:                                    :
«--+-----------{ FiNe DeZiGN }----------+--»
   |               PRESENTS             |
«--+---{ Vision Of An Explodin` NaN }---+--»
   |                                    |
   `------{ By HoTWire - 21/1/95 }------'

                    In The Begining there was NaN

                           Which Exploded

                          FiNe DeZiGN Present

                          A HoTWire Production


         ________________   ____ ______     _________
________/    /___/   ___/  /___//   _  \   _\_____   \_
\      /    /   /\___  \  /   //    /   \_/      /    /
 \____/    /   / /  /   \/   //_____     /______/    /
     \____/___/ /________\__/      \____/      \____/
                 _______      _________
                /   _   \    _\   ____/
   Dezigned    /    /    \_ /    ___/
      by      /______     //     /
    HoTWire         \____//_____/
                               _________   _________
                              _\___ _   \__\_____   \_
                             /           /      /    /
                            /______/    /______/    /
                                  \____/      \____/
   _______   ________  _____________     ______  ________   ____ _______  \ \
  _\  ___/  _\    /  \_\   _  \_   /    /   _  \_\       \_/___/_\___   \_ \/
 /    __)__/        __/   _____/__/____/    /   \_    _   /   /     /    /
/____     /_____/    /    / \____/    /______    /__  /  /   /_____/    /
    \____/     \____/____/     \_____/      \___/  \____/___/     \____/
                _________   _________   _________
               _\_____   \__\___ _   \__\_____   \_
              /      /    /           /      /    /
             /______/    /______/    /______/    /
                   \____/      \____/      \____/

cut along dotted line
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  Haha... HoTWire has finally arrived with a collection, this is infact my
second collection, but the first (Slide Away) didn`t get spread too much,
hehe.. So now I am back with this kickin` collection entitled "Vision Of An
Exploding Nan" Only after watching this collection will you finally
understand the cosmic significance of Nan.  For the sceond time I`ve done a
complete Board Style section, I think I will do a new one each collection,
for those Sysops who like to keep there BBS fresh.  What else has happened
since mylast collection? Hmm not much, I quit the scene (almost) and erm,
well hehe hardly anyone noticed the difference.  I am now Co-Sysop of a BBS
called Electric Warrior here in the UK, a full list of BBS`s that I can be
reached at will be included at the end.  There are no Non-Requested group
asciis in here because that I think is what my next collection will be.
Fine Dezign has expanded a bit, we now have Zephyr and Cruz in Sweden and a
BBS called Violator in Sweden.  Hmm too much text means boring reading so
here is the collection... HOpe you enjoy it, and I`ll see you at the end...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
cut along dotted line

            .:::: .:::. :.::. :::::: :::: :.::. :::::: .:::.
    .       ::    :: :: :: ::   ::   ::.. :: ::   ::   `:..              .
    .       `:::: `:::' :: ::   ::   ::.. :: ::   ::   .. ::             .
    |                                                                    |
    |   1 : Board Style          __/\__        3: Greets                 |
    |                            \ oO /                                  |
    |   2 : Requested Stuff      /_^/_\        4: Contact Me             |
    |                              \/                                    |

cut along dotted line
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                         [  B O A R D   S T Y L E  ]

AMiGa WaReS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    __________   __________   ______________ __________
   _\___ _    \__\    /    \_/____/   _____/_\____ _   \_
  /            /            /    /    \   /             /
 /______/     /     \_/____/    /     /  /_______/     /
       \_____/\_____/    \_____/\_______/       \_____/
              ___    ______ _________   _________   ____________________
            _/   \/\/     /_\___ _   \__\___ _   \__\   ___/\      ____/
            \    /  \    //           /         __/     __)__\____    \
             \____/     //______/    /_____/     /______    //   /     \
                 \_____/       \____/     \_____/HTW  \____//___________\ 

PeeCee WaReS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    ________   _______
   _\    _  \__\   __/
  /     _____/    (_____
 /      /   /_____     /
/______/         \____/
              ___    ______ _________   _________   ____________________
            _/   \/\/     /_\___ _   \__\___ _   \__\   ___/\      ____/
            \    /  \    //           /         __/     __)__\____    \
             \____/     //______/    /_____/     /______    //   /     \
                 \_____/       \____/     \_____/HTW  \____//___________\ 

