
   «5»  T.his .Mo!/aL. collection has been spreaded via Homeless BB.S  «§»

                                                 __ _
               _   » S.laves of the patro.N «    \
               \ __   ________ ________ ______  /\\ __________   .Mo!/aL.
     ______     \\/____\_     \\      //     /____ \\_    _  /
     \     _     \_\    /     /_      \_.   /    /  \|    \ /    ______
     /_____\______/_____\_____ \ _______| _______\   |_____\    _\    /_
             «- --------------- \/  --------- -»      \ _  /___________\
                                          _ ___________\\

  » T.his is Arclite introducing you the first Mogue! production in 199.8 «
 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -

                                     ______                   ___.|___
                                  ___\    /___      _______.._\  ||  /_..__ _
                        _ _____.._\   \\ /   /_..___\      ||    ||    ||
     .Mogue!/Arclite.          ||      \/      ||          ||    ||    ||
    - -------------- -                                            |    ||
                     ________ ____ ____      ____ _____ __             ||
       .           \/       /      \  /   ___\ __ \    \\/    ______    |
       |          _  /     /       \\     \   \ /  \    \    _\    /_   .
       .    _ _____\/______\ _______/_____/_____________/___________\   |
       ||    ..    ..          ..              ..
       ||    ||    ||      ____||__    /\    __||_____ _    .Mo!/aL.
   _ __||__  ||  __||______\      /___/ \\___\
          /__||__\                   /____\

                     » A.n ascii collection entitle.d «
                    - -------------------------------- -

             \ __ __  __ __________             ____        _____
    _____.._  \\/   \/    \       / _______ __ /   / ____   /   /___  _ ___
  ._\    ||    \   \      /     //__\_    //  /   /_   _/__/   /   /      /_.
  |      ||    /____\/   /_ _____\   /    /___\____\  _\  //__._  /         |
         || -/- ----/_____\-- - /___/_____\  .____ / ______\  | __\ __      |
  ____.  |     _______.      __    _______ __|   // ________ _|   __ /___   .
  \   |__ _____\_     |_____(_/ ___\_    //     /   \_     /  |   \ /  _/__ |
   \     \\    _/__   |   _/____\   /   _/  \  /     |    /   \    \  _\  /_
    \  /  \_  _\  /   /   \    /___/____\______\ Mo! |____\   |___ / ______\
    /______/______\ __|   /____\       .______   ______ / ____|   /_     .
    .        .        |     |.______ __|  __ /___\    _/______          .|
   _|_       |.       |     ||     /   |  \ /  _/_\  _\ \    /__       _||__ _
     /_______||___   .|     /\    /    \   \  _\  /______\  /  /_ _ ___\
                  \__||_____/\  __\    |__ /_______\ - --/______\-------- -\-
                              \/ /_____|

  » T.he monkey behind the wheel - Asciiart for a fuckin' bunch of mofo's.! «
 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

                   __ ____        _______            _      _______
                  \\/     \   ____\    _)___ _____   \ _____\_   _)___
      .Mo!/aL.     \      \\ _(_   \  _/   /    ____  \\     /  _/   /___
                 ___\   ___/   /   /_______\   _/   _   \    \__ ____\\_)
 «-\- -----------(_//___\-/____\____)-----/____\ _______/______)---------- -»

   » S.ome kind of a prefac.E «
  - -------------------------- -                  Back in full motion ?.

 As you can see, Arclite is still kickin' in '98.
 So here we go for another one. Another boring release by mogue! and well,
 another boardstyle ascii collection just to let your board look petty.
 in my opinion, this collection is one of my best in pure logo-style, that
 doesn't mean layout and design. I feel in the right mood cause i got much
 inspirated by watching an older arclite logo by exocet with nice boxes as
 background design and so most of the logo layouts look the same.
 I'd also say hi to all my old contacts in ascii scene, especially all the
 active members of Style, Lo'Pro & Epsilon design.
 If you're interested in getting a logo for your bulletin board system,
 group or just your handle read later on how to get it.
 If you want any of the logos in ansi format watch out for the FAMEStyle v4.o
 released by Desaster FAMEProductions.
 That's all i've to say about this collection.

 Make up your mind and go on stranger!, let's start the shit
 «- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -/-»

      » D.o you hate the way you feel, do you feel the way you hat.E «
     - -------------------------------------------------------------- -

                       _____.         ______.
            ________   \    |__ ______\    _|__  ________ _______.   ._____
   _____..__\     _/._____     \\    /_\  _\  /_ \      \      __| _.|    /_.
 ._\    || (-\   _|_|_   \   /  \_  /  /_______\--\\     \    _/---)||      |
 |       |   /___\    _   \_ ____/______\         /______/____\      |      .
 .               /____\____/                                                |
 |  o1. Download            o2. Upload              o3. Bulletins           |
 |  o4. The doors           o5. Conferences         o6. Amiga               |
 |  o7. Console             o8. Macintosh           o9. Pc\IBM              |
 |  1o. Super nintendo      11. Megadrive           12. Playstation         |
 |  13. Nintendo            14. Sega                15. Gameboy             |
 |  16. Gamegear            17. Handhelds           18. Hack\phreak\anarchy |
 |  19. Ansi and ascii      2o. Pictures            21. Modules             |
 |  22. Grafix              23. Tunes               24. Mods and pics       |
 |  25. Commodore 64        26. Sixtyfour           27. Needful             |
 |  28. Files               29. Listings            3o. Goodbye             |
 |  31. Logoff              32. Confs               33. Menu                |
 |  34. Last callers        35. Top ones                                    |
 |                 ________    ________          .______             .      .
 .       .   ______/      / .__\ __  _/____.  ___|_ __ /____ _\__   .|     _|
 |_     .|   \    /     //__|_  \ /  \    _|__\   / \ /   _/   \/   ||_____\
  /_____||(---\   \______\   /  /_____\  _\  /___/___\    \     \-) |
          ¯   /_____|   /___/____\    /______\       /__________/ ¯¯

   (c) Arclite / Mogue! '98    /_   Arclite (the infinit perfection of art!)
   _ _ - ------------------ -__ / ____ - ------------------------------ -
   \Y/onkey beh|nd the wheel \///\\  /  [o1/35 - Download             ]
 - -/------------------ -     /_¯¯ \//\ - ------------------------------ -
                               /     ¯¯

                           _ ___.._\         ||   /___..___ _
  .D·o·w·n·l·o·a·d·i·n·g.       ||            |       ||       _     .______
      .______         __ ______  | _____      __________ ._____\   __|     /
    __|  __ /________\\/     _/__|_    / ____ \        /_|_     \ /  _    /
   /  _  \ /          \     _\    /   /_    /__\\      \    _   _/   \   /
 _/   \  /      //    /\    /____/_____\   /   /________\___\__ \________\
 \_____ /_________    /\_____\ «- -----/________\------------------- -»
                  \  /         .
         |.       .\/          |.         .Care about your ration before
    _ ___||____   |. .Mo!/aL. _||___ _  leeching like a psychotic maniac!.

