special colly for the.. ______. __ \ |_____ _ __ / .\ ._________ \ | /_ _.__ \ _____ / \\ | ______/__ _\__ __/_ | \ \/ __ \_ \.|______ \_ / . \__| \ / / \ / / /______| \ l____\/_____/_________\___________/gZ! ------ l_______\ ------------------------------------- ............. . : ._________ __________ _________. _________. : | ___ /__.\_ __ \ ___\_____ |__\_____ | __l______ \_ / \_ ______| ______| \ / / / / \ \. \ \. . \____________/___________/\___________|___________|gZ! . . .....................: - [i]n the atmosphere of future ...................................................................... : : : when a star is born, they possess a gift or two, : . one of them is this. they have the power to make a wish come true. : when you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are. : . anything your heart desires will come to you. : if your heart is in your dream, no request is to extreme. . when you wish upon a star as dreamers do. . . fate is kind. she brings to those who love, . the sweetful fillment of their secret longing. · : like a bolt out of the blue, fate steps in and sees you thru. . : when you wish upon a star your dreams come true. . :....................................................................: leigh harline / ned washington .. another .. __ / .\ ._________ __________ .___ .___ / \\ | ______/__\ \_ | \ | \ / \|______ \_ \_____/__ \_ \_ -( c · l l e c t i · n )- / \ / / \ / / / /__________\__________/\__________/l____/l____/gZ! _ _______________ / __ _ _ /________ / _ ___________/ / cold.. cold... is the / winter here? .. well, / it should be.. 'cause ____________ _ / it's christmas! yeah! ____/ _ _ ____ / well.. this is my sixth / / / / collection.. and i think / /________ _ / / this is the best of 'em.. / / / .. it's also the biggest. / . / / / / at the moment, i'm seeking /. . / for a group to join, so i / . / can release my colly's in / : : / some kind'a name.. / ¦ - -¦--- - | | do you know any group available? ¦ | - ---:- - ¦/ / . / more and more requests / / are comming in.. / / if you want any ascII's, / / then request! i'm not an / / ascII-artist for nothing, / _ __ ___/ and has always time for / doing new ascII's! / _ __/ this ascII collection is divided into four parts.. [o1)> - boards .. ] [o2)> - doods .. ] [o3)> - groups .. ] [o4)> - unknown/other] - (. all logos in this colly are requests .) - do you know something that pisses me off? i gonna tell you! it's when people writes like: k¿kk¿/\/ /\§§ ... have you ever seen something like that?.. i've seen it at a couple o' places.. and whole pages of it.. oh shit.. it makes me puke. you lamers writing like that, go fuck yourself! try to write a normal sentence.. . · . : : - ---¦-- ¦ | ( --| part o1 - boards |-- ) ¦ | --:--- - ¦ . : . .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o¹ - boards (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #o¹ - hall of fame ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: dansken | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ .................. . __ . .................. : .____. .___ / .\ ._________ _ ________ : h a l l | _|_| \ / \\ | / / . | \ | \_ \| /______ /______ o f | \ / \ / / / / l____|\_____/________\___________/__________/gZ! f a m e _ __ __ . ......... _ __________ ____________ ____________ .\ _ __ .__________ ___ __ \./ ________/ ./ ________/ \\ .__ \ _____| ___ / : . | / \_ ___/ | ___/ / \| \ \/ __ \_ ______/__. : . | / / | | | / \ \ / / | . : l___________/_____| l_____| /__________\___\/_____/___________| :................. . . ................ .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o¹ - boards (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #o² - hall of fame ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: dansken | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ . . _______ _ ____. _ ____. _|_____|______ _\____ \__ __ | __ | _\________ \_ ___ \ |________ |________ \ |/ / | / | / | / \______/ /\____ /\_____ /\_____ / .-------÷\_____/÷----÷\____/÷-----÷\_____/gZ!---÷\_____/÷- | _________ ___________ | _\ \__/ ________/ | _/ \______ \ _____/ | \ \/ / | | \_____ / | `---------------------÷\_____/÷\___|÷-----------------------. __________________ ________ _ _________ | / ______________ \__ _\_____ \_____ __ _____/ | _/ _____/_/ ___ \ | _ \_ ___/______ | \ | \ | / | / / | / | \ | \____ /\_____| /___/\_____ / | -- --- ---÷\___|÷--------÷\____/÷-----÷l____/÷---------÷\_____/÷----' .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o¹ - boards (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #o³ - atrocity exhibition ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: u-man | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ ... __ : / .\ .________ ._________ _________ _________ .