April 14, 2003 - New Release:
        0.13.94 - "God will roast their stomachs in Hell"

        What is Pan?

          Pan is a newsreader which attempts to be pleasing to both new
          and experienced users. In addition to the standard newsreader
          features, Pan also supports yEnc, offline newsreading, article
          filtering, multiple connections, and more features for power
          users and alt.binaries fans.

          It's also the only Unix newsreader to get a perfect score on
          the Good Net-Keeping Seal of Approval evaluations.

        About 0.13.94

          This is the fifth beta of 0.14.0, which adds support for
          slrn/XNews scorefiles.

        Changes since 0.13.93

                                   New Features
          | #109652            | Added sixth layout mode in the        |
          | Eugenia Loli-Queru | Preferences|Layout dialog.            |

          | #110259           | Faster execution of filters with more  |
          | Pan Team          | than one condition to test.            |
          | #110319           | Clarify the startup dialog that asks   |
          | Samuli Karkkainen | the user if they want to restore the   |
          |                   | last session's tasks.                  |

                                    Bug Fixes
          | #90067             | Handle illegal charset sequences more |
          | Christian Lohmaier | gracefully.                           |
          | #110041            | Don't let an unsupported header like  |
          | Olav Vitters       | User-Agent match an article in the    |
          |                    | scorefile.                            |
          | #110151            | Fix OS/X build failure.               |
          | Nathan Robertson   |                                       |
          | #108593            | Failed tasks were removed from the    |
          | Bobby D. Bryant    | queue even if the user had `don't     |
          |                    | remove' turned on.                    |
          | #110491            | Fixed bug that could display article  |
          | Toivo Leedjarv     | headers incorrectly.                  |
          | #110478            | Use the correct charset in the        |
          | Toivo Leedjarv     | startup copyright/license notice.     |
          | #110256            | Handle broken `Expires' headers in    |
          | Pan Team           | the scorefile more gracefully.        |