 (!tra fo noitcefrep tinifni eht) etilcrA   _\    89` !eugoM \ etilcrA (c)
    - ------------------------------ - ____ \ __ - ------------------ -_ _
      [               daolpU - 35\o2]  \  //\\\/ leehw eht dn|heb yekno\Y/
   - ------------------------------ - /\\/ ¯¯_\     - ------------------\- -
                                      ¯¯     \

                        _ _______.._____\    ||         /_.  .Mo!/aL.
   .Check your                   ||                       |       ._____
  stuff  before   ___ ____ _____ _______    _________     |     __|    //
    uploading     \   \   \\  _  \     /___ \       / ._____   /  _    /
                   \   \   \_ /   \   /   /_/     //__|_    \_/   \   /
    and remember   /________/  ___/________\_______\    _    \________\
  . the  upload     «- ---\____\-------------------/____\_____/--- -»
  |   rules.              ..
  |_          ..     _____||_______ _     .Prepare to upload.

   (c) Arclite / Mogue! '98    /_   Arclite (the infinit perfection of art!)
   _ _ - ------------------ -__ / ____ - ------------------------------ -
   \Y/onkey beh|nd the wheel \///\\  /  [o3/35 - Bulletins            ]
 - -/------------------ -     /_¯¯ \//\ - ------------------------------ -
                               /     ¯¯

                              ______.          _    ._____
 ______.    _____ ___   ______\    _|  _______(_)___|_   /_____
 \     |___ /   / _ /___\    /_\  _\  \\    _/___\   /  //    /  .Mo!/aL.
  \    _  _/   /  \    /_\  /  /______ \    |   /___/____\    \
   \   /  \________\  /  /______\  «- -/____|____\------/_____/-------- -»
   /________\      /______\
                                     .Choose a bulletin to view.
                               «- --------------------------------- -»

 (!tra fo noitcefrep tinifni eht) etilcrA   _\    89` !eugoM \ etilcrA (c)
    - ------------------------------ - ____ \ __ - ------------------ -_ _
      [           srood ehT  - 35\o4]  \  //\\\/ leehw eht dn|heb yekno\Y/
   - ------------------------------ - /\\/ ¯¯_\     - ------------------\- -
                                      ¯¯     \

       __________.._____                                _____..__________.
     ._\         ||    /_____..__/\______________.._____\    ||          |
     |                       || /__\          _  ||                      _
     |   _______.   _______.           .__ __ /   __________ .Mo!/aL. ___\ _
    _|___\ __   |___\     _|___      __|   \//____\__      /  ._____ /    \\
    \_    \\/   |_   \   _\   /_    /  _    /       /     _\ _|_    \\     \
     |     \    _/   /_________\  _/   \  _/      //______\    /    /______/
 «- -|_____/____|_____\-----------\_______\________\-----/_____\_____\-- -»
     .                                                                   .
     | o1. Want - Request door          o6.                              |
     | o2. Order - Ascii order door     o7.                              |
     | o3.                              o8.                              |
     | o4                               o9                               |
     | o5.                              1o.                              |
     |                       ..            ____  ..                      |
     |_          ..     _____||____________\  /__||_____     ..          |
      /__________||_____\                   \/         /_____||__________|

   (c) Arclite / Mogue! '98    /_   Arclite (the infinit perfection of art!)
   _ _ - ------------------ -__ / ____ - ------------------------------ -
   \Y/onkey beh|nd the wheel \///\\  /  [o5/35 - Conferences          ]
 - -/------------------ -     /_¯¯ \//\ - ------------------------------ -
                               /     ¯¯

        .Select a conference.           _____. .Mo!/aL. ______         _____
       ________      ________      .___\\   _|__   .___\\    / ____.  /    /
 ______\  _   / .___\\    __/_.  __|_   \  _\  /___|_   \    \_.  _|__\    \
\\    //  /  /__|_   \   _/  _|__\  /   /_______\   /   /______| _\  /_____/
 \    \______\   /   /___\  _\  /_ _\____\ «---/___/____\-----\_______\--- -/-
 /______|   /___/____\  \_______\\)

 (!tra fo noitcefrep tinifni eht) etilcrA   _\    89` !eugoM \ etilcrA (c)
    - ------------------------------ - ____ \ __ - ------------------ -_ _
      [                agimA - 35\o6]  \  //\\\/ leehw eht dn|heb yekno\Y/
   - ------------------------------ - /\\/ ¯¯_\     - ------------------\- -
                                      ¯¯     \

                                             _ __
  .            .The amiga wares.                / __   .Mo!/aL.
  |                  .______ ________  _______ //\\/ ______ __ ______.
  .              ____|_     \\       \/      //   \  /      \//     _|____
  | ·/\mig/\·   _\     _     \_     \        /     \/   /_  _/     _     /_
  |  ¯¯   ¯¯    /______\______/______\/______\     _\____\  \______/______\
  |       ..          ..                   _    «--/_________/------- -»
  |_      ||     _____||__ _              //_
   /______||_____\                       /_____________ _

   (c) Arclite / Mogue! '98    /_   Arclite (the infinit perfection of art!)
   _ _ - ------------------ -__ / ____ - ------------------------------ -
   \Y/onkey beh|nd the wheel \///\\  /  [o7/35 - Console              ]
 - -/------------------ -     /_¯¯ \//\ - ------------------------------ -
                               /     ¯¯

                                               _ ___.._____
   ·Sony\Sega\Atari\Nintendo· _                     ||    /_____.._________
        __________         ___\ __________     __    |          ||        /_.
 _______\        /  .____ /    \\     __ /___ \\/   _|___        |          |
 \     //      //___|_   _\     \     \ /   /__\   _\   /_                  |
  \    \________\    /   /______/______\   /   /_________\
  /______|   «-/____/_____\------------/________\----------- -»
   .                        .
   |           .           .| .Mo!/aL.          .The cartridge heaven.
   |_          |.     _____||_____________ _

