             -|::::---------- ------------------- ------------+
              |::::                                           |
              : ::                                            |
              :  :  _________  _______________  ______________:__
              |    /   ______/\ _ ____________/\__________     /
              |   /    \       \  _\    _     \___    ___/    /
              |  /     /\       \/  \   /     / /     /      /|
              | /     /          \     / ____/ /     /      / |
              :/     //    /\     \   /     \_//    /      /  |
              /    _/___  /________\_/\______/___  /_     /   :
            _/__________\/_______________________\/______/    :
              |                                               :
              :                                               |
              |            ...PART OF THE ART ARE...          |
              |                                               |
              |   * Enforcer * Rat * Rotox! * Fckw * Rip! *   |
              |                                               |
              +--------------- ------------------ ------------+
              :          Description Art Volume One!          :


 -Info Part!

        Hello and welcome to the first release by aRt. Well to start off 
        this collection contains 66 logos for various groups and people
        all the logos was done by Rotox!,Enforcer,Rat and Rip!, This 
        collection was done in about a 1 month or so with little breaks
        in between. You will have seen lots of collections lately becoz 
        any fucker is doing them but they are all mainly bullshit. 
        Anyways take a look at this lot and if you like what you see then
        thanks and if you dont then sod off... 

 [-> For The Amiga Groups! <-]--------------------------------------------]

:_ ___ _ ______________/\______________|   /
| /   \_/  \__   __/  /  /     / _ \   | _/|
|//    \  /  /  \\/     / _/  /  /  \_    \|
/_______\/  /____/  /__// \___\ ____/  |___\

[-Rotox!-]-----------------------------------> ANTHROX!

              ____:_                ___
       /\_____\   |________  ______/ _ _
 rtx! /  \____ \/ |_  /___ \/  \  / /
  _ _/ /\ \/ / /  |/ / / / / /_/   /
   ___/___/ /__\__/   /_/  \____/  \
<----/---/_/-----/_/ / /____\--/____\------>
[-Rotox!-]-----------------------------------> ANTHROX!

                   __:.. .
..______._________|_¬|________________  /\_
 .____  __   \__  __|| .____  \___ \  \/  /
.:/     |  |  \|  |  _  |  /  /  |  \    /:.
 /   |  |  |   \  |  |  |  \  \  |   \   \:
/_______|__|____\ |__|__|__|\__\______\\__\
\::... .:Rip! .:/_| .. ..... ..  ..___//.:/

[-Rip!-]-------------------------------------> ANTHROX!

    /\  ____________:________/\________ ____
rAt/  \/  _    /   _|   |____  \   \   |   /
  /  | \  /   /   / |   |  |/  /   \\  |  /
 /   _  \/   /   /  _   |  /   \    /  _  \
/    |___\__/___/   |___|__\____\__/___|   \
\____|          |___|    presents:     |___/

[-Rat!-]-------------------------------------> ANTHROX!

  _ _____  __  ____/\  __  __________/\
    ____ \/  \/ __  /_/ / /  \  __  / /
     / /_/ / / / /_/_/ /_/ / /\ \/   / rtx!
    / / /   / /_/ \ \_/ /   / / / / /__
   /___/ /_/___/ / \_/_/ /_/___/_/\___ _

[-Rotox!-]-----------------------------------> BACKLASH!

  __________._______.______.________  ______
 /    ¬|  _/:\___ ¬|/  ___//  ___:__)/    ¬|
/   |__| :|__:/    |___  ¬\___  ¬\. :   |__|
\   |  | .|  /  |  /  /   /  /   /: |   |  |

[-Rip!-]-------------------------------------> CLASSiC!

  /  ____/    \   /  /  __     |___ \   |__
_/   |__/  / _/___  /\__  \/   |     \  |  |
\__________\   /___/______/____|__|___)____|

[-Rotox!-]-----------------------------------> CRYSTAL!

    ______         ______________ /\
:__/     /________/  \   __  ___//  \______:
| /  /__/    \   / //_\  \/  \  /    \   / |
:// /__/ _/ _/\__  /  /  /   \\/  /\  \ /__:
/________\   \____// /__/_____/__/__\ \\___|

[-Rotox!&Rat!-]------------------------------> CRYSTAL!

