Network Simulator (NS): IEC 2000 Workshop

Tutorial: Internet Simulations with the NS simulator.


The goal of the VINT project, a collaborative project between USC/ISI, LBL/UC Berkeley, and Xerox PARC, is to extend the ns simulator so that network researchers can study the complex interactions between network protocols (e.g., unicast routing, multicast routing, TCP, reliable multicast, integrated services, etc.) in complex topologies and with a rich set of traffic generators.

This tutorial is intended for anyone who would like to use ns more actively, or extend its functionality. We will discuss the primary components of the simulator (the scheduler, connection oriented and connectionless protocols, trace support, routing, topology generation, multicast support, and queue management), and discuss various issues in adding new routing or transport protocols, scheduling algorithms, link layers, applications, or visualization tools to ns.

The tutorial is intended to largely repeat the tutorial information we have presented at SIGCOMM '97 and the previous workshops/tutorials at ISI and in Washington, DC. The format and content will be very similar to the previous workshop, with updates based on functionality added to the ns simulator recently (including new mobility support). In addition, for attendees to get hands-on experience using ns, exercises in various levels will be given as lectures progress in breadth and depth.

Outline: (nam demos that go with the PowerPoint slides.)