CoNSoLe WaReS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   ________   ______     __________________ ________________     ________
  _\    __/  /   _  \   _\____   \_   ____//   _   \       /    _\   ___/
 /     (____/    /   \_/     /    /___   \/    /    \_  __/____/     __)_
/_____     /______    /_____/    /   /    \_____     /___/    /_____    /
     \____/      \___/     \____/__________\   \____/  \_____/    \____/
              ___    ______ _________   _________   ____________________
            _/   \/\/     /_\___ _   \__\___ _   \__\   ___/\      ____/
            \    /  \    //           /         __/     __)__\____    \
             \____/     //______/    /_____/     /______    //   /     \
                 \_____/       \____/     \_____/HTW  \____//___________\ 

ReQueST ZoNe - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   ________   _______   ______           ______ __________________________
  _\___ _  \__\  ___/  /   _  \   ______/     /_\   ___/\     ____/____   \_
 /        __/    __)__/    /___\_/     /     /      __)__\____   \    /    /
/_____/    /_____    /______\  \/_____/    _/_______    //   /    \ _/    /
     \____/    \____/        \__\  \______/       \____//__________\\____/
                  ________________     _________   _______
                  \___    /    _  \   _\____    \__\  ___/
                  /   ___/     /   \_/     /     /    __)__
                 /    \  \______    /_____/     /_____    /
                /_________\    \___/     \_____/    \____/

CoNFs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

             _________  ______     ________   __________________
            _\     __/ /   _  \   _\____   \__\   ____/    ____/
           /      (___/    /   \_/     /    /    ___/ \___    \
          /______    /______    /_____/    /     /    /  /     \
                \___/      \___/     \____/_____/    /__________\

H/P/A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

               ________       _______       ________
              _\   \   \_  / _\    _ \_  / _\__ _   \_
             /          / / /    _____/ / /          /
            /_____/    / / /     /     / /_____/    /
                 \____/ / /_____/     /       \____/ 
                  [ The Information Generation ]

New User - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

          ________    ______   ___    _____
         _\____   \__/  ___/ _/   \/\/    /
        /     /    /    __)__\    /  \   /  [ Validation ]
       /_____/    /_____    / \____/    /      [ Zone ]
            \____/    \____/      \____/
                                 ______________  ______   ________
                          ______/     /    ___/_/  ___/  _\__ _   \_
        [ Validation ]   /     /     /\___   \/    __)__/        __/
           [ Zone ]     /_____/    _/ /  /    \____    /_____/    / 
                           \______/  /_________\ \____/     \____/

Bulletins - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   ______       __________     _____    ____________   ____ _________________
  _\   _ \_____/     /   /    /    /  _/  ___:____  \_/___/_\____   \_   ___/
 /      __/   /     / __/____/  __/__/    __)__  /   /   /      /    /___  \
/____ -  /___/    _/___/    /\___/  /_____    /_/   /   /______/    //  /   \
    \___/  \_____/    \____/    \____/  \____/ \___/___/      \____//________\

GoodBye - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   _______________     ______     ________   ____________  ____  ______
  /   _____/   _  \   /   _  \   _\_      \__\    _ \__  \/   /_/  ___/
 /    \   /    /   \_/    /   \_/      _   /       __/ \     /     __)__
/     /  /_____     /_____     /_____  /  /_____ -  /  /    /______    /
\_______/     \____/     \____/     \____/     \___/  /____/     \____/
                         [ Call Back Soon ]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
cut along dotted line

                 [  R E Q U E S T E D   S T U F F  ]