___ .________ ._________ : / \\| /_| ___ _/_ __ __ \\ \_| \| /_| __/ /_ / \_____/ \_ ____ \_ / \_ \____/__ \_____/ \_____ \_ / \ / / | / / / \ / / / / / / /__________\ /_____/_____l____/_________/\_________/____/gZ!/_____/l_________/ .__________ | ___ / . ............... [ a t r o c i t y ] ..................... . | ______/_. : | _____.______ _ .......... [ e x h i b i t i o n ] ..................... : l___\ | _\__ __/_ _ .... / .____. .___ .___ ._________ .___ .________ .___ _________ ._____ .___ : /____| _|_| \| \| ___ _/_| \| /_| \ __ __ \| \| \ : | \ | \_ \_ ____ \_ \_____/ \_ \_ / \_ \ \_ : | \ / / / / / / / / / / \ \ / : l____|\l____/____/__________/____/ /_____/____/_________/____\______/ :................. .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o¹ - boards (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #o4 - the ultimate sin ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: morgoth | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ ............. . : ._________ ._____. .__________ : | /__| ___|_____| ___ / l______/ \_ \__ \_ ______/_. / / \ / | . /______/_____|\____/__________| . .____ __ ...: | \____ .________ _ ________ .___ _ __ / .\ .________ .__________ | \ \| / /_| \.__ \ _____ / \\| /_| ___ / | / \_ /_________/ \_ \_ \ \/ __ \_ \_____/ \_ ______/_. | / / / / / / / \ / / \ / / | l__________/___________/gZ!_____/____/____\/_____/________\ /_____/__________| . ........ ._________ .___ ._____ .___ .............. . : | ______/__| \| \| \ : . .|______ \_ \_ \ \_ | / / / \ \ / . l____________/____/____\______/ . . ........: .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o¹ - boards (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #o5 - gang bang ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: u-man | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ ........... . __ : ._________ / .\ ._____ .___ ._________ | ___ /__ / \\ | \| \ | ___ /__ . __l______ \_ \| \ \_l______ \_ . \ / / \ \ \ / / / : \____________/________\___\______/\____________/gZ! :....................... . __ . ...................... ._________ / .\ ._____ .___ ._________ : | ___ _/__ / \\ | \| \ | ___ /__ | ____ \_ \| \ \_l______ \_ . | / / \ \ \ / / / . l___________/________\___\______/\____________/ : . ...........: .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o¹ - boards (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #o6 - final impact ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: u-man | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ ............... . __ . ................ : ______________ ._____ .___ / .\ ._________ : . ./ ________/ \| \| \ / \\ | / . | ___/ | \_ \ \_ \| /______ | | | / \ \ / \ / / . l_____| l____/____\______/_________\___________/ . __ :........... . .___ _ __ .__________ / .\ __________ .________ | \.__ \ _____| ____ \_/ \\ \ \_| /__ . | \_ \ \/ __ \_ / / \_\ \_____/______/ \_ . | / \ / / ______/ \ \ / / / : l____/____\/_____/_____| /__________\__________/gZ!/______/ :............ . .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o¹ - boards (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #o7 - sanitarium (a board?) ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: phander | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ . ................................................... . _ _ .____ .________ /.\ .____ .__.__ ._______ /.\ ._______.__ | \__ _ __ | _____/_/ \\| \| \ \| /_/ \\ | __ _/_ \| \ \.__ \ ____ |_____ \_ \ \ \_ \____/ \_ \| ___ \_ \_ / \_ \ \/ __ \_ | / / \ \ \ / / / / \ | / / / / \ / / l_________/______\_\_____/__/ /_____/gZ!___\___l___/__/_________/____\/____/ . ........................... . .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o¹ - boards (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #o8 - serpent hill ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: ezco | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ . .............. .________ ._________._________ ._________._________._____ .___ .________ : | _____/__| ___ /| ___ _/__| ____ \_ ___ /| \| \| /__ . |_____ \_ _____/___ ____ \_ / / _____/___ \ \_____/ \_ | / / / | / _____/ / \ \ / / / l__________/_________/_____l_____/_____| l_________/____\______/gZ!/______/ ...... . .____. .___ .___ ._________ ._________ ........ . | _|_| \| \| / | / : | \ | \_ \_ /______ /______ . : | \ / / / / / / : l____|\_____/____/____________/____________/ :............. . .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o¹ - boards (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #o9 - wicked city ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: hotwire | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ ...... . ___ : .____ /\ \ .___ __________ .__________ .