 (!tra fo noitcefrep tinifni eht) etilcrA   _\    89` !eugoM \ etilcrA (c)
    - ------------------------------ - ____ \ __ - ------------------ -_ _
      [            hsotnicaM - 35\o8]  \  //\\\/ leehw eht dn|heb yekno\Y/
   - ------------------------------ - /\\/ ¯¯_\     - ------------------\- -
                                      ¯¯     \

                                                    ______..___\   |.___ _
        .Macintosh wares.     ___  ·              ._\     ||       ||
 ______  ______      _______  \_) /   ._______ __ |_ _______ ______ |
 \     \/     / .____\     /____ /____|_     /    _//      /_\__    | _____
  \   _  /   /__|_    \    \_   /_\    /    /     |      //    /    |_    /
  /____\/____\    _   /_____/___ /____/_____\_____| ______\    \    _/   /
             /____\_____/    .  /_        «- -----|------/_____/____|____\-»
  .Mo!/aL.                   |.       ..         _|
                     _ ______||   ____||_________\

   (c) Arclite / Mogue! '98    /_   Arclite (the infinit perfection of art!)
   _ _ - ------------------ -__ / ____ - ------------------------------ -
   \Y/onkey beh|nd the wheel \///\\  /  [o9/35 - Pc and ibm           ]
 - -/------------------ -     /_¯¯ \//\ - ------------------------------ -
                               /     ¯¯

                                             _ _____..____
   .\ Personal computer & compatibles /.            ||   /___..________
                                                    | _____  ||       /_.
        __ ____ _______         ._____       .___ ____\    \  |         |
       \\/     \\     /      ___|_    \  ____|_   \  /      \           |
        \   /   \     \_.    \    _    \_\    /    \    \    \
   «- --/   ____/_______|----/____\_____/____/____ /_________/--- · --- -»
       /____\                               ______               /_
        .             (·Pc & ibm·)     ___  /    /____ __  ______ /
        |           .                __\_)_/      \  /   \/      ø
        |_          |.      .        \    /    /    /      /    /_  .Mo!/aL.
         /__________||___   |.       /____\_________\ ___\/_____\\
                        /___||___ _

 (!tra fo noitcefrep tinifni eht) etilcrA   _\    89` !eugoM \ etilcrA (c)
    - ------------------------------ - ____ \ __ - ------------------ -_ _
      [       odnetniN repuS - 35\1o]  \  //\\\/ leehw eht dn|heb yekno\Y/
   - ------------------------------ - /\\/ ¯¯_\     - ------------------\- -
                                      ¯¯     \

     ____\___ ____ __ __ ________  ______ _______..____\    ||           /_.
     /    \   \   \\/    \     _/__\_    \\      ||          |   .Mo!/aL.  |
  ._ \     \   \   \  /   \   _\    /    /_      |                         |
  |//______/_______/   ___/_________\_____\             .Super nintendo.
  /      «- -----\_____\----------------------- -»     - -------------- -
                ___        _________           _____ _____  .Console wares.
       ________ \_)_   ____\ __   _/ ____  ____\_ _ _\    \ __________ --- -
   ____\_     /    /___\_   \ /   |    _/__\    / \ /      \\        /
  _\    /    /_____\    /   /_____|   _\  /____/___\   \    \      //_.
  /____/_____\  «-/____/_____\----\_________\------/_________\______\\|-- -»

   (c) Arclite / Mogue! '98    /_   Arclite (the infinit perfection of art!)
   _ _ - ------------------ -__ / ____ - ------------------------------ -
   \Y/onkey beh|nd the wheel \///\\  /  [11/35 - Megadrive            ]
 - -/------------------ -     /_¯¯ \//\ - ------------------------------ -
                               /     ¯¯

                                      ____.._____ _
          _   /        __________..___\   ||           ___________ __ /
  .Megadri\  /e.    _._\         ||       |            \           \//
           \/  _____ |            | ___    ._____       ___         ø
     ______  __\    _| ______.  ____   \ __|    /____ __\_)_   ___ /
     \     \/   \  _\  \    _|__\   _   /  _  _/_\_   \    /   \  / ____
      \   \     /_______\   \   /___\__/   /  \   /   /____\    \  _\  /_
      /____\/_____\     /___/___ |    \______ /___\____\    \ _ /_______\
           .       .            .|            .              \//
          .|       |.          _||_          .|       .       /   .Mo!/aL.
      _ __||    ___||__________\  /__________||___    |.
           |____\                                /____||_____ _

 (!tra fo noitcefrep tinifni eht) etilcrA   _\    89` !eugoM \ etilcrA (c)
    - ------------------------------ - ____ \ __ - ------------------ -_ _
      [          noitatsyalP - 35\12]  \  //\\\/ leehw eht dn|heb yekno\Y/
   - ------------------------------ - /\\/ ¯¯_\     - ------------------\- -
                                      ¯¯     \

                      _ _______.
                               ||    /____.             .Console area.
   .Sony playstation stuff.     |         |.__________
                         ______           ||._       /_.
    __ _______     _____ \    /___ _       ||          |
   \\/    __ /__ __\_   \/   /   /_\ _______ ____ ____ |_ __ ______ .______
    \   / \ /  /_\       \___   /   \\    _/__   \\    _/(_/_     /_|_    /
    /   ___\  /  /___| ___//____\    \    |   _   \_   |    /   //   /   /
   /____\  /______\  |         /_____/____|___\____/___| ___\___/___/____\
                     |           .          ..         |
                     |_        _||.    _____||___ _         .Mo!/aL.

                      _          .
        __ __________ /    ______|_
       \\/          //_____\_    _)____ _  ______   _______   .
        \           ø \     /    |    /  \/     /   /  __ /___|_
         \         /___\    \__ _|__\      /   /   //  \ /    _)
          \       /    /______)     /____\/____\   \____\    _/      .Mo!/aL.
           \     /_____\                                /____\
            \  ·/            » Vitcim of your lies «        ____\ _
          _  \//_________ ____ ___        ______ __ _______ \    \\
      ___ /   /    /     /   /   / _____  \    /_\  \    _) _\    \ __
 «- --(_//_____   //    /   /   /__(_   \--\  /  /___\  _/  (_____//_)---- -»
             /____\_____\_______\   /   /_ /______\  /_______\

 Go get a grip or you'll slip,  'cause your life is a trip and  you will fall
 until.. Go and awake to escape, 'cause your life is a fake, you oughta break
 what you hate,  or the hate is  your fate.  Go get a grip or  you will slip,
 'cause your life is a trip and you will fall until you...  hit after hit you
 might think this is it,  but let the truth come out,  you will be alone with
 your shit. Your life is built upon lies and cheap alibies, we'll see hw long
 they can last, how long you get by...