Terror Temple - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 _____/\______________ ___________ ___________      _______   ___________
 \___    ___/\   ____/ \_     _   \\_     _   \    /       \  \_     _   \
:::_/    \_:_/   _)_::::/     /  _/:/     /  _/:::/         \::/     /  _/:::
::/        \\       \_:/          \/          \::/       _   \/          \:::
:/          \\       //      :     \     :     \/        /    \     :     \::
/____________\\_____//       |______\    |______\______________\    |______\
                    /        |  /        |HTW/FDZ          /        |
                   /    /    : /         :\               /         :
                  /    /\    ./          . \             /          .
                      /  \      _____     \ \
                     /\  /\    /  _  \    /\/\
                    /  \ \ ___/__|_|__\___\ \ \
            /\      \  /  /     /___\     \ / /\              /\
   /\      /  \     / ___/__|__/_____\__|__\___ \    /\      /  \
  /  \/\  /    \/\   /        /_______\        \    /  \/\  /    \  /\
 /   /  \/     /  \ / /    | /_________\ |    \ \  /   /  \/      \/  \/\
/        \         /     /  /___________\  \     \/       /       /   /  \
                  /        /_____________\        \
   _____/\______________    __  _  __   __________  __________  _________
   \___    ___/\   ____/   /  \/ \/  \  \_      _ \ \        /  \   ____/
:::::_/    \_:_/   _)_::::/           \::/      /  \_\      /___/   _)_::::::
::::/        \\       \_:/             \/      |    /:\    //  \       \_::::
:::/          \\       //     \    /    \      |___/::/        /\       /::::
  /____________\\_____//______/\__/\_____\     |     /________/  \_____/
                                     /         |
                                    /          :
                                   /           .

DD Style - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
     _____________________________________  _____________      _______
    /          ¬\_                _/     ¬\/     ¬\_    ¬\   _/  ____/
  _/     ________/\____      ____/        /        /     /  /    __)__
  \_______     ¬\_    \      /   \______    ______/     /__/         ¬\
 _/              /    /      \        /      \   /     /  ¬\          /
 \________      /   _/        \_    _/        \_/     /     \_       /
         \_____/    \__________/    \__________/_____________/______/

    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'

Delight - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

_ _:________________________________________________________________ _  _
   |                                                           _____   .
   | _\______________________    _____________________________/    /_  .
   |  _\      ¬\    ___/\   ¬\   \____\   ____/\    \   ¬\          ¬\ :
   | /     _   /   __/__/    /___/    /   \___\/         /__/    /___/ |
   |/      /  /        /    /   /    /    /   /    /    /  /    /HTW   |
   /_________/________/________/____/________/____/____/  /____/       |
   |    _  _ __________________________________________________________|_ _
   :                                                                   :

Inter Change - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   ______________________________ _____                         _____
   \___\   ¬\ ¬\        ¬\   ___//   _¬\ _  _ _________________/\____\
   /   /    /  /__/  \___/   _)_/    /_/                       \/____/
  /   /   /   /  /   /HT/      /   /  \
 /___/___/___/  /___/ W/______/___/___/
                           \     ¬\  ¬\  ¬\   _  ¬\   ¬\ ¬\   ____/   ___/
   ____                    /   \__/   /   /   /   /    /  /   \  /    _)_
  /\___\____________ _  _ /    / /       /       /   /   /      /       /
  \/___/                 /______/___/___/___/___/___/___/______/_______/

Rebels - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
.___________________  _______   ________ _______   ______   ______________
|              _    \/    __/  /    _  //    __/  /     /  /      _______/
|              /    /    __)__/     /_//    __)__/     /___\________    \_
|       _         _/         /    _  \/         /    _/    \             /
|        \         \        /     /  /\        /     \      \           /
`--------'\_________\______/________/  \______/_____________/__________/

Water Deep - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

       :::::::::::::: ._________  .________   .________   ._________
       ::.......   :: :         | :     ___)  :     ___)  :         |
       ::......... :: |         | |     __)_  |     __)_  |       _ |
       ::::::::::: :: |      _  | |         | |         | |       / |
       `:::::::::: :: |      /  | |         | |         | |      |--'
       ..........  :: |         | |         | |         | |      |
       ::::::::::: :: |         | |         | |         | |      |
       ::::::::::: :: |         | |         | |         | |      |
       ....:.....: :: |         | |         | |         | |      |
       ::::::::::: :: |         | |         | |         | |      |
       ::::::::::' :: |         | |         | |         | |      |
       ............:: |         | |         | |         | |      |
       :::::::::::::: |         | |         | |         | |      |
       :::::::::::::: |         | |         | |         | |      |
       ........... :: |         | |         | |         | |      |
       ::::::::::: :: |         | |         | |         | |      |
       ::::::::::: :: |         | |         | |         | |      |
       :::::: : :: ::H|         | |         | |         | |      |
       :::::'   :: ::T|         | |         | |         | |      |
       .......... .::W|         | |         | |         | |      |
       :::::::::: ::: |         | |         | |         | |      |
       :::::::::: ::: |         | |         | |         | |      |
              .:: ::: `---------' `---------' `---------' `------'
       :::::::::: :::   

