN ·)                     |
     |                                                               |
    ________   ________ _________ ______ _______    _________  ________
   .\_   __/__.\   _   .\   ____/.\____/.\   __/___.\       /._\___   /.
   |    __|   |   _____|______   |      |    \     |    |    |    /    |
          ________ _______   ________ ______ ______      ________
     ¡   .\___   /_    __/__.\  ____/.\____/.\  ___|___._\___   /.   ¡
     |__ |   /    /   __|   |_____   |      |   \_     |    /    | __|

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Fast File System  /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Scandic       //_______|

 |                                                                         |
 |                          (· fAST fILE sYSTEM! ·)                        |
 !                                                                         !
 _________ _________ ________ ______      _________ ______ _______   _______
.\_  ____/.\   _   /.\  ____/.\    /_ .  .\_  ____/.\____/.   ___/__.\_  __/__
|   __/   |    _    |_____   |    ___/|  |   __/   |      |   \     |   __|  /
|____|    |____|____|________|________|  |____|    |______|_________|________\
           ________    ______ ________ ______   _______   ________   AdN!
 ¡_______ .\  ____/. __\    /.\  ____/.\    /_ .\_  __/__.\      /. _______¡
          |_____   |\   \    |_____   |    ___/|   __|   |        |

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Trade-Intern      /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Neuro!        //_______|

 ________  _____________ __________   __________ __________                 _._
.\      /_ ._______    /_    _    /_ _\____    /_\_   ____/__ ______________)|/
|     ____/|     _/     /    _      /     /     /    ___|   /                |
|__________|_____\_____/_____|_____/___________/____________\           AdN! |
 |                                                                           |
 |                               tRAdE - iNTERN!                             |
 |                 ______  __________ ______   _______     _______  _________|
 |                .\____/._\____    /.\    /_ .\_  __/__.__\__   /._\____   /!
 |                |      |     /     |    ___/|   __|   |   _/    |     /    |

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Style             /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Neuro!        //_______|

          __________ _______       _______ ________    __________
         .\   _____/.\     /_ . ___\     /.    ___/___.\_   ____/___
      ._ |______    |    ____/|\    \     |    \      |    ___|    / _.A
      |  |__________|_________|___________|___________|____________\  |d
      |                                                               |N
      |                                         stYLE!                |!

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Noize Corruption  /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Tolpan        //_______|

_._                           _________ _________ _______ _________ ________
\|(________________________ ._\____   /.\       /.\_____/.\_____  /.\_  ___/__.
 |                          |     /    |    |    |       |   ______|   ___|   |
 |    noiZe coRruptiOn!     |____/_____|_________|_______|_________|__________|
_____    _______ _______ _______   _____ _______ _____   _____ _______  _______
  ___|__.\     /.\___  /.\___  /.__\    !   _  /.\   /_ .\___/.\     /._\___  /
  \     |   |   |  _/   |  _/   |   \   |   ____|   ___/|     |   |   |    /
________|_______|__\____|__\____|_______|___|   |_______|_____|_______|___/____
 |    oMA eHQ!

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Mogue             /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Mogue!        //_______|

       ____________ ___________ _________        _______ __________
      .\          /.\         /.\    ___/___.____\      .\_   ____/___.
  .__ |            |     |     |     \      |     \     |    ___|     | __.
  |   |_____\/_____|___________|____________|___________|_____________|   |
  |                                                                       |
  |                            oh no, it's mo!                            |

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Arclite!          /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Mogue!        //_______|

                        |                                                     |
                        |          Arclite!     -     Sex Murder Art !        |
     _________  ________ _____     ______    ______ ______   ________         |
    .\   _   /._\___   /.\  __|___.\  __/___.\____/.\    /_ .\_  ___/__. AdN! |
    |    _    |   _/    |   \     |   \     |      |    ___/|   ___|   | _____|

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Straight Hate     /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Mogue!        //_______|

       __________ ______     ________ ___________ _______ ________    ______
.____ .\   _____/.\    /_ .__\___   /.\    _    /.\_____/.\   ___/___.\    /_ .
|     |______    |    ___/|    _/    |     _     |       |    \_     |    ___/|
| AdN!|__________|________|____\_____|_____|_____|_______|___________|________|
|                              _____ _____ ___________ ________   __________
|                             .\    |    /.\    _    /.\      /_ .\_   ____/__.
|        sTRAIGHT hATE!       |           |     _     |     ____/|    ____|   |
|                             |_____|_____|_____|_____|__________|____________|