 I call you a sucker, a cheap motherfucker, you lied in my face, i thought we
 liked each other,  but you didn't  think so,  your life is a no-go,  so fall
 until you... hit after hit,  come on this is it, the way that you wanted it,
 the way that you needed it, open you eyes, let the truth rise and don't be a
 victim of you lies!

 Look of the fruit of your labour and do me a favour,  no more fucking up big
 time, maybe that's safer.  If you don't believe me,  finally you'll be alone
 and your own... you don't own this world be alone, it's time to stop all the
 lying, get off of you throne.  The lies that you cover,  one after the other
 have made you so weak, you will never recover... sucker!

 What's it all good for, you always stood for... truth and honesty... no more
 Now you're all lying, i guess you're just trying to make an impression, just
 keep on trying,  but you haven't realized, that you're almost paralysed, all
 of those lies,  man,  you have been victimized,  catch twenty-two has gotten
 you, covering up lies is all that you do!

 You're just a victim of your lies... go tell another of your lies
 You're just a victim of your lies!

 Go and awake to escape, 'cause you life is a fake, you oughta break what you
 hate,  or the hate is your fate.  Go get a grip or you'll slip,  'cause your
 life is a trip and you will fall until you... hit!

     Hit! come on, hit!
 «- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -»

   (c) Arclite / Mogue! '98    /_   Arclite (the infinit perfection of art!)
   _ _ - ------------------ -__ / ____ - ------------------------------ -
   \Y/onkey beh|nd the wheel \///\\  /  [13/35 - Nintendo             ]
 - -/------------------ -     /_¯¯ \//\ - ------------------------------ -
                               /     ¯¯

                                                     ______ _
           _____________..__           __..______  ._\
        _._\            ||  \__ _    _/  ||     /_.|    .The nintendo wares.
         | _ ____       || _ ____  ____ _ |       ||         ._____
     ____|_     / _  ____|_  __ /__\__   _|___    | _ ____ __|    /______
    _\    /    /_(_)_\    /  \ /    _/  _\   /____|_     //  _   /  _   //
    /____/_____\    /____/____\     |_________\    /    _/   /  /   /   /
 «)- ----------/_____\--------/__ _ |---- -  /____/_____\_______\_______\
                        |.         _||_
    .4 to 128MBit.    __||_________\  /____________ _   .Mo!/aL.
                 _ __/

 (!tra fo noitcefrep tinifni eht) etilcrA   _\    89` !eugoM \ etilcrA (c)
    - ------------------------------ - ____ \ __ - ------------------ -_ _
      [                 ageS - 35\14]  \  //\\\/ leehw eht dn|heb yekno\Y/
   - ------------------------------ - /\\/ ¯¯_\     - ------------------\- -
                                      ¯¯     \

            .Mo!/aL.          _ ___.._\            ||   \___..__ _
         _            __ ____.     ||               |       ||
   ______\ _______.  \\/    _|_____ |  _______ _            ||
   \      \\     _|___\     \     /____\_     \\   .Sega!.   |
   _\      \    _\    /_____/______\     _     \_ - ----- -
   /_______/___________\      ..   /_____\______/   .Megadrive & Gamegear.
                         _ ___||_              ..  - -------------------- -
                                /______________||___    ..
                                                    \___||___ _

   (c) Arclite / Mogue! '98    /_   Arclite (the infinit perfection of art!)
   _ _ - ------------------ -__ / ____ - ------------------------------ -
   \Y/onkey beh|nd the wheel \///\\  /  [15/35 - Gameboy              ]
 - -/------------------ -     /_¯¯ \//\ - ------------------------------ -
                               /     ¯¯

                          ______..______ _
          _________.._____\     ||                          _ __________ __ ·
        ._\        ||           |    .N·i·n·t·e·n·d·o -                  \//
        |          ||                         ______    g·a·m·e·b·o·y.    ø
          .Mo!/aL. | ____ ______  ______     \\    /__ __________ ___ __ /
     _______.   __ |_    \\     \/   __/____. \       \\        /   /  //
     \     _|___\    _    \\   \     \     _|__\   \   \      //   /   /
      \    \    /____\_____/____\/____\   _\   /_______/_______\___   /
      /____/_____\       «- ----------/_________\----------------/____\-- -»

 (!tra fo noitcefrep tinifni eht) etilcrA   _\    89` !eugoM \ etilcrA (c)
    - ------------------------------ - ____ \ __ - ------------------ -_ _
      [             raegemaG - 35\16]  \  //\\\/ leehw eht dn|heb yekno\Y/
   - ------------------------------ - /\\/ ¯¯_\     - ------------------\- -
                                      ¯¯     \

                    ______..____________ _
              ._____\     ||
     _ ______.|      _    |     .Sega wares.     _____.    .Mo!/aL.
       _____ ||      \ __ __  ______    ______. \\   _|__  .____    _______
       \    _|____ ___\\/   \/   __/___.\    _|__\  _\  /__|_   \ __\_    /
        \   \   _/__   \      /  \    _|_\   \   /_______\   _   \_  /   /_
  -\- --/___/___\   _   \_ _\/____\  _\  /___/____\------/___\____/__\____\--»
               /____\____/        /_______\                      .
                                            .G·a·m·e·g·e·a·r.   _|_
                                        _ ______________________\

   (c) Arclite / Mogue! '98    /_   Arclite (the infinit perfection of art!)
   _ _ - ------------------ -__ / ____ - ------------------------------ -
   \Y/onkey beh|nd the wheel \///\\  /  [17/35 - Handhelds            ]
 - -/------------------ -     /_¯¯ \//\ - ------------------------------ -
                               /     ¯¯