Water Deep - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                      Welcome to The City of Splendor
       ·                                                       ·
_  __ _:_______________________________________________________:_ __  _
       |_____  _  ______      _____/\_____                     |
       \     \/ \/     /_____ \___    ___/ ______     ______   |
       |\    /   \    //  _  \    \  /    /   __/    /    _ \  |
       | \           //   /   \  _/  \_  /    _)__  /     /_/  |
       |  \         //         \ \    / /         \/    :   \  |
       |   \___A___//_____|     \ \  / /___________\    |____\ |
       |                  |      \ \/ _____      /      |____  |
       |     __/\__       :       \  /  __/     /       :  _ \ |
       |     \ Oo /       .        \/   _)__   /           /  \|
       |     /_- _\       :     _  /    ____\_/        _._____/|
       |       \/         |     / /____/  ___/          |HTW   |
       |                  |_________/ /   _)/___________|      |
_  __ _|_____________________________/        \________________|_ __  _
       :                            /__________\               :
       .                                                       .

Fantazia - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                   ---{ Let Me Be Your Fantasy }---
______________________________|      |_____________________________________
\______________________________      _____________________________________/
._/  ______/_____    _________|      |_________________ ______   _______
|   _____/   _   \  _\_____    \_    /   _   \___     /(______) /   _   \
|    |  /    /    \/      /   _ /   /    /    \   ___/_/      \/    /    \
|____| /_____|_____\_____/    //   /_____|_____\______/_______/_____|_____\
 `----------------------\_____/      |--------------------------- HTW ---'
                              :      :

Electric Warrior - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

             .____.                      ._____.
  ___________|____|______________________|     |__________________________
  \_________________________________________    _________________________/_
  ._/  _____/|    |    ._/  _____/ /       /   |._/   ____/___|   /       /
  |   ____/__|    |___ |   ____/__/    ___/    ||     |  |    |  /    ___/
  |         /|    /   ||         /    /   /    ||     |  |    | /    /   /
  |________/ |   _____||________/________/     ||_____|  |____|/________/
             |    |HTW                   :     :
             |    |                      |     | 
      .____  |    |            _______   |     |           _______
      |    \_|    |  _____  ._/  ____/___|_____|_______ ._/  ____/
      |    / \    | /  _  \ |    |_/  ___:_____:_   _  \|    |
      |__   __   _|/   /   \|    |    |  |     |/   /   \    |
         \_/  \_/ /____|____\____|    |  |     /_________\___|
                                 |____|  |_____|        

Electric Warrior - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

               .        -=: W E L C O M E   T O :=-       .
_  __ _________:__________________________________________:___________ __  _
               |                                          |____
______________ |  _______________________/\_____________  |\__/ __________
\_   ______/  \|  \_   ______    ___/\___  ___/\_    _  \_| __  \_    ___/
_/   _)__  \  /|___/   _)___/   / __   _/  \_   /   /  __/|/  \__/   / __
\    7/  \_/  \/  \_   7/  \_   \/  \_ \    / _/        \_\    /\    \/  \_
 \________/\_______/________/________/  \  /  \____/\____/|\  /  \________/
               |                         \/   ____        | \/
____    ____  _|_     _________   _________   \__/     ___|     _________
\_  \/\/  _/ / _ \    \_    _  \_ \_    _  \_  __     /    \    \_    _  \_
_/  /  \  \_/  7  \    /   /  __/  /   /  __/_/  \_  /   _  \    /   /  __/
\          /       \__/        \__/        \_\    /_/    7   \__/        \_
 \___/\___/____l____/\____/\____/\____/\____/ \  / \__________/\____/\____/
               |                               \/HTW/FDZ  |
_  __ _________|__________________________________________|___________ __ _
               :                                          :

