_ ________ ____ __________ ____/ __/____ ________ ________ _________ _________ ________ _\______ \_ \_ ______/_ ____ \_ ___ \_ __ \_ __ / _____ \_hP! \ \/ / / \/ / \/____/ \/ / \/ / \___/_ \/ /__- \____/ /___/___ / /_____\ \_________/_____\ /____ /____/ /_\/_- \_____/ \_____/ _ ________ / \____/ \_____/-\/\/- \___/ Lord Nitro // The Seven Eleven Connection & Trank Ascii Presents .. Nitrogen's Neighbourhood "It's a beautiful day in the neighbourhood!" (A Compilation: Feb 1st - April 1st) Let's Go.. ______,--, _____ ____,-----,___,-----,___________,----,____,-----,___,--, --ŋ \\_______ \(_____): _____/______ /' __ __ _ _ _|: _____//____ \_ : __|: |: __ _ |_ |: __ _ |: _/_ |: |: |: __ _ ___|__|_ |: |__ \__ |ų |: ___ |ų //: _ __ _ |ų _|_______ | |: __ _ |ų __/ . | | |_ |: | |ų |: |_ \\: ý | |ų | | NO |_ : `----|_____//---'----,____|----|_____/-----\\____,----'----,____|----|_____// Ã-- - --- --- - - - -- - - - - - ------ŋ | : | Yo mofo, and thanks for reading my little splurge.. Anyways, in true old | | school asskey style, I too, Nitrogen, have released my very own little | | colly. I haven't seen an individual release a colly in a while, as they | | are basically dead. Hiro of Trank has released a few in the last couple | | Trank packs, but it's not the same. But I suppose the day of the | | individual is long past gone, now the only people who are out on their | | own seems to either be bad artists, or those on 'groups suck' trips. So, | | I decided I'd give this thing a try, you know, see if I can do it, this | | will contain all my non-colored asciis for the month of February, 1996+ | | | | PS: I just may greet you, check the end of the file ... maybe ;) | | | | ____,-----,___,---,-----,_________,----,____,-----, | Ã |: _____/______ \______ \_______ __ _ |: / - -- ----------- -- ---ī __|ų |: __ _ |: _/__ _ __ _ |: |: |ų /__ | \___ |ų //: _ __ _ |: |: |ų |ų _ ___/ +lEET lIKE hIRO+ | . |: | |ų |: |_ |ų |ų | |_ | \ | Ā `----,____|----|_____/---,____|----|_____//--|_____\ - -- ---------- -- - --Ų " And so, it begins .. " _,----,__,----,__,------, ___,-----,____,-----, Ú ,\____/, __ \_______ \/ _____/__ |: / - --- -------------- -- ---ŋ _|: __ _ | _|: |: _| _______/\ |ų /___ | \_ų | | \__ |ų ___ |: \___ _ ___// +tHE lEETO iNDEXO+ | . | | | :|_ | |: |ų / |: \ | Ã `-,____|----|_____/-,______|-,_______|----|_____\ - -- ------------- -- - --ī | | | > 1 < Trinity Reviews 1996 > 5 < Trank!Ascii 1996 | | > 2 < Katharsis Ascii > 6 < The Seven Eleven Connection | | > 3 < Atlantis > 7 < Trank!Ascii 1996 #2 | | > 4 < The Seven Eleven Connection > 8 < The Abyss | | | Ā-------------------------------------------------------- --- - - -- - ---Ų " aRT tHOU pREPARED?! " Ó+--------------------------------------------------------- ---- -- -[ #01 ]-+· | TRINITY 1996 for GODLESS/TRI ° `-- - - - - -- -------------------------------------------------------------' _______,-------,_,-------,----,--------,_,------,_____,----,_____,------, \_____ _____/____ ___/-----+-----, \+----\_____ ___\_ | _/ _____/ \_ _ | __ _ |_ | _|_ :__/_ \_ | | Ŧ____ \\___ _ ___ _ \_ _ _ | __ _ ___ _ _ ___\________ ___// \___ /____| /_____Ŧ_____| Ŧ_____Ŧ\___ ___ _ | Ž `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----'`-----,_____| + TRINITY 1996 + NITRO<tRANK> Ó+--------------------------------------------------------- ---- -- -[ #02 ]-+· | KTS! ASCII for THE KTS CREW ° `-- - - - - -- -------------------------------------------------------------' _______,-------,_______,----------,_,----------, \\__ | _/_______ ________/ __________/ _ _ _ _____|: l /______/__ \\____________ \_____ _ _ _ \ \ \\_____ __ _/ ____//_ _ \____ _ |: _____/// / Ŧ: |: \\ __//_/ |ų \\ \ _|ų |ų \_ \ l :| \ \\______| //_/_ //_/__ ų| `--------' `------' `--------' KTS ASCII NITRO/TRANK Ó+--------------------------------------------------------- ---- -- -[ #03 ]-+· | ATLANTIS for SUN KING & COMPANY ° `-- - - - - -- -------------------------------------------------------------' ______,-, ___,------,----, _____,-,______,---, ___,------,----,____,-----, \\_____ \| _______/___ |____\_____ ________ \| _______/_ __| ______/_ / | \_ |: _/ |: | / | \ |: __ _ |: _| \\_______ | / _ __ _ |ų |: |ų _|/ _ \ |ų |: |ų __ |: |: | _/ |: \_ l |ų l __ _ |: \_ | |ų l |: |ų lų NO | \_____|______/-,_____|--,______|----|______/--|____|----,_____|-,__|----,_____| ATLANTIS ú NINE NODES SYSOP: SUN KING ú STAFF: MOEBIUS, DAVEY JONES SUPPORTING 0-6 HOUR WAREZ ú THE LOST BOYZ WHQ LESS THAN ZERO WHQ ú CORE CANADIAN HQ EXTENSIVE OFFLINE FILES ú LD TRADERS WELCOME! Ó+--------------------------------------------------------- ---- -- -[ #04 ]-+· | THE SEVEN ELEVEN for MYSELF ° `-- - - - - -- -------------------------------------------------------------' _____,-------,___,-------,___,-----,___,-------,-----,__ ___| _______/ ________/ | | ________/ ___ \____ \\_________ \_ _____|___ | | _____|___ | ___// ,Ú---- |__ | | | | | | | | | | ----ŋ. || \___ |____ |___ /____ |____| | || || `-------' `------' `----' `------' `-----' || |( )| ` /\ THE SEVEN ELEVEN CONNECTION! /\ ' /\ _ _ __/ \ __ _ PCB/EXPRESS v15.2 CUSTOMIZED _ __ / \__ _ _ /\ /__\ \/ 5 DAY IBM-PC GAMES/UTILITIES \/ /__\ , * tRANK!aSCII MEMBER BOARD * , |( )| || ____,-------,---, ____,-------,___,-----,___,-------,-----,__ || ___/ ________/ |____/ ________/ | | ________/ ___ \____ \\___ _____|___ | ___ _____|___ | | _____|___ | ___// | | | | | | | | | | | | | `Ā |____ |___ |____ |___ /____ |____| | Ų' `------' `-----' `------' `----' `------' `-----' * NITRO / tRANK * Ó+--------------------------------------------------------- ---- -- -[ #05 ]-+· | TRANK!ASCII 1996 for WHODINI/TRANK ° `-- - - - - -- -------------------------------------------------------------' ,------------------,_,---------, /~\\ ,---------,_________,-------, \ \\______ ______/_____ _ // / / _ \\_\__ _ __ \\_ | _// / / _ _ ___/ \\__/__ _ | _//___/ | _ ____ |: |__ | //______ _ _\__ ____ _ __ ______) __ \\|: |ų __// __ _// ___//_ / \\ \ |: ___ _ |: _\|ų | |: |: \ _/ \_ |ų \\__ |ų \\___ | |ų |ų \_ \ \\_____ //_/__| // | |_____| |____| // / `-------' `--------' | \\ |______// / `--------' `--------|________\\\ \ [ t R A N K ! a S C I I ] " shit, i feel weird .. " NITRO<tRANK> Ó+--------------------------------------------------------- ---- -- -[ #06 ]-+· | THE SEVEN ELEVEN for MYSELF (#2) ° `-- - - - - -- -------------------------------------------------------------' _____,-------,____,-------,___,-------,____,-------,__,----, ___/ ________/_ ________/_ Ž __/_ ________/ _ __ \___ \__________ ___ _____|____/ | \__ _____|____ _ Ž __/ | Ž \\ Ž ______ | ____ Ž ______ | Ŧ |____ | |____ | Ŧ__ | |____ | Ŧ | | \________| |________| \_________| |________|-----|_____| Ŧ tHE sEVEN eLEVEN cONNECTION +1(905)PRIVATE (USR 28800 v34) Ŧ Ŧ rUNNING sYSTEMeXPRESS v1.5 fINAL iBM pC/sYSTEMeXPRESS!