  \ __ ____________________ _                                     __..__ _
   \\/                                               ________..__/  ||
    \      .Sega gamegear\Atari lynx        :__ ____/        ||     |
    _\         Nintendo gameboy.           _|_\
    \  ._______                    .______  |______    _______      ._____
 ______|      /_____     _______ __|  _  /__|     /___ \     /___ __|   _/___
 \     |_   _/_\_   \ ___\_    //  _  \ /  _|       _/__\   /   //  _  /    /
  \    _/  _\    _   \\   /   _/   /   \   \_   /  _\   /_______/   /  \    \
  /____|___/_____\_______/____\________/____|____________\     \____________/
                           ..             __|_
                     .     ||        ___ _\_|     .The handhelds.
      .Mo!/aL.      .|   __||_______/       :    - ------------- -
                _ __||__/

 (!tra fo noitcefrep tinifni eht) etilcrA   _\    89` !eugoM \ etilcrA (c)
    - ------------------------------ - ____ \ __ - ------------------ -_ _
      [  yhcrana\kaerhp\kcaH - 35\18]  \  //\\\/ leehw eht dn|heb yekno\Y/
   - ------------------------------ - /\\/ ¯¯_\     - ------------------\- -
                                      ¯¯     \

                                       _ ____.
                __ ___.                      |
               \\/    |______ .____ ______  _|_____
                \    _|    _/_|_   \\    / __|/   /
                 \   \_    \    _   \_   \_. /   /_
                 /____|___ /____/____/_____| \____\
       «- ------------------------------\____|----------------------- -/-
 \ __ _________ _              __ ___.       |  ______.
  \\/                   __ ___\\/    |______ |__\    _|__  .____       _____
   \   Hack, Phreak    \\/  _  \    _|     / _   \  _\  /__|_   \   __ /   /
    \  and Anarchy!     \   \   \   \_    /  /   /_______\   _   \_/  /   /_
                         \   ___/ ___|____\  \____\      /___/____/   \____\
      \   The wares.     /____\         \____|                   \____|
       ·                         \ __ ___    | ______ ___
    .____     .______ .____   ____\\/   / ___|      /   /___
  __|_   \ ___|_   _/_|_   \ _\_   \    \_.  |_    /   /   /    .Mo!/aL.
  \   _   \_   /   \    _   /  /   /______|  _/   /\___   /
  /___/____/__/___ /____/ _/   \____\  -/____|____\  /____\-------- -»
                          \____|             |
                                             |____ _

   (c) Arclite / Mogue! '98    /_   Arclite (the infinit perfection of art!)
   _ _ - ------------------ -__ / ____ - ------------------------------ -
   \Y/onkey beh|nd the wheel \///\\  /  [19/35 - Ansi & ascii         ]
 - -/------------------ -     /_¯¯ \//\ - ------------------------------ -
                               /     ¯¯

        ._\        _ ||  \__..                      _ ________________ __ /
        |           |||     ||__ _                                     \//
        |            ||                                                 ø
        |            |           .for the REAL art masters.            /
        |                                                      .__ __ /
     ._____      ._______  _            ._____      ._______ __|   \//
  ___|_    \ ____|_     /__\ ___     ___|_    \ ____|_     //  _    /
  \    _    \_    /    /    \\_)___  \    _    \_    /    _/   /   /
  /____\_____/___/_____\     \    /  /____\_____/___/_____\________\
                 «- --/______/ ___\------ - ___ - ------- -»            .
   .Ansi\ascii      ._____ ____\ __ ___ ___ (_/__          .            |
      base.      ___|_    \\    \\/   /_\_)_    /         .|            |
                 \    _    \_    \    \    /____\         ||  .Mo!/aL.  |
                 /____\_____/____/_________\   _ __..     ||            |
                                                   ||__   |||_         _|

 (!tra fo noitcefrep tinifni eht) etilcrA   _\    89` !eugoM \ etilcrA (c)
    - ------------------------------ - ____ \ __ - ------------------ -_ _
      [             serutciP - 35\2o]  \  //\\\/ leehw eht dn|heb yekno\Y/
   - ------------------------------ - /\\/ ¯¯_\     - ------------------\- -
                                      ¯¯     \

          _________ _
        ._\    __ _             .\ The graphics art corner! /.
        |     (_////_                                    _____ _
  \ __ ________ ________ ___________ ___      _______.   /    \\/
   \\/   _  __/_\__    /     __    /   / .____\     _|___\     \    .Mo!/aL.
    \    /  \     /    \_.   \/   /  _/__|_    \   _\   /______/
     \   ___/_____\______|____\______\    /    /_________\  _ ___ _|_ _
     /____\  «- ---------------------/____\_____\-- -»  ___ _|_ _|_ _|__ _
                                                   _ __|___|___|___|__ _

   (c) Arclite / Mogue! '98    /_   Arclite (the infinit perfection of art!)
   _ _ - ------------------ -__ / ____ - ------------------------------ -
   \Y/onkey beh|nd the wheel \///\\  /  [21/35 - Modules              ]
 - -/------------------ -     /_¯¯ \//\ - ------------------------------ -
                               /     ¯¯

                 _      ·
         _      (_)      \ __ _______ _            .Mo!/aL.
        (_)               \\/        .__ __ /
   _     _______  ______ _______  ___|   \//____ ____    _______.
  (_)    \      \/      /       \/   _    /    / __ /___ \     _|___ ______
      _   \    \       //      _/    /   /    /  \ /   /__\   _\   //     /
   _ (_)  /_____\/_____\______ \_________\________\   /   /_________\     \
  (_)                          \  «- ------------ /________\ -- -» /______/
      _                         \
     (_) .for any kind of - _   _\      _ _
             _             (_)  \     - \Y/odu|es!.
            (_)                  ·

 (!tra fo noitcefrep tinifni eht) etilcrA   _\    89` !eugoM \ etilcrA (c)
    - ------------------------------ - ____ \ __ - ------------------ -_ _
      [               xifarG - 35\22]  \  //\\\/ leehw eht dn|heb yekno\Y/
   - ------------------------------ - /\\/ ¯¯_\     - ------------------\- -
                                      ¯¯     \

         _____ _                           _ ______..____
       ._\          .The grafix corner.            ||   /___.._________
       |          ._____                      ___   |       ||._      /_.
    ______.    ___|_    \   ._____ __________ (_/    _____   ||         |
   \\    _|____\   /    /___|_    \\      __/_____  /    /              .
    \    \    /____\_____\    _    \_    _/  \    \/    /_              |
    /____/_____\   «- --/_____\_____/____\ ___\    \_____\------ -»
       .            .      ..                /_____/
       |_          .|   ___||_____ _                     .Mo!/aL.