Electric Warrior - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  _________  ___      _________  ________    :  :   .______         ________
  \_   ___/ |   |     \_   ___/ |   _  _ |___|  |___| _    \_ :::: |   _    |
   /   _)_  |   | ___  /   _)_  |    \__ _ __    __ _    7  / .... |    \___|
  /       \_|   |/   |/       \_|    /   |   |  |   |  /   /  :::: |    /   |
  \        /|   /   _|\        /|   /   _|   |  |   |  \   \_ :::: |   /   _|
   \______/ |______(   \______/ |______(     :  :   |__/\___/ :::: |______(
                                             .  .
     ____  /\  ___  ________ .______  .______         ________  .______
     \__ \/ /\/ _/ |        ||      \_|      \_ :::: |        | |      \_
      / \  /    \  |   __   ||    7  /|    7  / .... |        | |    7  /
    _/   \/      \_|    7   ||  /   / |  /   /  :::: |     _  | |  /   /
    \     \       /|       _||  \   \_|  \   \_ :::: |     7  | |  \   \_
     \_____l_____/ |______(  |__/\___/|__/\___/ :::: |________| |__/\___/

         AmiGA A4000/040 WaRp MusCle! * 10 MegS RaM * 1GiG OnliNe
                    2 USR VFasT 28·8 MoDeMs On RinGdøwN
    SysøP - rUff sTøNES/DLM/OTT * CøSySøPs - PC MøBY * HøTWirE/OGN/FDZ

Insane - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    _______          |      /                             :      /_____
   (_______)________ |     /              _____ _________ |     // ___/
    _______\____    \|    /__________    /    ¬\\____    \|    //  _)_
:::/      ¬\|   \    \   //   ______/:::/   _   \|   \    \   //      \_::
::/         \    \      /(____   (_::::/    /    \    \      //        /::
:/           \    \    /_/    \    \_:/           \    \    //________/:::
/_____________\    \  / \           //      |______\    \  /HTW
            |_______\/   \_________//       :    |_______\/
                                   /        .

Serpent Hill - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

        ..::::::.                                                    .
      .::::::·:::                                                    :
_  _.::::::::::'--<__________________________________________________|__ _  _
    `::::.      ______    ____      ____     ______    ___  _ _____/\|____
     `:::::.   / ____/   /   _\    /   _\   / ____/   /   \/ \\___    ___/
      `:::::. /  _)_    /    / \  /    / \ /  _)_    /        \   \  /
      .:::::'/      \_ /      _/ /    :__//      \_ /         /  _/  \_
    .::::::'/        //    :   \/     |  /        //         /   \    /
  .::::·'  /________//     |____\     | /________//____/\___/     \  /
.::::'|             /      :  /       :HTW/FDZ                     \/|
      |                  __ __      ______  ______   ______          |
      |                 /  |  \    (______) \     \  \     \         |
      |   __/\__       /   :   \    ______   \    / _ \    / _       |
      |   \ Oo /      /         \  /      \   \   \/ \ \   \/ \      |
      |   /_^/_\     /     :     \/        \  /       \/       \     |
      |     \/      /______|______\_________\/_________\________\    |
_  _ _|______________________________________________________________|__ _  _
      :                                                              :
      .                                                              .

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - { T H E   E N D } - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

cut along dotted line
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                         [ C R E D I T S ]

           Design (?) : HoTWire
            All Logos : HoTWire
        Computer Used : A500 V1.3 Roms 1 meg (No joke!)
        Software Used : CED (dunno which version?)

    Drinks Consumed During Production :

                   Tea, Coke, Coffee, Lemonade ;)

    Music Listened To During Production :

      Therapy?, Prodigy, The Tea Party, Ozric Tentacles, Die Krupps,
      The Levellers, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Pulp, Gene, Corduroy,
      Public Enemy, Pink Floyd, Vagelis, Crowded House, REM, Jarre
      Counting Crows, Smashing Pumpkins, Suicidal Tendancies, Enigma
      Rage Against The Machine, Bjork and The Cranberries.

     Books Read During Production Time :

       The Diamond Throne (David Eddings), The Ruby Knight (David Eddings)
             and  The View From Nowhere (Thomas Nagel).

