<ACIDRAW.EXE OR ANY 24 LINES VIEWERS - NO AFS.COM SHIT, I'M A PROUD PC PUNK Y0> _____ _____ ______ _\ _\ \_/ /___ / /____ ._\ \/ / _ \ /___\ / |//_________\__ /____/__________\ · the midnight / \/ judge · _____ /\______ __ ____ ____ __ (_____\/ /_(__)__/___\ \ ___ / /(__)_ ____ ____ ______ \/_______\ / _ (____\ \ /._/ /_____/ /___\ _\ \ /______\___\ ___/ /___/_____|_ \ / _ \\/ / _______ \/ \________\_ /____/________\ ____\ /_____ to ______ \/ \ \ \ /___ ___\ \ _____ _____ /_____\ ___\ / \ _ /._/ /____/ /____ \/ _________/___\ ____|_ \ / /__\ /_. \/ \________\_________\\| \ aka dmv, is proud to present his lastest collection... <PAGEDOWN> <PAGEUP> wif __ ____ _____ ______ _____ ______ ___ ____ ___ .___(_/ _ /___\ _ /__ _ /___ ____._\ _ /__ _ \_( _ )_\ | _)_______ ____. | /| /_/ _ \_\ | /_/ _ \ | /_/ | / /_ _ \ // | | \ | |_____|______|_______|______|_\____|_______|_\____/__/ /___| ___|____|_\____| d e g e n e r a t i o n 6 5 /___/ B O O M esti de gang de suceux de penis, j'vous pete toute, vous pis vos meres. <PAGEDOWN> <PAGEUP> called... _____ ___ ___ _____ _____ ___ _____ _\ // _|____ _( _ )___\ / _\ _//_( _ )___\ / \ | \_ \ _ \ // \ _) _ \ // \___|____|____/___| /____| \__|\____|____/____|dmv ___ _ ____ | | _____ ______ \_/____ _\)__ _\ / ____ | _|____ _\ _/_\ _ \ _______/\ ____ /\ \ \ // __//__|_ \_ \ \ _) / /. | \/ \ \______/_____/____|_______ /___|____/ \__|\___\____| |___\/ / \/ | | /____/ __ ____ _ _ ______| |_____ __ __/\ ____ __( //_ ((_ |___ _\)__ ___ _(_)_\\ _ \ |\ / __( //_ / \/ \-\__\ \ / | // / __//__/_ \ | / | //-\__\ \ \ \/____/________/ \______|_____\______ /____/__|___\\____|____| ________/ \____\ that fat bitch from my vicinity \/ <PAGEDOWN> <PAGEUP> ___ _ _ ___:_ _ __ ___\_/____ _(_)_ _\)__ ____ / _|____ ___ __ _ /// // //\ \ \ // __//__\_ \_ \\ \\ \\\ \\\_\\__\\______/_____/____|_______ /__|____//__//_/// says: alien \/ b i t c h _____ ______ _ _______ _ __ _( _ )\\ |_(_)_\ /_______ _____ __ _ \\\ \\ _ /___\ \ \\ \\\ ///_//___|____ ______________ /__\______//_/// ++----\____|-------------\/------>>dmv <PAGEDOWN> <PAGEUP> ___ _ _ ___:_ _ __ ___\_/____ _(_)_ _\)__ ____ / _|____ ___ __ _ /// // //\ \ \ // __//__\_ \_ \\ \\ \\\ \\\_\\__\\______/_____/____|_______ /__|____//__//_/// says: alien \/ b i t c h _, _, _,ssS$$$ _,,ss$$$$$$$$$s ,$$s $$$$$$$$ssa,. :$$$$$$$$$$$$$$7 ,$$$$b, $$$$$$$$$$$$$s l$$$$7~~'''"""" ,$$$$$$$b"$$$$$$$$$$$$7 $$$$$: __,,s$.,,ss$$$$$$$$Ss. `""4$$$$$$$$$~`""'~_,$$$$$$$s s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$7 _,ssS$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ssss$$$$$$$$$$7 $$$$$$$l"'~``"4$$$$$$$$' ,s$$7""""4$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$: $$$$$$$i l$$$$$$$' $$$l dmvl$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$l $$$$$$$: ,$$$$$$$' l$$$Pssss4$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ _,s$$$$$$$ ,$$$$$$$' "4$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ,$$$$$$$' ~`"""'4$S$$$$$$$ ~~'""~~ ~~~'"""$$ ,$$$$$$$' ~~'"" ~'"""'~ <PAGEDOWN> <PAGEUP> ___ _ _ ___:_ _ __ ___\_/____ _(_)_ _\)__ ____ / _|____ ___ __ _ /// // //\ \ \ // __//__\_ \_ \\ \\ \\\ \\\_\\__\\______/_____/____|_______ /__|____//__//_/// says: crawling chaos \/ b i t c h _____ ________ _____ _______ _ _____ / ___//_____\ _ \ _ /_____ /\ _____| /_(_)__ __ ________\ _ /__ \_________ / / / _ \ / \ \ / \ \ / \_\ \ dmv\/__\_____\___\___/___/\ ____/___/\_______/_\______\ _______/ _____ ____ ___ \/ __ \/ / ___//___\ /______( _ )____________( /____ C r a w l i n g C h a o s \_______ / _ / _ / \ \ \ S i t e O p : Y t s E J a m \/___\___\____|____\_______/________/ 20 Gig Cable - 0 Day & ISO :::( Control - Legacy - HazarD - HoW - Isolated - Ballistic )::: <PAGEDOWN> <PAGEUP> ___ _ _ ___:_ _ __ ___\_/____ _(_)_ _\)__ ____ / _|____ ___ __ _ /// // //\ \ \ // __//__\_ \_ \\ \\ \\\ \\\_\\__\\______/_____/____|_______ /__|____//__//_/// says: common sens \/ b i t c h _____ \ __/_________/\ _____ /\____ ___________ _______ . ______| / \/ \/ / ___\\ /.....:. . _\ |_______________\/_____\/ |________| \______| : | ___ _____ | |_ c o m m o n s e n s : _ __|_ ___________( _/__\ _ /______| _//______ : \\\___\\_________ \ /_/ : \ ______ / : | dmv|__________________\ |.//___/..................: | +------------------>> | _|_______________ ____ __ _ /_______________ /\______________________________//___//_/// \ / \/ <PAGEDOWN> <PAGEUP> ___ _ _ ___:_ _ __ ___\_/____ _(_)_ _\)__ ____ / _|____ ___ __ _ /// // //\ \ \ // __//__\_ \_ \\ \\ \\\ \\\_\\__\\______/_____/____|_______ /__|____//__//_/// says: dread \/ b i t c h ____ _____ _____ ___ ____ _ __ ____\ / _ \ / /___ _( _ )__ _____\ /__ _ /// // \ \ / /. /__\ /. _ \ \ \\ \\\ \\\_\\_______/__\____|\________|___|____/________//_/// dmv::.....d......r......e......a......d.......... .. . <PAGEDOWN> <PAGEUP> ___ _ _ ___:_ _ __ ___\_/____ _(_)_ _\)__ ____ / _|____ ___ __ _ /// // //\ \ \ // __//__\_ \_ \\ \\ \\\ \\\_\\__\\______/_____/____|_______ /__|____//__//_/// says: dust \/ b i t c h __ _________ _ _______\/____\ _ _/____.__\|__ ______________\ /_ |\ \_____ | //______________ _\ d u s t |_______|____|/_ /_______|_____\ main menu /_ | \/ | | | | (c)ommand line (c)ommand line (c)ommand line | \\\\ (c)ommand line (c)ommand line (c)ommand line //// | (c)ommand line (c)ommand line (c)ommand line | | (c)ommand line (c)ommand line (c)ommand line | | (c)ommand line (c)ommand line (c)ommand line | | (c)ommand line (c)ommand line (c)ommand line | | ____ __ | |_ ___ ____ /\______\_ /_._\/_____ ____ _____________|_ __ _ /___/\\ /___ | \/ _ - // / \ // ______________//_/// \\// |___\/____|________|____|__\____\dmv \/ <PAGEDOWN> <PAGEUP> ___ _ _ ___:_ _ __ ___\_/____ _(_)_ _\)__ ____ / _|____ ___ __ _ /// // //\ \ \ // __//__\_ \_ \\ \\ \\\ \\\_\\__\\______/_____/____|_______ /__|____//__//_/// says: element 21 \/ b i t c h ______ ______ ______/ element 21 \_____ _ \/ /__\ / ___/_____/\ ________\ _ /_______ _____ _\|__ .