.                    ____
:___________/\  ____/ __/__________/\____|_
/       \  _  \/   / /   /_____   /  /   |
\   |___/ |/  /   /  \___   \/   / | \   |__
|\  | /  ./   \___   /   |  /   /     \  | /
| \__/   |\____\/___/|_____/___/   |___\  /
`---/_____|---- presents: ----/____|rAt!\/->

[-Rat!-]-------------------------------------> CRYSTAL!

 _________________:_/\____/\_______ ___.
 \  _____  _  \   |   /  /\__  __/ \|  |
 /  |___|  / _/\_   _/\  \_/   |    \  |_/\
//  |   || \  \_|   |  \  \    | /\ \\_|  \\
\_______|__|\__/|___|_____/____|___\  /____/
<----------:------ Cracked ----:----\/-eNf->

[-Enforcer-]---------------------------------> CRYSTAL!

                 _.. .
 _______/\______/|__ ________________.____..
\\/    ____  \   |  /  ___/   _____  |  _//.
 /  |__|  /  /\___  \__   \|  |/     |  |__.
/   l  |  \   |  l /  /   /|  /   l  |  |  |
\______|__|\______/______/ |__\______|_____|
<<------------C-R-A-C-K-E-D ---------·Rip·>>

[-Rip!-]-------------------------------------> CRYSTAL!

  _ _____\   \  ________________ _
   _ _____\   \/        /   _____ _
     /    /   /    /___/\___   \_ dUaL cReW
rtx!//   /___//   /___//   /____/  sHiNiNg

[-Rotox!-]-----------------------------------> DUAL CREW/SHiNiNG!

.:_\~~|________:__. ___________:___\~~~|___:
:/   /  /\___  _  |/_:.__/  _  \  _  \ /\  |
/  |/  / /  _  |  |  ||  |  /  /  ___/     |
\___\____\_____|_____|___| _\  \_____\_/\__|
.::&/  __/  |  (__)  _ \(__)  _ \/  ___/&::.
. ::\__  \  _  :  |  /  |  :  / <   \_ |:: .
 ::|  |  /__l__|__:_/___|__|_/___\_____|Rip!
 . |____/                               . :

[-Rip!-]-------------------------------------> DUAL CREW/SHiNiNG!

.______         ______.. .._______
 ____ ¬\_______/     ___________ ¬\_______:.
:|  |:  |     ¬\ :|__|____ ¬|  |:  |     ¬\:
:|  l.  |:  |  / .l  |/    :|  l.  |:  |  /:
:|_____/|.  __/\_____/   l .|_____/|.  __/:.

[-Rip!-]-------------------------------------> DECADE!

_ ___\  \_____/\_____  ____: _____:__ _:____
 _____\  \   /  _    \(__  |_\    (__) |   /
  /  _/ _/\__  /  /  /  _  /  \/  |  \_| _/
 //  \__\_____// /___\____//  ||__|___/   \

[-Rotox!-]-----------------------------------> DYNAMiX!

__________:_/\____.___ ____  _________:____
\____ \   |   /_  |/  \\_  \/  _  \   |   /
 |  |  \_   _/ |  |    \|      |  |\_   _/
 || |   |   |  |  | /\ \\_ \/  | ||/     \_
 |______|___|__|__|___\  /_||__|__|___|___/

[-Enforcer-]---------------------------------> DYNAMiX!

           _.. .
 _________/|___/\__________/\  _____/\  ___
 ___  ¬\   |  _  \  \___  _  \/   (__)\/  /
 |  |    ___  |      /    |      |:  |   /
 |  l   |  l  |  _  /  |  |  \/  ||  |   \
 |_____/|_____|__\  \_____|__||__||__:/\__\

[-Rip!-]-------------------------------------> DYNAMiX!

 ________  /\_______/\  /\rAt!_  /\____:____
 \    \  \/  /  _   \ \/  \  / \// \   |   /
 _\__  \_  _/   /   /| \   \/   \__/\  |  /
/   /   \  /   /   / _  \ \  /   \ \/  _  \
\  _____/ /___/___/  |___\_\/____/_/___|___\
 \/     `--'   /_____|    presents:

[-Rat!-]-------------------------------------> DYNAMiX!

_________|   /_________________ ___________
\  ___   | _/_   __/    \  ___/_\    \  __/_
/  _/ \_    \//  \/ _/__/  _/ /  \/  /  _/ /
\_____/  |___\___/__\  \_____//  ||__\____/

[-Rotox!-]-----------------------------------> EXTREME!