     Magazines Read During This Production :
        Wired, Dragon, Mondo 2000, On-Line and .Net

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


                         [ G R E E T S ]

Before I start I`d like to say I KNOW I`ll forget someone, and I`m sorry if
thats you... Complain to me and I`ll sort it outnexttime ;)

Greets to (In No Order):

    Sasha, Tango, Talon, sTAB, Loose Marbles, Hifly, Galahad, Zaddo,
Devilstar, QEN, Oedipus, Smurf, Prizm, Zok, Sable, Protocol, Cruise, Ezco,
Mr.Hyde, Morph, Releif, Hifly, Zin!, Zoltrix, Avenger, Dan, Thrash, Venom,
Ace, Deadlock, Phaid, BoB Da GoD, Astro, Cruz, Nero^Crocodile The whole
Flashback Crew and the Electric Warrior Main dudes ;)

Golden Regards To :

 Axeblade : When are we gonna get to Save The HumanS!????
 Dimension : I miss the chat ;( Stay Cool my friend
 Sal One : Keep up the cool board m8, again I miss the chat ;(
 King Pin : Where is RAW?? ;)))
 Axen : Your should be revising not using your modem ;)
 Zephyr : Hows that strange sense of Humor (Man Falls Over, hahahaha???) 
 Ruff Stones : Nurse, Nurse I think he`s forgotten his name again.
 Randell & Heinz : Which one am I speaking to ??? ;)
 Logic : Erm.. Yeah hehe more Rebels logos on the way ;)
 BiG W : Where is Eternal Slavery??
 Twister : The Army Sucks, but ya BBS is cool
 ShapeChanger : hehe hope Ya like this, where is yours???
 iCON : Fone me for Old Skool Hip Hop chat m8
 Homer : Amiga Rules ;)))
 Ramon : I will write SOON!
 Zygote : Watching Paint Dry is Soooo much fun ;)

Hugs And Kisses To :
  Emily, Lovely Lisa, Gilly, Tracy, Shelly and Rebecca

Ascii & Ansi respect is due to :

  ShapeChanger, Axeblade, Sal One, Zephyr & Cruz, Zin!, Chrombacker
  Relief, Skin, Sal-1, Tango, Morph, Gozz, Mogue, Seven M, Karma
  U-Man, Count Zero, /Y\ascot and all the others I KNOW I forgot, 
  but all who make the ascii scene the most fun!

                          [ C O N T A C T   M E ]
Your Can contact me at the following for Ascii Ordering

       ___.           _________  __________  _________ ______________. ___
 _____|__ |__________|__ .    /__\____    /_|   .    /               ||___|
|  _    / |   _/  _    / |___/  __/  /  _/  \   |___/ Sysop: Ruff    |____.
|  _)__/  |   l_  _)__/  |  l_  |/   \   \__/   |  l_          Stones     |
|  |  l________/  |  l_______/  |____|\___/ |_______/ Cosys: HoTWire      |
|______/      |_______/     |___|sc   /     |              Moby  Zoltrix  :
·                      _____.________/____ _:______              __________
| A4000/040 Warp 10Meg \_   |    __  .________    /_______ ._____\____    /
|  28.8 * 2, 1 Gig HD   /   |    \/  |_ \/   /  _/\__    /_|      /  /  _/
|                      /    /\  _/   _/  \_  \   \_ /  _/  \  _ _/   \   \_
|____.  [ AMIGA  PC ]  \____/\__\____|____/__|\___/ \   \__/  / \____|\___/
 ___ |   [ CONSOLE ]                         _/     |\___/ |______|
|___||_____________________________________ _\______|/     |
                                                    /      |
      [ +44 (01)287 610931  2 Nodes Ringdown ]     .       :

Or in Sweden I am on : 

  Flashback - +46-Ask-Elite
  Violator (FDZ SHQ) - +46 476 16656

and I can also be reached on BoonDocks 

If you are mailing me it`s : HoTWire

And that is that.. I`m off... and I`ll be back V.SOON with another ascii
collection... and remeber :

                  NaN is Everything and Everything is NaN


   :                                    :
«--+-----------{ FiNe DeZiGN }----------+--»
   |               PRESENTS             |
«--+---{ Vision Of An Explodin` NaN }---+--»
   |                                    |
   `------{ By HoTWire - 21/1/95 }------'