__________ __________ . | / .\ \_ \\ \_| _/ __/_| ___ / .\_______ /__ | / \\ / \_ \_____/__ ____ \_ ______/___ / \_ l__/ \_/| / \ / | / / / / . /________\ l____/\__________/_____l_____/__________/l____________/ . __________ .___ ._________ .__________ . .......: \ \_ | \| /__| __/ /_ : _\ \_____/__ \______/ \______ \_ . . \ \ / / / / / / . \__________/l____/gZ! /______/l__________/ .:......... . .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o¹ - boards (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #¹o - datalus ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: hotwire | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ ............ . __ __ ._____ __________ / .\ ._________ / .\ .________ | \____ ._________ .\_______ /__ / \\| /__ / \\ | / | \ \| ______/__ | / \_ \______/ \_ \| /______ / \______ \_ | / / \ / / \ / / / / / / l____________/________\gZ!______/_________\__________/___________/___________/ . ................. .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o¹ - boards (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #¹¹ - electric warrior ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: hotwire | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ .................... . ._________.________ .__________________ ._______ .________ .__ _________ | ___ /| / | ___ /\ \_| /_| __ _/_| \\ \_ | _____/_. /______ _____/_. \____/_____/ \_ ___ \_ \_ \____/__ | | / / | \ / / / | / / \ / l_________|___________/_________|\_________/ /_____/____l____/___/\_________/ ___ __ .____ /\ \ / .\ ._________ ._________ .___ __________ ._________ | / .\ \_ \\ | ___ _/__| ___ _/__| \.\_ __ \| ___ _/__ | / \\ / \| ____ \_ ____ \_ \_ / \_ ____ \_ l__/ \_/ \ | / | / / / / | / /________\_________\____l_____/_____l_____/____/___________/_____l_____/gZ! . ................... .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o¹ - boards (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #¹² - waterdeep ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: torak the terrible | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ ___ __ . ........:. . .____ /\ \ / .\ ._________ .__________ ._________ : | / .\ \_ \\| /__ | ___ / | ___ _/__ . . | / \\ / \______/ \_ ______/___ ____ \_ . l__/ \_/ \ / / / | / : /________\_________\ /______/l__________/l_____l_____/ .:..... . __________ .__________ .__________ .__________ : .\_______ /__ | ___ / | ___ / | ____ \_ . | / \_ ______/___ ______/___ / / . | / / / / ______/ . l____________/l__________/l__________/l_____|gZ! . .:............ . .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o¹ - boards (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #¹³ - mandrom ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: the fugitive | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ _ __ ___ . ........................ _ __ .\ ._____ .___ _________ ._________ __________ _ __ .__ \ _____ \\ | \| \.\______ /_| ___ _/___ __ \.__ \ _____ | \ \/ __ \_ \| \ \_ / \_ ____ \_ / \_ \ \/ __ \_ | \ / / \ \ \ / / / | / / / \ / / l____\/_____/_______\___\______/__________/_____l____/gZ!_______/____\/_____/ ............................ . .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o¹ - boards (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #¹4 - atomic garden ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: bad spirit | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ .... __ ..................................... . . .... : / .\ ._________ _ __________ _ __ .___ __________ : : / \\| /__ __ __ \.__ \ _____| \\ \_ : : / \______/ \_ / \_ \ \/ __ \_ \_ \_____/__ . / \ / / / / \ / / / \ / /__________\ /______/___________/____\/_____/____/\__________/gZ! __ ._________ / .\ ._________ __________ ._______________ .___ | ___ /__ / \\ | ___ _/__.\_______ /__| ___ / \| \ . __l______ \_ \| ____ \_ / \_ ______/_. \ \_ . \ / / \ | / / / | \ \ / : \____________/________\____l_____/____________/__________|___\______/ :.............. . .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o¹ - boards (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #¹5 - dust chaos ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: bad spirit | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ ......... . ._____ . .................. : __________ | \____ ._________ ._________ : : .\_______ /__| \ \ | ______/__| /__ . | / \_ / \_______ \______/ \_ | / / / / / / / / l____________/___________/____________/ __ /______/gZ! __________ ._____. / .\ __________ ._________ \ \_| ___|_____ / \\ .\_ __ \| ______/__ _\ \_____/__ \__ \_ \| / \______ \_ : \ \ / \ / \ / / / / : \__________/_____|\____/_________\__________/___________/ :.............. . . · . : : - ---¦-- ¦ | ( --| part o2 - doods |-- ) ¦ | --:--- - ¦ . : . .