_:____                              ___
 |   /rtx!__:_ _________ __:_/\_   /  /_____
 || /___ (__: /    \   /(__:/  /__/_ / _   /
 |  __/ \|  |//_/ _// /_|  // /_\  /   /  /
 :__|//  \__/__\  \_____:_/_______//__// /

[-Rotox!-]-----------------------------------> FAiRLiGHT!

   ___________________.  _ _/\___________
    \           /     |     \___     ___/
.___/     _____/      |___/\__/      |_____:
|  /       ___/       |     \/       |     |
| //       | //       |      \       |     |
| \________| \_______________/_______|  eNf|
+----------------- Cracked ----------:-----+

[-Enforcer-]---------------------------------> FAiRLiGHT!

._______                              __|..
|  ____/_____._____.:___ .___________| _|__:
|  __:__  (__)  _  \|  _ (__/ ____/  | )_  |
|  | /    |  |  /  /|  |_|_ | )_  |  _  |  |
|   /  l  |  |  \  \|  |  | |  l  |  |  |  |
l___\_____|__l__|\  |_____|_:_____l__l_____|
<<··· ·· ·--------\__RiP!---------· ·· ···>>

[-Rip!-]-------------------------------------> FAiRLiGHT!

                      __           __
 _______/\__/\_____/\/  | /\  ____|  |_____.
 \  ___/  \/ \\____  \  |/ \\/   /|  |\    |
 _\/__/  | \__/  |/  /  |\__/ __/_|    \/  |
/   _/      \ |  /   \  | //  \_  |  | /   |
\___|____|   \;__\____\  / \______|__| \___!
<- rAt --|____\--------\/`--'presents:__|--'

[-Rat!-]-------------------------------------> FAiRLiGHT!

        *  F  U  C  K     T  H  E  *
\__   \_  /    \   _____/ ___ // \   \  _  /
:_/  _//  \_  //  / _/ \ /__/ \__/  // /  /
|___|__\___/__/  /_____/___/__/__\__/ /__/

[-Rat!-]-------------------------------------> FUCK THE PROTECTiON!

eNf \      ____     ____/  _    \  !fUck
    /\   ____/      //     /    /   thE
   //    /  //     ///    /____/ prOtEctIOn
  /___  /  /____  //_____/
<-----\/--------\/cracked ----------------->

[-Enforcer-]---------------------------------> FUCK THE PROTECTiON!

\/_______:__  ____    / \  _____ rAt! ____
/\   ___/|  \/   /___//  \/     \  __/_   \
  \ /__  |   \___    \_ _/      \\/   /   /
 / Y _/  |   /   |   / Y \       /   /   /
 \_:_|\_____/\  ____/\_:_/\_____/___/   /
<--.----------\/ presents ---------/____\-->

[-Rat!-]-------------------------------------> FUSiON!

:_____ /\__ ____ _________ _\   \ _________:
|     /   /_____/   _    /___\   \         |
|rtx!/   /_\   \    /   /    /   / Global  |
:   /_______  / \ _____//   /___/ Overdose :

[-Rotox!-]-----------------------------------> GLOBAL OVERDOSE!

                          ___         ____
  _______  ________  _____\  \  _____|   /
  \  ___ \/ \____  \/ \____\  \/ \   | _/
   \/  __//  \__/  //  \/ _/ // | \_    \
   //  |/____/  \__\____\ \__/_____\ |___\

[-Rotox!-]-----------------------------------> PARADOX!

.______  __/\______  __/\____  _________/\_
|  __  \/  \___ _  \/  \____ \/  _ \   /  /
|  |/  /    \|  / _/    \  |  \  |  \    /
|  |__// /\  \_ \  \_/\ \\_|  /  | _/    \_
|__| /_____\  /_|\_____\  /__/\____\  /___/

[-Enforcer-]---------------------------------> PARADOX!

                         . ..__
.____________:___________ ._/¬| ____/\  ____
:\_/   ¬\__  _    ¬\__ ¬|:_|  |/  ¬\  \/ \_/
|:|: |  /    |: |  /    |/    /  |  \    /|:
:||. __/  l  |. \    l  /  l  \  l  /    \_|
.:|  |:\_____|__|\______\_____|\___/  /\____

[-Rip!-]-------------------------------------> PARADOX!