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Tolpan            /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Tolpan        //_______|

    \|                                                                   |/
     !     _____   _________ _______   _________ _________ _________     !
 _        .\   /_ .\       /.   ___/__.\   _    .\   _   /._____   /.      ___
(/ tOlPAN |   ___/|    |    |   \     |    _____|    _    |    /    | AdN! \__)
          |_______|_________|_________|____|    |____|____|___/_____|
     ¡                                                                   ¡

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Type'o'Negative   /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Mogue!        //_______|

                  _______      ______ __________ ________
                 .\     /_ . __\    /.\    _   /.    ___/__.
          ._____ |     ___/|\   \    |     _____|   ___|   | _____.
          |      |_________|_________|_____|    |__________|      |
          |                 ___   _______  ___               AdN! |
          |                 \__| .\     /. \__|                   |
          |                      |   |   |                        |
          ! · tYPE'o'nEGATIVe ·  |_______|     · fINEST dOORS ·   !
         ______ _______  _____   _______ ____   _____   _____ _______
       ._\__  /.   ___/_.  __/__.\  _  /.\  /_ .\___/.__\   /.   ___/_.
       |   /   |  ___|  |  \_   |   _   |   __/|     |   \   |  ___|  |

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Sunflex           /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Mogue!        //_______|

            .______________________________________________ _____
       _______   _____  _______ ________ ______   ________  \    |_____
      .\  ___/.__\    |_\___  /.\    ___!   __/__.    ___/__.\   |    /
      |____   |   \   |    /   |    __/ |   \    |   ___|   |/       /
      |_______|_______|___/____|____|   |________|__________|____|   \
            |                 (· sUNFLEx! ·)                   |

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Home Projects     /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Martini       //_______|

                    ____ ____ _________ __________ ________
                   .\   |   /.\       /.\        /.\_  ___/__.    ·AdN!·
             _____ |         |    |    |          |   ___|   | _____
            !      |____|____|_________|____\/____|__________|      !
 ________  ________ _________   _______ ________   ______     _____   ________
.\  _    !_\___   /.\       /.__\__   /.\_  ___/__.\  ___|___.\   /_ .\  ____/.
|   _____|   _/    |    |    |    /    |   ___|   |   \      |   ___/|_____   |
|___|    |___\_____|_________|_________|__________|__________|_______|________|

            ¡                  (· hOMe pROJECTs ·)                  ¡

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Shaolin           /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: ?-Shaolin-?   //_______|

            ______________________________ _____  ____   ___    __    _
            \       _ _
             \      \//   ?-sHAOLiN-? is down here!
    _______ ____ ____ _________ _________ _____    _____  _______
   .\  ___/.\   |   /.\   _   /.\       /.  __/___.\___/._\___  /.
   |____   |         |    _    |    |    |  \     |     |    /   | AdN!

                    \___________________________ _____  ____   ___    __    _

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: End-Chat          /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: ?-Shaolin-?   //_______|

[EOC]                       Reached End Of Chat.
 ________    ________  ________        _______    ____ ____ _________ ______
.\_  ___/__._\___   /._\___   /.  __  .\  ___/___.\   |   /.\   _   /.\    /_ .
|   ___|   |    /    |    /    | (__) |   \      |         |         |    ___/|
|__________|___/_____|_________| AdN! |__________|____|____|____|____|________|

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Martini           /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Martini       //_______|

        ________ _________  ________ ______   ______  ________ ______
       .\      /.\   _   /._\___   /.\    /_ .\____/._\___   /.\____/.
 .____ |        |         |   _/    |    ___/|      |    /    |      | ____.
 |     |___\/___|____|____|___\_____|________|______|___/_____|______|     |
 |                                                                         |
 |                              tHiS iS mARtiNi!                           |

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Royal             /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Slime!        //_______|

               ________ _________    ______ _________ _______
             ._\___   /.\       /. __\    /.\   _   /.   ___/___.
     .______ |    /    |    |    |\   \    |    _    |   \      | ______.
     |       |____\____|_________|_________|____|____|__________|       |
     |                                                                  |
     !                          [· rOYAL xHQ ·]                         !

