From msuinfo!!!uunet!ddsw1!chinet!schneier Tue Mar 23 10:36:50 1993
Newsgroups: sci.crypt
Path: msuinfo!!!uunet!ddsw1!chinet!schneier
From: (Bruce Schneier)
Subject: Successful Cryptanalysis of MD5
Message-ID: <>
Organization: Chinet - Public Access UNIX
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1993 04:06:39 GMT
Lines: 25

This is from Bart Preneel's Ph.D. thesis, "Analysis and Design of
Cryptographic Hash Functions," Jan 1993, p. 191.  It is about the
cryptanalysis of MD5:

	B. den Boer noted that an approximate relation exists between
	any four consecutive additive constants.  Moreover, together
	with A. Bosselaers he developed an attack that produces
	pseudo-collisions, more specifically they can construct two
	chaining variables (that only differ in the most significant
	bit of every word) and a single message block that yield the
	same hashcode.  The attack takes a few minutes on a PC.  This
	means that one of the design principles behind MD4 (and MD5),
	namely to design a collision resistant function is not satisfied.

I have not seen the actual paper yet, which will be presented at
Eurocrypt.  Both PEM and PGP rely on MD5 for a secure one-way hash
function.  This is troublesome, to say the least.


* Bruce Schneier
* Counterpane Systems         For a good prime, call 391581 * 2^216193 - 1

From msuinfo!!dsinc!ub!!eff!!!!burt Sun May  2 20:51:25 1993
Path: msuinfo!!dsinc!ub!!eff!!!!burt
From: (Burt Kaliski)
Newsgroups: sci.crypt
Subject: Pseudocollisions in MD5
Message-ID: <>
Date: 23 Apr 93 21:13:38 GMT
Distribution: sci
Organization: RSA Data Security, Inc.
Lines: 89

Following is a short note commenting on den Boer and Bosselaers'
recent work on the MD5 message-digest algorithm. Feel free to email
questions or further comments.

-- Burt Kaliski
RSA Laboratories

\title{On ``Pseudocollisions'' in the MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm}
\author{Burton S. Kaliski Jr. \\
{\tt} \and
Matthew J.B. Robshaw \\
{\tt} \and
RSA Laboratories \\
100 Marine Parkway \\
Redwood City, CA  94065}
\date{April 23, 1993}


A message-digest algorithm maps a message of arbitrary length to a
``digest'' of fixed length, and has three properties: Computing the
digest is easy, finding a message with a given
digest---``inversion''---is hard, and finding two messages with the
same digest---``collision''---is also hard. Message-digest algorithms
have many applications, including digital signatures and message

RSA Data Security's MD5 message-digest algorithm, developed by Ron
Rivest \cite{rfc-md5}, maps a message to a 128-bit message digest.
Computing the digest of a one-megabyte message takes as little as a
second.  While no message-digest algorithm can yet be {\em proved}
secure, MD5 is believed to be at least as good as any other that maps
to a 128-bit digest.  Inversion should take about $2^{128}$
operations, and collision should take about $2^{64}$ operations.  No
one has found a faster approach to inversion or collision.

Recent work by den Boer and Bosselaers \cite{den-boer-md5} presents
a special kind of ``pseudocollision'' in MD5's
internal compression function, which maps
a 512-bit message block $x$ and a
128-bit input state $s$ to a 128-bit output
state. They show how to find a message block $x$
and two related input states $s_1$ and $s_2$ that yield the same
output state: $f(x,s_1)$ = $f(x,s_2)$. Their well-thought approach
exploits structural properties of the collision function to find 
a pseudocollision in about $2^{16}$ operations, much less than one
would expect.

Practical implications of this pseudocollision work to the security of
MD5 are not evident. While a real collision in MD5 implies a
pseudocollision (or a ``pseudo-inversion''), a
pseudocollision need not imply a real collision. Indeed, a real
collision, since it involves two different messages, would almost
always involve {\em different} message blocks $x_1$ and $x_2$ such that
$f(x_1,s_1) = f(x_2,s_2)$, but the pseudocollisions have the same
message blocks. Moreover, the input states $s_1$ and $s_2$ would
generally be unrelated, but the pseudocollisions' input states are
the same except for four bits.  There does not seem to be any way to
extend den Boer and Bosselaers' approach to anything beyond the
special pseudocollisions, a limitation they readily admit.

It is reasonable, therefore, to believe that MD5 remains secure. While den
Boer and Bosselaers have found interesting structural properties in
MD5, the properties seem only to lead to special pseudocollisions
and not anything approaching real collisions. Further research, of
course, will give a better understanding of the strengths of MD5 and
other message-digest algorithms, with the eventual hope that
such algorithms can, in some sense, be proved secure.


Bert den~Boer and Antoon Bosselaers.
\newblock Collisions for the compression function of {MD5}.
\newblock In {\it Advances in Cryptology --- Eurocrypt '93}, 1993.
\newblock Preprint.

R.L. Rivest.
\newblock {\it {RFC} 1321: The {MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm}}.
\newblock Internet Activities Board, April 1992.