_______  /\ :____/\  /\  ______________:____
\___   \/  \|   _  \/  \ \    \    \   |   /
 __/   /  | \  |/  /  | \_\__  \   \\  |  /
|   __/   _  \ /   \  _ / Y /   \   /  _  \
|___|/____|___\\____\ |_\ :_____/__/___|___\
          -> rAt/_____|  \/    presents:

[-Rat!-]-------------------------------------> PARADOX!

     ___             ___               ___
:__ |_  \__________ _\  \ __:_/\_ ___ /  /_:
|  __/ //     /    \__\  (__:/  /____/  /  /
| /   _/ _/ _// /  /  /  |  // /_\ _/\__ //|
:/____|__\  \_____// /__/:_/_______\_____/ :
`-rtx!:---\__/---/___\---|Proudly Presents-'

[-Rotox!-]-----------------------------------> PRODiGY!

          _:__                     ___:_
  /\_______|  |____: ____ ________(   |___
 /     \   | _(__  |/  __)   /  ___\_ |  /
//  |  _\_ |/   _  //  |   \/  __/_/     \
\_____(__/__\_____/____|____\_________|  \\

[-Rotox!-]-----------------------------------> QUARTEX!

   _  __ _     _          _        _ __  _
__/|___________________________________  /\_
\___ ¬\  | ¬\___ ¬\   _ ¬\_    ¬/  ¬\  \/ ./
/  |.  \ |   /     \ _/ _/|: \_/  l  \   ./
\  |  _/    /  l   / \   \|.  \   ___/    \
 \__\  \___/\_____/___\___\____\_____  /\__\

[-Rip!-]-------------------------------------> QUARTEX!

 ______  /|_  /\_____________:_________:____
/      |/ | \/  \   _  \     |\     /  |   /
\  |   /  |  \ | \  / _/\/   |/  __/\  |  /
 \__  //  |   \   \/   \/    /  __/  \ _  \
   |  \_______/|___\____\____\_______/_|___\
 rAt___| /_____|        -> presents <-

[-Rat!-]-------------------------------------> QUARTEX!

.________:__ ____/\____________/\______:____
|  _  |  |  |\   \___ _  \_   __/ _/   |   /
|  |  |  |  |/    \|  /  /   |   _/\_    _/
|___ ||  | _/  /\ \\_ \  \_  ||     \     \_
   |__|____\_____\  /_|\__/__|______/__|___/
<--:-eNf----------\/--:-cracked -------:--->

[-Enforcer-]---------------------------------> QUARTEX!

        ______          _______   _____
 ____rAt\    / _________\_    /___\__  |____
/   /___/   /_/    /      \  /\     /  |   /
\___    \  / /__  /__     / /_/  __/\  |  /
/   |   / /  __/  __/  __/ / /  __/  \ _  \
\  ____/____/____/____|\  ___\_______/_|___\
-\/----> presents: <----\/------------------

[-Rat!-]-------------------------------------> SUPPLEX!

    /\_____  /\_____\  \________________/\__
  _/  /__  \/  /_____\  \___  \___  \  /   /
  \__   / _/ _/  /  _/  /  /  /  /  / /\ //
 /  /__/  \  \  //  \__//  \__\\   /__  \/
/___\ //  |\__\/_____\/_____\  \  / /____\
<----/____|--(!cRaCkEd tOdAy!)--\/----rtx!->

[-Rotox!-]-----------------------------------> SKiD ROW!

  __________:_________  ________:_____
  \         _______   \/   ___________)
   \/       |_____/  _/\____    \     \
  _//       /    //   \    /   //     \\_
 (_________//    \_____)  /____/|________)

[-Rotox!-]-----------------------------------> TRiSTAR & RED SECTOR!

    _ _____/\_________________________ _
   . _\ __             \     _____/  /__:.
  .:|\__/   ·|   _|   _/____     \    ·|:|:.
.|:|:|:/    :|   \\/   \   /     /    :||:|:
   :|:/     .|    \       /     /     .|:|
    : _______|_____\_________  /RiP!___||
  <<- -- -------% RELEASED %-\/------ -- ->>

[-Rip!-]-------------------------------------> TRiSTAR & RED SECTOR!