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o² - doods (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #o¹ - psychic santa ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: psychic santa | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ . ............................ . .__________._________ .__________ __________ .____. .___ .___ __________ | ____ \_ ______/__| __/ /_\ \_ _|_| \| \\ \_ | / /_____ \______ \_ \_____/__ \ | \_ \_ \_____/__ | ______/ / / / / \ / \ / / \ / l_____| l___________/l__________/\__________/___|\l____/____/\__________/ ........ __ __ . ...... : ._________ / .\ ._____ .___ ._________ / .\ . | ______/__ / \\ | \| \| /__ / \\ |______ \_ \| \ \______/ \_ \ . . | / / \ \ \ / / / \ . . l___________/________\___\______/gZ! /______/________\ : :........... . . ......: .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o² - doods (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #o² - torak the terrible ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: torak the terrible | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ __ ._________ __________ ._________ / .\ .__________ | /__.\_ __ \| ___ _/__ / \\ | _/ __/_ l______/ \_ / \_ ____ \_ \| ____ \_ / / / / | / \ | / .--------------/______/___________/_____l_____/________\____l_____/-----------÷ | ._________ .____. .___ .__________ | t o r a k | /__| _|_| \| ___ / | t h e l______/ \_ \ | \_ ______/___ `-- t e r r i b l e -- / / \ / / -- - - /______/____|\_____/__________/gZ! .________ ._________.________ .________ .___ ._________ ._______ ._________ | /__| __ /| __ _/_| __ _/_| \| ___ _/_| / | __ / l_____/ \_ _____/___ ___ \_ ___ \_ \_ ____ \_ /_____ _____/___ / / / | / | / / / / / / / /______/_________/____l____/____l____/____/__________/_________/_________/ ÷-----------------------------------------------------------------------------÷ This is Torak The TERRIBLE, How can I help you?? .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o² - doods (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #o³ - u-man ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: u-man | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ ._____ . ............... . __ ................ : | \____ _ __ / .\ ._____ .___ : : | \ \ __ _.__ \ _____ / \\ | \| \ . | / \_ | \ \/ __ \_ \| \ \_ | / /__ | \ / / \ \ \ / . l___________/gZ! l____\/_____/________\___\______/ . :.............. . ...........: .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o² - doods (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #o4 - moke ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: moke | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ .............. . : _ __ _ __________ .__________ .__________ . .__ \ _____ __ __ \| _/ __/_| ___ / | \ \/ __ \_ / \_ ____ \_ ______/_. . | \ / / / / | / | . l____\/_____/___________/_____l_____/__________|gZ! : .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o² - doods (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #o5 - moke ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: moke | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ ________ _________ _____. ___ _ _________ _\_____ \_____ _\ \__ / __|__/ \____ _____/ _/ | _ \_ \______ \ _ ___ _____/ ___/______ \ | / / \/ / |/ \__\ | / \_____| /___/\_____ /\______/ / \_____ / .------÷l____/÷---------÷\_____/÷------÷\_____/gZ!----÷\_____/÷-. | - ------------ - | `------------------------- [ m o k e ] -------------------------' - ----------- - .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o² - doods (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #o6 - citruz ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: citruz | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ ........... . ._____ . ............ : __________ .___ ._________ ._________ | \____ _________. : : \ \_| \| /__| ___ _/__| \ \ __\_____ | : . _\ \_____/__ \______/ \_ ____ \_ / \_ ______| \ \ / / / / | / / / \ \. : \__________/____/gZ! /______/_____l_____/___________/\___________| :............. . .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o² - doods (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #o7 - xcluziwe ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: xcluziwe | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ _____. ...................... .____ ___ \ |____________ .________ | \___ ________.__ .____ /\ \._________ \ | / \_| / | \ \ __\____ | \| / .\ \_ ___ / _\_ _/_\ \____/__ /_____ / \_ _____| \_ / \\ / _____/_. / . \ \ / / / / / \ \. /_/ \_/ | /_____|_____\________/__________/________/gZ!_______|___/ /________\l_________| .