   (c) Arclite / Mogue! '98    /_   Arclite (the infinit perfection of art!)
   _ _ - ------------------ -__ / ____ - ------------------------------ -
   \Y/onkey beh|nd the wheel \///\\  /  [23/35 - Tunes                ]
 - -/------------------ -     /_¯¯ \//\ - ------------------------------ -
                               /     ¯¯

                             ____________________ _
                       __.._/                                     _ __.
        __________..__/  ||                                           |
      ._\         ||     |        ·The tunes/modules collection·      .
      |        \\ ||                               .                  |
      |         \ |                           _____|_    .            |
    __|________ ____ ____       ________.    /     |     |.           |
     \_       /    /    /  _____\ __   _|____\     \     || \         |
      |      /    /    /___\_    \ /  _\    /______/     || \\       _|
      | _____\_________\    /     /__________\    .|   __||__________\
      |              /_____/______\              _||__/
      .                              _  _ ______/
      |   .Mo!\aL.

 (!tra fo noitcefrep tinifni eht) etilcrA   _\    89` !eugoM \ etilcrA (c)
    - ------------------------------ - ____ \ __ - ------------------ -_ _
      [          scip & sdoM - 35\24]  \  //\\\/ leehw eht dn|heb yekno\Y/
   - ------------------------------ - /\\/ ¯¯_\     - ------------------\- -
                                      ¯¯     \

                            ._______ _
         .Mo!/aL.      ____.|                      _          ______
                   .___\   ||       __ ___  ______ /________ _\    /__\ _
        __________.|               \\/    \/      //       /      /    \\
      ._\         ||   Modules!     \       /    /       //   /  _\     \
      |              and pictures   /_____\/_____\________\_____ /______/
      |                      ___ __
      | ____      .______ ___\   \//     __ ____ ___ _______ ___\ _
   ___|_    \ ____|_    //        /     \\/     \\_)_\      /    \\
   \    _    \_    /    /    /   /       \   /   \    \     \     \
   /____\_____/___/_____\________\  «- --/   ____/____/___________/---- -»

   (c) Arclite / Mogue! '98    /_   Arclite (the infinit perfection of art!)
   _ _ - ------------------ -__ / ____ - ------------------------------ -
   \Y/onkey beh|nd the wheel \///\\  /  [25/35 - Commodore            ]
 - -/------------------ -     /_¯¯ \//\ - ------------------------------ -
                               /     ¯¯

  ._\        _.||   /___..________ _      .Commodore sixtyfour wares.
  |           |||       ||
  | .Mo!/aL. _________       ______  ______       ______           __
  .       ___\__     //__  __\ __  \/  __ /_____ _\    /______ ____\/  _____
  |       \    /   \ /   \/   \ /    / \ /     //     /     _//_   \  _\   /
           \   \_ __\   \     /____\/___\     _/  /  /      \  /   /_______\
      «- --/____/---/____\/____\--------/_____\______\_____/___\____\-- -»

 (!tra fo noitcefrep tinifni eht) etilcrA   _\    89` !eugoM \ etilcrA (c)
    - ------------------------------ - ____ \ __ - ------------------ -_ _
      [            ruofytxiS - 35\26]  \  //\\\/ leehw eht dn|heb yekno\Y/
   - ------------------------------ - /\\/ ¯¯_\     - ------------------\- -
                                      ¯¯     \

                                         _____..________ _
        _                 ________.._____\    ||                .Mo!/aL.
    ____\ ___ ______  _ __\       ||    _________ _____ ___ ___
    \    \\_)_\    \ _________ ____    \\     __/     /   /   / ______ __
  __ \    \   _\    /        //   /___ _\    _/     //   /   /__\_    \\/
  \//_____/__ /____/    /    /   /   ////____\_______\_______\   /    /_
              «- --\____\____\___   /-----------------------/____\_____\-- -»
                               /____\         ..        __ _
  ·Commodore sixtyfour·           ..     _____||________\
                        _ ________||_____\

   (c) Arclite / Mogue! '98    /_   Arclite (the infinit perfection of art!)
   _ _ - ------------------ -__ / ____ - ------------------------------ -
   \Y/onkey beh|nd the wheel \///\\  /  [27/35 - Needful              ]
 - -/------------------ -     /_¯¯ \//\ - ------------------------------ -
                               /     ¯¯

                   ____..______ _
    __________..___\   ||                     ______
 _._\         ||       | _______.          ___\    //   .Mo!/aL.  _______
  |           ||     .___\ __  _|___ _____.\       _\_____________\ __  /___
  |           |  ____|_   \ / _\   /_    _|_\_  \  \       _    /  \ / /   /_
  |             _\    /   /_________\   _\   /______\     _/   /   /________\
                /____/_____\  .     /________\      /_____\_________\
                             .|           .
  .The collection.   .       ||          _|_   .N·e·e·d·f·u·l  t·h·i·n·g·s.
                    .|   ____||__________\
       _ ___________||___\

           .Mo!/aL.          _ ___________.
 ____\__  _____     _______               |.________
 \     /__(_   \ ___(_    /               ||       /_______.
  \    \__  _   \_   /   /   I'm the       |               |.______________
  /______) ___ __/__/_ __\   centre of my                  ||             /_.
  ____________ \    _)___    own universe and i'm sitting   |               |
  \         _)__\  _/   /    on the top of my world·I'm the                 |
  _\    \  _/   /_______\    middle of my attention and i'm the best joke
  (__ __/___. __\      ______  ______  i've ever heard·I'm the king of my own
 _____\__   |_ _______ \     \/     /  castle and i'm the master of my own
 \     _)   |  \    _)__\      /   /   mind·I'm the best friend that i've ever
  \    |    /   \  _/   /____\/____\   had the best friend that i'll ever find
  /_ __|____|___/  ____  /    _______    I'm the nicest person i've ever met
 ____\__   \     \/     /  ___(_ __ /___  the only person that i'll never
 \     /   \\   \      /  \\   / \ /  _)____  forget·I'm the best sex that i
  \    \____/____\/____\  /___/___\   \    /   have ever had the one relation-
  /______|           /______\     /___/____\   ship i'll never forget

 I'm the greatest star in my hall of fame·I'm the host of my own show
 I'm the main charakter in my book·I'm the most humble guy i know
 I'm the leader of my own army·I'm the fuehrer of my chosen ones
 I'm the atom bomb that'll blow my world all the way to my kingdom come
 I'm the god of my own bible·I'm the jesus of my own cross
 I'm the saviour of my own people and i'm my own greatest loss