  _______ /_____________:___:__________ /\__
  \__    /    ____/     (___:_   __/   /   /
    //  /_\   __/_  /   /   |/  \\       //
   /_______\_______/  //:___|_____\__/___/
<-/-- Presents! --/____\|-----------/-rtx!->

[-Rotox!-]-----------------------------------> ZENiTH!

 .:\/__ ¬\___ ¬\___ ¬\___ ¬\___ ¬\/__ ¬\:.
  ::.:/  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /:
 .:.:/  /  /  /  /  /  /  / _   /  /  /::.
 .::/_ /\____/\____/\____/  /__/_____//\.

[-Rip!-]-------------------------------------> 2000 AD!

 [-> For The Console Groups! <-]------------------------------------------]

_________/\   ___________/  / ______________
\____   /  \__\   ______/  / (______  \____/
_/  /__/    \  \  \/ __/__/__/  /  /  / __/_
\  /  \  /\  \ / _// /  _/ _// /  / _// /  /
 \/___/_/__\ \\__\______\__\__/__// \______\

[-Rotox!-]-----------------------------------> BASELiNE 2091!

   . ..__________  _______ _____.. .
    . .._   _  _/ /  ____/|   _.    2Ø91
    RiP!|       \_\___   \|   |___.
     .|:|   |    /   /   /|   |   :|.
.. .:|:||_______/ø______/ø|_______|:|:. ..
        ..BASELiNE -2Ø91 PRESENTS..

[-Rip!-]-------------------------------------> BASELiNE 2091!

   __________________________  \  \  _
   \  __/____  __/ __/_____  \__\  \/ \
   /  _/  / |  \_  _/  /  /  /  / _/ | \_
   \___  /__|___/______\_/  // /__\_____/

[-Rotox!-]-----------------------------------> ELiTENDO!

.____/\__. _________/\_______/\___________ _
|  ___/  | |   _   __/__/  _ \____  /  _  \
|   _/\  |_/\  |   |  _/\  |  |  |  \  |   \
||     \ |   \ |  ||     \ |  |  |  \\ |   /
<---------------- ReLeaSeD :-----------eNf->

[-Enforcer-]---------------------------------> ELiTENDO!

______ __________________________________
 \   /  \   __/\  ____/\   __/  _   \__  \
 /  /\__/  __/\/  \_  \/  __/\  /   / |   \_
/  /   /       \   |   \      \/   /  |    /
<----------------- Released -----------eNf->

[-Enforcer-]---------------------------------> LEGEND!

:________________  _______:________________
|___  \ _  \  __/__\  ____)  __/_ _  \  __/_
:/  __/ /  /  _/ /  \/ \  \_ _/ / /  /  _/ /
/___\___\\ \_____\__|| \\__/____\_\\ \_____\

[-Rotox!-]-----------------------------------> PREMiERE!

.______/\___________  /\__________________/\
|  __  \__  \ ____  \/  _  ______/__  \ ___/
|  |/  / / _/ _/\|      |  |  _/\  / _/ _/\
|| |__/. \  \_   \  \/  | ||.    \ \  \_  \\
|__|  |__|\__/___/__||__|__|_____/_|\__/___/
<--------:-------- Released -------:---eNf->

[-Enforcer-]---------------------------------> PREMiERE!

___________:______/\  ____:__________:______
____  \__  \|  ____ \/ ___|  ______  \|  __:
|: /  / /  /|: _/_ \   |  |: _/_  /  /|: _/_
|| __/: \  \||   :  \/ |  ||   :  \  \||   :
·:.·:.                                .:·.:·

[-Rip!-]-------------------------------------> PREMiERE!

   ____|    / _______  /\
   \   |  _/\_\     / /  \
    \\ |  \__/_\  \/_/    \Proudly Presents
     \   /   |  \  \   /\  \    Today!
      \_//   |_____/__/__\ \\

[-Rotox!-]-----------------------------------> ViSA!

 _ ______:________.___________________ _
   \     |     /  |\   ____/   _    /
    \    |    /   |/\____  \   |    \
     \   |   /    /         \        \_
      \_____/|____\_________/__|______/ eNf
<---------- -:--- Released ----:----------->

[-Enforcer-]---------------------------------> ViSA!