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o² - doods (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #o8 - blondie ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: warhammer | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ . .............. . ._________ ._________ _ __________ ._____ .___ __________ .___ .__________ | ___ _/__| / _ __ \| \| \.\_______ /__| \| ___ / | ____ \_ /______ / \_ \ \_ / \_ \_ ______/_. | / / / / / / \ \ / / / / | l___________/____________/__________/____\______/gZ!_________/____/__________| . .............. . .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o² - doods (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #o9 - tbm ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: tbm | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ .............. . : ._________ ._________ _ __ . | /__| ___ _/__.__ \ _____ l______/ \_ ____ \_ \ \/ __ \_ / / / / \ / / . /______/___________/____\/_____/gZ! . ............: .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o² - doods (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #1o - warhammer ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: warhammer | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ ....... ___ __ ................ : .____ /\ \ / .\ ._________ : : | / .\ \_ \\ | ___ _/__ . . | / \\ / \| ____ \_ l__/ \_/ \ | / __ /________\_________\____l_____/gZ! ._____. / .\ _ __ _ __ .___________________ | ___|_____ / \\ .__ \ _____.__ \ _____| ___ / ___ _/__ . | \__ \_ \| \ \/ __ \_ \ \/ __ \_ ______/_. ____ \_ . | \ / \ \ / / \ / / | | / : l_____|\____/_________\___\/_____/____\/_____/__________|____l_____/ :......................... . · . : : - ---¦-- ¦ | ( --| part o3 - groups |-- ) ¦ | --:--- - ¦ . : . .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o³ - groups (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #o¹ - 2000 ad ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: u-man | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ ...................... . __ . ............. : _________. _ __________ __________ _________ / .\ __________ : . _\_____ |. ___ \_ ___ \_ ___ \_ / \\ .\_______ /__ : _/ _____|_. |/ / |/ / |/ / / \| / \_ .\ \ | | / | / | / / \ / / . \____________|\_________/gZ!_______/\_________/ /__________\___________/ :................ . .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o³ - groups (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #o² - artcore ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: u-man | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ .... __ .......... : / .\ ._________ ._________ : / \\ | ___ _/__| /__ . : / \| ____ \______/ \_ . / \ | / / / : /__________\____l_____/gZ! /______/ :........ . __________ ____________ ._________ .__________ \ \_ __ __ \| ___ _/__| ___ / . _\ \_____/__ / \_ ____ \_ ______/_. . \ \ / / / | / | : \__________/___________/_____l_____/__________| :.................. . .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o³ - groups (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #o³ - squash ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: u-man | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ ............ . ._____ __ . .............. ._________ .__________| \____ / .\ ._________ .____. .___ : | ______/__| ____ \_ \ \ / \\ | ______/__| _|_| \ . . .|______ \_ / / / \_ \.|______ \_ \ | \_ . | / /______ /| / / \ / / \ / : l____________/gZ! l_____|__________/________\___________/____|\_____/ :.......... . .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o³ - groups (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #o4 - assault ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: psychic santa | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ ... __ __ ._____ . ........................ : / .\ ._________ ._________ / .\ | \____ .________ _ _______ : : / \\ | ______/__| ______/__ / \\ | \ \| / /__ : / \|______ \______ \_ \| / \_ /_________/ \_ / \ / / / / \ / / / / / / /__________\__________/___________/________\__________/__________/gZ!/______/ .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o³ - groups (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #o4 - dd style ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: citruz | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ . .......................................... . _________ _________ .________ .________ ._________ .________ __________ .\______ /_.\______ /_ | _____/_| /_| _/ /_| / ___ / | / \_ / \_ .|_____ \_____/ \_____ \_ /_____ _____/_. | / / / / | / / / / / / / / | l__________/__________/ l__________/gZ!/_____/l_________/__________/_________| . .......................................... . . · . : : - ---¦-- ¦ | ( --| part o4 - other/unkown |-- ) ¦ | --:--- - ¦ . : . .