 I can see them coming.  We want to lock you up - they want to lock me up!
                        We want to put you away - they want to put me away!
                         We want to shut you up - they want to shut me up!
 .                   We want you out of the way - they want me out of the way!
 |           / .
 |_         // |.     I think i'm going crazy - i'm losing my mind!
  /____________||              ..
                |_______       ||_____________________ _

 (!tra fo noitcefrep tinifni eht) etilcrA   _\    89` !eugoM \ etilcrA (c)
    - ------------------------------ - ____ \ __ - ------------------ -_ _
      [                seliF - 35\28]  \  //\\\/ leehw eht dn|heb yekno\Y/
   - ------------------------------ - /\\/ ¯¯_\     - ------------------\- -
                                      ¯¯     \

    .The filelistings.    ._\         ||    /_____.._____ _    .Mo!/aL.
                    _____ |            |          ||
  ________ _______ \\    _|___ ____
 \\     _/ \     /__\   _\   //   //   o1. Old and deleted files
  \    _/___\   /   /_________\    \   o2. Online files since last month
  /____\    /________\  .    /_____/   o3. Online files since this month
       /____\           |.          .            .
                 _ _____||_____     |.          _||________________ _

   (c) Arclite / Mogue! '98    /_   Arclite (the infinit perfection of art!)
   _ _ - ------------------ -__ / ____ - ------------------------------ -
   \Y/onkey beh|nd the wheel \///\\  /  [29/35 - Listings             ]
 - -/------------------ -     /_¯¯ \//\ - ------------------------------ -
                               /     ¯¯

                   _____..______    o1. Online files since last month
  _ ________.._____\    ||     /_._ o2. Online files since this month
            ||          |        |
            |    ___             | .Mo!/aL. ._______         ___\__
        ______  _(_/_ ____ _____ |_ ___ ____|_  __ /___.     /    /
       \\    /__\    /    \\     _/_\_)_\    /  \ /   _|_____\    \ _.
      ._\   /   /____\     \     |     /____/____\    \     /______\\|
      |//________\  /______/_____| ____\         /____/_____\        \
      /                          |         .          ..
                                _|_       .|     _____||____________ _
          .The filelistings.      /_______||_____\

 (!tra fo noitcefrep tinifni eht) etilcrA   _\    89` !eugoM \ etilcrA (c)
    - ------------------------------ - ____ \ __ - ------------------ -_ _
      [              eybdooG - 35\3o]  \  //\\\/ leehw eht dn|heb yekno\Y/
   - ------------------------------ - /\\/ ¯¯_\     - ------------------\- -
                                      ¯¯     \

          ______________    \ _______________ __|.____
        ._\            /_____\\               \_||   /____|.______ _
        |          _________   _______           |        ||
 _______|_    _____\ __    \ __\ ___ /__   ______          |   Still leaving
 \     ______ /     \ /     /    \  /  /__ \    /___   _____    the system!
  \    \    ///     /_____ /   /  \       \/   /   /  _\   /_  - --------- -
  /____/_____\_______\     \_______\   \   \___   /_________\   Hope to see
        .            .        ..   /_______/ /____\            you sometimes
        |_ .Mo!/aL. .|    ____||____ _
         /__________||____\   |

   (c) Arclite / Mogue! '98    /_   Arclite (the infinit perfection of art!)
   _ _ - ------------------ -__ / ____ - ------------------------------ -
   \Y/onkey beh|nd the wheel \///\\  /  [31/35 - Logoff               ]
 - -/------------------ -     /_¯¯ \//\ - ------------------------------ -
                               /     ¯¯

  _ ________.._____\     ||               /_.   .Logging off.
            ||           |    _______ _____ |                  __________
            |        _______ \\      \\    _|__  _______ ______\__     _/
                     \     /__\      \\    \    \\      \\      _/    _/
  You're leaving      \   /   /_______/____/_____\      \\     _/_____\
    the system   -\- -/________\-------- -» .    /_______/_____\   ..
                                            |_         ..     _____||_____ _
                                  .Mo!/aL.   /_________||____\\

 (!tra fo noitcefrep tinifni eht) etilcrA   _\    89` !eugoM \ etilcrA (c)
    - ------------------------------ - ____ \ __ - ------------------ -_ _
      [                sfnoC - 35\32]  \  //\\\/ leehw eht dn|heb yekno\Y/
   - ------------------------------ - /\\/ ¯¯_\     - ------------------\- -
                                      ¯¯     \

  .Mo!/aL. _________       __________. _
   _______ /       //  .___\ __    __|_\ __
  \\      //       /___|_   \ /   _/    \\/  .Choose a conference
 __\      \_ ______\    /   /_____\      \         to join!.
 \//_______/  - --/____/_____\---/_______/------------------------- -/-

   (c) Arclite / Mogue! '98    /_   Arclite (the infinit perfection of art!)
   _ _ - ------------------ -__ / ____ - ------------------------------ -
   \Y/onkey beh|nd the wheel \///\\  /  [33/35 - Menu                 ]
 - -/------------------ -     /_¯¯ \//\ - ------------------------------ -
                               /     ¯¯

           .______ _               _ ______.
     _____.|        __ ____  ________      |.__ _  ._______ _____ ____
   ._\    ||       \\/     \/    __ / ___. || _____|_     //    /    /
   |      ||     .__\        /   \ /    _|____\     /    _/    /    /__.
   |      ||     |_//______\/_____\    _\    /_____/_____\__________\\_|
 «- ------|-------------------.---/___________\-(.Mo!/aL.)--------------- -/-
                              |       _
    A - Alter flagged files   |_______\    N - View Newfiles
    B - View bulletins                     O - Page the sysop
    C - Comment to the staff               Q - Quite node [hidden]
    D - Download file(s)                   R - Read messages
    E - Enter message                      S - Show user status
    F - View available filelisting(s)      T - View current time
    G - Logoff                             U - Upload file(s)
    H - View onlinehelp                    V - View file
    J - Join conferences                   W - Write/change private stats
    M - Ansi color [on/off]                X - Expert mode [on/off]
    ? - This menupage

    Open - Open doors menu               Olm - Online message to user
     Who - Who is online                Want - Request door
 -/- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -»