 [-> For The Ansi/Ascii Groups! <-]---------------------------------------]

:______ ______ __ _______________________ _:
|      /      \  /          /__      ___/  |
|©rtx!//       \//   _/  __/  /     \\     |
:    /__________\____\    \__/________\ 93 :

[-Rotox!-]-----------------------------------> ART!

 . . ..____________________________.. . .
         _____  \_  __   \__    _
  aNSi  /       |    /   / |    |  gODz
       /    |   |    \   \_|    |
\/!           ::              ::   Rip!\/
               :               :

[-Rip!-]-------------------------------------> ART!

   _____     _______________/\______________
  /   _/rtx! \    __   __  /   /   /   ____/
:/   /________\   \/   |  /  //   /\   __/_:
//  /_\   /   /   //  _l___  //  /__\\  \  |
\________//  /___/__________/________\_____|
`------ /____\ -----(Proudly presentS)-----'

[-Rotox!-]-----------------------------------> G-STYLE!

                     .  .._
:\/  ____/:/  ___/__  \   |  __   /  ____/:.
./   \_  |/\__   \/   |\__   |   /___ _/_:.
\        |   /   /    |  /   |  /   |    |:.

[-Rip!-]-------------------------------------> G-STYLE!

 _ ______
_ __    /______________________   _______
   /   /  _____   \__  \   ___/__/       \
  //  /   /   ____/____// __/   /   _/ __/
 /_______//   |    | \_________//   \   \_

[-Rotox!-]-----------------------------------> UPPERCLASS!

.:/  / ____  \___  \___  \___  \RiP!-------O
./  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /::.        |
:\____/  ___/  ___/  ___/    _/__          :
.:/     /  /_ /__ \__  ___/\  \_/          |
./  /__/  /__/  /  /__  \ __\__:           :
/  /  /  /  /     /  /  /  /  /:.          :

[-Rip!-]-------------------------------------> UPPERCLASS!

 [-> For The Ibm Groups! <-]----------------------------------------------]

 :_____:_  _____  ________________________:_
 :|__  |__ \   /__\    __/     \   /  ____:
 The/  |  \/  /  / \\ / \   /__// /\  __/_|
 | //     // /  /   \/  \\_/  \  /__\  \  |
 :/____| /______\   ||____\  _/______\\ __:

[-Rotox!-]-----------------------------------> THE HUMBLE GUYS!

     _:_    _:___________________________
    __| \____|  _____  \___  \_________  \
   |  |  \   |  |/  /__/__/ _/_  \___ /  /
   |      \___ _/  /  \  \    |   /  /  /
   |__|   \\___\______/___\___|__// /__/

[-Rotox!-]-----------------------------------> HYBRiD!

   _______ ______:______ /______:_ _______
  /    ___(___   (__    /   _   | /    ___)
 //    |/    _   | /   /__  /   |//    |
-rtx!--:---------/-- Cracked: --:------:--->

[-Rotox!-]-----------------------------------> RAZOR 1911!

      \         |_______   \         /
  rtx! \_/      | ____ /   /      \_/
   _ ___//      |/    /   /|      \\___ _
   _ _ _________//   /___/ |_________ _ _
<--------------/_____\-----:Cracked Today!->

[-Rotox!-]-----------------------------------> THE DREAM TEAM!

[-> For The Ami-Express Guys! <-]-----------------------------------------]

____ /\_  . ..____ :______..____
|  |/  /________ | |  ____/___ |::._________
|  / _/__  \__  \|_|_ __/\__  \|__/    \__  \
|    \  /  / /  /|  | | /     /|  | /__/ /  /
|  \  \/  / /  / |  | |/  /  / |  |/  / /  /.
<<------------%            %-----------RiP!>>

[-Rip!-]-------------------------------------> Kool Falco!

._____:._______/\  ____  . . .________ .
_\ _  \_\___ //  \| _/_:______\_ |   /:____:
|  /  / _ \/  /    ___  __  \ _  |  /_/  _ \
|  __/ /  /  /    /  /   /  / /  | /  | /__/
|__|\____/__/__\  \___..___/_____|____|____\
:.              \/                    RiP!.:

[-Rip!-]-------------------------------------> P0T-NOODLE!

    _______.. .._/\  _________:._________
 :.// ___/_:_____  \/  _\__  |::\___    /.
 :/\__  \  /    _      |/    |:::: /  //.:
 /  //  / /  |  |  \/  /  |  |:SEVEN //.::
 \_____/__\___ :|__||__\_____|:: /_.:/.:::.
<<--------|  | ||--------------------RiP!>>

[-Rip!-]-------------------------------------> SiGMA SEVEN!