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Renegade          /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Slime!        //_______|

    _______ ______   _______ ______   ______   _________ ________ ______
   .\___  /.   __/__.\___  /.   __/__.   __/__.\   _   /._____  /.   __/__.
   |   /   |  __|   |   /   |  __|   |   \_   |         /    /   |  __|   |

     ¡                        [· rENEGADe xHQ! ·]                       ¡

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Motion            /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Slime!        //_______|

     |     __________ _________ ______   ______ _________  ________     |
     |    .\        /.\       /.\    /_ .\____/.\       /._\___   /.    |
     |    |          |    |    |    ___/|      |    |    |    /    |    |
     |    |____\/____|_________|________|______|_________|___/_____|    |
     |                                                                  |
     |                         [· mOTION xHQ! ·]                        |

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Birdhouse Project /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Pete          //_______|

    _______ _____  _______  _______ ___ ___ _______   _____ _______ ______ AdN!
  ._\___  /_ ___/._\___  /._\___  /.\  |  /.\     /.__\    !\  ___/.   __/__.
  |    /   /     |   _/   |    /   |       |   |   |   \   |____   |  __|   |

      |                  [)· biRdhOUSe pROJECts ·(]                      |
 ________  ________ _________   _______ ________   ______     _____   ________
.\  _    !_\___   /.\       /.__\__   /.\_  ___/__.\  ___|___.\   /_ .\  ____/.
|   _____|   _/    |    |    |    /    |   ___|   |   \      |   ___/|_____   |
|___|    |___\_____|_________|_________|__________|__________|_______|________|

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Mad               /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Mad!          //_______|

                     ____________ ___________  __________
                    .\          /.\    _    /._\____    /.
        .__________ |            |     _     |     /     | __________.
        |           |_____\/_____|_____|_____|___________|           |
        |                                                       AdN! |
        |                        [8   mAD!  8]                       |

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Voyager           /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Mad!          //_______|

             |                                               |
        _____|_________    _____ _________ ______   _______  | ________
     .__\   /!\       /.___\   /.\   _   /.  ___/__.   ___/__!_\___   /.
     |   \   |    |    |\   \   |    _    |  \_    |  ___|   |   _/    |
             |                                               |
             |             (·]  vOYAGEr bBS!  [·)            |

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Voyager           /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Mad!          //_______|

                                      !                      |
    _______    ____ ____ _________ ______                    |
   .\  ___/___.\   |   /.\   _   /.\    /_ .                 |
   |   \      |         |         |    ___/|  it's dA cHAt!  |
   |__________|____|____|____|____|________|                 |
                                      .                      |
  ·AdN!·                              |______________________|

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Lightforce        /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Mad!          //_______|

 _______    _______ _______    _____ _____ ______                    ·AdN!·
.\  ___/___.\_____/.\  ___/___.\    |    /.\    /__ . ____________________.
|   \      |       |   \_     |           |    ____/|                     |
|__________|_______|__________|_____|_____|_________|  fAStEr tHAn lIGHt! |
                          ___________ ________  ________ ______     ________
  |  (·  lIGHtfORCE  ·)  .\    _____/        /._\___   /.   ___|___.    ___/__.
  |_____________________ |    ___/  |    |    |   _/    |   \      |   ___|   |
                         |____|     |_________|___\_____|__________|__________|

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Lightforce        /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: Mad!          //_______|

                          ________ ________  ________
                        ._\___   /_   _   /._\___   /.
      .________________ |    /    /        |    /    | ________________.
      |                 |________/____|____|_________|                 |
      |                                                                |
      |                     (·  bAd iNFlUENCe!  ·)                     |
 _____  _______ ________ _____     _____ _______    _______ _____    _______
.\___/._\___  /.\   ___/   __/__.__\    .   ___/__._\___  /.   __|__.   ___/__.
|     |    /   |   __/ |   \    |   \   |  ___|   |    /   |   \    |  ___|   |
|_____|___/____|___|   |________|_______|_________|___/____|________|_________|


                                   ____ ___
                                   \ _/___/
                                    )__ _\

                             sPECIAl bONUs - lOGo!

                                   ____ ___
                                   \ _/___/
                                    )__ _\

   ________ /                         /                               _____
  |       // lOGO: Pc Sucks!         /______________________________ /     |
  | AdN! //_________________________                               // oMA! |
  |_____/                          /  rEQUESTEd bY: noone         //_______|

          _____________________________   _________________
         .\             _             /. .\         _______|_________.
     .__ |             ________________| |          \                | __.
     |   |______________|                |___________________________|   |AdN!
 ____________      ________ __________     _______ _____ ____________    _____
.\    ______/._____\      /.\     ___/____.\      /    /.\    ______/.  |     |
|_______     |      \      |      \       |     _/      |_______     |  |_____|
|____________|_____________|______________|_____\_______|____________|  (_____)

     |                 fUCK oFF, yOU bILL gATES dOODIES!                 |

                         _ _____ _____
                                     (__________________ _____  _

                                      Disclaimer and technical informations:

 This  collection  called "Panic" was produced by AdON/oMA!.  All Copyrights
 reserved  by  AdON/oMA!.   The  Production  was  published under the famous
 oMA!-laber   (oRGANISAtiOn   oF  mIGHthUNGRy  aSCIIaRtiSts)  -label.