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o4 - other/unknown (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #o¹ - ¹ gig ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: citruz | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ ............... . : .___ ._________ .___ ._________ : | /__ | ___ /__| \ | ___ /__ . l_ \_ __l______ \_ \_l______ \_ / / \ / / / / / . /_____/ \____________/____/\____________/gZ! . . ................:. .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o4 - other/unknown (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #o² - ² gig ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: citruz | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ ............... . : _________. ._________ .___ ._________ : _\_____ | | ___ /__| \ | ___ /__ . _/ _____|_. __l______ \_ \_l______ \_ \ \ | \ / / / / / . \____________| \____________/____/\____________/gZ! . . ................:. .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o4 - other/unknown (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #o³ - plasma springs ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: u-man | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ ................. . _ ____ __ : .__________ ._________ .\ ._________ _ __ / .\ ..... . | ____ \_ / \\ | ______/__.__ \ _____ / \\ : | / / /______ \|______ \_ \ \/ __ \_ \ . | ______/| / / \ / / \ / / \ l_____|gZ! l____________/________\__________/____\/_____/________\ ._________ .__________._________ .___ ._____ .___ ._________ ._________ | ______/__| ____ \_ ___ _/_| \| \| \ | ___ /_| ______/_ .|______ \_ / / ____ \_ \_ \ \_l______ \______ \_ | / / ______/ | / / \ \ / / / / / l____________/_____| l_____l____/____/____\______/\___________/__________/ .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o4 - other/unknown (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #o4 - locked target ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: axetro | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ .............. . . ............... ._________ _ ___________ __________ .__________ .__________ __________ | / __ __ \ \ \_| _/ __/_| ___ /_ _______ /__ | /______ / \_\ \_____/__ ____ \_ ______/___ / \_ | / / / / \ / | / / / / l____________/___________/ \__________/_____l_____/__________/____________/ __ . ................................. . ._________ / .\ ._________ ._________ .__________ _ _______ . | /__ / \\ | ___ _/__ | ___ /__| ___ / /__ . l______/ \_ \| ____ \_l______ \_ ______/________/ \_ . : / / \ | / / / / / / . : /______/________\____l_____/\____________/__________/gZ! /______/ : :................ . . ...................: .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o4 - other/unknown (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #o5 - mystical ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: xor | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ . ................................................. . __ ........ _ __ .__________ .________ .________ .___ _________ / .\ .________ : .__ \ ____| __/ /_| _____/_| /_| \\ \_/ \\ | / . | \ \/ __ \______ \_____ \_____/ \_ \_ \____/__ \| /_____ | \ / / / / / / / / / \ / \ / / l____\/____/l__________/_________/gZ!/_____/____/\_________/_______\_________/ .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o4 - other/unknown (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #o6 - liquid lithium ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: xor | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ ................. . ._____ ....... . : ._________ .___ .__________| \____ .___ __________ . | / | \| ____ \_ \ \| \.\_______ /__ | /______ \_ / / / \_ \_ / \_ . | / / /______ /| / / / / / . l____________/____/ l_____|__________/____/____________/ :.................... . ._____ ............ ._________ .___ ._________ .____. .___ .___ | \____ _ __ : | / | \| /__| _|_| \| \| \ \.__ \ _____ . | /______ \______/ \_ \ | \_ \_ / \_ \ \/ __ \_ . | / / / / / \ / / / / \ / / : l____________/____/gZ! /______/____|\_____/____/___________/____\/_____/ :............... .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o4 - other/unknown (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #o7 - 666 ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: morgoth | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ ÷- 6 6 6 -÷ . ...... _________ _________ _________ : / _______/__ / _______/__ / _______/__ . . _/ \____ \_ \____ \_ \____ \_ . \ / / / / / / : \____________/____________/____________/gZ! :............. . .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o4 - other/unknown (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #o8 - le garage ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: moke | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ .......... . : ._________ .