Dec 17, 2002 - New Release:                                      - "Oh, for goodness' sake! Not that ridiculous Grim    
        What is Pan?                                                     
          Pan is a newsreader which attempts to be pleasing to both new  
          and experienced users. In addition to the standard newsreader  
          features, Pan also supports yEnc, offline newsreading, article 
          filtering, multiple connections, and more features for power   
          users and alt.binaries fans.                                   
          It's also the only Unix newsreader to get a perfect score on   
          the Good Net-Keeping Seal of Approval evaluations.             
          This release has a fairly important list of bugfixes, a nice   
          speed tweak or two, and even a (small) new feature.            
          A release number ending in ".9x" denotes as a beta,            
          0.13.3-pre4, without confusing RPM's brain. We're hoping this  
          will be the last beta before 0.13.3, so please report any      
          problems you see.                                              
        Changes since                                          
                                   New Features                          
          | #101013  | Added a Preferences option to start Pan in      | 
          | Maurizio | offline mode.                                   | 
          |               | Faster startup time, particularly for      | 
          | Pan Team      | users who have a large article cache or    | 
          |               | who post frequently.                       | 
          | #100538       | More SGI portability patches.              | 
          | Brandon Corey |                                            | 
          |               | Raising the number of per-server           | 
          | #101242       | connections now takes effect as soon as    | 
          | Pan Team      | you hit `Ok' in the `Pan: Edit Server'     | 
          |               | dialog.                                    | 
                                    Bug Fixes                            
          | #97527        | Fixed a serious 0.13.1 memory leak, and    | 
          | Don Horsman   | cache overflow, caused by the    | 
          |               | Task Manager window.                       | 
          |               | Fixed bug that crashed when      | 
          | Duncan        | trying to parse a folded Message-ID        | 
          |               | header.                                    | 
          | #100904       | Fixed bug that caused Pan to forget the    | 
          | James Brost   | default News profile.                      | 
          | #97710        | Fixed bug that displayed the incorrect     | 
          | Will Robinson | time/date in the header pane.              | 
          | #101074       | Fixed bug that corrupted some headers in   | 
          | Pan Team      | `show-all-headers' mode.                   | 
          | #101043       | Fixed charset sanity checking in replies   | 
          | Pan Team      | and new posts.                             | 
          | #101247       | Fixed 0.13.1 bug that crashed Pan if an    | 
          | Pan Team      | `Edit Servers' dialog was still open when  | 
          |               | the user closed the `Servers' dialog.      | 