    ______    .._______
____|____/__/\ ______ _\_____:._:../\_____..
\   | \___ |  \| |  | \___ _ \/  \// _    \:
:\  | /    |     |  | /    |         |  l  \
::\ |/  l  |     |  |/  l  | \/  \/  |  ___/
:::\ \_____|_|\  |___\_____| ||__||__|_____\
<<--\/-----%   \/      %--|__|--------RiP!>>

[-Rip!-]-------------------------------------> VAN DAMME!

 [-> Greetings Part From Rotox! <-----------------------------------------]

                   ->]  To the best Ascii/Ansi dudes!  [<-

             -  rAt!  -  eNforcer  -  RiP!  -  FCKW  -  Splatt!  -
   -  Metalbasher!  -  rEDSKIN  -  Red Devil  -  mAz!  -  Amblin & Skin  -
          -  OEP!  -  KAMENSKI/CSL  -  Desert  -  Kaoz  -  Cardinal  -

   ->]  And a goodbye to my good friend Metallikat who quit the scene  [<-

         ->]  And a few greets to some other friends in the scene!  [<-

 -> rAt! - Have a good trip my friend and all the very best...            
 -> Intreq - Hello Mr.LazyAss, stay cool and all the very best & Speak Soon!
 -> Triaxal - Hi Neil my good friend hows things with you? . Call me soon!
 -> -SaNDMaN! - Hello Mark my friend... You will be a trader one day hahaha.. 
 -> eNforcer - Yo Chris you lazy guy you.. Stay cool dude!
 -> RiP! - Hello Kurt, Very cool logos lately from you.. Stay Cool!  
 -> Metalbasher! - Yo Alex your English is not that bad.. Cya Soon!
 -> Devious DoZe! - Hi Mark i am glad things are working out for you now..
 -> Fallen Angel - Hello John you small boy.. Keep the good work up!
 -> Fornax - Hello Forny you lazy bastard....
 -> Linebacker - Hi Dave hows things with you? Anyways gimme a call sometime.
 -> Warduke - Hiya Mike hows things?
 -> FCKW - Mike your a very lazy boy hehehe...
 -> Hydro - Your A Cunt!... Speak to you soon Darren..
 -> Manx - You blowup doll you...
 -> rEDSKIN - Nice logos dude...
 -> Maelstrom - Hello Euan you Conference King!
 -> Red Devil - Always nice logos Rob..
 -> Polaris - Hello my friend! 
 -> Laviathon - Hi Jeff long time no speak, Anyways ill call you sometime..
 -> NuiSance - Bah you smell!
 -> The Black Cat - Yo Andreas hows it going? .. Speak to you soon!
 -> Splatt! - Hi Tony keep up the cool work...
 -> Micro - Hiya Scott..
 -> Navigator - Hi Stephan where the fuck have you been lately?
 -> ICE TE/\ - Youve got a girly name.. Speak to ya soon!
 -> Sweet Thing! - Hi Mel you smelly fish!
 -> Maz! - Nice logos man!
 -> To guys like rAt,Enforcer,Splatt! and Rip who give me the insperation
    to carry on doing the logos i do... Thanks Guys!
 -> To the people i forgot.. Sorry!

 [-> Greetings Part From rAt! <-------------------------------------------]

                  ***   To the BEST! Ansi-Designers   ***
        -  Splatt!  -  Rotox!  -  RiP  -  FCKW  -  [-Enforcer-]  -
        -  Metalbasher!  -  B-Side  -  [-rEDSKIN']  -  Godhead!  -
        -  Kaoz  -  Masterbard  -  Kamenski  -  OEP!  -  Desert  -
        -                        Red Devil                       -

      *  A special Ansi-respect to METALLIKAT who left the scene!  *
      *        I hope you'll have a good time and enjoy life!      *