/pCBOARD Ŧ _____,-------,---, ____,-------,___,-------,____,-------,__,----, ___/ ________/ Ž_____/ ________/_ Ž __/_ ________/ _ __ \___ \___ _____|_____ | __ _____|____/ | \__ _____|____ Ž ___/ | Ž ____ | Ŧ Ž ____ _ | ___ Ž ______ | Ŧ |____ | Ŧ__ | |___ | Ŧ__ | |____ | Ŧ | | |________| |________| |________| \_________| |________|-----|_____| Ó+--------------------------------------------------------- ---- -- -[ #07 ]-+· | TRANK!ASCII 1996 for WHODINI/TRANK ° `-- - - - - -- -------------------------------------------------------------' __________ _______________ _______ ,-----' /-----' \ `-------------------,-----/ /\ _ __/ __________/_ / /`------- _/------, _/_ / / / \___ _ / ___ _ _ __/ _ ___ _ / __ _ / __/ / / / / / \ / / / / _ \/\/ / / / / _/_ _ / / / / / \___ /____ / /_____/ _ ______ / /______/ /_____/ _ _____/\ \__/__________/\____/________/\__/_________/\_____/______/\____/______/\____\/ \__________\/ \________\/ \_________\/ \______\/ \______\/nitro /\ /\ _ _ __ ____/ \ __ _ T R A N K ! A S C I I ' 9 5 _ __ / \____ __ _ _ \/ \/ NUMBER ONE! NOW, FOREVER AND ALWAYS Ó+--------------------------------------------------------- ---- -- -[ #08 ]-+· | THE ABYSS for TAINTED SOUL ° `-- - - - - -- -------------------------------------------------------------' _____,--, _________ ,----,_____ ___,------,___,------, \_____ \|_ ______)| | |/ ______/ ______/__ _____ _ __/ | ___ _ ___|________ _______ ________ __/ _ ______ (|___ _ (__ \_ | __ _ | | | | | | _ _______|) /_____| /__ \_____ ' |____ |____ | `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----' THE ABYSS, SYSOP: TAINTED SOUL Lord Nitro [ Trank!Ascii 1996 ] Ó+---------------------------------------------------------- ---- -- -[ END ]-+ " wAS iT gOOD fOR yOU? " ___,------,_,--------,_,--------,,--------,_,-------,_,--------, Ú-- / _ __ __ |_ _____/_ _____/_ ______/_ _____/____ - ---ŋ | ( | |: | __ _______/ _______/ |: \_______ __// | ____\___ ___ |ų |____|: |: __ _ |: ___ |ų __ _ |: | | \ ø | | :ų |ų |: |ų |: | |: |ų NO | GREETS! | \______,------'-----' -+ `----,____|----,____|----,_____|----,_____| | Ã----------------------- -- - - - - - - -- - ------ī | | | Well, the colly is completed. Was it as good for you as it was for me? | | | | This is the part where I give credit to everyone.. Okay, well, if you | | are pre-1994 (ie: 1993 or before) and you think my ascii kinda resembles | | yours; it just might. Also, if you've ever greeted me, and I hadn't | | caught it, then uhhh... maybe you should upload the packs to my board | | from now on ;) On with the show, but first, keep in mind this isn't spell | | checked or anything like that.. | | | | Greetings and Salutations to: | | | | Whodini ũ [ aka Chefdini, reminds me of that guy from the muppets ] | | Hiro Protagonist ũ [ Thanks for the sig in the Respect pack ] | | Holocaust ũ [ Trank's still around mofo! The invite's still available ] | | Genesis P'Orridge ũ [ Large portion of my asskey's for you =) ] | | | | Don Croce, Unsane, Kaldaies, CypherHex, Asylum, Bitstream, Coleslaw | | Fractal, Goomba, Grey Hawk, Korpse (Drop the 0), Mr Popeil, Omicron | | Misfit, Sir Death, Trinitron, Exile, Sliver (My Hero), Tainted Soul | | Anyone whom I have forgotten, email me and I'll greet you next time | | | | | | The Elite Programs I Used to Put These Together! | | | | TheDraw v4.63 ũ ( AcidDraw, just doesn't cut it for me ) | | DOS Editor vSomething ũ ( The Improved DOS Editor! ) | | SetFont v1.0 coded by Nitrogen ũ ( Want a Copy?! ) | | | Ā------------------------------------------------ -- - - -- ---------- -- - --Ų · (c) 1996 LORD NITRO/TRANK!ASCII · @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ________________________ _______ ____ ____ / _ \| | / / )___ | / __/ _ | \ |/ / /___|-/___\___/---.__|\ __|\___\ .------------------------\___(po5k!kts : Lord Nitrogen [TRANK] presents... : : Nitrogen's Neighbourhood : `------------------------------------' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