__________ . | / | ___ / | /______ ______/_. | / / | l____________/l__________|gZ! __ __ . ........... ._________ / .\ ._________ / .\ ._________ .__________ : | ___ /__ / \\ | ___ _/__ / \\ | ___ /__| ___ / . . __l______ \_ \| ____ \_ \_l______ \_ ______/_. . \ / / \ | / \ / / | : \____________/________\____l_____/_________\___________/__________| :............. . .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o4 - other/unknown (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #o9 - le garage ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: moke | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ _ ____. _ _________ __ | __ _____/ _/ |________ ___/______ \ | / | / \_____ /\_____ / .- [ l e g a r a g e ] -----÷\_____/÷-----÷\_____/÷------------------------. | ___________ _______ _______ _______ ___________ _ _________ | | / _______/_ _\____ \__ _\____ \___\____ \__/ _______/_ __ _____/ | _/ l__ \_ ___ \ ___ __/ ___ \ l__ \_ ___/______ \ |/ / | / | \_ | / |/ / | / |\______ /____ /\____| /____ /______ /_____ /| `------÷\_____/÷---÷\____/÷----÷l____/÷---÷\____/÷-----÷\_____/÷----÷\_____/÷' .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o4 - other/unknown (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #¹o - one gig ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: block buster | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ ............. . : _ _________ ._____ .___ .__________ ._________ .___ ._________ : .__ __ \| \| \| ___ / | ___ /__| \ | ___ /__ . | / \_ \ \_ ______/_. __l______ \_ \_l______ \_ | / / \ \ / | \ / / / / / . l___________/____\______/__________|gZ!\____________/____/\____________/ . . ...............: .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o4 - other/unknown (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #¹¹ - aryan nation ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: aryan | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ .... __ ............ . __ ............ : / .\ ._________ .__________ / .\ ._____ .___ : : / \\ | ___ _/__| __/ /_ / \\ | \| \ . : / \| ____ \______ \_ \| \ \_ / \ | / / / \ \ \ / /__________\____l_____/l__________/_________\___\______/ . ... . __ . ..........................: : ._____ .___ / .\ ._________ .___ ___________ ._____ .___ . | \| \ / \\| /__| \ __ __ \| \| \ | \ \_ \______/ \_ \_ / \_ \ \_ | \ \ / \ / / / / / \ \ / : l____\______/_________\gZ!______/____/___________/____\______/ :............ . .-------- -- - -- --------------------. _ _________ : part: #o4 - other/unknown (req) : _________ _ /____. ¦ logo: #¹² - afl & xtd ¦ .____\ / | | requested by: warhammer | | \ _ ___________| `-------------------------------------' |___________ _ ... __ ......... . . ........... . : / .\ ___________________ _____.______________ __________ : / \\ ./ ________/ / a \ | / /__.\_______ /__ / \| ___/ | /______ n _\__ __/_______/ \_ / \_ / \ | | / / d / . \ / / / / /__________\____|gZ! l____________/ /______|______\ /______/____________/. : : -(· central swedish headquarter ·)- : :............. . . .......................: - hope you like, and uses, the ascII's! - if you want to request some logos, do not hesitate to contact me.. try to contact QEN at the following boards: · UnderCover · · Flashback · Final Impact · · Serpent Hill · Waterdeep · .. or if you see that he's on any other board. or call to nota bene and write a mess directly to me, [·gOZZ!·]. can you feel the christmas? . . . .---- --- -- - - . | : | ¦ | | | | | | | - ( date: Saturday 17-Dec-94 ) - | | | | | | | | 1st ascII collection: illegal banner - 42033 bytes . 45 logos | | releas'd: 01-Dec-94 | | 2nd ascII collection: muzik for da masses - 44928 bytes . 32 logos | | releas'd: 03-Dec-94 | | 3rd ascII collection: beyond life - 17468 bytes . 16 logos | | releas'd: 05-Dec-94 | | 4th ascII collection: muzik for da masses II - 33719 bytes . 22 logos | | releas'd: 09-Dec-94 | | 5th ascII collection: baaah! - 25757 bytes . 18 logos | | releas'd: 09-Dec-94 | | 6th ascII collection: special colly for the x-mas - 54549 bytes . 42 logos | | releas'd: 17-Dec-94 | | | | | | | ¦ | : | . - - -- --- ----' . /\ /\ /\ .\ / .\ / \\/ \\ / / \ / / _ _/ _\ \ / / \ c ya in another colly! /____________\ /_____ _ ( - (c) gOZZ, still 1994 - ) @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ----------÷ new ascii-collection ÷---------- .________ ________ ________. ________. | ___ /__.\_ __ \__\____ |_\____ | __l______ \_ / \_ _____| _____| \ / / / / \ \. \ \. \___________/_________/_________|_________| ÷------------------------------------------÷ [p]resents a special colly for the x-mas sixth ascII-collection. ÷------------------------------------------÷ [- ×Xx. world release at nota bene .xX× -] @END_FILE_ID.DIZ