\ /___\ / | _) \ \/ /. /_/ / \ \ // |__________\\___|________/____\/______|_________|__\______/____\ _ _______ __ ____ _\|__ ___ /\ _____\ _ /______ _______\|__ __( / / // / \ // /___\ __\\ / _//_____\\__\ /_ /|____\_____/\ ___\__________| \_____|_______ /________/ \/ _____ \/ __________ ______ __\ _ /____ \/ | \\ \ /_/ / \______|___\______/_______ /dmv \/ <PAGEDOWN> <PAGEUP> ___ _ _ ___:_ _ __ ___\_/____ _(_)_ _\)__ ____ / _|____ ___ __ _ /// // //\ \ \ // __//__\_ \_ \\ \\ \\\ \\\_\\__\\______/_____/____|_______ /__|____//__//_/// says: fsol \/ b i t c h _ ___ _______\_ __/\____(__)____ _\ ++---\ //\\ ----->> /_ _|_______ \// _____|_ / ____/ _/_____ ________\ /__ _ .\ __)\______ \ \ \\ \\\ |___| //____/_________/\___//_/// | f s o l \ |dmv _ ___ __|_________ _| \\\__\\___________\ //\__________\ \\// \/ <PAGEDOWN> <PAGEUP> ___ _ _ ___:_ _ __ ___\_/____ _(_)_ _\)__ ____ / _|____ ___ __ _ /// // //\ \ \ // __//__\_ \_ \\ \\ \\\ \\\_\\__\\______/_____/____|_______ /__|____//__//_/// says: genius \/ b i t c h ___________ ______\ ))_____________/\____________ _\ /_ __|___ ______ _ ____ ___ | ___\ \ / /___ ___ _____ _(_)_____ / /( _/_|__ \ /___\ /.\ /___\ / \ / / |\ \ \ \ /_________|_________\\___\____\______\___|/___/________/ | g e n i u s |dmv |_ _______________________|__ ___ __ /________________/\\ /_________________________//__//_/ \\// \/ <PAGEDOWN> <PAGEUP> ___ _ _ ___:_ _ __ ___\_/____ _(_)_ _\)__ ____ / _|____ ___ __ _ /// // //\ \ \ // __//__\_ \_ \\ \\ \\\ \\\_\\__\\______/_____/____|_______ /__|____//__//_/// says: index for MERLIN \/ b i t c h _ __________ ._(_)_.__ _____._____\ / /___.___ _____ | | \\ | \ \ /___\ | / / : : :::|index|__\_____|________/_________|___\ \::: : : _ ___ ____|_____________ __ _ ______\ \\\__\\_________________\ //___________________\dmv \\// \/ <PAGEDOWN> <PAGEUP> ___ _ _ ___:_ _ __ ___\_/____ _(_)_ _\)__ ____ / _|____ ___ __ _ /// // //\ \ \ // __//__\_ \_ \\ \\ \\\ \\\_\\__\\______/_____/____|_______ /__|____//__//_/// says: photon \/ b i t c h _ ___________ _/\_ \\_\ _/____ _ \\oO// \ /____ _ \ ______________\|__ ______/_,__\_____ \ | \____/ \ _//_/ _ \ ___ \ _| /_____________________________ ___________| \ /_ __ _ _ __ ___\\___________ /\ ____ __ _ \/++++++++++\| \\ \\\ \\\_\\___\\__________\//\\ /________________________________________\\_\\\ + ++ +++\\+++++++++\/++\\//+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ + dmv\\______ \/ \___ /_________ __ _ /______ __ _ p h o t o n <PAGEDOWN> <PAGEUP> ___ _ _ ___:_ _ __ ___\_/____ _(_)_ _\)__ ____ / _|____ ___ __ _ /// // //\ \ \ // __//__\_ \_ \\ \\ \\\ \\\_\\__\\______/_____/____|_______ /__|____//__//_/// says: tina \/ b i t c h __ _ ___ __\|__ __(_)__ ___ ______( _ )__ info here... \\ // / \ / _ \ blah blah dmv/____| ______|___\_____\___|____/ blah.. t i n a <PAGEDOWN> <PAGEUP> ___ _ _ ___:_ _ __ ___\_/____ _(_)_ _\)__ ____ / _|____ ___ __ _ /// // //\ \ \ // __//__\_ \_ \\ \\ \\\ \\\_\\__\\______/_____/____|_______ /__|____//__//_/// says: two \/ b i t c h ____ _._\_ ////__ /\ _____//\_____. | \ / \ / |dmv :::: |______/____/\ __/________\\\\ :..............: \/ t w o <PAGEDOWN> <PAGEUP> ___ _ _ ___:_ _ __ ___\_/____ _(_)_ _\)__ ____ / _|____ ___ __ _ /// // //\ \ \ // __//__\_ \_ \\ \\ \\\ \\\_\\__\\______/_____/____|_______ /__|____//__//_/// says: iso \/ b i t c h Release Name (C)company - PART[XX/XX] _ __ ___(_)____/_/_____ ____/\__ _____\ \____ \ _ /_____ _\ dmv|______ _________/_______| /_ | \/ rdate: [xx/xx/1998] | |_____/\ __________________ ____| ::::::::\ /:::::::::::::::::(____):::: +------ \/ i s o l a t e d 9 8 ---->> <PAGEDOWN> <PAGEUP> ___ _ _ ___:_ _ __ ___\_/____ _(_)_ _\)__ ____ / _|____ ___ __ _ /// // //\ \ \ // __//__\_ \_ \\ \\ \\\ \\\_\\__\\______/_____/____|_______ /__|____//__//_/// says: the bends \/ b i t c h /\ i've got ___________ / \________________________ ______ ____ _\ _____ \/ _ _____ / _ __ _\ |/ _/_|___\ _ /___. \)______/ /_______ __/__ _____(/_( /____. \ // \ \ /_/ | |\ \ /__\ / \ \ /| \ | \____|___|_____/________| |_______/________\___\_____|______|________| dmv//_________________________________ /.:::::::::::::::::::: \/ <PAGEDOWN> <PAGEUP> ___ _ _ ___:_ _ __ ___\_/____ _(_)_ _\)__ ____ / _|____ ___ __ _ /// // //\ \ \ // __//__\_ \_ \\ \\ \\\ \\\_\\__\\______/_____/____|_______ /__|____//__//_/// says: common sens \/ b i t c h . .. ..... ...................................... ___________/\__ _____________ ________ : ___ _\ _//_ ___//_ /_ ___ __:__ / _//__________|_____/\ ____\ //_______\\ /_____ _|___\ //________\ _ /___ \________ _ : \/ _______ /___\ \ _______ / /_/ /. dmv\/___________\ /____\ //__ _____________\_____/ //__ /\________| _ ___ __|______ \/ // \/ // _|...........\/....: \\\__\\________\ //____________//_______ ___\ c o m s e n s e \\// \/ \/ <PAGEDOWN> <PAGEUP> ___ _ _ ___:_ _ __ ___\_/____ _(_)_ _\)__ ____ / _|____ ___ __ _ /// // //\ \ \ // __//__\_ \_ \\ \\ \\\ \\\_\\__\\______/_____/____|_______ /__|____//__//_/// says: mr. superstar \/ b i t c h ________ ________(( )______________ __________ _\ m r . s u p e r s t a r // \ . ____|__ __ _____ ___//_ ____ __\____ : ____ /\___ _\ _ \ _\ )____ ___\ _)) _ // _ /____\ _ \:::: / \/ \ / /. __ \ \ \ |\ \ /___\ /_/ / / / : \ \/_____/___\_____| \/ |_______/___|/___/____\ ________|___\____\ : \____\ :dmv| __ _____ //__ _______ : : \\ /\ __( /______\ | _( _ )__ _\ _ \ : : | //\\ \ \ \\ // _ \ / / : :::::::|_//__\\___\ ______/____|____/ /___\ \:::::::::: : +//++++\\+++\/++++++++++//+++/____/+++++\____\+/+++++: : // \\ // / \\___________//____________ ______ _/_ __ _ \_________________________\\_____\\__\\_\\\ <PAGEDOWN> <PAGEUP> ______ _______ _____ _____ _____ __ __\ \_\ _ \/ /__/ __/___\ |( /_____ \ \__\ \ / /./___\ \ _) / //\ \ /________/___\____|_______\_______\____|________/ ___ _ __( _ )__ __ _____ ______\) g r e e t s a n d t h a n k s \ _ \ \ \ /\ \__/ /__\_____/_______/ /____/ _____ ___:_ ___ ____ __ \ |/ _|____ _( _ )__ ___ _____:___ / /( /_____ / // \_ \ _ \ \ | / /. \ \ \____|____|____/___|____/___\_____|___\____|________/dmv <PAGEDOWN> <PAGEUP> i'd like to thank martz, for everything you did for me. for everything we've been thru, together. you're muh man. cain, bah, what can i say? fuck you maybe.. merlin, you're my biggest influence at the moment, and my favorite oldskool artist. d2mac, without you, i wouldn't be drawin' like i do, that's for sure.. but eh, where are you dammit? kresile, i'm sorry. you know why. volatile, for ops in #ascii :) genius, bah! you know why :) jahv, you're one of the best friend i ever had, what else can i say? augustin, and so are you. my dad and my mom, you ARE the best friends i ever had. i'd like to greet the following punks for some personnal reasons.. martz, cain, merlin, d2mac, kresile, tripulogic, holystone, kayozz, junior, mso, anarchist, konami, polymorph, massmurd, necromancer, sargon, discyple, brass, psycho slag, gravedancer, essence, black jack and subsonic. special thank to merlin for the "the midnight judge" logo. <PAGEDOWN> <PAGEUP> that was, that fat bitch from my vicinity collection list: "kleen-x ultra", "sargon, my idol", "beyond the ascii scene", "aids (america is dying slowly)", "casino", "soup", "kleen-x ultra2", "volatile, my idol", "intestinal worms", "we own you", "high balls with the devil", "miss with a penis", "autopsy", "fear us", "i the super not wennebie". "that fat bitch from my vacinity" <PAGEDOWN> <PAGEUP> Btw, I am groupless, and I'm looking for a group to join. I have been kicked out noname, which is prolly the only group I would release in right now. So if you've got a small group needing help from a looser like me, or have any requests, please contact me thru e-mail: mj@ftn.net, or on irc: #ascii on effnet. Also, I'm not doin' any more collies for a while, so i'm only willing to release single asciis. au revoir.. - the midnight judge <DEG65>, mj@ftn.net _ ____ ____ ___ ____ _:____\)/ _ /____\ _ \_/ _/_/ __/_ | /| /_/ / \_\ / (_ \___ \ d e g 6 5 |_____|______|_______\_____|_____/ ++->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> degenerating with the rest of the scene.. degenerate with us.