 The  rights  of the guest-logos belong to their creators (watch the Credits
 for more detailed information about guest-appereances of other artitsts).

 This  Production  was finished in 1996.  It will be released at the 21st of
 December  of  the  same  year.   It is strictly forbidden to remove my Tags
 (AdN!) or to copy my work (Slang:  ripping).

                         _ _____ _____
                                     (__________________ _____  _


   Music Support: Emmanuel Top
 Tobacco Support: Gauloise & Marlborro
Drinking Support: Coca-Cola, Holsten, Brinkhoffs, Bitburger, Tuborg X-Masbeer,
Computer Support: A4o3o/18/1.2 (my new comp :) )
   Moral Support: oMA-pOSSE, TP6, Mogue!, Tolpan, Deskline
    Food Support: Ma Mom + Dr. Oetker Pizza

                         _ _____ _____
                                     (__________________ _____  _

                                tHE cREDITs!

                                 oMA!  -  vIETCONG
                        oMA! (FileId)  -  eXOCET
                                 AdON  -  fATAL
                                pANIc  -  mOGUE!

Fast End now...

No Greets ;) Sorry... Hello to all who know me and to all I know.

Try to catch me on IRC (#ascii or #amielite) or on few boards.

        ______ ______
   _____\    \/     /____    Organisation Of
  /      \     /   /     \    MightHungry
 /       \\  \/___/      \\    Ascii-Artists
-\________/___\  /_________\-÷e÷-----------
 AdON/oMA! is back with a new request coll!

               (·  pANIC!  ·)



                ·_)                                       (_·
                |           22/12/96   12:51:26             |
                |              _____     _____              |
                |           ___\_   \_  /\    \             |
                |          /    /    /\/  \____\            |
                |         /    /    / /   /    /            |
                |        /_   /    / /   /    / \           |
                |        \ \______/  \  /    /___\          |
                |         \_\     \  /\/__  /    /          |
                |            \_____\/ sTZ!\_____/           |
                |                                           |
                |         Shelter Fastest Dist Side         |
                |        Fix Ltd. German Headquarter        |
                |       Lightforce! Fastest Dist Side       |
                |    Sceptic /X Design Fastest Dist Side    |
                |   Rektum! /X Division World Headquarter   |
                |       Cellblock 4 World Headquarter       |
                |_                                         _|
                · )_______________________________________( ·

                               __ _/\¦/\_ __    
               __/\__ _ _  __ _/(_)  |  (_)\_ __  _ _ __/\__
               \    /   ( /_/\\_     |     _//\_\ )   \    /
               /_  _\     \_\/_/   @ | @   \_\/_/     /_  _\
                 \/           \__   _|_   __/           \/
          _ ___ _____/\_ ___/\__/\__).(__/\__/\___ _/\_____ ___ _
          \\\__\\_____ (_) __ ___  (_¦_)  ___ __ (_) _____//__///
         _          \___  /  \/| _ _ _ _ _ |\/  \  ___/          _
        /(___ _/\_____ / /_ _ _| | | | | | |_ _ _\ \ _____/\_ ___)\  
       /    (_)  \_    \/    \\_ |_|_|_|_| _//    \/    _/  (_)    \ 
      /          _/      _  _ _| | | | | | |_ _  _      \_          \
      \                  ( (_)\_ | | | | | _/(_) )                  /  
    /\ \   WE WILL NEVER      _/ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ \_       WE WILL NEVER  / /\
    \/ /     SURRENDER  _ __/\\__ _\   /_ __//\__ _  COMPROMISE!   \ \/
      /                 \\\__/  \/  \_/  \/  \__///                 \
      \                  ¯  __/\           /\__  ¯                  /
       \  __________________\__/           \__/__________________  /
        \(                    __/\       /\__                    )/ 
         ¯                    \__/  ___  \__/                    ¯
              ONLINE UNTIL BUST \__/ _ \__/ ONLINE BIS ZUM KNAST
                                  __/ \__