                  ***   To my best friends in scene   ***

      -  Rotox (You're the coolest guy I ever met in this scene!)  -
      -  Mr.Mistral  -  Sabbath/Undertaker  -  Whiteheat  -  Niko  -
      -  Gandalf  -  Nos!  -  Mark & Logo 7  -  TCM & JOKER -  C»  -
      -  Thomas!/SP  -  Toxic & Perfection  -  Joker/TSL  -  MRC!  -
      -  /\utopsy  -  WHOLE BiG Design  -  Planet Master - Necro.  -
      -  Freak  -  Howie/AF  -  Link  -  Mave/Crystal  - /Y\asçøt  -
      -  Dave  -  fadeOne  -  PMF    ... and all I forgot! SORRY!  -

 [-> Greetings Part From eNforcer! <---------------------------------------]

                      ... [-Enforcer's-] Greetings ...
                <*> To the best Ascii/Ansi Dudez around  <*> 
            Splatt! - Rip! - Rotox - Red Devil - Redskin - Maz -     |
    +-----Metalbasher - Rat - Fckw - Oep - Kamenski - Masterbard-----+-
    |                   Metallikat - Amblin & Skin!                  |
    |                                                                |
    |                                                                ||
    |      . . .... <*> To all my friends in Scene <*> .... . .      ||
    |                                                                ||
    |  Subzero - Amok - Sargor - Mr. Rox - Tcm&Joker - Rip! - Zool   ||
    |    Warduke - Fashion Light - Laviathon - Andeveron - Rotox     ||
    |    Andy! (All the best in ur new Life) - Micro - Red Devil     |:
    |    Autopsy - Big Boss - Whiteheat - The White Knight - Maz     |
 - -+----Giants & Myxin - Reeet-Mon - Nitro (Ph) - Manx - Sigma--+---+
    :      Splatt - Slain - Relayer - Zelnik - Jbm - Nuisance    |
    .               and all the forgotten ones..sorry!           |
                        |                                        |

 [-> Greetings Part From RiP! <--------------------------------------------]

   · ·· ··· KiCKaSS GreetZ To aLL Ascii/Ansi aRtiStS Worldwide! ··· ·· ·
 ANdEVERON ·^· PAPiLLON ·^· JBM ·^· MAXiMiLLiEN ·^· rED DEViL ·^· SPLAtt!

     & SiGMA SEVEN        AND to tHE ANSi GODZ!        & MEttALLiKAt

 ·^· Red DeviL! ·^· SKiPPeR! ·^· KaOZ! ·^· 911/MoVeMenT! ·^· Enforcer! ·^·
  ·^· OeP! ·^· Red Skin! ·^· RotoX! ·^· Metallikat! ·^· ShapeChanger! ·^·
 ·^· Splatt! ·^· Barcadius ·^· MetaLBasher! ·^· CardinaL/PdX ·^· ConE! ·^· 
  ·^· ZiN! ·^· Master BarD ·^· FcKW! ·^· MaZ! ·^· DhM/CoMpleX ·^· DjM ·^·
      ·^· Seven M! ·^· DanZig/AurorA! ·^· |ntruder ·^· MaT ·^· RaT ·^·
                              ambLiN & SKIN!

   · ·· ··· KiCKaSS GreetZ To aLL Ascii/Ansi aRtiStS Worldwide! ··· ·· ·

   !                       . . tO mY HoLMEs . .                       ! 
   .                                                                  . 
   : ° BiG BoSS ° LeGeND ° SiGMa SeVeN ° tCM&JOKER ° HydrO ° MaNiaC ° : 
      ° ZiG ZaG & tRADe/SCx ° sARGoR ° BlUeLigHt ° FoRNAX! ° aMOk! °   
   . ° PolariS & Spads ° ZeLniK ° fAllen ANGEl ° iCE Te/\ ° WinGeR! ° .    
      ° BLADe & SLaDe ° sUBZeRo ° PRoBS! ° pSYCHo! ° -the SUrGeoN- °       
   . ° aDVENTuReR ° FLuX ° HURRiCANE ° KAMENSKi ° LiNEbACKeR ° JBM! ° . 
      ° MaelStroM! ° MooN! ° REBEL! ° RamRAiDer! ° SKoL! ° wARRioR °       
   . ° ZOOL!! ° fASHiON LiGHT ° raZor bLAde ° aND the LiSt gOEs oN..° .  
 .   .                                                              .   .

    [-------------->  Why not call one of the aRt bbs's!  <--------------]

      Danse Macabre! - +1 713 324 1165  /  The Ghetto! - +1 510 682 2342
                     Brooklyn Empire! - +49 911 759 2183


 -The End!