 (!tra fo noitcefrep tinifni eht) etilcrA   _\    89` !eugoM \ etilcrA (c)
    - ------------------------------ - ____ \ __ - ------------------ -_ _
      [         srellac tsaL - 35\34]  \  //\\\/ leehw eht dn|heb yekno\Y/
   - ------------------------------ - /\\/ ¯¯_\     - ------------------\- -
                                      ¯¯     \

          .____ ___ _____|_ ______  .____ ______       ______ .Mo!/aL. ______
 ______ __|_   \\   \    _/ \    / _|_   \\    / _____\\   _/__  _____ /    /
 \    /_\   _   \_   \   |   \   \_   _   \_  / \\   /_\  _\  /__\_   \\    \
  \  /  /___\____/___/___|   /____/___\____/_____\  /  /_______\  /   /_____//
 //______\    «- ----( Last system callers: )----/______\- -» /___\____\

   (c) Arclite / Mogue! '98    /_   Arclite (the infinit perfection of art!)
   _ _ - ------------------ -__ / ____ - ------------------------------ -
   \Y/onkey beh|nd the wheel \///\\  /  [35/35 - Top ones             ]
 - -/------------------ -     /_¯¯ \//\ - ------------------------------ -
                               /     ¯¯

   .               _    .The top ones.    _______.            .Mo!/aL.
  _|_____ ________ /____ ________    .____\__   _|___ ___\ _
  \_      /      //     \\      \ ___|_     /  _\   //    \\
   |     //      /   /   \      \\    /    /_________\     \ .The records.
 «-|_____\_______\   ____/_______/___/_____\--------/______/------------- -/-

                                   .                .
   .Mo!/aL.     ________     ______|_   _     ______|_
          ______/      // ___\ __  _)   \ __ _\_    _)  ___ ___ ____\__
         \\    //      /__(_  \ / _|__   \\/   /    |   \   \   \    _)
       ___\    \_______\   /  /___\   _   \    \__ _| ___\   \  _\    \
  «- --(_//______)    /___/____\  /_______/______)    (_//______(_____/-- -»

  There is currently only one way to catch me for requests,
  message Tolpan of Desaster in IRC at #AmiElite or #TRSI-FAME and let him
  know about your requests.

  I'll fix a new account/email add within the next release.

  To get a concrete email list of arclite members check out our homepage
  or catch uncle H2o! or simply call our world headquarter ...

      » D.eath ro.W «     _\    ______.              __________  .Mo!/aL.
      ______ _______  ____\ ____\__   |______    ____\     __ /_ ____ __
      \      \    _)__(_   \     _)   |     / ___(_   \\   \  \  \    \//
    ___\     \\  _/     _   \    |    /    /  \   /   /_____\    /\    /___
 - -(_//______/____________ /____|____|____\--/___\____\----/__  /\____\\_)- -

  «- --( How to get in contact! )---------------------------------------- -»

                _______           _____       __(   /    _
  .Mo!/aL.  ____\    _)__ ____  __(_   \  ____\     \____\ _     Greetings
         ___(_   \  _/  /_  _)__\   _  _\_(_   \  \  \    \\    & credits!
      ___\   /   /_______\  \   /______\   /   /____ _\    \ __
 «- --(_//___\____|-----/___/___\------/___\____\----(_____//_)----------- -»

 Tristar & red sector inc: Dr.Dre, Siegel, Strider, Mario, Peachy, Zoltrix
 Zion, ECS, Agony, Bird & Zod!. - Desaster: Tolpan, Tango & Gravedancer.
 OMA! (Rip): Hausfrau!, Shaolin & Adon. - Sunflex inc: Ferox, Goldman,
 Circuit breaker & Sal one. -  Scoopex: Dextor. - Insane: Marx. - Delight:
 Demax, Agressor & Slime!. - Lo'Pro!: Ramon, Axeblade, Nike, Manta & Misfit.
 - Epsilon design: Cybergod, Fatal, Chrombacher. - Royal: Whirlwind. -
 Sneakers: Night assassin, Arctic cat & Shadower. - Looker house: GDM & Zinko.
 - Remedy: Ramses & Paso. - LSD: Assassin & Wraith. - OldSkool: Interphase. -
 Fairlight: Interceptor. - Anthrox: Fury. - Legend: NSC. - Contra: Mess,
 Treach & Styles. - Censor: Style!. - Crux & bad karma: Shane & Shade. -
 Style: Zeus, Stezotehic, Boheme, Folar & Speedevil. - Head: Punk. -
 Lightforce: Rkr & Digiman. - Save our souls: Xculziwe. - Twilight: Nicko.
 Birdhouse projects: Master & Hunkpapa. - Digital corruption: Storm. - Hash.
 Taxi. Delite. Scarface. Gozz. Count zero. Madmax & Juan. TCB. Radavi. Lance.
 Exeron & Maniac. Crusader & Candyman. Marwic. Arcane & Madsen. Baffle.
 Tommy. Axetro.

 And of'course the arclite'rs: Exocet, Danzig, U!Man, H2o!, Shapechanger,
                               Sy!KLone & Mark ryder.

  » M.usic support b.Y «
 - -------------------- -
 Life of agony: Soul searching sun. - Pearl jam: Yielt.
         Bush: Razorblade suitcase. - Bush: Deconstructed. (remixes)
         Aphex twin: Come to daddy. - Thumb: Encore.
          Deftones: Around the fur. - My own victim: No voice/rights/freedom.

  » L.yrics b.Y «
 - ------------- -
   o1. Thumb: Victim of your lies. - o2. Clawfinger: Can see them coming.

  » All ascii stuff in this collection has been done by Mogue! for the leading
    force in art entertainment .Arclite!. «

       Message to Karlos of ???: Don't mess with the best you wannabe!
  «- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -»

       » A.ll your mental armour drags me down - see ya, Mogue! of.F «
      - ------------------------------------------------------------- -

                             _ _
     _    .Mo! - /\rclitE.   \
     \ __ ______ _____ ____ /\\ ________
___   \\/__\_   \\   //   /__  \\_  _  /
\  _   \_\  /   /_   \_. /  /   \|  \ / ____
/__\____/___\___ \ ____| ___\    |___\ _\  /
    «- ---------- \/-------- -»  _\  /_____\
 The monkey behind the wheel!     ·
 first Mogue! / Arclite presentation in '98!

«- -----( Fuckin' bunch of mofo's! )----- -»

   «§»  T.his .Mo!/aL. collection has been spreaded via Homeless BB.S  «§»
